E. W. King is fed up! He's had it with all the various splinter group leaders persecuting him and the small remnant of TRUE Worldwide Church of God members.
He writes:
According to King, he and only he has the correct name for the church. All TRUE members of the body are those that retain the name Worldwide Church of God.Only the minority have been susceptible to present “Truth”. Jesus has always had a “small flock”. Those of us who truly believe in what Jesus taught and said have comfort in these Christian Realities.It is now time for all so called “spiritual robberies” to cease! You can no longer take away from the true Remnant of God what belongs to it. We have the Truth and we will continue to proclaim it no matter what others think.
In many ways, those who truly have loved the “one church” that Jesus Christ built have been robbed. We have in many ways been robbed by our own brethren [offshoot & splinter groups]. They have hijacked the WCG…they have created confusion rooted in egotism. They have tried to change the name of God’s one true church. They have placed themselves in a false “seat of authority” to try to get listeners. Sad…so sad.
Those of us who have held on to the Plain Truth have been ridiculed, thrown out of the Church that we have tried to defend. The sad fact of the fallen “majority” and their false leaders taking control through money and greed has not helped. The true Worldwide Church of God cares for those who are truly seeking out for the One True God. We could care less about materialism but we must admit that those who use their money and resources to try and “shut us up”, the true saints, this indeed creates a spiritual struggle.
Sounds like a bird at the feeder who keeps getting thrown off the perch.
I, Joe Moeller , have and claim the ONLY true name of the original and correct name for the church...
Only those of us who stick by that name are the righteous ORIGINAL REMNANT. All the others, including King and other "Worldwide" name proponents are impostors and fakes.
Im announcing a resumption of the TRUE Radio Church of God starting this very evening.
I will be broadcasting the "prophecies of the world tomorrow" tonight at 11:00 PM on a clear channel FIVE WATT ,
CB Radio Channel 7 , right from my parked F-250 pickup truck at our "new world headquarters" located in front of the Silver Dollar Bar on Sheridan Avenue in beautiful downtown Cody, WY.
Truck drivers driving through town have the opportunity to hear the truth! I estimate that over 150 trucks a night drive through here per night. Brethren , this is over 50k trucks a year, and would be OVER ONE MILLION truckers "potentially" reached by my CB radio over just the next 20 years!
For this special, relaunch of the Philadelphia Era of the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD, the pickup has not only been washed, but also WAXED in celebration of this grand rebirth.
More important breakthrough announcements are coming soon.
Joe Moeller
Cody, WY
Don't forget to sing out of the Grey Hymnal to them truckers!
Joe, I look forward to that World Tomorrow theme.
Also, I know that old Herbert Armstrong radio broadcasts and sermons are still available, because there was one yesterday out of one of the ACoGs.
Good luck!
Sorry I won't be anywhere close enough to get your broadcast for the next 20 years, but keep up the good work!
Joe, your words need more power words. Perhaps this would get more trucks to swing by! Taking what you said and introducing POWER WORDS, it would be like:
"I will be broadcasting the Foundation-Shaking and AMAZING "prophecies of the world tomorrow" tonight at 11:00 PM on a stunning clear channel FIVE WATT ,
CB Radio Channel 7 , right from my parked INCREDIBLE F-250 pickup truck - NOTHING LIKE IT ON EARTH - at our "MESMERIZING new world headquarters" located in front of the PROPHESIED ONE and ONLY Silver Dollar Bar on Sheridan Avenue in beautiful downtown Cody, WY. Prepare to be STUNNED!"
Now THAT sounds more like it! ;)
To think that the restart tonight of the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD from Cody, WY is also happening at EXACTLY
Nineteen year time cycles since the original broadcast of the World Tomorrow on Jan. 6, 1934!
