The false prophet is still relying heavily upon "pagan" sources for his prophecies. He has a particular obsession with Catholic "prophecies" by Malachy and Fatima.
Like any good COG member he considers the Catholic Church be the seat of Satan which will provide the home base for the Anti-Christ that Thiel sees soon arising to torture and persecute his little personality cult.
Thiel says in his magazine that Satan picked the new Pope.
It would seem that one reason that the Malachy list hasA certain accuracy is that Satan and/or his demons haveinfluenced papal elections.The Bible refers to Satan as “god of this world”(2 Corinthians 4:4, KJV) and “the prince of the
Power of the air, the spirit who now works in theSons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2).
Thus, Satanic influence with the Church of RomeIs something that should be expected.Whether Satan influenced this election to put the finalAntichrist in power now or to set the stage up for him tocome into power later is not clear as I write this. But I dobelieve that Satan influenced this last papal election.
Astonishing the way intellectual midgets like Bob can peer right into the inner workings of the transcendental spirit world.
“I don’t claim to know where very many ignorant men are sure and certain.” Clarence Darrow
Bob should have Elaine Pagels destroy his little myth with The Origin of Satan.
"Is not clear as I write this.." = I am a prophet in the same way that economic forecasts work. I can't make a guess right now how this is all going down.
I actually like this Pope. He is more humble than Bob. Doesn't claim great spiritual skills, like Bob. Says we should love one another..unlike Bob. And went to a prison to wash some feet unlike Bob I am sure.
Bob is the Anti Christ, but it is unclear to me at this time in just what way...
Elaine Pagels is too intellectual for Bob. That's why he sticks with Fatima and Malachy for guidance.
I still don't understand how he can say the Catholics are the seat of Satan, and then turn right around and use inane Catholic babblings as proof of his (false) prophecies! How could anyone get sucked in by that?
Did the demons get to have a vote on this , or did Satan make the decision all on his own?
I really hate it when an organization does not have a collegial and empowered membership.
Joe Moeller
Cody, WY
What if , and how do we know, Satan didn't accidently fumble up the LCG guy's prayer and made Bob a Prophet? We can't know. I mean, Satin is, after all, the author of confusion.
no wait, Satin is a fabric, Satan is the author of confusion. Sorry for the confusion. No wait..not that....
If Satan is calling the shots in the Catholic church, why does Bob use a book put together by them Catholics? All 66 of them books in that collection known as the bible.
Seems Bob is supporting them Catholics!
I believe that all evil in the world is centrally manufactured by Satan. Basically, the demons are all truck drivers. They load up all that evil into big spirit trucks and drive it all over the world, giving a little bit to everyone, kind of like a whole fleet of bad Santas. Sometimes there's a mistake, and one person gets too much, and that's how come there are Hitlers and Stalins. Other times there are accidents, and a whole truck of evil spills in one place, and that's how wars and genocides happen. But mostly they're pretty good about making sure that everyone gets just the right amount of evil.
If Satan's operations got disrupted or destroyed and the shipments of evil stopped coming, then the whole supply of evil would quickly get used up and pretty soon there wouldn't be any evil left in the world, and then everyone would become perfect. But that would interrupt God's master plan, because heaven is supposed to have a monopoly on perfection. If people could be perfect without going to heaven, then they might not want to go there anymore. So, God keeping Satan's evil business up and running is important to God keeping his own heaven business up and running.
As screwed up as all the religions are, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Catholic church, including the cardinals and popes, are all getting their appropriate shipments of evil from Satan's fleet of spirit trucks.
I don't know why I believe this, it's just that Satan's such a cool guy and I want to believe in him. He gives me warm fuzzy feelings. I know it leads to believing in other ridiculous things like spirit trucks and so on, but, hey, whatever it takes to hold onto my warm fuzzy feelings is worth it. So leave me alone and don't try to destroy my faith in Satan.
