Sunday, June 12, 2011

Apostle Malm: "I'm Pouring Myself Out To Establish Credibility"

Armstrongism has a long tradition of men attempting to establish themselves with credible testimony and prophetic words.  So far every single one of them have turned out to be abysmal failures, liars and false prophets.  They came bearing slick words that sounded soothing and credible to some listeners trained in the catch phrases of Armstrongism.

Now, we are being retreated to James Malm who admits that he has been trying to 'establish doctrinal credibility." over the last several months.

I would have covered this before Passover. I just felt that I needed to establish some doctrinal credibility and build up to this with the Passover, Calendar, ULB, etc ariticles that I have been posting for the past two months, building a proper foundation first. I have been working very hard, pouring myself out daily; sometimes some things need a proper foundation before they are presented, to make them easier to understand. James

When you hear COG men saying this you can be guaranteed that soon they will be starting a splinter cult somewhere in the United States.  The US seems to be fertile ground for religious wackos seeking equally wacky followers who agree with their wacky message.

Apostle Malm has slowly been writing paper after paper, article after article, that are filled with COG specific doctrines.  He has been setting himself up as an authority on all things spiritual.  None of the COG's is keeping any of the holy days or sabbath right in his sight.  Therefore, they are all apostate laodicians who no longer hold all truth.  Only Apostle Malm is privy to the real truth on how things should be.

Like HWA. Meredith and other COG ministers, Apostle Malm does not hold information in commentaries or by non-COG writers to be worthy of checking out.  Knowledge cannot be gained by these men or their commentaries.

I do not hold with commentaries writtn by unconverted men as the Mishna. There is no difference between “servile’ and work of any kind. No work is to be done on any High Day or Sabbath: that would include cooking. Food preparation was allowed as Israel came out of Egypt as an “ox in the ditch”. That does not justify food preparation on other Holy Days nor on future ULB High Days. James

Like Ronnie Weinland, Apostle Malm does not like to be mocked.  So far he has not called fire down from heaven to consume his mockers like Weinland and Steven's have.  It's only a matter of time though.

It really seems that you are the sarcastic one; and that is one thing that causes serious and unnecessary offenses. I warn that I have no patience for unwarranted mocking. The 144,000 are sealed AFTER the tribulation [between the 6th and 7th seals]. What about all the other saints from Abel till now? I will be getting to this when I get back into prophecy. The world does NOT revolve around us; God has many others! 1 Ti 5;19 “Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. 20Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” One must put all scripture together to see the whole picture. All elders that have a proven sin are to be publicly rebuked before all. James

I love how Armstrongism has produced a legion of men who think they are 'holier than thou.'  They have attained all knowledge that is relevant for salvation.  They know exactly what God wants.  They know who is in and who is out (you and most of the rest of the world). The best thing of all is that they continue to be made out to be fools.


Anonymous said...

The cynical would translate this as "I'm preparing myself to take power and demand money".

Anonymous said...

Establishing his credibility is a no-brainer: All he has to do is raise someone from the dead [and old doctrines don't count -- I said raise someone from the dead, not raise something from the dead].

Praying down fire from heaven to burn up water laiden sacrifices is just too easy to do these days.

And after he raises someone from the dead, can he do that thing where he makes the lady and the tiger disappear?

There is absolutely no way I would accept his authority. It was bad enough to hear the rubbish from the Regional Pastor of CoGWA talk about "governance" and how important "The United States and British Commonwealth" was to do the work. I felt nauseous when the congregation of 30 sang "We are God's People" from the United songbooks (not to worry, new CoGWA songbooks will be ready by Feast time -- just as soon as the Governance thing is worked out). And no, I didn't: It would be like trying to explain rainbows to earthworms... although it was tempting....

Richard said...

Keep in mind Mr. Malm has denied on his blog that he's trying to start his own "church" or group.

We'll see if that changes, of course.

Anonymous said...

After Malm has "poured himself out," I hope he remembers to flush the toilet.

I still believe that HWA was right about the Bible saying certain things. The churches of the world do reject it in order to do their own things for their own reasons.

Nevertheless, who can refute Paul Ray's simple, one-line observation that, "They lied to us and they took our money"?

Now, all sorts of former WCG members have decided to get in on the act by trying to lie to us and take our money. They seem to have figured out that they were once on the losing end of the "Way of Give/Get" equation, but have not yet figured out that lying and stealing in God's name is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Master Malm Says:

"I have no patience for unwarranted mocking"

Well then relax. This is warranted.

Perhaps Apostleship is on the horizon? Of the 24 times Paul is called an Apolstle in the NT, it is Paul who calls himself one, "I lie not, 22 times. The other 2x is by Luke, his apologest.
No one else seems interested.

One of the reasons we know the Apostle Paul did not write Hebrews is because the author does not mention himself. Definately not Paul. Paul was special in his own mind. Master Malm seems on a similar road and with a little luck, he also can hijack a chunk of the COG (probably not) for himself.


Anonymous said...

Beyond the obvious screeching hyperbole in fits of mania, crying out for help from a qualified mental health professional, there is another consideration for believers -- whether they are true believers or not.

A Christian's life is one of faith, not sight, to be filled with choices that have consequences.

David Malm and all the others of his cacaphoneous obstreperous inclinations completely ignore the fact that we all need freedom to find our way, make mistakes and progressively improve, if we are wont to do so.

The tactics of such noisy brained nitwits is to take away all choices. Give them the rules; build fences; prevent them from ever making mistakes with our comprehensive list of mindless dos and don'ts. After all, you never have to recover if you don't make mistakes in the first place.

So learn to adapt yourself and live in a repressed society without freedom of choice or expression. Stifle your curiousity: Everything is neatly laid out in front of you by someone who claims he is a 'qualified' expert, to completely run your life. It's for your own good, after all.

So live your life according to the strictures of the False Apostle, the False Prophet. That way, you will receive the benefits and results you so richly deserve for your lack of foresight.

You too can be a noisy nut case, without one shred of hope of recovery -- insulating yourself, as it were, from anyone who might be able to extricate you from the problems resulting from living in the cultic mindset from which there is no escape short of the crash and burn result which will surely follow some day in the future.

Steve said...

It simply amazes me that there is always someone out there just waiting to follow one of these bastards!

Anonymous said...


To me it is not so amazing that someone is willing to "follow" at a given time- anyone can have the best intentions and still be duped. Most people upon realizing that they have been led astray or simply put too much belief into something will be more cautious in the future.

What I find amazing is that there are individuals that continue to follow the same path over and over again. For example, going from one splinter to the next. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice...


Anonymous said...

James, you don't have the theological education to have a proper foundation. You are building on sand and misleading people believing you know the mind of the Deity.

Bible reading is not a good enough credential and a few weeks not a proper amount of time to become God's right hand man of faith and power.
M.T. Credentials

NO2HWA said...

Ah, but six months reading in a public library can make you an apostle!

Allen C. Dexter said...

"Ah, but six months reading in a public library can make you an apostle!"

So true. It also makes a lot of millionaires in the self-improvement game as well. So many of these guys say the same things in a little different style and format. They obviously copy each other. Most of it boils down to positive thinking and developing enough ambition and self-reliance to actually go out and get something done.

If they have the right salesman/woman personality and a gift for marketing, the money can roll in at an astounding rate.

For all his faults, Herb knew how to make a sale. He had the nimbleness to talk his way into the average person's confidence. And, he seemed so sincere and loving. Maybe at some point he was just a little, but I'm not convinced.