Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Living Church of God: PreFeast Reminder - We have a more sure word of prophecy!


In his message to the faithful as they head out to observe the Feast of Tabernacles, Doug reminded everyone to remember prophecy and that LCG has the "more sure word of prophecy."

All of this "more sure word of prophecy" announcements by various splinter groups of the mother church (Worldwide Church of God) leaves one to wonder just who has it?  How can Living Church of God have it when Bob Theil claims he has it? How can Bob have it when Dave Pack claims he does? How can Dave and the rest of the guys have it when Gerad Flurry has it? Of course, this leaves UCG and COGWA as the most perfect purveyors of prophecy out there since they claim to have the "most sure word" too.

Given the fact that every single one of them has been epic failures in prophecy, why oh why would anyone care what they have to say?

Also, Winnail reminds us of the awesome and SERIOUS responsibility that Gerald Weston and the LCG has as being the true watchmen. How many times have we heard splinter leaders claim that they and they alone were the true watchmen? Isn't Bob Thiel the true watchman? Or, was it Dave Pack. It is all so confusing.

All of this prediction addiction leads us to one clear understanding. And that is...     Oh, wait! Prediction addiction is a tool of Satan to misguide sincere people in the COG into not believing the prophetic junk of the leadership. That Satan sure is a wily guy! Always looking for some way to discredit COG leaders. Who would have thought?????? The only thing we have all noticed is that all of the COG leaders have done a pretty good job in discrediting themselves by the stupidity they say. They don't need Satan's help.

Pay Attention to Prophecy: Jesus told His disciples to stay alert and watch for the fulfillment of specific prophecies that will mark the approaching end of this age (Matthew 24:3, 42–44). He also warned in the parable of the foolish virgins that many will be caught napping and unprepared by the surge of events preceding the return of Jesus Christ to this earth (Matthew 25:1–13). It is amazing and sobering how God has given His Church a “more sure word of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV) so we can warn the nations of Israel and this world about the prophetic significance of current and impending world events. We also need to realize that it is a serious and awesome responsibility to be a watchman (Ezekiel 3 and 33). However, it is instructive to notice how Satan has used misguided individuals to ridicule the Church’s understanding of prophecy by accusing members of suffering from “prediction addiction” or believing in fairy tales about the future. As we see world events building to a prophetic crescendo, let’s make sure that we are building a closer relationship with God and that we are learning to really live by every word of God (Matthew 4:4) so we are prepared for the dramatic events ahead of us.

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail


Anonymous said...

Far from being prophetic, Armstrongists have a history of being a step or two behind the reality on the ground.

Within a generation, the situation in the Middle East will have changed so dramatically as to disprove all the prophetic scenarios requiring a complete and intact Jewish state to which world Jewry has returned. Not only will there not be a "Jewish state" separate from the Arab/Palestinian surroundings, the majority of world Jewry will be found outside of Israel. This means that even if the ACOGs and the evangelicals back away from prophecies involving a Jewish state, they won't even be able to claim that the majority of Jews have returned to the land of ancient Israel.

By then, the USA will be the debt-slave of China, not of Germany or Europe.

If any branch of Armstrongism survives, it will probably be one that has made extravagant claims for its founder, like James Strang did as a Mormon offshoot. His sect survives today, but with dozens of families instead of the many thousands who held to his beliefs 150 years ago. It's possible that Flurryism will survive Flurry's death, if Stevie Flurry can convince enough people that his Dad was some amazing personality, maybe even a Jesus-return, whose Millennial teachings are to be followed. As for most of the others, they won't be remembered even 20 years from now. We are watching the sunset of the Armstrong movement.

Anonymous said...

Winnail and his fellow LCG ministers can't even prophesy correctly that one of their HQ employees earlier this year went so deep in "experimenting" with cigars that he got hooked, and now gets by during the day with nicotine patches or vaping pens so his fellow LCG members don't discover him.

It's actually very sad. In a more loving and Christian environment, a nicotine addict could go to his boss and ask for help quitting. At LCG, however, the judgment would be harsh and the stigma would be unbearable, so people persist in their problems and resist getting help.

Anonymous said...

Always the same stuff. I read blogs on specialized topics, yet they always introduce some new idea or a different way of looking at their beliefs. It keeps their blogs fresh. That the ACOGs shun this has to be by design. Narrowing the ideas and even the definition of words (interpretation of scriptures in this case) is an anti-mind totalitarian trait.

Anonymous said...

I just had a nice laugh imagining Gerald Weston and LCG contacting Israel to “warn” them based on their super keen ability to decipher prophecy! Armstrong-ites have always had an over-inflated view of their importance. Netanyahu would laugh at their irrelevance and total insignificance not to mention their inaccuracies.

This is simply more fear mongering to assert ministerial control and dominance. People who are scared are easier to abuse. Sadly, LCG members just don’t see this and continue to fall for it year after year.

LCG Is not doing a powerful work and Armstrongism has been spewing unfulfilled, inaccurate prophecies and predictions for decades. They have lost all credibility!

