Monday, January 27, 2014

The COG's Biggest Chief Overseer; Apostle; Grand Chief of State; Permanent Minister of Ecclesiastical, Indigenous & International Law & Justice; Special Attorney; International CEO; Traditional Medicine physician; Inventor

There has been several conversations going on about this guy in Facebook.  It seems that Apostle and Chief Overseer Jackson Sr. is a former Worldwide Church of God member.  In the grand tradition of Armstrongism, yet another idiot claims he has special insight from his "god."

A young guy on Facebook grew up in this cult.  He says the guy claims to have been on the security for HWA.  I honestly never saw this guy around HWA's home.  He does look familiar though.

I grew up in a splinter group of WCG called Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM, International (SCEI-1BLOOD) and we observed most of the same same things. The cult leader is named Kenneth D. Jackson, Sr. and I am trying to find out if anyone knows him. He claimed to be on HWA's security and now claims to be the apostle and prophet just like HWA. Anyone recognize him from those days?

Another person replied that his mother was part of the cult and even though he sees the damage it is causing, will not speak badly of them.  That's why people die because of these cults!

They have done a lot of good but my mom has nothing to show for at the age of 66. My father passed in 04 and the kids had to pay for the funeral. Dr. Jackson did help. His ministry in Africa is huge and his Orphanage is helping a lot of children. Smoke Jackson his son is in charge of the church here in Macon. They are family friends and I treat them with the upmost respect. With all the tithing and offerings the kids have no inheritance. My mom's adopted church family holds priority over blood family.

The young man who is a former member then replies:

...most of that stuff was all elaborate lies. They don't have millions of followers, but thousands, and over half have been abandoned by the church. He never ran any legitimate orphanages or other outreaches. They were all lies. Kenneth Jackson to this day speaks poorly of Ken, but I am not aware why.

I then looked up info on this crackpot and found several sites that seek to expose the cult for what it is.  One of them,  Who Is Apostle Dr. Kenneth Jackson Sr.?,   has this weird information about things that the church never even possessed or that HWA passed on.  The craziness that Armstrongites dream up is never ending!

Kenneth Sr. teaches that prior to HWA's death, he was entrusted with one of three official WWCG seals of authority. Another of these seals remained with HWA and the third was passed to his successor

Joseph W. Tkach.  During a two days sermon on the history of the church, during which Kenneth Sr. glorified himself and his congregation as the 7th and final era of Christ's True Church, he revealed the wooden seal, claiming that it had been given to him as part of GODs divine plan to place him in the high office of Apostle after the inevitable fall of the false Apostle Joseph Tkach. However, a high level member of the church, who occupied the office where the "official" seal had been kept, also found a second seal. This one was still in the process of construction, being only half complete and damaged. It was of the same wood and design of the first, and clearly had been the first attempt at forging the WWCG seal of authority. This leaves very little doubt that the seal presented by Kenneth Sr. was in fact a forgery, and that HWA had never passed on any seal or mandate to him as he had so convincingly stated. This seal remained in the members care during which time her revealed it to others. After some time, he presented it to JoAnne Jackson, who quickly took it and clearly implied that he was to remain silent, and the seal disappeared and was never seen again. By now it has likely been destroyed or hidden out of our reach to hide the fraud. It is primarily for this deception that we have raised serious questioning of the legitimacy of all of his other WWCG claims.

He sounds just as crazy as Armstrongite Buffalo Bill "Ysrael" Hawkins from the House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas!.

Up until 2003 it seems that Kenneth Jackson largely comprised his Sabbath sermons on in depth biblical studies and breakdowns of scriptures. He dressed in coats and ties, read from the Bible and gained a larger following. However, members then noted a change in Kenneth following a trip to Sierra Leone around 2003. Apparently, the success of his first seed rice farms in the Bo District of Sierra Leone had caused the natives, as is their natural way, to exhort Kenneth with great parades and tributes,    including grand displays and gifts and offerings. It seems that this adoration consumed him and when he returned he immediately began to change in the eyes of his members. He began wearing royal clothing, and adorning himself with gold and diamonds. He had a crown constructed for himself and wore it for all Sermons and official meetings. His Sabbath sermons began to shift from bible studies into long rambling stories of his exploits, grand designs, visions, prophetic powers, ecclesiastical authorities and he also claimed himself Apostle. It reached the point at which Kenneth rarely opened the Bible or read from it, claiming that he now received visions and new testimony straight from the Most High GOD who he identified as 'ELOHIYM, based on the original phonetic translation of the Hebrew word used to describe GOD in the ancient Chaldean. The church which had been called International Church of GODs Elect became Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM International, and he established 1BLOOD International as his outreach ministry and registered it as an NGO.

