Saturday, April 15, 2023

"The trees may be blooming in Wadsworth on this Sabbath morning, but The Restored Church of God is not."


What Now?


Pastor General David C. Pack experienced another bitter lesson on Wednesday. Making noises with your mouth does not equate to fulfilling Bible prophecy.


Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God did not arrive on April 12 at 12:05 PM ET. The trees may be blooming in Wadsworth on this Sabbath morning, but The Restored Church of God is not.


To the casual observer, this latest embarrassment could be viewed as just another Dave Pack failure. But this was much bigger than that. What crumbled as the sun set on Wednesday was months of toil pointing to an Abib fulfillment. April 1, 5, and 7 were expendable. Those were only manifestations of Dave’s god getting elbow room for the main event: Abib 21, the Seventh Day of Unleavened Bread.


Abib 1 became the focus after a botched Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s “in the midst of the years” debacle starting in Part 414 on January 14, 2023. It later moved to Iyar 1, but then settled to Abib 21. Abib has been the cornerstone of Dave’s musings for months.


After Wednesday’s failure, members of The Restored Church of God must throw out a lot of “knowledge.” Think of this as a Mount Everest of undeniable facts. Enjoy chewing on this Stone-Cold Math.


21 Parts across 88 days. 33 hours and 47 minutes.

All wasted effort as of April 12 @ 12:05 PM ET


Those who appropriately ignored Dave’s messages will not need their prophetic framework to be deprogrammed. Those who aptly refused to take notes need not worry about purging those pages from their journal.


The only sounds heard from Headquarters for the past 3 ½ days are the crickets. Insects have more wisdom than David C. Pack. They are not so filled with pompous vanity that they think if they rub their legs together a few days in a row, that will make prophecy in Habakkuk 2:3 and Revelation 10:7 happen.


The silence coming from RCG is because David C. Pack has to start from scratch. His Hail Mary of relocating the Last Great Day to the Days of Unleavened Bread to make the First Kingdom one year fumbled in the endzone. Never give Dave the ball.



The seventh “days of Dave’s voice” was posted on Tuesday before his personal nightmare began. Nothing as of yet has followed after this, so this stands as the last communiquĂ© of Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God.


Prophecy Update #4 – Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Greetings brethren! If you have not heard Part 434 given yesterday, listen as soon as possible before reading this announcement!


A big understanding has come clear. The picture is better than we believed. Not only will all saints be here, but the presence of 100B+ people at the Kingdom of God demands a New Heavens and New Earth! This finally became obvious. In fact, logistics alone require something “new,” but that is far from the only proof. Here are a few points to consider:


• No one could assert, “all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation” in II Pet. 3:4 during Christ’s Kingdom. Just think of the complete overhaul of society, infrastructure and the instantaneous population increase! The New Heavens and New Earth come as a thief in the night, catching these scoffers completely by surprise. They could not be scoffing about the Kingdom of God from within it. (But it does present a question as to what triggered such scoffing before the Kingdom of God.) Verses 15-16 shows Paul also spoke about this day in all his epistles.


• Heb. 1:10-2:5 is a perfect example. Paul described the heavens folding up as a garment in context of escaping! Also think of I Thes. 1:10, 2:19, 3:13 and 5:23 just in this one.


• Luke 21:33-36 further confirms this! “That day” when the New Heavens and New Earth arrive (these two terms are tied all three times in the Olivet prophecy) is referred to as coming like a “snare” when many stand before Christ and escape. (Of course many, many more points could be included.)


• If all complete saints are here—including Moses, Elijah, Daniel, Samuel, David and so many others—key administrative roles can be much more easily filled.


The arrival of one year for the first mustard seed measure of the Kingdom of God has forced a renaissance of thinking in ways that continue to be wonderful. But another lingering question is whether the Kingdom of God could arrive without an announcement, and is there “something” before it is here?—some kind of “swift witness” (Mal. 3:5) or “short (speedy, concise) word” (Rom. 9:28) by Elijah first? A yet further question is exactly how do the last go first? I believe I know the answer to these questions, but I don’t wish to say more until I am certain of what it would be. I do know enough to say this: Do not be surprised if nothing happens tonight. I may or may not give a brief message tomorrow.


In the meantime, be prepared to guard the rest of Abib.


David C. Pack



(* Jim and Andy, please invest in Grammarly. It hates your postings.)


Dave always has his verbal architects draw him a trapdoor for a quick escape, no matter how wildly he waves his arms. The "guard Abib" comment is a way of dragging out the expectations of the brethren for one more week without having to create new content.


The end of Abib/Nisan and the beginning of Iyar is at sunset on Friday, April 21, at 8:12 PM ET. Even though Dave already walked away from this, if I were his lawyer, I would argue that his Death Wish Self-Curse does not officially begin until then, so anything before then would be premature.


Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 29:41 So, I wanna state one last time, unequivocally, and I’ll just absolutely die on this ground. This is the hill I die on. It is impossible that Abib does not close with the Day of the Lord. Impossible. It’s unbiblical.


A lot was riding on Abib 21.