Anonymous said...

Smug Doug Winnail likes to frame others as the foolish virgins while being too silly to see it's actually he and the LCG that are the foolish virgins.

Doug misleads his church by insisting they must keep their eyes on beasts, Germans, British Israelism, changing weather conditions, etc. - their recorded history is extensive.

However, their record of disinterest in keeping their eyes on Jesus is also massive.

You can count the articles, booklets, sermons, and telecasts to prove that their record shows that they are more fascinated with all kinds of odd prophecies that won't help their physical or spiritual lives, while they don't care to write or speak about Jesus.

The COG foolish virgins don't care to focus their eyes, their attention on Jesus because they have given their hearts to cheap and temporal prophesies.

Hebrews 12:2
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Anonymous ` said...

As william Miller said at the beginning of 1844:

"We have passed what the world calls the last round of 1843 … Does your heart begin to quail? Or are you waiting for your blessed hope in the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ? Let me say to you in the language of the blessed Book of God, 'although it tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not tarry.' Never has my faith been stronger than at this very moment."

I think Miller's "last round" is like HWA's "gun lap." These Millerites have been talking the same malarkey forever.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Herbert Armstrong did not understand prophecy, and ALL of the groups which have arisen because of his teachings have followed in many of his errors. His prophetic understanding was steeped in literalism, which completely contradicts the symbolic nature of most prophecies. Also, Herbert never seemed to comprehend that prophecy's chief purpose is to change/modify the behavior of the target audience. Likewise, Armstrong's understanding was based in a duality which severely impeded his ability to comprehend prophetic timelines and target audiences. Finally, HWA based much of his prophetic interpretations on the erroneous notion that certain ancient nations (including Israel and Assyria) were synonymous with certain modern nations (like Britain, the United States and Germany). The only surety that these Armstrongites possess is the fact that they are surely WRONG about most prophecies!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of foolish virgins. Is this the time of year Doug always gives a speech about proper attire at the beach feast sites?

Anonymous said...

"Miller Jones" obsession with being anti COG British Israelisim goes on and on.

Whilst benefiting for decades from being high up in a COG that believes in British Israelisim.

Anonymous said...

the foolish virgins

Makes me think of Garner Ted.

super keen ability to decipher prophecy

Yes, "sure word of prophecy" read out of context. Their "private interpretation" is drubbed by verse 20.

And the original intent of Jesus' warnings was not to reduce disciples to world news analysts and scaremongers. Things to "watch" for were quite specific.

Tonto said...

The SDAs still glorify the long dead (since 1915) Ellen G White, and still continues on and is growing, especially in the international realm. Her opus grande book, "The Great Controversy" still carries weight, even though it propagates silly ideas like an eclipse of 1780 and a meteor shower of 1833 as being "End Time Warnings". She is still honored as a "prophetess".

There will be a few people still following HWA 100 years from now. His legend will evolve with the times, (as it already has in the current age), and will become its own form of mythology, just like Washington and the cherry tree, or Lincoln hiking 20 miles to return overdue library books.

However , there will not be a return to the "glory days" of yesteryear for Armstrongism. Sabbatarianism will continue, and new more modern or charismatic leaders will emerge, almost surely NOT from the dead AC roots. Amish and Huetterites continue on, in spite of cultural irrelevance, and the same will be said of Armstrongism.

Anonymous said...

LCG Is not doing a powerful work

Didn't Bob Thiel write that RCM told him the impact of LCG was like "a cup of water in the ocean", or some other such reference to its exiguousness?

Anonymous said...

Not a cup of water! That’s way too large LOL. Rod Meredith used to say that the “powerful” work at the Living Church of God is equal to a half a peanut shell floating in the ocean. If I heard him say that once, I heard him say it 100 times. He was the most boring, repetitive speaker I’ve ever encountered . Such a great and powerful work - NOT

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 9/24 @ 12:57,

I don't know where you're getting your info, but I was NEVER "high up" in ANY ACOG (and NEVER benefited in any material way from my association with WCOG or CGI). I have never been on the payroll of any ACOG and even declined the small compensation that CGI offered for writing articles that were published in their newspaper. The Seventh Day Baptists did compensate me for speaking part time to one of their congregations. And, finally, I had rejected British Israelism several years before I left CGI (and there are quite a few other folks currently within that organization who have also rejected that teaching). Hope that clears things up for you.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of GTA I watched The Devil All the Time last night on Netflix and the young preacher seducing the young girls and getting one young girl pregnant and then using the pulpit to cover his predatory behavior by asserting there are people among the parish like young girls who are having “delusions” and he even denies to the pregnant girl they had sex and were actually “spending time before God” or some other excuse and that she should get rid of the child. It all made me think of Garner Ted’s promiscuity.

Anonymous said...

"And, finally, I had rejected British Israelism several years before I left CGI (and there are quite a few other folks currently within that organization who have also rejected that teaching). Hope that clears things up for you.


September 24, 2020 at 7:28 PM"

Your dad isn't one of them!

Anonymous said...