Joe Moeller
Cody, WY
Jeez man, I heard that in HWA's voice in my head. Gah, need music now....... Pronto
COG, Speaking to the Remnant --- That's a new one to me. Just how many COG's are there anyway? I have a suggestion to all the folks who long for the good ole days of the WCOG but can't find a stable group. Why not advise each individual to just start his or her own COG. Then the people could only argue with themselves. You could have JCOG (John's COG), MCOG (Mary's COG), BCOG (Barack's COG), MCOG2 (Michelle's COG). Each person coud access all of Armstrong's old literature and anyone can YouTube these days. (Even I have done that and I don't yet have a COG). Then everyone can preach sermons to themselves. Of course, if one has Multiple Personality Disorder, fighting will still occur. Secular-Humanist Buddhist (?)
I've gone out to this guy's website in the past and read some of his articles and claims. Frankly, he's probably yet another nutcase with underlying yet undiagnosed mental illness. Really sad, but in the alternative universe he lives, he's "God's man of faith and power" as the old radio preacher A.A. Allen used to say.
Guess EW doesn't realize that he's just another bandit out there perping spiritual robberies his deceived and arrogant self!
Secular-Humanist Buddhist(?), your above recommendation is a bit late, as such things have been going on now for about the past 18 years! Well, actually for over the past 160 years if you look back far enough into the 19th century Adventist/COG movements from which the modern one has arisen.
"Remnant" is a word such folks use to indicate that THEY are the very "little flock" Jesus mentioned in the gospel accounts. It makes them feel special about themselves, when nothing else in their shallow lives do. It also promotes HUGE amounts of self-righteous bickering with all the other 700 or so tiny and insignificant COG groups out there. The non-stop bickering over doctrine, over who or what groups exactly comprise the one and only True Church of God, and the constant fragmenting into even smaller and ineffectual groups are a hallmark of the Adventist/COG movements. It will never stop, because, as you may have noticed, ex-COG members who in many cases left the COG's decades ago, STILL love to argue doctrinal positions here at this website! Acts 15, kosher foods, whatever, it seems to be in the DNA of current and former COG members!
Just summarizing and stating the obvious facts - so don't shoot the messenger!
I just read the book "Fragmentation of a Sect" by Barrett. It was very interesting but I don't know if I ever got a clear idea of the psychological and sociolgical forces that contribute to such continuous "splintering." Most, if not all religions split up from time to time but it is the speed at which these groups split and then split again that seems unusual. My guess is that the original group was held together by a very dominant, charismatic leader who offered emotionally insecure people absolute answers and a clear prescription for life. When he died, the "absolute answers" died with him even though other leaders have tried to substitute for him. I think the key is in the emotional make-up of people who seek answers from outside themselves to questions that cannot be fully answered. To be human is to live with ambiguity, impermanence and a certain degree of anxiety. Pema Chodrin, a Buddhist nun, calls it a state of "Groundlessness" and teaches that people can do better if they just accept and perhaps embrace the groundlessness. Secular-Humanist Buddhist (?)
C'mon Joe, where's that plea for money? C'mon, tell us how you're going to lose your truck if we don't pony up! Tell us how we're going to the lake of fire if we don't support "God's Work", "the most important work on the face of the earth!" What better use is there for our money? You aren't a real church of God if you don't beg for money. You're just a minor-leaguer; a Pack wannabe.
Secular-Humanist Buddhist(?), you bring up many pertinent points in your above comment. I was 18-years-old when I first came into contact with the WCG and HWA way back in 1974. Eighteen, insecure and ignorant pretty much describes most high school grads, doesn’t it. But both HWA and GTA communicated with a confidence and authority such that I had never heard before. I knew virtually nothing of the past, and so the fact that MANY tyrants that have graced the pages of history came across in the very same way totally escaped me. This is one reason why I’m so terribly concerned that many young folks these days aren’t being taught history, at least in any meaningful way anymore. This is a virtual guarantee most of them will be duped by unscrupulous politicians, religious hucksters or dictators sure to arise on the world scene somewhere down the line.
Secular-Humanist Buddhist(?)
Here's a very practical solution:
CoG[Country Code][Identifier]
For example, in the United States, the Country Code Could be US and the Identifier could be the Social Security Number, as in:
This would make it individual and personalized.
