Paris Turgeon welcoming aboard Flurry and his fellow Elites...
images from Twitter/Facebook/Instagram
From a PCG source: appears that Gerald Flurry has given his privileged and elite grandkids Grant and Paris Turgeon prestigious “Air Steward” jobs paid for with the tithes and offerings of the “sheeple” of the Church. They went on an all-expenses paid trip to Florida to attend an expensive Flight Attendant Training school. Gerald Flurry wants the best for his own family of course. Not only were all of Grant’s and Paris’s expenses paid for (Travel, Food, Lodging) – but they were PAID for their time as well as Church employees. This is in stark contrast to the common lowly non-Edmond/HQ sheep class of the PCG who had to stay in a Motel 6 or Day’s Inn at the 2017 Feast because they could not afford the rooms listed in the Feast Brochure.
That Prophet and his elite grandchildren
The Apostle arrives in style to his destination.....
All this is in stark contrast of course to the recent letter posted on Exit and Support Network which tells of the common non-Edmond class of PCG member who are stying in "Fleabag" motels and bouncing checks because of their own dire financial problems.This is the letter referenced above:
Flurry Uses Guilt and Threats at Feast Time:
April 8, 2018
Hello to Mike and all of the workers at Exit Network Support™. I have been out of the PCG for 5 years. I came into the PCG in the '90s under Dennis Leap and Wilbur Malone. Things were kind of strict back then but now....boy, it is hard to believe.
I do read your letters section to try and keep up with what has been happening since I have been out. I have been reading your postings from 2018. I was told by someone in the know that Flurry in November of 2017 gave a corrective sermon to the PCG people.
Apparently two things happened connected with the 2017 FOT. (See November 30, 2017 letter: Some Members Not Staying at Designated Hotels at Feast) One was that people are starting to rebel against the strict hotel reservation commands given out from HQ. So many PCG people are finding it hard to pay for the over-inflated prices at these ritzy hotels that people are going to Motel 6 and Day's Inn, Ramada, etc., without telling their local ministers. With prices on the Feast brochures of the cheapest rooms around $80-99 dollars a night (budget rooms) people have disobeyed the orders of Flurry and have booked non PCG approved accommodations.
Well, Flurry said that there were so many rooms not used by the PCG members that HQs had to pay thousands of dollars in fees/fines to all of the hotels per contract. This hit into the PCG budget as it costs even more to fuel up Flurry private jet. He said that from now on people have to counsel with the minister or they will have to be corrected.
Also, Flurry said that after the Feast was over and all of the personal checks from the members were cashed, quite a few checks bounced. Flurry was very upset because the HQs had to pay fees once again--this time to the bank. Apparently, a lot of pressure was put on the membership this Feast to pay up. I suppose the usual guilt and threat of eternal death was dangled in front of their eyes. So a lot of people gave more money (wrote checks) under that influence than they had to give.
I remember in the mid/late '90s that we had some wonderful Feasts. I know it was all a lie but back then we had money to spend. We stayed in some nice hotels and ate steak and drank nice wine. We even bought whole bottles of wine for the table. I never heard back then of checks bouncing like that or rooms not being used. I think things are so hard on my friends still in that they are trying so hard to please God/Flurry that they are doing things that they never had to do before, like staying in nasty flea bag motels. So many are old and retired and on fixed incomes. They are not getting in any new members and the young singles are fleeing once they turn 18--some even before they reach 18. I have quite a few dear ones that have died after I left. I never got to say goodbye.
A member told me that they do not care anymore about "getting a lot of members" anymore. They prefer to be small and stay small. They are "God's Elite" and only a small elite are going to be stationed in the Millennial Temple in Jerusalem. Flurry has told them that God is separating out the chaff from the wheat and only those totally loyal will be allowed to go to the Place of Safety. I know of one old couple in their mid 70s who have cut out eating little luxuries like ice cream and sending the money to Flurry so he can fly to where he wants to go.
I hope the whole PCG collapses and I can see my friends again.
Please, all of you have a good weekend and God bless. --[name withheld]
Getting the red carpet treatment for the
most imporatant human on the face of the earth!
most imporatant human on the face of the earth!
Flurry's Million-dollar plane is quite the tourist attraction in Edmond. There are entire PCG families who go just to see Flurry’s grand ego manifested in aluminium and steel:
An adoring PCG family having a Kodak moment with the new G450
(faces obscured for privacy)
Golden Calf. Steel Bird.
Any questions?
Funny how Flurry has to have even his jet in the same color scheme and stripes that HWAs old G3 had.
Such extravagance!
May the all the fleas of the fleabag hotels that PCG members have to stay in, invade Gerald Flurry's armpits!
“All this is in stark contrast of course to the recent letter posted on Exit and Support Network which tells of the common non-Edmond class of PCG member who are stying in 'Fleabag' motels and bouncing checks because of their own dire financial problems.”
Even worse than the typical PCG member's “own dire financial problems” are their own biblical ignorance and their own sexual immorality. If they were concerned about living properly, rather than about trying to do evil in the name of God, they would not even be in the PCG. They would have either left or been kicked out long ago. Their own legacy will be that they were ignorant, supported a wicked false prophet, and became evil themselves.
So he hires his own grandchildren to work full-time on his luxury jet. Surprise, surprise (said sarcastically). I wonder how many have left since he purchased the plane, declared HWA prayer rock as replacing the centuries old stone of destiny and Flurry as the true royal heir to the throne.
Why does Flurry need any flight attendants? There are more staff (pilot, co-pilot?, and flight attendants) on the plane than passengers (his Royal Highness Gerald That Prophet).
Gerald's grand-kids will get paid to travel and tour the world along with Gerald.
An adoring PCG family having a Kodak moment with the new G450
(faces obscured for privacy) .....
but you might recognize those socks!
For their own self development, his grandkids would be better off having a job in the real world.
That letter from ESN exposes how BAD things are for the common unwashed non-Flurry family PCG member. They cannot afford a nice hotel room and are bouncing checks left and right. NOW that the PCG worker drones see that Flurry is living the life of luxury jetting around with his spoiled pampered Grandkids - will more have to GUTS to leave? How long can Flurry and his clan keep peddling the hope of escaping Eternal Death as a carrot and a stick over their congregations?
It is still a mystery to me how old 6-Pack is able to fund and fuel his high flying money pit. Of course the dedicated fanatical Flurryites will say that it is a Divine mark of favor that Flurry is able to tool around in a Gulf Stream. OR is it that as the older PCG members die off one by one Andrew Locher is right there - sucking the money from their estates Post Mortem like a pecuniary vampire.
Is it a Sin to wish that plane a VERY hard landing one day in a Thunderstorm?
What’s up with those socks???? Is the area around the jet considered to be holy ground? It seems strangely out of place. A Thielism in the middle of Flurry World!
The PCG still has the best web site.
I saw a picture on Twitter with Flurry disembarking and a red carpet spread out for him to walk on. When I went back the picture was gone. Very strange indeed.
Actually it's still there. First tweet on April 3. Bottom right pic of 4. It'll be interesting to see if they take it down now! Maybe I'm reading into it too much - is it normal to lay carpet for private jet arrivals?
I added the red carpet photo.
4:41, just like on a commercial flight, the primary purpose of the flight attendants is safety. That's why they had to go to school, to learn safety procedures.
Gerald is just fortunate to have grandkids that he can overpay to be the attendants.
this guy is truly delusional in thinking he needs a private plane, and frankly just plain EVIL in using tithe money to pay for it!!!
who are you??? most people have never heard of you!!! you dont even have the religious footprint of even a backwoods baptist preacher; you waste tithe money like epa director scott pruitt wastes tax payer money: there is literally no difference between the motives of the two of you, i.e., you are both corrupt, meatheaded clowns long overdue for Punishment...
you better understand that there are consequences to your behavior, mr.
c f ben yochanan
3:36, the PCG charges an admission fee to enter their hangar and gawk at the plane. If you cannot pay the admission fee because you just sent in your tithe check (and god forbid it bounces), they take your shoes away. But in total obedience to Exodus 22:26
, they returned the shoes at sunset ... just in time for Friday Night Bible Study.
There are not many black people left in the PCG (at one point in time, I knew at least more than 70% of the PCG black people in North America) and the more I look at that picture the more I think I can tell who it is.
The family I blurred the faces of are caucasian, not black. Do you think they would have even been allowed to enter the same space as the HOLY jet? Imagine having to take your shoe off just to be in the presence of the jet! It stands upon holy ground!
In any case, the picture of the members without shoes has been removed from twitter. I'm very happy to see that they read this blog! No wonder they're tightening the information stream. Soon, they'll have a private twitter page although how you can convince the masses that you're spreading the gospel when everything is so secretive is beyond me. But PCG members have never been good at deductive reasoning.
In any case, the picture of the members without shoes has been removed from twitter. I'm very happy to see that they read this blog! No wonder they're tightening the information stream. Soon, they'll have a private twitter page although how you can convince the masses that you're spreading the gospel when everything is so secretive is beyond me. But PCG members have never been good at deductive reasoning.
Why sock feet you ask? Mere mortals are required to take off shoes before entering the holy of holies of king Gerri's angles wings.
Old 6-Pack can now have his Bud Light served COLD at 33,0000 feet....
Pcog know it all leaders. Charged members extra 20 % for rooms at feast Greenville SC Money is all they want
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