God has also forsaken the Living Church of God and has now placed his seal upon Bob Thiel even though he is not ordained and appointed himself just like most of the hundreds of other splinter group leaders have done. God must really be getting confused at this point. Who's who and who is right?
Because of posts here from various ones, some wondered about my views of the gospel and its proclamation. At this time, I believe that the Continuing Church of God is the primary group that God is using and intends to use to lead the work that will finish the COG proclamation portion of Matthew 24:14. I also believe that Christ's gospel of the kingdom includes Jesus Christ, but His person is not the focus. As far as the Scarboroughs, their local minister, and discussions they had with Charlotte evangelists, I was never part of any of those. I presume that the Scarboroughs are well aware that Jesus is part of the gospel message and that LCG is well aware of the historical HWA teachings on the gospel of the kingdom.
"...I believe that the Continuing Church of God is the primary group that God is using and intends to use to lead the work..."
Why has Bob made the choice to "believe" this? Based on evidence? Based on the bible? Because god came to him and told him this? No, but just because that's what he wants other people to believe. I think Bob is lying, and that he doesn't really believe that at all. But if he says he does, maybe other people will believe, and maybe if enough other people reinforce what he's told them and echo it back to him, it will help him begin to actually believe his own bullshit. He desperately wants and needs to believe in his own cosmic significance, but that's not the same thing as being genuinely convinced by extraordinary evidence. It's just the sort of thing that self-serving narcissists need to say, just to get by and hold it all together.
Bob's delusional, a fool and stupid. It's that simple. I better inform him of that, and that he's not the only person or church in the world doing God's work, and that it didn't even begin with any church called a COG. It started and is still happening though individuals with God's truth, not Satan's lies.
Bob says.
"I believe that the Continuing Church of God is the primary group"
Where then is the Secondary Church of God. The probaby would be more balanced and less ego centric. I dont mind being in the Secondary Church of God
I guess "primary" means "only"
I think Bob is lying, and that he doesn't really believe that at all.
It's worse than that. Bob has to believe what he is saying. If he doesn't believe what he is saying, then he has to know he was wrong to start his church. And if he was wrong to start his church, God isn't giving him special guidance. And if God isn't giving him special guidance, he isn't really a prophet. And if he isn't really a prophet, he has exposed himself to the world as a damn fool. And if he has shown himself to be a damn fool within the ACOG world, he either needs to repent and get with some other ACOG church's program, or leave Armstrongism and become a nobody in the theological world.
If Bob doesn't keep talking and believing like he says, he will likely end up either as an atheist or a returning Catholic.
"As far as the Scarboroughs, their local minister, and discussions they had with Charlotte evangelists, I was never part of any of those."
1. There are evangelists, plural, in LCG? I find that exceedingly hard to believe.
2. Would Thielogical Bob really have to clarify this, if it weren't for the Internet/Facebook?
3. Is one of Thiel's "members" (I still find it less than credible that he has any, considering there have been NO valid ordinations in the Church since Senior took over) asking about it, and why, or is Thielogical Bob just being proactive and stemming the tide of what he feels he will be questioned on?
Because either way, it pretty clearly demonstrates that Thiel and/or members of his group are paying attention to gossip.
"...there have been NO valid ordinations in the Church since Senior took over...
What are the requirements for an "ordination" to be "valid"?
this is the same guy that wrote that unless you believe in church eras you can't be saved....
I beginning to think that there is virtually no difference in his group and LCG
Thiel's problem is that nobody else believes it.
So hard to figure out which guru and which group to belong to. I dont want God mad at me if I choose the wrong one.
Im just going to join them all. I look forward to receiving 250 magazines a month, and attending 362 Feast sites this year.
I haven't figured out how to tithe a full tithe to all of them , but Im working on it. In the meantime, just send me a membership card for all of them, so that I am "covered".
Joe Moeller
Cody, WY
I haven't figured out how to tithe a full tithe to all of them , but Im working on it.
Tithing to so many groups will make you poor.
Once you are poor, just get yourself on the third tithe rolls of several of the groups. Use the third tithe monies to pay your tithes.
They're all "self-appointed" when you get right down to it. The worst part is that it's always been that way. There were several personality cults existing even in Paul's day (including his own). One of those cults believed that the resurrection was already past and evidently gMatthew was written by that cult. Matt. 27:52-53
and 2 Tim. 2:18
There has never been a "one true church" except in the minds of the deluded.
Anon said "If Bob doesn't keep talking and believing like he says, he will likely end up either as an atheist or a returning Catholic."
Oh come on! There are many more options. For starters there are thousands of other churches he could join. Perhaps a good one would be one of the Bible teaching Baptist churches. Another is a Greek Orthodox one given they are the closest to the real early Christians teachings in many but not all ways. They are certainly closer to true Christianity than any COG. However, I think it would be easier for Bob to become an atheist because he doesn't really believe in the true God.
There you go again Corky. Pushing the anti-Christian agenda instead of the anti-COG line. Paul's teachings was not that of a cult. It was about true Christian teachings, which the COGs are dead against just as you are.
Anon 2:18 on Prophet Bob's church options:
Another is a Greek Orthodox one given they are the closest to the real early Christians teachings in many but not all ways
But it is the Greek Orthodox prophecies that have shown Prophet Bob that he is a prophet. If Prophet Bob ever figures out that he isn't a prophet, he surely won't start attending a church that deceived him about his prophet-ness, will he?
"true God"
LOL. There's an oxymoron.