Kind of a bummer though if it appears on the Internet and scammers steal your identity.
We can come to a consensus on how to implement this in a secure manner, I'm sure.
Yep, those COGs sure are prone to splintering....
Heck, recently the United Church of God lost one third of it's membership over a couple of cows grazing in the wrong pasture!
I simply find this website (and the articles and comments) absolutely entertaining and stress-relieving at the end of the day. I was a WCG member for 35 years and hung on for another 7 years until I woke up suddenly from the trance and realized that neither the WCG nor any of its splinter groups represent the true church. Thankfully, all those 42 years, I had my sanity in-tact and was taking medicine, finished my office job until late Friday night (to make sure nothing bothers me on Sabbath), make my mom happy on her birthday, celebrates my birthday privately at home, keeps up with my friends and relatives, gracious and respectful of those who celebrate Christmas, etc. Although the Philippine WCG membership is not really a majority of mental cases and mental wrecks, those reported here are not unusual since I have heard of murder, suicides, homosexuality, etc., etc. locally and I know personally those people. I can only watch with incredulity and perplexity how people would give up their logical reasoning and sanity for religious suckers and oppressors who use Christ's name to earn a living. Things I take for granted as unsound pulpit pronouncements (the Apostle [? - a qualification is that he should be alive when Christ walked down the earth which HWA never qualified]; don't give crumpled and old money for offering but I just give what is in my heart to give; I just removed pork in the dish I am served, etc.) and having received not a single cent from the church to assist me nor visit from the ministers when my father died (in fairness, the brethren contributed and did visit us in the wake); I never took seriously those teachings. Otherwise, I would have lost my own sanity. I never looked at the church as my last card, and even though I came to the WCG still as a high school teener, it has never come to my mind that a single church organization on this planet can bring salvation. Only Christ can. I would presume this is the root cause of the problem. We anchor our salvation on a church organization and on a human being. By the way, I am where I am now because I took the scholarship exam to the state university on a Sabbath. If I didn't take that opportunity, I would have been one of those garbage outputs of WCG.
I think this is such a laughable thing for a jonny-come-lately one-man-show splinter group to make, suggesting that all his competitors are stealing from him, and not that he's stealing from them, or that they're all, including him, stealing from Herbert Armstrong, or from the people that Herbert Armstrong plagiarized from. I think the majority of this guy's efforts go toward fumbling around in vain for some sort of street cred that it's obvious he knows he hasn't got any claim to. So much lying and puffery.
Wouldn't the efforts of such men be better spent developing some other more respectable line of business than being another snake oil salesmen hawking the same brand of snake oil that hundreds of others have been trying to sell for much longer, entering a marketplace that's drying up for snake oil in general? A recipe for a wasted life.
But Anon, remember that we are dealing here with folks who no doubt are suffering from mental problems to one degree or another. Keep that in mind. They are NOT high-functioning people. And it's highly unlikely that COG-inspired amateurs like E.W. King actually make a living off their rantings.
"All TRUE members of the body are those that retain the name Worldwide Church of God."
Which includes two congregations in California, all of the UK & Ireland, both congregations in New Zealand, and the congregation in the refugee camp in Africa....Oh, wait, King meant congregations under HIS control? Ah, well, that's a (ahem) beast of a different colour altogether.
King plagiarized his edict from Dave Pack, who has been saying that RCG is not a splinter, it's the main body, and that therefore though you pay your tithes to another ACOG, you still owe them to RCG or else you have just robbed God (and also probably have taken your spiritual temperature!)
Matthew 21:13
And said he unto them, It is written , MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED THE HOUSE OF PRAYER; but ye have made it a DEN OF THIEVES. (Is. 56:7
) Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer......
And your point would be...?
"that therefore though you pay your tithes to another ACOG, you still owe them to RCG or else you have just robbed God"
Oh, charming. I have three words for anyone who believes this: Clarion Call 2008.
Wow! All you guys do here is sit around and pick on the COG groups..what kind of life is that? You sorry sad people :(
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