When have we ever not hear that some splinter group leader in the Church of God has been given special discernment? Flurry says it, Pack says it, Weinland says it, Thiel says it, Malm says it.... on and on the list could go. Every single COG leader thinks they posses something special that the common folk have never possessed.
King is making it known that he has special knowledge and discernment.
I believe that God has given me “special spiritual discernment” [1 Corinthians 12:10] in these last days. I have been able to put probable outcomes of political events together from God’s word and the special insight that He sometimes gives me. When I get these revelations I post them as “Prophetic Forecasts”. This does not make me a prophet, I am not a prophet. It does mean that God can give a person special revelations without the person having to be a prophet. I believe that we will see more of this kind of activity in these last days as God continues to direct His last day REMNANT people.
King also writes:
God can and does still speak to His people today through the process of “revelation”. We know that the prophecy found in Joel 2:28-32 had a “typical” fulfillment in Acts 2:1-21. This prophecy talks of the out pore of the Holy Spirit. When one reads this prophecy one finds that it was only partially [or typically] fulfilled on Pentecost of 31AD. This means that in these last days people can begin to receive visions and dreams, ‘special revelation’ which will help guide the Church of God in these last days! [We are seeing the anti-typical fulfillment of Joel 2:28-32]
Just substitute the phrase "my mental disorder" every time E.W King uses the word "God" or "God's word" or "He", and then re-read his comments once again. I think this will bring you much closer to the actual truth:
) in these last days. I have been able to put probable outcomes of political events together from [my mental disorder] and the special insight that [my mental disorder] sometimes gives me. When I get these revelations I post them as “Prophetic Forecasts”. This does not make me a prophet, I am not a prophet. It does mean that [my mental disorder] can give a person special revelations without the person having to be a prophet. I believe that we will see more of this kind of activity in these last days as [my mental disorder] continues to direct His last day REMNANT people. [My mental disorder] can and does still speak to His people today through the process of “revelation”. We know that the prophecy found in Joel 2:28-32
had a “typical” fulfillment in Acts 2:1-21
. This prophecy talks of the out pore of the Holy Spirit. When one reads this prophecy one finds that it was only partially (or typically) fulfilled on Pentecost of 31AD. This means that in these last days people can begin to receive visions and dreams, ‘special revelation’ which will help guide the Church of [my mental disorder] in these last days! (We are seeing the anti-typical fulfillment of Joel 2:28-32
"I believe that [my mental disorder] has given me “special spiritual discernment” (1 Corinthians 12:10
So, Brethren, in conclusion let’s all rise and read this quote from one of the most important of America’s Founding Father’s (at least that’s what George Washington once wrote):
“Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity." Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (1793)
I have a "Special Discernment" too...
I can diagnose a mental disorder just by looking at a website and never meeting the person.
I can discern that King is a nut job.
Joe Moeller
Cody, WY
You mean like these, Joe?!
Black backgrounds, flashing animations, pics of Aliens, ads for three-year supplies of freeze-dried foods running down both margins of the website, along with plenty of scripture citations...yep, always the signs of sound minds at work!!
Yes, the "typical" and the "anti-typical" fulfillment of prophecy. Otherwise known as the dual fulfillment of prophecy which was invented to explain away all the unfulfilled prophecies.
fulfilled Joel 2:28-32
or the writer of Acts was mistaken - no do-overs.
That way, you see, they can make the Bible say whatever they want it to say when it comes to prophecy. There is no authority for this theory of duality of fulfillment in the Bible at all.
So, either the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple fulfilled Mark 13, Matt. 24 and Luke 21 or it did not - no second chances at it and no need to make up any future second fulfillment of it either.
Either Acts 2:1-21
Needs meds.
Corky wrote: "Yes, the "typical" and the "anti-typical" fulfillment of prophecy. Otherwise known as the dual fulfillment of prophecy which was invented to explain away all the unfulfilled prophecies. That way, you see, they can make the Bible say whatever they want it to say when it comes to prophecy. There is no authority for this theory of duality of fulfillment in the Bible at all."
And BOOM, in a few well-stated sentences Corky completely undermines the entire premise of COG belief in the end-times, where “Bible prophecies will rapidly unfold before your very eyes in just the next few years!!!” and all the other sensationalistic slogans they use in order to keep the troops on edge and sending in those all-important tithes and offerings.
HWA did MANY such things, which, if members would have simply followed the biblical injunction to “prove all things” they could have seen right through. For instance, HWA’s equation with the “tree of life” in the Garden of Eden to the Holy Spirit is an equally made up yarn, that, yes, at least on the surface seems to lend support to his theology, but isn’t supported by scripture at all. He just made up that interpretation and assigned that meaning himself. HWA cherry-picked and recruited all sorts of obscure passages of the Bible in his efforts to “prove” this, that or the other doctrine – from eye makeup to the extra-biblical tithe-of-the-tithe.
And he did all these things “with authority” – a broadcast style which went over very well for the audiences of the ‘40’s, ‘50’s, and ’60’s. That’s why so many folks believed him! As a foolish youth of 18 that’s why I believed him! His famous declaration to “Don’t believe me, believe your Bible!” was far more intended for purposes of dramatic verbal showmanship than to be actually taken at face value and used by hearers/readers as a serious epistemological tool.
Leonardo wrote:
"His famous declaration to 'Don’t believe me, believe your Bible!' was far more intended for purposes of dramatic verbal showmanship than to be actually taken at face value and used by hearers/readers as a serious epistemological tool."
Too true, Leonardo. If you actually took him at his word you would have easily arrived at many counter-cultural conclusions, which, if you were to talk about at church, would be received in the same manner as Thomas Baca's epistemology. No, it was always "Read your bible, and interpret it as I have told you to interpret it, or else the spirit of this world is at work in you."
"Don’t believe me, believe your Bible!" is also doublespeak because of the other teaching that all the world "reads their bible" and yet for 1900 years, it has been a closed book, and god has blinded them and prevented them from understanding it, it until I (HWA) came along, and you can read it and understand it only because you have the holy spirit (thanks to me). What you really had, of course, was just his interpretation of the bible already filling your head because of years of indoctrination. No "holy spirit" required.
“Don’t believe me, believe your Bible!”
That always meant "Believe me , go look in the Bible and see I'm right." However, not believing HWA and seeing the Bible did not support him either was a boo boo
DennisCDiehl said...
“Don’t believe me, believe your Bible!”
That always meant "Believe me , go look in the Bible and see I'm right." However, not believing HWA and seeing the Bible did not support him either was a boo boo.
And that, right there, is what got me out of the church of Herbie. I really don't know of a single thing Herbie got right, that is, according to the Bible. Herbie just invented and/or plagiarized other's bullshit to invent his own brand of bullshit, that's what they all do.
Faith is pretending to know something you don't know.
I'm beginning to think this guy caught a cold while attending LCG services, and sought annointing from the same Elder who allegedly made the mistake with Thiel!
Special discerment? That's just hallucination of a mental case. My unsolicited advice is for him to see a psychiatrist and get an assessment of his mental health. He should stop fasting every now and then, and stop reading again and again HWA articles but rather diversity his reading materials (and mental thoughts) by looking into other religious articles as well.
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