Adramelech became the President of the Senate of the demons. He is also the Chancellor of Hell and supervisor of Satan's wardrobe. Adramelech generally is depicted with a human torso and head, and the limbs of a mule or peacock.
Eric King is back with more wisdom for the world. Between his UFO's sightings and mind manipulation he sits around his mountain top dreaming up new and weird theories on the realities of life. Like all other Church of God splinter personality cults, King thinks he is the ONLY one delivering a "true" message.
King, in his on going quest to commune with alien spirits, has had it revealed to him that the "fallen angels" that Armstrong and others talked about are actual Adramelechs. One has to wonder if the Adramelechs are the ones talking to Eric King considering how bat shit crazy he is these days.
It is possible that future spirits, those who have experienced a resurrection in the higher frequency time zone, may return to our time zone for a special purpose and mission. This all can only be operative and in accordance with Divine Intelligence and through those higher offices which exist. What we have called “the fallen spirits” or “fallen angels”; the Adramelechs exist in our time zone but are not allowed to change our future. They can indeed manipulate time but the majority of their ranks have taken on physical bodies which share in our current and immediate time frame. These of course are those “bad” extraterrestrials that are part of the Luciferian rebellion, which we have covered in papers such as “The Story of Our Planet”. ~Most all spirits appearing like dead loved ones are not who you think they are. They are one of the Adramelechs trying to fool you into listening to them. Many of these so called “dead loved ones” begin to try and give messages to the living thus turning them away from Divine Intelligence to get the real answers to life’s questions. The Adramelechs have been in the business of getting people into “spiritism” or “New Ageism” type thought processes. Thus they tune many a deceived soul into the fallen mind channels. The SOCT student does not fall into these traps due to the fact that the SOCT student has accurate knowledge regarding these very important issues. ~ Introduction to Time
Is this the head of the Adramelech that Eric King is talking to? It is now featured on his site next to his UFO information. Is this the one King is getting his "knowledge " from? Did it come to King on one of its visits to his mountaintop? Adremelechs are sneaky things!
Earth to Eric King-
Please set down your booklets.
Please stop being stupid.
Based on what I've seen, your journey away from stupidness is a long one, but I still wish you the best.
Can anyone say "second source"?
More twisted half truths from the devil himself. And by the way...look up the word "hell" and it's origin and real meaning Eric. This is first grade understanding for the true enlightened ones!
At least people like Thiel have a few followers. The only people to give King any attention do so to ridicule him. No body bothers to even comment on his "Science of Christian Thought" website.
"And yes brethren I am an Adramel.., Adrumin..., Adramen...
Adramaqueen! That's it!"
Eric, please take your medicine. Yes, I know that many anti psychotics have unpleasant side effects, but you do need to take them.
I think that when King went through his going "Native American" phase, that he got way too acquainted with PEYOTE!
Great! If I want Scientology and Armstrongism and schizophrenia, Eric King can provide it all together wrapped up into one convenient package!
PCG's Mark Nash has written an article on how to leave money where you want it go to after one's death.
Wow, I wonder why?
There are the "regular" nutjobs like Meredith, Thiel, Pack, Flurry, Weinland, Apostle Malm, Jan Young, Bill Dankenbring, Malcolm Heap and more. These people, rather like HWA himself, have huge egos to support and usually know which side their bread is buttered on. It's one thing to believe that Jesus is the "real deal" god and NOT any of the other "real deal" gods out there, that he wrote the bible, and will be right back. It's another thing to believe a guy who tells you the bible uses veiled language to talk about him, and that he doesn't need medication for his hallucinations. But still, ALL of that nuttiness is at least in line with traditional religious nuttiness.
Then there are the nominees for a Batshit Crazy Award, which include, at minimum, E.W. King, Neville Stevens, M. John Allen, and Geoff Neilson. When you want to make everyone is aware that you believe in UFO alien demons and moon bases and space stations, Atlantis, stargates on the ocean floor, resurrecting pedophiles obscured by Elvis, and all manner of conspiracy theories, you've clearly got more than just a couple of screws loose. Besides, all these zany doctrines are incredibly far from any zaniness the bible might mention. Not only are these guys not playing with a full deck, for some reason those decks also have a complete suit of thirteen Jokers.
Gary, sometime you should do a year-end post or something, of a Top Ten List of Armstrongism's Batshit Craziest Nuts. That would be entertaining. Or how about, The Idiot's Guide to Armstrongism's Zaniest Idiots - A Reference for the Rest of Us!
Back in the early '60s, my parents had difficulty getting used to the "new" slang from that era. My Mom once said that she had pulled a boner. We damn near died! Guess she thought that word meant the same as back in the 1940s!
But, hey! I believe that, once again, EW King has "pulled a boner."
Great. Thanks. That picture of that white, hairless, creepy head will give me nightmares for months.
There are the "regular" nutjobs like Meredith, Thiel, Pack, Flurry, Weinland, Apostle Malm, Jan Young, Bill Dankenbring, Malcolm Heap and more
Some of these men are not nutjobs in the conventional sense. They are flimflam men who don't believe most of the religious talk they use to ensnare their followers.
Look at the Meredith and Weinland families. There is no evidence that Meredith or Weinland reared their kids to be true believers. Their kids are far more worldly than the ordinary church members, yet Dad puts them in positions of leadership over the members, which proves that Dad isn't a true believer, either.
King is sincerely batshit crazy, but at least he appears to be sincere. Meredith and Weinland, and others like them, are insincere users whose purpose in life is to enslave and bankrupt you. King is amusing to watch, but he can also be pitied. Meredith and Weinland and the other conmen running ACOG cults are to be feared, not pitied.
Matthew 23:15
-- "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves."
This describes LCG perfectly. LCG enslaves innocent people who want sincerely to be good Christians. Then it steals their innocence. Then it breaks them down through cognitive dissonance, as they discover over time that Meredith does not practice what he preaches, and that the whole thing is a scam so Meredith's heirs don't have to do a day of real work in their lives. By the time they make this discovery, they have usually burned their bridges outside the cult, and feel that they have no choice but to become hypocrites themselves. All in all, it's all a terrible Satanic mess.
"Their kids are far more worldly than the ordinary church members, yet Dad puts them in positions of leadership over the members, which proves that Dad isn't a true believer, either."
It's hard for me personally to say how much self deception goes on in these cases. Does he believe God entitles him to do such things, or his he pulling a pure con?
This guy should be brought to mental asylum. I pity his followers, he is such a mental wreck.
The more you see of the cog splinter kooks the more you realize that they are all batshit crazy.
Those UFO pictures on Erics site look like the spacecraft from the old Lost in Space series. You know, the kiddie show from the 60's.
Slow news day I guess.
Eric King is almost as sick as Netanyahu.
Eric King and his Kingdom boner-pulling idea is offered.
At least, we know how much he has invested in boner-pulling.
Perhaps, a new megachurch era will arise in boner-pulling.
(But, people who attend megachurches tend to keep the boner-pulling under wraps.)
The guy in the pic looks strangely like Gerald Farty.
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