Anon said:
" Paul's teachings was not that of a cult. It was about true Christian teachings,"
That's only from today's view 2000 years later now that most who's in and who's out issues have been solved. Paul was everybit a cult leader of his time even bragging the Jerusalem Church leaders "added NOTHING to him." Paul is considered by theologians the author of the the Christ Cult which is a mixture of Gnostic concepts, a bit of paganism from his Tarsus hometown and what little he knew about a human Jesus.
Paul had all the crazy behaviors and braggard and sharpest pencil in the box attitudes of a Dave Pack and Dave of Paul but don't tell him because he'll think it's a good thing.
The WCG/COG/UCG/LCG/RCG and Non-Prophet Thiel dramas are simply the updated version of the NT dramas and characters
"I look forward to receiving 250 magazines a month, and attending 362 Feast sites"
So, will that be Frequent FIRE miles you'll be accumulating, Joe Moeller? ;-)
People draw their own conclusions, and most of the time, when challenged, they just repeat the same mantra, over and over and over again, only louder each time. This is intended by the shouter to "get through" to people, but rarely does.
Thiel, however, is different from your average person with a viewpoint, in that he has a prophet complex, and actually believes that God has raised him up to accomplish the all important end times work. Typical of your garden variety Armstrong franchisee. It will be interesting to get periodic progress checks of this "great" work a year from now, five years from now, and ten years in the future. We've been able to watch another franchisee for about that long (Weinerdude), and his warnings and threats about our doubts notwithstanding, the progress reports have been underwhelming.
Some much needed reality based therapy, followed by the aquisition of a better hobby might be more beneficial to these guys' health, freedom, and general wellbeing.
"Where then is the Secondary Church of God"
Am I the only one whose first thought was "hospital-acquired infection"??
Empty claim by a self-ordained false prophet cum apostle cum whatever he wants to call himself for all I care. Why doesn't he get a more decent job rather than milk those who genuinely seek God? (Or maybe those who genuinely seek God already know that they cannot find God in his organization . . .) Why doesn't he get a more decent job rather than milk the mental wrecks and those with nervous breakdown cases? On the other hand, birds of the same feather flock together.
I want to find that verse where it says delusion is as the sin of witchcraft. It is so frightening to see so many mental wrecks, from ministers to members of this WCG remnant churches.
A few things to consider by those RCG members visiting quiely here.
He keeps reminding you from the pulpit what a good teacher/leader he is....but nobody has heard of him.
When faced with a personal problem that you need his council on, he snaps "What do you want me to do about it!?"
He removes associate ministers from the church that become popular with the church family.
He does not conduct funerals unless he absolutely cannot get out of it.
He thinks people will lose their blessing if they don't get a chance to donate to his ministry.
He only accepts correction from ministers of equal anointing or higher, so don't even think about it.
He doesn't visit people in the hospital unless he absolutely can't get out of it or God tells him to go, which is not often.
He tells stories from the pulpit of people who were healed through his prayers and none of them go to his church.
He removes associate ministers who can preach as well as he does.
He is rarely seen in the company of low-income congregants.
He believes you should compete against each other to 'get around his anointing.'
He feels his adult children are owed big church salaries despite their lack of experience at, well.....everything
He returns from headquarters and hints how he corrected their doctrine, taught the leaders back their own sermons to them and was generally Joe Cool when he was there.
He becomes VERY upset if you don't call him by his title.
He tells you that as your pastor he is your 'anointing connection.'
He thinks sneering at pastors of smaller churches is acceptable.
He hints that higher profile ministers come to him for advice.
He tells you outright that all his peers come to him for advice.
He maintains he is the one that God sent to preach his favorite doctrines to the area: he's God's man for your town. Someone preaching a similar message in the area is not God's man for the area.
He competes with other ministers to be top dog in the eyes of those he admires and imitates.
He believes the type of ministry he does (teacher, prophet, etc.) is the most important.
You may NOT ask how money is spent in the church.
He regularly suggests there are other preachers/congregants trying to undermine him.
Congregants are charged for copies of his Sunday sermons.
He cannot take a joke. And if you try to tease him, he MUST retaliate.
He feels that the church is riding the coattails of his faith.
Match each of the above examples with the characteristics taken from Narcissism In The Pulpit below. There are no wrong answers.
You are welcome to post comments of other examples of "Your pastor might be a narcissist if..."
1. Feels grandiose and self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements & talents to the point of lying, demands to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).
2. Is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance (the cerebral narcissist), bodily beauty or sexual performance (the somatic narcissist), or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering love or passion.
3. Firmly convinced that he or she is unique &, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions).
4. Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention & affirmation - or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply).
5. Feels entitled. Expects unreasonable or special & favorable priority treatment. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations.
6. Is "interpersonally exploitative", I.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends.
7. Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of others.
8. Constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about him or her.
9. Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted.”
Mercy! How blind, deaf, dumb and deluded does one have to be to see that list has Dave Pack written all over it!
I'd like to see a member of RCG take this list to him and ask if he might consider a professional counselor's opinion of his behaviors. I predict Dave would refuse the check up. And the member would see the outbreak of a few of these points all over himself.
Thiel is much different than "Weinerdude", in that Ron "Weinerdude" Weinland has been at the game for a long time, and has an established tithe-paying base that, for the most part, is still supporting him.
Booby Thiel is just a skinny young pimple-faced upstart, with a crooked bookcase, and strange off-camera audio.
He has no slew of 'ministers', and no 'Ice-Cream-Eatin-Jewelry-Stealin-Audrey' to cook the books for him and help keep his scam ongoing, even while in prison.
Heck, the Boobinator doesn't even have a Silent Witness wife, yet!
If the Boobinator wants to make the big time, he has a long way to go before he can come close to the asshole preachers of the Armstrong splinters or the asshole preachers on Daystar and TBN.
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