Saturday, August 10, 2019

As Gerald Flurry Sinks Further Into Madness, the Youth are Leaving the Church and Half of the Members Find His Messages "Hard to Take"

From Exit and Support Letters
I came into the PCG in June of 1996 under Wilbur MaloneDennis Leap and Cal Craven. I attended the Columbus and Cincinnati congregations for Sabbath and Holy Days. On the Sabbath on January 18, 1997, I remember hearing a Gerald Flurry sermon on cassette (this was before DVDs were used) where old Gerald prophesied that the Black Gentiles (his words) would rise up and riot against the White Israelite's of the USA because of Bill Cosby's son who was killed on HWA's death anniversary 3 days before on Jan. 16. 1997 by a White assailant. He said this would culminate in race riots in the major cities. Of course none of this transpired at the time and I filed it under a "delayed prophecy" that would eventually come true like all the other false prophesies of HWA that were just waiting to be fulfilled. 
I write this because of GF's latest false "prophecy" of D. Trump being re-elected and deporting all of the PCG members and then being assassinated. Gerald Flurry is a con man and a fraud and is only out to steal his gullible members' tithe and offering money. He cannot back up anything he predicts. Jeane Dixon had a better record of predicting the Future than old brother Gerry ever did. 
I was just wondering if any of your long time members remember this bogus Bill Cosby prophecy of times past. All of the cassettes have been destroyed like any good cult would do to cover itself.
I am in contact with one retired person in the PCG that still attends services. From what I have been told the congregations are split between the die hard Flurrites and those who are finding brother Gerry's new Revelations hard to take. Most stay in because of family members, spouses, jobs/positions in the congregations, and dating potential mates. There is a lot of pressure to attend Holy Days and Personal Appearance Campaigns as well as Fund Raisers and Fruit Sales. Most of the PCG youth are heading for the hills as soon as they reach 18 with the exception of the sons and daughters of the privileged elite such as contact persons, deacons, children of ministers and favored lackeys and cronies of the ministry. If you drink the Kool Aid as a PCG youth and be a good boot licker you might be able to attend PCG Youth Camp in Edmond.
Comment: Also, "Flurry declared the Los Angeles riots of 1992 were predicted in Ezekiel 5, even though the 'city' referred to in Ezekiel 5 is 'Jerusalem' (see Ezekiel 5:5)." (Quoted from footnote #2 in Jim Kazimir article "Does Gerald Flurry Misquote and Fail to Understand the Scriptures?") 


nck said...

I gave the man ONE chance!

This was with the Soccer Final in Pasadena for the World Championships.
An earthquake or some earthshaking occurence would draw attention to Pasadena during the finals.

I put the prediction in a sealed envelope to show my girlfriend IF such a thing occured.

Since then I counted 2500 false prophecies for the false prophet Flurry.
(and I am in a good mood here by assigning just the word prophet to this geezer)


Anonymous said...

It is a shame how these men have fallen from grace. But on the other hand, one must analyze what precipitated their fall. Do we call it delusional thinking, do we say possessed. should we say they are just senile and don't know any better. Men that self aggrandizes themselves will eventually fall. If these men were political you might see a Hitler Stalin or fill in the blank they all fail when they don't have a unique line of crap to foist on some unsuspecting smucks. The list could go on and on with these has-beens. I also have to wonder do they really believe what bilgewater they peddling. it seems like flurry, Pack and the rest seem to go off the rails about 2-5 years after they proclaim they are fill in the blanks again, Whom I feel sorry for are their followers who plunk down all that money and think it's going to bye them salvation.

TLA said...

Think of a Number (A Dave Gurney Novel Book 1) - John Verdon

Great mystery book where the killer used your technique.

Anonymous said...

Flurry looks like Colonel Sanders after someone stole his chicken recipe.

Anonymous said...

Flurry looks like Colonel Sanders after someone stole his chicken recipe.

This is especially appropriate. At the Third Resurrection, Gerald Flurry will become Extra Crispy.

Anonymous said...

What a sad picture. He always looks like he is constipated.

Anonymous said...

3:34pm, no such thing as the scare tactic "third resurrection" as WCG taught it. You more than likely know this since your quip is so apropos .


EX-PCG said...

A false prophet like GRF makes his followers look like a bunch of kooks!!! It's hard to believe that anyone new is showing up at the personal appearance campaigns, (that his son Stephen) has had to takeover for him. Maybe, they hope it will bring in younger crowd.

It's well documented that GRF has been wrong about many things and has turned himself, the throne of David, and the prayer rock into idols to be worshiped. How can anyone with a sane mind listen to any of that crap??????

Anonymous said...

6:15pm, just like HWA turned himself, the "Ministry", and the Worldwide Church of god (little g because it was all in vain) organization into idols to be worshipped!

We were taught to commit idolatry in the WCG, and until one comes to this realization they'll remain an acog cult member.

I still keep the Sabbath and Feasts but I see what HWA and the WCG was, an idol built by an egocentric man.


Anonymous said...

"We were taught to commit idolatry in the WCG, and until one comes to this realization they'll remain an acog cult member."

unfortunately there is a tendency to worship HWA, even by some in the group I'm associated's as if HWA's stance is the final word on any issue. the problem with that is, which stance do we go with, since many of his opinions/pronouncements changed from time to time.

ministers are human and make mistakes...that's why we all have bibles and God's holy spirit....we can counsel with a minister, but then we must take what he says and compare it to the scriptures and decide which way to go.

the whole "rank" system is completely unbiblical....this minister outranks that minister, who outranks this lay member, etc etc....what a joke.
we're all in this together trying to do what's right, IF we are Christ's, that is.....

and if I remember correctly, Flurry was very much anti-HWA when he left to set up his own shop....nowadays he's trying to be HWA......go figure.

if it is of God, you cannot defeat it....if it is not of God, it will collapse on it's own.

Anonymous said...

Oct. 15, 1994 Ron Dart had a great sermon titled "Frozen in Time" which talked about HWA worship and which one should we follow. 1940's HWA, 1960's HWA or the 1980's HWA.

Ron was a great teacher. His sermon "Where Is Your Petra" was one of the first that I listened to when leaving the WCG in 1991 at 26 years old, after 24 years in the cult.

If you want the link to either sermon you can email me at


Anonymous said...

Or, you can find the Dart sermons at

Anonymous said...

He looks like a bum .... in a suit.

Anonymous said...

Gerald Flurry and David Pack are a couple of the worst false prophets ever to show up to lie to, steal from, destroy, and kill former WCG members. These two satanic imposters are sure to give many people nightmares for a long time to come. Instead of supporting the old WCG beliefs like they thought they were doing, people will have ended up supporting the crazy new teachings of satanic frauds like the PCG and RCG.

nck said...


Since the very term false prophets supposes that there are or might be RIGHT prophets.

Both men are FRAUDS, parasitizing on the workings of the human brain. (fear, loss aversion, control, security etc)


Anonymous said...

Gee, and here I thought he looked like Ebenezer Scrooge! Humbug!