Part 426 – March 4, 2023

@ 42:23 I know that the way has been prepared, and we all understand, and if we had to wait ten years, or until I died, no one will ever tell me we don’t have this exactly right.


Tempting God is a warning for us little people and Jesus Christ, but not for Some Great One David Passed Over. And you thought Daredevil was the man without fear.


“The picture is better than we believed.”


It is always better after he is done talking and after nothing happens.


If Dave speaks today, that will be part of the spin. There is one week remaining in Abib. RCG is still on track and on time. All is well. In fact, the picture is more perfect, the math fits better, and the Super Metrics are even more super duper.


Initiate a solitary slow clap if Dave has an entire message prepared.


The indicator of how at a loss Dave is will be determined when he sends Meat Puppet or Meat Shield to the lectern to stammer their way through Stupid Comments to pacify the pitchfork holders. The next rank of disaster would be if Bradford Schleifer had to say something. If that happens, look for emergency exits because the third floor is on fire.


The Green Envelope numbers should have rolled in from the field, determining how "blessed" the brethren felt during the Days of Unleavened Bread. Dave was spotted pacing the front gate this week, waiting for FedEx to drop off the overnight envelopes.


If someone in CAD or BAO wants to “accidentally” forward me the offering numbers, your anonymity will be assured. Even a percentage compared to last year would be extremely helpful. Also, please Whoopsie Daisy the current attendance numbers while you are at it because people keep asking me.



“The Greatest Untold Story!” Series is private interpretation run amok. The unbridled hubris of David C. Pack fuels the lie that he is an apostle prophesying the Mystery of God. Wednesday proved his god had forsaken him, leaving him to drown in the sea of his own delusion.


As far as I can see, it appears to be that what is impossibly inarguable is almost certainly probable, if not likely, as I have suspicioned for years, and the men around me all agree.


So, what now?


Until that first person stands up in the Main Hall and walks out while he is speaking, things will continue in The Restored Church of God as they have. If the hirelings continue to enable, and the brethren continue to attend, and the money keeps rolling in…why stop? The prophecy machine is purring like a kitten.


Apostolic Narcissist King David Passed Over has a learning disability further complicated by a host of mental illnesses. It means he will not learn his lesson but is doomed to repeat this into the vanishing point. And the brethren agree to be taken on the ride.


This is just how things are in The Restored Church of God.

Marc Cebrian

See: What Now?

"fornication, masturbation, pornography, fantasy sex, sexting, and same-sex relations"


Imagine if you will, that it's Sabbath morning and you finally have all the kids dressed and snacks packed as you head out for your one-hour drive to church services in the Odd Fellows Lodge in the neighboring city. Being that it is post-Passover time you are looking forward to hearing a sermon about how the works of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection have made you a new person covered by grace and mercy.

Then you finally arrive at church and open up your briefcase balanced on your lap and pull out your Moffatt Bible and notebook as you expect to take copious notes for your edification late in the week when your spiritual reserves have been depleted.

This week you are doubly blessed on this Sabbath day as the glorious leader of your church is the guest speaker! Woo hoo! The long drive will be worth it!

You notice a canvas graphic hanging on the wall behind the podium with creases in it as if it had just been unfolded and taped to the wall. It is another indication of amazing things to be heard over the next hour and a half.

After three rousings hymns and a five-minute opening prayer asking for Father in heaven to bless the preacher so that his words may edify us so we can inculcate the prophet's words, you settle in as a local elder gives a 20-minute sermonette on why it is important that real men do not swear black socks with their dark suits. You look down and see your black socks and subconsciously reach down and pull your pants leg down as much as you can to cover them. Red-faced you slide your feet as far back under the metal folding chair as you can looking forward to the end of the sermonette. 

Then, mercifully he stops and it's time to sing another rousing hymn and then sit back down for announcements about local fundraisers and fruit sales that desperately are being done to raise money to send to Africa. Then it's time for the wife of the local minister to sing special music in her high-pitched off-tune voice that grates on your nerves till you want to scream, yet you dutifully smile when she is done.

Then the moment you have been waiting for has arrived and the church leader is about to speak! He jumps from his seat and bounds on stage with his big thick Bible and a few of his newly released books he has written. His arms begin to raise and his hands start flapping as he stutters and clears his throat numerous times.

Then he starts speaking about fornication, masturbation, pornography, fantasy sex, sexting, and same-sex relations. Your else roll back in your head and your butt suddenly starts getting numb. You look at your watch and you still have one hour and twenty-five minutes yet to go and immediately know that Jesus won't be mentioned much, if at all.

You write at the top of your note page "The Seventh Commandment" and start taking notes. The sub-headings are starting to fill up several pages.

The Seventh Commandment teaches that people are not to commit adultery. Why? 
What is adultery? 
What about fornication, masturbation, pornography, fantasy sex, sexting, and same-sex relations? 
Are there societal costs for violating the 7th Commandment? 
What about crime and disease? 
What did Jesus say about marriage, adultery, and divorce? 
Is there such a thing as spiritual adultery? 
Were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed for their abominations and going after ‘strange flesh’? 
Was Sodom also for pride? 
Do those destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah have any possible hope? 
Does the Bible condemn cross-dressing? 
Does the Bible teach the condoning of homosexual and lesbian relationships? 
Could marriage be a God-plan relationship teaching us about Christ and His church? 
Was adultery called a sin before God wrote the Ten Commandments down on Mt. Sinai? 
Should all that breath be concerned about avoiding sexual immorality? 
Were problems with sexual immorality prophesied for the last days? 
Is marriage supposed to be about love and not lust? What about faithfulness?

