Monday, November 19, 2018

Restored Church of God: Behind of the Work 2018


Anonymous said...

Nice video about the spiritual Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme. Herbie set its foundation with his give way, while David Pack fully implemented it with his common doctrine.
Great spiritual returns are promised to investors.

Unknown said...

A few years back there were some that were rumoring that even Davey's wife was getting fed up with her husband.

Any news on that front?

Anonymous said...

Pack is one smart cookie.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
"1-EX- sheeple" said...

Isn't that about the size of it? A "grain" of truth. A smidgen one at that. And of course
modified to fit his agenda.

What About The Truth said...

"Mr. Packs goal in campus design is for visitors to get everywhere from everywhere and to see everywhere from everywhere".

What visitors? Who is allowed beyond the gate?

Initially Mr. Pack said the campus would be open to the community of Wadsworth so that they could experience the gardens, the buildings, the trees - especially the beloved Armstrong Maple tree just to the left upon entering the drive. But it didn't take long for the talk of erecting a gate to start after they caught a man committing the most egregious act of walking his dog on the campus.

Then in a handful of different sermons, the 21st century apostle stated; "I have to get myself behind a gate", "I have to get myself behind a gate", "I have to get myself behind a gate".

So the last end time apostle and Elijah the Prophet and Joshua the High Priest and Ezekiel Watchman and the messenger to Laodicea and the one who measures the temple and the trainer of the Two Witnesses and the builder of the third temple and the one who is worshiped by the Synagogue of Satan and Habakkuk and the rod of Jesse and a type of Moses and a type of Christ lives behind a GATE!

Anonymous said...

So apparently he isn't as protected by God as he would have everyone else believe? Why else hide behind a gate? Could it be that he scammed and pissed off someone a little more aggressive than most?

Anonymous said...

So apparently he isn't as protected by God as he would have everyone else believe? Why else hide behind a gate? Could it be that he scammed and pissed off someone a little more aggressive than most?

Anonymous said...

"even Davey's wife was getting fed up with her husband."

When one his own siblings tells about Dave's basic dishonesty and physical threats
When former employees from his main office tells about Dave's conniving, temper outbursts and stealing
When ministers in other churches who worked with him tell about Dave's dirty politics and lying and backstabbing other ministers

Can we still think Dave is a Minister?

To any of you out there that still read your Bibles, please re-read:
I Sam 15 on Saul
I Sam 3 on Eli

To any of the Restored Church of God:

What fruits do you see?

Sweetblood777 said...

Pack is a coward. He needs to hide behind a gate to protect his ass from those that are awaking to his rip off.

Anonymous said...

Two things:

1 - this behind the work is a sales pitch for their compound campus
2 - Where was the focus on the preaching of the gospel and the teaching of christ principles?

I like that opening montage with pack getting arrested. Isn't it weird how Ambrose was already dropping hints a year ago about health related matters before escaping himself and using that as a reason for his departure.

RCG does not want the community on its campus it wants stupid dumb elderly and stupid dumb and weak-minded to come, SO THEY CAN TITHE OR GIVE HIM MONEY.

What About The Truth said...

"Mr. Packs goal in campus design is for visitors to get everywhere from everywhere and to see everywhere from everywhere".

What visitors? Who is allowed beyond the gate?

Initially Mr. Pack said the campus would be open to the community of Wadsworth so that they could experience the gardens, the buildings, the trees - especially the beloved Armstrong Maple tree just to the left upon entering the drive. But it didn't take long for the talk of erecting a gate to start after they caught a man committing the most egregious act of walking his dog on the campus.

Then in a handful of different sermons, the 21st century apostle stated; "I have to get myself behind a gate", "I have to get myself behind a gate", "I have to get myself behind a gate".

So the last end time apostle and Elijah the Prophet and Joshua the High Priest and Ezekiel Watchman and the messenger to Laodicea and the one who measures the temple and the trainer of the Two Witnesses and the builder of the third temple and the one who is worshiped by the Synagogue of Satan and Habakkuk and the rod of Jesse and a type of Moses and a type of Christ lives behind a GATE!

Part #2: Juxtapose the living arrangement of this great master biblical entity against his members who Mr. Pack has declared faithless and unable to qualify for the Kingdom unless they sell all that they have and lay it before his feet. Mr. Pack then preaches to his members to embrace austere living while he builds, enhances, and promotes his kingdom behind the GATE.

What About The Truth said...

In a remarkable situation of how did it get past all the editors of the RCG, Jeffery Ambrose has an article in the recent Nov./Dec. Real Truth magazine that of course had already been printed when Mr. Ambrose decided to leave, where he subtlety derides the excessive lighting of his living conditions as dangerous to ones health.

In his article, Lost Under City Lights, Mr. Ambrose goes into a forlorn about living by a freeway exit and then quotes Men's Journal and National Geographic magazines about the effects of light pollution and specifically upward lighting "blasting light into the sky rather than onto the sidewalk or city street". As this video showed and stated, the strategic use of up-lighting in the extreme on the Wadsworth campus is a harmful pollution in the mind of the former number two man of the RCG.

Jeff, here is to hoping you find that house in the country away from all the harmful vanity you have been surrounded by these past how many years, and that you can look up into the night sky and proclaim as King David did in Psalm 8:3-6.

Anonymous said...

Boy, how Dave and his ministers love to play church. It's no different to children playing such games. It's all about going through the motions, and make believe.

Anonymous said...

If Dave Pack hides behind a gate, HWA hid behind his attorney, Stanley Rader. HWA would never speak with the press. It was Rader, not HWA who sat down for an interview with Mike Wallace.

Anonymous said...

"In Spring grass becomes green, etc. etc." WOW, they make it sound like the change in seasons only occurs on his campus. Can outsiders some by and walk around and enjoy the beauty of God's creation or do we need a "Temple Pass" like Mormons need to get into their temples?

Anonymous said...

RE: Restored Church of Fraud: Behind the Work 2018

Behind David Pack's RCG Work Work Work are a bunch of deceived, betrayed, robbed, destitute, stressed-out slaves.