I bet if we sat down with Satan, had a nice lunch, talked and shared our feelings and such, we'd end up really liking him/it whatever.... Was on the Board of Directors remember way back . El must have liked him too at some point. I think there is more going on between El and Hatsatan than meets the eye.
Lunch with bob? Nahhh,not so enjoyable I bet.
"If Satan is calling the shots in the Catholic church, why does Bob use a book put together by them Catholics? All 66 of them books in that collection known as the bible."
Yeah, not so much, Joe. In fact, not even at all.
velvet's links make no sense to me at all. what in the world do they have to do with the role of catholics in assembling the bible, which they did?
The simple truth is that men chose the new pope not Satan. All religions are devised by men, therefore the leaders are chosen by men or in the case of many of the COG's the leaders are self apointed. You can debate that your church has devinely ordained leaders but I think not.
People become enslaved in religion because they veiw their religious leaders as devinely ordainded and consider their opinions as being the will of God.
This is about as funny as Thiel's rear end! LOL.
Head Usher said...
I believe that all evil in the world is centrally manufactured by Satan. Basically, the demons are all truck drivers.
MY COMMENT: Does all the evil in the world get routed through Memphis like the way Fed Ex does it, or are there many different hub and spoke distribution centers?
Inquiring minds need to know!
Joe Moeller
Cody, WY
"velvet's links make no sense to me at all."
I think she just discovered how to put together a hyperlink tag.
Head Usher said : “I don't know why I believe this, it's just that Satan's such a cool guy and I want to believe in him.”
I was told that a Rabbi said the Satan was really a nice guy with a bad job, but I can’t validate it.
Whoever made the following statement "I bet if we sat down with Satan, had a nice lunch, talked and shared our feelings and such, we'd end up really liking him/it whatever.." anonymously must be even more evil than Bob. I suppose you missed Hitler and wished you could have dinner with him. Congratulations for making a fool of yourself.
Anon April 8 at 9:11 PM, you certainly are an earnest sort.
The anon you're responding to was obviously funning around. You suffer from irony-deficiency anemia, or what?
Mayor May Knott
anon said:
"...anonymously must be even more evil than Bob. I suppose you missed Hitler and wished you could have dinner with him. Congratulations for making a fool of yourself." seem to have missed the point and more subtle humor. But yes, I probably am more evil than Bob because I cannot come close to his righteousness and Bible understanding, not to mention just how God thinks and what, in this life...
How often the evil "Satan" gets blammed for stuff that happens or doesn't happen for the resident Apostle or Prophet, when in fact it is the fault, high mindedness or stupid idea in the first place of the resident Apsotle or Non-Prophet.
How many times when in WCG Satan was opposing "the work," and it just was the stupid stuff "the work" was doing.
Bob: I put you in power too!
"... must be even more evil than Bob. I suppose you missed Hitler ..."
Americans, a very self-righteous and ignorant media-controlled people, are sure that their enemies are all evil. Most of them have no clue that the USA was the evil power in WWII. We forced Japan to attack us by cutting off their oil with sanctions, and we forced Hitler to declare war by sinking his ships without a state of war. The US ambassador in Syria stated the war over there now. American Emperors are the scum of the earth.
This is so funny, and reminds me of the "United Church of God" and the "Church of God, a Worldwide Association", after the recent split, EACH accusing Satan of being behind it!
It would be better if anyone involved would admit the split was because of having spirritually inept asswipe leaders, especially the UCG!
"Americans, a very self-righteous and ignorant media-controlled people, are sure that their enemies are all evil. Most of them have no clue that the USA was the evil power in WWII. We forced Japan to attack us by cutting off their oil with sanctions, and we forced Hitler to declare war by sinking his ships without a state of war. The US ambassador in Syria stated the war over there now. American Emperors are the scum of the earth."
Plasma Dude! Welcome back to the site, man, and as always, your wacked out conspiracy nonsense always enlightens us. Loser.
But the Malachy list isn't even accurate. Proponents have to include a number of handpicked antipopes to make it work.
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