Finally, the speaker is close to the end of his sermon and you make a note in your notebook and show it to your wife...Why hasn't he spoken about Jesus and what was accomplished?

The sermon finally ends and there's a final hymn about dashing the skulls of people against the rocks and a gratuitous final prayer is said. By this point, you jump out of your seat to try and get circulation back into your sore butt. You turn around and put your Moffatt Bible back in the briefcase and snap it shut, then gather the kid's toys and blanket up from the floor and put it back in the bag. You and your wife both look wearily at each other and silently agree to shake a few hands and take off for your drive back home.

As you settle into the car and you pull onto the highway the snack bag comes out filled with dried beef sandwiches on organic whole wheat bread, organic grapes, bananas, and a few fig bars. As you drive you silently wonder how much of that sex talk your kids had absorbed.

You finally arrive home as the sun is starting to set. You soon dial the local pizza joint and order a pizza, turn on the television, and settle in to decompress.

Thus ends a typical Sabbath in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God.


Friday, April 14, 2023

Remember this Bob Thiel??????? Bob Thiel's African Representative Sentenced to Life in Prison for Shooting at Police When Being Arrested for Fraud

This was posted WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014. Bob's church has been corrupt from the start! 

Bob Thiel's new church is off to a rollicking start! One of his minister/representatives has been sentenced to life in prison for a shoot-out with police and for fraud.

Bob was such a good evaluator of character that he brought on George Obunga Otieno as his representative in the African region. Bob did not do due diligence in vetting the guy.  Otieno scammed another COG prior to joining up with Thiel.

I guess that "double dose" of the holy spirit did not do much to open Thiel's eyes.

James Malm is reporting the following saga of the Thiel/Otieno situation

About a year ago I wrote to Bob Thiel warning him about fraud in east Africa particularly in Kenya.  He responded thanking me and saying that he was being very careful, then he took on George Obunga Otieno as his rep in the region.  
George was later found to be a scammer and Bob was invited to hold his Feast with Richard Trevor and Bill Goff’s group; because of the lateness of the time, and for economic reasons due to the G. Otieno situation. 

Richard Trevor informs me that:   

We knew it first, [Actually I knew it first and warned Bob] and with much persuasion, convinced Bob that he wasn’t trustable.  The man (George Obunga Otieno) is now in jail with a life sentence for engaging in a shootout with the police when they came to arrest him for other fraudulent activities.  He was sentenced within weeks.  The US could take a lesson.  AND, the fellow’s cousin, Polycap Ogalo, is (was?) [employed] with the Police there, but has been conspicuous by his absence since we discovered his [He also tried to defraud these groups] fraud with us.  He might’ve been fired, but all who know of the situation are mum. 

The man (George Obunga Otieno) scammed James Russell before Bob, taking a large amount to fund a feast for him (CoG in Truth).  Though he used a different name (that’s common in Africa) we suspected he was one-and-the-same fellow by his mailing address and by using another person to enquire about the FoT in Homa Bay, we realized it was a ruse.  It never happened.  That was to be Bob’s site, and we had been working on one nearby, but thought it better to merge the two [allowing Bob to join the other folks site after his letdown with George].   

Bob Thiel recently made a trip to Kenya partially funded by Richard Trevor and Bill Goff to hold a COG convention.   
That was our interest, to have some credentialed person meet and evaluate the situation.  That’s why we helped with the funding of this [Bob's] trip.  Earlier, we intended that the Kenyans host their own elders’ convention, so that they could meet and assess the genuinety of each other, but when Bob indicated he was intending to go there, that proved the better option, and less costly.   Quite a large number of elders did attend.
Malm then points out Thiel's claim that he has 20 some congregations in East Africa is not true.  This is something that many of us have suspected all along.

I am informed that these groups will continue with the same foreign sponsors as before, and that the purpose of this meet was a “get to know your neighbor event”, to fight any possible future scams.  There are several independent groups involved in the meetings and Thiel’s claim that  CCOG currently has over 20 congregations in East Africa, with more expected soon.” is purely in his own imagination; unless he is attempting a takeover of these other groups.   

In fact Thiel may have attempted to entice these various groups to join CCOG [hence the 20 congregations claim]; which is why Bill Goff and other COG leaders have now rushed to Kenya to asses the situation.  The meetings were meant as cooperation against fraud: Did Thiel  use their money to go to Kenya to try and poach their congregations?  

It was Bob who convinced them to partially fund and send him.   “we intended that the Kenyans host their own elders’ convention, so that they could meet and assess the genuinety of each other, but when Bob indicated he was intending to go there, that proved the better option, and less costly.”  Now that Bill Goff had to rush to Kenya anyway,  it does not appear much cheaper than him going in the first place.