The second self-appointed false prophet of the Church of God (after Almost Arrested Bob Thiel) is the Chief Pharisee and bastardizer of the law, James Malm. No one in the church has ever taken the law and abused it as much as Malm has. Even Almost Arrested Bob Thiel pales in comparison.
Malm has self-appointed himself as the chief authoritarian on the law for the church. No human on this earth understands the law more than Malm does, maybe except for his sidekick Constance, Blessed be! No human has ever interpreted the bible more correctly than James Malm. He works day and night in his little apartment pouring over scriptures and adding his own interpretations. Note these are his OWN interpretations and have nothing to do with God anywhere in the mix.
The lying false prophet is so sure the end is coming in the next few years that he is working over time to get some of his books published so people will be able to read them in the tribulation when the Internet goes down. The Chief Bastardizer of the law claims he has been on a steep learning curve over the last several years in order to get these books out.
The Chief Pharisee then makes this hilarious comment:Announcements: I am reviewing and updating all literature and the free Downloads page has been removed from the siteI have been on a very steep learning curve throughout these past years and I want to do a final version of the books including all changes, updates and points learned over the years.
Besides growing in doctrine over these years, the very purpose of writing these books – and making my mistakes – has been to learn to write and format books properly in preparation for publishing final solid doctrinal volumes just before the tribulation.
Besides a solid doctrinal refresher on the New Testament over the next months as the crisis approaches, I want the books to contain the most accurate and updated material possible.There is NOTHING sound in the legalistic garbage that Malm pumps out daily, particularly when it comes to any New Testament teachings. Malm is as embarrassed about Jesus as Almost Arrested Thiel is. The things Jesus taught and accomplished is a major embarrassment to these two fools.
So why this sudden rush? According to the liar and false teacher Malm, the abomination of desolation MIGHT be set up in 2017 and when it is then 75 days later the crap hits the fan and the Internet will go down and he will not be able to spread his "word."
There is no guarantee of steady electricity or internet in North America during the tribulation and most of the Ekklesia will be caught up in the tribulation.
My goal is to have about ten solidly doctrinal books ready by the 2017 Fall Feast. The deadline is due to the strong possibility that the abomination may be set up late in 2017 and the tribulation will begin about 75 days after he is set up. If it takes another year, there are still many more things to do.I can guarantee you that it will NOT happen in 2017 and Malm will change his story again. His god was not yet ready to murder millions of people.
What a disappointment that will be!
Dear friend do not pay any attention to this idiots who should know better.
Books books books, more books to try and clarify what God tried to say in his book, I guess Gods book isn't good enough so he had to get James Malm to write better books than his, to make it clearer what he tried to say, even though God warned in his book not to add to or take away from his book. Who really is James Malm anyway, if it wasn't for this site most would have never heard of him, and why would God only use him to reach just a handful of people, are all the others who don't get the one and only truth of James Malm lost? If James Malms books are clearer and easier to understand than Gods book, then why should I bother reading Gods.
I think I'll take my chances and read the one that's been around for thousands of years and as it says, inspired by God, and leave it up to God to open my mind to understand it, if the bible interprets the bible, why do I need Malm to interpret it, what guarantee do I have that Malms books are inspired by God, maybe they are simply the thoughts and beliefs of Malm himself. I'm sure within Malms books there is a lot of truth, but truth and error mixed is still error, I'll pass..
i like futurama and homey. wow. we probably have the same sense of black humor?
i have to admit, i am curious about the roman calendar year of 2017 because the end of march is the beginning of the biblical new year, and is exactly 3 1/2 years from september 19th, 2020, which happens to be the 7th day of the week, and also the Feast of Trumpets...
Comments were made saying: "...Malm has self-appointed himself as the chief authoritarian on the law for the church. No human on this earth understands the law more than Malm does, maybe except for his sidekick Constance...The Chief Bastardizer of the law claims he has been on a steep learning curve over the last several years in order to get these books out......"
James Malm said: "...My goal is to have about ten solidly doctrinal books ready by the 2017 Fall Feast..."
Why? Who needs more books? Wasn't the Bible enough?
James Malm cannot see his own SELF-Righteousness within. Huh? Malm is ignorant of God's righteousness. How so?
"For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." Romans 10:3
Although James Malm has established his own righteousness, it is his SELF-Righteousness staring him in the face, and law?
Has James Malm not read how the law is contrary to him, to us and against him and us?
"Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was AGAINST us, which was CONTRARY TO us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;" Col 2:14
The law is against us, contrary to us, because none of us can really keep it at this time. It has been appointed unto us once to die. Death is the wages for sin. We all sin.
James Malm can't help himSELF. Let's take yesterday's Sabbath as one example. Can James Malm say that he perfectly kept holy God's Sabbath day for all 24 hours without sinning once? That's 1440 minutes! Who but Jesus Christ, by God's Spirit I might add, could possibly do that?
Perhaps James Malm might do himself a favor and strive to incorporate the above verse and the following verses into some of his books.
"He that committeth sin is of the devil..." I John 3:8
“To wit, that God was in Christ, RECONCILING the WORLD unto himself, NOT IMPUTING their trespasses unto THEM; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19
“Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:” Mark 3:28
And this world will eventually be turned around. God does have His time for correction and He has "veys to help us cooperate." How do we know? Here is one result.
Psalm 22:26 "The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever.
:27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.
:28 For the kingdom is the LORD’S: and he is the governor among the nations."
Just don't expect those verses to be fulfilled during the Mickey Mouse Millennium of some David Pack, or Gerald Flurry, or Victor Kubik, or Jim Franks, or Doug Winnail, or Rod Meredith...oh, and James Malm........and stick almost any other name in there you want to add. They've all partaken of virtually the same "junk food," which they continue to feed us......
Also, there's Jesus' words regarding His Father:
"But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up." Matthew 15:13
The fruits of those men mentioned above will eventually bear out that the Father never planted any of them to do anything.
But time will tell...and it is telling. Many have the eyes to see it now...
Charlie Speck 2.09 AM,
Yours is a typical WCG typical comment. I heard it often when I attended services.
Many ministers and bully members tried to discourage members from reading self help books. I had an elder physicality threaten me, demanding that I don't read any books other than the bible. This was obviously motivated by envy and a desire to have a monopoly on knowledge. It's like the Catholic church during the Dark Ages.
While it's true that many books have errors, common sense usually picks them out. And if one reads frequently, these errors are contradicted by other authors.
The alternative of not reading isn't perfection, but rather darkness. Without books, one lives in mental darkness. A state ministers and thugs desire in others. In fact, it's the major problem I have with Malm, he does not magnify Gods laws despite endlessly talking about them. This is typical of people who relate to others from top dog position.
According to your line of reasoning, this blog and well as the internet should be shut down. Sieg Heil.
“I have been on a very steep learning curve throughout these past years and I want to do a final version of the books including all changes, updates and points learned over the years.”--James Malm
A very steep downward slope indeed.
Charlie Speck said:"I think I'll take my chances and read the one that's been around for thousands of years and as it says, inspired by God, and leave it up to God to open my mind to understand it, if the bible interprets the bible, why do I need Malm to interpret it, ..."
I'll point out the difference that I see between the two of you, and this goes for the rest of us too. You are not looking for a church to run or a desire to run other peoples' lives, but Malm and his ilk are completely consumed with that desire to do so. Most people just want to live a better life and are not pre-occupied with taking the control of other's lives to try and make themselves feel better.
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