For decades the Church of God has had all kinds of Elisha's, Elijah's, Joshua's, Jeremiah's and any other Old Testament hero that COG members like to latch onto. They all had a message that they thought was vital to the church and its wayward members. Almost all of these men are dead just like their OT namesakes. That still has not stopped modern day fools like Almost-ordained Bob Thiel, James Malm, David Pack, Gerald Flurry and Ron Weinland. Have you ever noticed that none of these guys ever latch onto Jesus or any new covenant personality? God forbid if they ever had to act like James, John, Peter or any of the other apostles. After all, the apostles were vile Gracites. As all modern-day prophets and apostles are quick to let us know, what the church needs is religious zealots from Hebrew times.

The person we need to thank for Zerubbabel is Ron Weinland. This idiot was also a member of Ron Weinland's cult. Zerubbabel's real name is Michael Noordhoek and now has to live here in the United States in Arizona, after both Greece and Israel kicked him of their countries. He, his wife and stepdaughter live in a shack in the desert where the kitchen, living room and bedroom are all in one place.
This mentally ill man claims that Jesus is the first of the Two Witnesses, and that he, Zerubbabel, is the Second Witnesses. Jesus is also the first of three prophecied "man-child's," with Zerubbabel being the second "man-child." So who is the third "man-child?"
The man is mentally ill, but never so much as to what follows here:
Well, in his latest Youtube diatribe, he has proclaimed himself to be the new King of Israel and his step-daughter a prophetess. He has also professed to seeing "the sign" of the Revelation 12 virgin in the sky which "proves" his step-daughter is this prophetess...and that she is also to bear a son by HIM, the King of Israel. SO HE BELIEVES HE IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A CHILD WITH HIS STEP DAUGHTER...WHO MAY STILL BE A MINOR...she is to have this "prophetic "third man-child".
5:28 he talks about how his daughter is the prophetess and he is the King
8:20 He talks about being the king that conceives the man child after his daughter finishes having her period.
The anonymous source that sent me this has also contacted the FBI to make sure that Zerubbabel's stepdaughter is not being sexually abused.
Zerubbabel has videos here and a Facebook page here.
Looking at his videos I notice that he is screwing with all the colors,making them bright and cartoonish. On another where he just talks into the camera the light goes dim and then bright on and off. This is some kind of stimulus for him.
Delusional with religious content. Classic mental illness.
Wow! I never thought we'd see the day when someone tried to partially replicate the absolute worst attribute of HWA, and was even open and proud if it.
Having sex with one's step-daughter most definitely is incest in spirit. It is the perversion or violation of a sacred trust. Such a sacred trust is presumed to be in play for someone who has accepted the role of parent by proxy. If the current Mrs. Zerrubabel is the girl's mother, it is also a violation of a Biblical principle found in Lev. 18:17
It would be both hot and boring living in a shack in the desert. The heat has been known to do some strange things to peoples' minds. There is also no virtue in poverty. Reality is that poverty is not so much a financial condition as it is a condition of the soul. It is one of the factors or spirals which can destroy people.
Oddly enough, there are those who consider that truth is to be found in radically distorted perception.
He can't be Zerrubabel, I'm Zerubbabel.
I thought Bathhouse Bob was Zerubbabel.
What's wrong with the wife? Is she blind? If anything happens to the daughter, if she's a minor, the mother should also be brought up on charges for even allowing such a dangerous situation to threaten her child.
The well has been poisoned. God would not be able to use a messenger who had any association with Armstrongism, or the Armstrong prophecy mold. They've already bungled in the jungle. So, it's either raising up the stones, or a new and fresh untainted source.
What's to be gained by publicizing this guy? Just call the child protection services in that area and give them the full details.
Oh c'mon, Byker Bob...even YOU could be used by God as a messenger.
Thanks for posting this. I did more looking into this, and it turns out that the daughter over 20 and not a minor. So no sex crimes will have been committed. But it is REALLY damn creepy, and yet another example of how Armstrongism turns people into parasites and criminals. By putting this out there you are shining a light on this horrible pervert and making sure he doesn't get past the scrutiny of those who would keep him from breaking the law... should he inadvertently or openly admit to it.
Anyone who is now or was once part of Armstrongism has been mind-raped, damaged, and contaminated, and has no business being in the ministry. I understand the massive foreclosure this causes people to suffer on their identities but it's for everyone's spiritual protection. Even if an ex-Armstrongite minister actually understood the New Covenant, the three elements of God, grace, and the TGCOL, I would never ever trust to the extent of becoming part of his church. You'd need to check ten additional reliable sources before accepting anything he might say.
Lest anyone else has any illusions, God would never use me as any sort of messenger because according to the qualifications for a bishop that Paul outlined for Timothy, I'm permanently disqualified I also don't have the requisite aptitudes, and have been left with the same DSM IV Axis II disorders as eveyone else has from being raised in Armstrongism, attending Ambassador College, or being a church member and employee.
I'm a discusser, an idea man, and a troubleshooter. That's all.
I should go into business as a video production consultant for all these COG backyard prophets/apostles/reincarnated OT figures/etc. Youd think they could all at least spend $5 at the used bookstore to learn the very basics.
He's not that much different than the XCOG ministry. The only difference is that he's upfront with his 'I'm super special' whereas the ministers don't give themselves the fancy titles (except the leaders), but just act that way.
I wanna play too! Im now to be known as Mary Magdalene!
More daughter raping in the HWA tradition.
This is insanity on steroids.
Just once, I'd like to see one of these guys proclaim himself the end-time Diotrephes.
I don't know why there has always been such a tradition of do it yourself ministry within Armstrongism. Lay people, sometimes well educated but too often not, have assumed they could take what they learned, add their own little wrinkles, and set up shop.
Do they realize that they are affecting peoples lives? That they are responsible for what happens to people when they follow them? That it's not only speaking and knowing Bible verses, but also counselling, financial management, and even handed management that are all part of a successful ministry? Let's not forget mental stability, either. That's usually the tip off.
Aww yeah.
"Sorry, Bob, but I'm working on Malm's video right now. I'll have yours cut and ready around dinnertime. Hey, check this out. Malm wanted to record his Sabbath message, but he didnt want me kindling fire by turning on the lights. So I had to turn them on that Friday and leave them burning until after the shoot. Only reason I'm telling you this is well, I had to bill him some extra money for the hours taken off the lamp life, so I just want to be sure you know that if you decide to go that route, we can do it, but it'll add a small charge to the bill. Cool?"
"Sorry, you're who again? Zerubbabel? Which one?"
I would be scared to death if he came trick or treating..........
Mr E Babble On.
"Sorry, I'm still confused. Is this Zerubbabel the Apostle, or Zerubbabel the Prophet, or Zerubbabel the Almost But Never Quite Persecuted For The Faith? I get you guys mixed up."
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