If you though the narcissistic behavior of David Pack and Bob Thiel was appalling, watch this video about the apostle:  Life of an Apostle

A former cult member shares her five minute story: Surviving a Religious Cult

Read more here:

Pro SCEI 1 Blood

Anti-SCEI 1 Blood

SCEI 1 Blood Cult Watch

Why Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM International qualifies as a cult


Anonymous said...

I thought Bob Thiel was the COG's first Chief Overseer? Now I see that there is not one thing about Bob Thiel and his cult that is original! He had to copy this title too!

Anonymous said...

HWA had one big ugly bodyguard.

James said...

This guy takes the cake. What a list of bullshit for credentials!

Unknown said...

Fair to call this guy a "BLACK PACK" ??

Joe Moeller
Cody, WY

DennisCDiehl said...

Seems the Apostle over reaches a bit...

"The CEO and apostle of Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM International and 1BLOOD International has been operating under false credentials, professional affiliations and a fraudulent Ph.D and Masters degree according to findings by a cult watch group investigating his organization and his publicly published curriculum vitae.

The published findings are reprinted below with full commercial copyright permissions by the authors:

Here we will examine Kenneth D. Jackson, Sr.’s officially endorsed CV as found on his website and in the propaganda film “A Closer Look: 1BLOOD” and separate the FACTS from his FICTIONS!

To be honest we were somewhat intimidated by the sheer impressiveness of the titles and affiliations listed and expected to find some degree of legitimacy, however WE WERE ABSOLUTELY AMAZED TO FIND THAT VIRTUALLY ALL OF HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS, ASSOCIATIONS AND EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALS WERE ENTIRELY FICTITIOUS, FRAUDULENT AND DOWNRIGHT MADE UP!!! We have listed our findings step by shameful step. If you wonder how this man managed to hoist such a magnanimous farce on his victims with such public transparency YOU ARE NOT ALONE! The following debunking of Kenneth D. Jackson Sr. is absolutely amazing. So enjoy…"

DennisCDiehl said...

Seems the Apostle over reaches a bit...

"The CEO and apostle of Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM International and 1BLOOD International has been operating under false credentials, professional affiliations and a fraudulent Ph.D and Masters degree according to findings by a cult watch group investigating his organization and his publicly published curriculum vitae.

The published findings are reprinted below with full commercial copyright permissions by the authors:

Here we will examine Kenneth D. Jackson, Sr.’s officially endorsed CV as found on his website and in the propaganda film “A Closer Look: 1BLOOD” and separate the FACTS from his FICTIONS!

To be honest we were somewhat intimidated by the sheer impressiveness of the titles and affiliations listed and expected to find some degree of legitimacy, however WE WERE ABSOLUTELY AMAZED TO FIND THAT VIRTUALLY ALL OF HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS, ASSOCIATIONS AND EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALS WERE ENTIRELY FICTITIOUS, FRAUDULENT AND DOWNRIGHT MADE UP!!! We have listed our findings step by shameful step. If you wonder how this man managed to hoist such a magnanimous farce on his victims with such public transparency YOU ARE NOT ALONE! The following debunking of Kenneth D. Jackson Sr. is absolutely amazing. So enjoy…"

Byker Bob said...

Nice to see that there are equal opportunities available with the Armstrong franchise program!


DennisCDiehl said...

However, No one but Dave Pack made Dave Pack an "Apostle" or a Bob Thiel a "Prophet" So titles are a dime a dozen. Someone with a printing company needs to print up a nice Apostle or Prophet Diploma and send it to these guys. A "Joshua Son of None as Spoken of by the Prophet Haggai" would be nice. Or at least post it on line so everyone knows they are legit... Native Americans might send Dave one made out to "Apostle Pull Bigtriggers."

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you guys put this up! As a former cult member of that group he was a really dangerous guy, and still is. Now he is in bed with the dictatorship in Gambia.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in the WWCG cult and attended church with Ken for years in Macon. He never met Mr. Armstrong. He never lived in Pasadena. I believe his highest elevation was giving opening and closing prayers and occasionally leading song service. He was a really nice guy, family man and all. But all the crap about Mr. Armstrong is totally fictious. He was just regular church member. A lemming among thousands of lemmings.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Went to church with him in Macon. Confirming regular church member.

Anonymous said...

This I know this is old but he is my uncle. If anyone has any up to date information about him or his family please reply below.

NO2HWA said...

I have not heard much more out of him. There is this:

NO2HWA said...

also this: