NCK said in a thread recently:
"The difference between Judaism, Islam and (traditional) Christianity, is the focus on practical application of "a way of life", not persons!This simple remark is a simplification of a huge and profound theological difference and application of tenets and the basis of SHT's misunderstanding of the Armstrongite premiss (sic)."
The Way of Life when it comes to Christianity is about a Person. Jesus said "I am THE WAY, the Truth, and the Life." As Armstrongism was concerned about "God's Way", Christianity is Concerned about God's WAY. As In, The WAY, As in Jesus Christ, The WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.
Armstrongism is concerned about the way - not as in the Way, Jesus - but in a pathway towards what they believe is the ultimate goal - the Kingdom. Nearly Every Life Goal in Armstrongism is future, always on the horizon but never within reach. The Measuring stick when it comes to how well you are doing is not based on a relationship with Jesus Christ, but is based on your adherence to the Path that the Church dictates for your life. In short, the "way" of Armstrongism is obedience to their control.
This explains a lot when it comes to exactly what one of Armstrongism's Most Vehement Pharisee , James Malm, is trying to do. When he says:
"I am calling on all of these organizations to observe God’s Feasts and all of God’s Word in a wholehearted way. "
What James is actually, I believe, stating, is that he is calling on ALL Churches of God to follow him. Not HIM, no. But him - James Malm - who, in his mind, seems to believe he has the correct "way" in which all peoples are to go - which is, of course, observances of festivals.
James seems to have a real problem with "associating with the unclean", when Jesus constantly associated "with the unclean", also angering the pharisees of his day, just as James appears to be angered by COG members associating with other COG members who are "unclean apostates who refuse to return to God", who are subject to, of course, condemnation, and cast into "great correction" should they not heed James' "way".
James, of course, puts down a time-frame, the exact same thing many other COG "leaders" have done, and have failed at, miserably, pathetically, and spectacularly. A certain Dave did the same thing, with a vision of everyone flocking to him. A Certain Ron also imagined everyone flocking to his group. Other COG leaders constantly envision growth to their groups, all of them believing they have the "way" and eventually filling up big sports arenas, controlling the entirety of the Church of God in a Gigantic Worldwide Church of God Revival. Each of them have the same vision but only applicable to their own self-centered visions.
Armstrongism is about a "way", but not THE Way. Armstrongism is about the proliferation of one man's vision - whether it's Herbert's, or Ron's, or Dave's, or Gerald's - each of these men has a vision of growth centered around themselves and their way and yes, their control.
This is what has been behind every split, every faction, every splinter, every disagreement, every doctrinal dispute, every faction, and every quarrel about the Law, doctrine, and interpretation of policy. The "way" of control as envisioned by whatever leader is heading up their movement is the power of the movement in every case, but also, in every case, has turned out to be only a form of power without fruit, substance, and most importantly, without truth. Because embedded within these selfishly motivated power plays based on a sole vision, is a three letter word that seems to come out every time. That word? LIE.
The Armstrong "way" has been a LIE. It has been a lie when it comes to prophecies. It has been a lie when it comes to speculations. And many, many splinter leaders while trying to grow their particular self-motivated and self-seeking faction have embedded within their pitch of truth a total and complete LIE. The lie that this or that could, should, or will happen within just two to three years and will grow their faction to overwhelm and take over all the others.
This is not a spirit of cooperation. This is not a spirit of love. This is not a spirit of teamwork. This is a spirit of selfish desire, zealous control, false speaking, discord, untruth, and the spirit of lies from the pit of darkness that is exposed every time one of these people opens their mouths and focuses on THEIR "way", not THE WAY. The WAY of course, being Jesus Christ, who alone is the author and the finisher of our faith.
Each one of these men has been, is, and will be continually and categorically embarrassed and proven wrong when lies are exposed in their blabbing, because their foundation is based on the wrong way, not the WAY. Their foundation is embedded with lies they refuse to stop telling because of their very apparent lust for power and control.
It's not as if it's not seen. This is why people aren't running to them. This is why people are ignoring them. This is why people - COG's and non COG's - shake their heads in disbelief every time one of their mouths open up with another self-centered hope that turns out to be nothing but deception and lies.
Here is the message that should be coming out of these "leaders". It's the proclaiming of THE WAY - Christ, and Him Crucified, and what He accomplished. How he lives in us and through us in the power and fullness of the Kingdom of God. And everything that means in daily life for those who believe and follow Him. So long as they resist The WAY and hang on to their way, an obsolete way, a lying way, a way that has long ago been replaced with the true way, they shall continually be shown for exactly what they are. Lying cons who do not have any truth in them, proclaiming a form of godliness and denying the Power thereof.
Jesus said HE is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Any OTHER way in any other form is a counterfeit way, embedded with all the lies and deceptions and old signs of an abandoned highway left desolate long ago that certain deceivers continually try to repave and restore but to no avail. They don't learn their lessons. They refuse to learn their lessons, and they are adamant that THEY are right. Each of them. Each fighting, warring, self-centered one of them. Which tells the story clearer than any "gospel" they're trying to get out and failing at - spectacularly.
submitted by SHT
Excellent posting of SHT to at least expose that there are vast differences between judaism versus christianity in both theological approach and practical application.
Since I kinda quoted from my University textbook on Islam from some years ago I was prompted by this posting to cross check. Even a shallow quickscan of wikipedia "judaism versus christianity" emphasises kt point that SHT looks at Armstrongism from a christian perspective, while in my opinion armatrongism should on the spectrum be placed toward judaism.
Interesting stuff even by a shallow study on wikipedia and better when one gets the chance to advise worldleaders after extensive study of the topic on how Nethanyahu would respond to certain proposals on middle east questions.
Just one example of personal theorizing.
Most now try to interpret "history of true church" as a frantic search for "apostolic succession.
In my opinion and seen from a "judaistic angle" most of the "church" leaders are like rebbe's propelling a way of thinking and philisophy without a central leader like judaism and its many streams.
Christianity started as a Jewish subset of Judaism by Jewish men who became Jewish Christian Apostles. Only when the Gentile stricken Paul came on the scene and taking it to new unintended heights, as the 13th Apostle, did Jewish Christianity inevitably fade from history in Gentile victory. Only when Jesus did not return as anticipated by all, did a new need for expansion set in with all the resulting splits, schisms and huckster middlemen weaving their tales of self importance and callings, for the last 2000 years, crying time was short and Jesus was still coming quickly no matter how long it takes.
What HWA developed in the library in Des Moines was not the gospel as once delivered but a modern instance of Pelagianism. Armstrongism (and Mormonism) is an example of what happens to a denomination implemented on the founding principle of Pelagianism. In short, grace withers and law-keeping flourishes with all the attendant evils. Works become imperative and Herman Hoeh found a rich source of laws to be kept in the pages of the OT.
Pelagius made room in his theology for grace - even though he believed that people were capable of keeping the law perfectly and, thus, securing their salvation through their own effort, he also felt that this working was somehow attended by grace. Armstrongism has never made a concession to grace like this. For this reason, Armstrongism has an unworkable soteriology. Jesus plus perfect works equals salvation. Nobody is going to be able to fulfil the works term in this equation.
Interesting that you would equate the way of Armstrongism as an abandoned highway left desolate long ago. Herbert Armstrong claimed that his voice was the one that crieth in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord, to make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
as his own, he did do in his world message a call to repent. That is a message that I and you or your parents heard at one time.
The Old Testament is the summation of two ways to live. You gained life prosperity and protection by adhering to the way of the Lord (law) and you gained destruction and death by walking adverse to it.
After the temptation of Jesus he came into Galilee and said repent ye and believe the gospel. Repentance was tied directly to both the kingdom and the gospel. As much as I disagree with HWA for taking Matt. 24:14
HWA fully understood the conversion process. Unfortunately he had under him carnal men who were trying to legislate spiritual matters. So what should have been self evident become a clouded mess of Pharasaical proportions.
Fortunately there are some in the COGs that "got it" and are walking in the way of life encompassed by the two great commandments. Unfortunately these and the rest of the members are trapped in the mindset of their leaders who are hellbent on leading them back into bondage upon a desert highway.
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