10.25 PM
Hollywood typically portrays Christians as crazies. It's character assassination, so I shun such movies.

nck said...


Bill Watson and Mr Hendrix should consider that showing the soles of your shoes to people is a potential insult to the potential muslim viewing audience (1/4th of the world).

Although I confess to not have inside knowledge of the muslim constituency in Tyler Texas, it is free advice for those with an interest in manners.


Anonymous said...

Pretty much everything in the bible, old testament and new, was plagiarized from earlier pagan myths. Bible scholars will never know that because all they look at is the bible not other ancient works. Prophecy is a hoax.

Anonymous said...

Doug Winnail wrote "...However, it is instructive to notice how Satan has used misguided individuals to ridicule the Church’s understanding of prophecy by accusing members of suffering from “prediction addiction” or believing in fairy tales about the future. As we see world events building to a prophetic crescendo, let’s make sure that we are building a closer relationship with God and that we are learning to really live by every word of God (Matthew 4:4) so we are prepared for the dramatic events ahead of us..."
Doug is still striving to help others strive to earn their salvation by works, watching, doing this and stat: busy work, while still preaching the fairy tale Mickey Mouse Millennium of "another Jesus" soon reigning on earth 1,000 years while loading it over others with the assistance of a bunch of "little helpers" made out in Doug's image.

Will that really happen? Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Doug seems to be stuck in the 1990s. Nobody accuses ACOG members of "prediction addiction" anymore. "Prediction addiction" was an insider criticism leveled by new WCG leaders to marginalize old-timers who held on to HWA's approach. GCI now faults the splinters for having a false gospel, a much more fundamental flaw than mere "prediction addiction." So, why does Doug keep on talking about "prediction addiction"? Is it because of his Southern Baptist wife whose own last WCG experience was in the 1990s? Or does it reflect his own insecurity? Whatever the cause, the effect is that it makes Doug look silly and out of touch.

Anonymous said...

"Hollywood typically portrays Christians as crazies. It's character assassination, so I shun such movies."
September 25, 2020 at 4:52 AM

The movie is based on a novel by Donald Ray Pollock who's actually the narrator in the movie. Its violence can be somewhat off-putting, but the themes of naivety, evil, hypocrisy, cultism, corruption and abuse of power in a post-WWII rural small-town of America imo reflects the schizoid state of America today. Then again my own personal experiences with Americanized Christianity over the decades amply demonstrates to use a turn of phrase of HWA how they are sincere in their dogma, but they are sincerely delusional.

Anonymous said...

In the last sentence, Doug wrote: "… let’s make sure that we are building a closer relationship with God and that we are learning to really live by every word of God …."

Here are just a few of those words of God that Doug not only won't live by, he will mostly ignore, but will malign if forced to address:

Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.

Galatians 6:14 May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Colossians 1:20 through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Galatians 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

Galatians 2:16 know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.

Galatians 3:13 Christ purchased our freedom and redeemed us from the curse of the Law and its condemnation by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A CROSS”

Galatians 3:10 For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Pretty much everything in the bible, old testament and new, was plagiarized from earlier pagan myths. Bible scholars will never know that because all they look at is the bible not other ancient works. Prophecy is a hoax.

September 25, 2020 at 9:55 AM"

Can you prove that? How do you know that pagan myths weren't changed over the years to match the bible? You don't! Do you know why you don't know? Because there are absolutely no original writings, it's all based upon assumptions. Just because someone in the third century wrote that pagans worshipped a virgin born, crucified god, that doesn't make it so.

Anonymous said...

nck, how many Muslims do you think tuned in to that video? So, who the hell cares about what they think about the bottom of someone's shoes?

nck said...


I hope you will have a fun and merry time at xmas with the family, 'cause you' re sure 'aint having it here. :-) :-)


jim said...

6:09, I’ve always appreciated this obvious but, all too often, unconsidered Argument. Thanks

Anonymous said...

6.59 PM
So you've never met or know a toxic person? Do you really believe that God will allow everyone into His kingdom?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous of September 26, 2020 at 9:50 AM - We are all prone to being a bit toxic to some degree or from time to time. However, none of us will remain toxic in the Kingdom.

Revelation 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

nck said...

When I grew op in WCG I have always taken issue, since probably the age of nine, that the great ancient civilisations were reduced to the mere word "pagans."

Since then I met "the 4 angels at the corners of the earth" and found them "kind traders, defenders of their property and families and very religious", besides their belief systems, to which I have to admit at least one, for danger of being labelled "communist" and being put out of business for being the worst kind of person, "an unbeliever."

Thanks to Armstrongism I am able to deal with any religion, since I "know", what its like to "believe".

I don't know what its like to be dumped with 250 blokes on a shore, have the captain burn the ships and by lunch see the Aztecs throw 50 sacrifices from a tower to appease the cosmic imbalance.

Yet somehow I remember being taught about the redeeming power of blood sacrfice. Ah well "jedem das seine".


Anonymous said...

You're quite welcome jim.

km aka 6:09am

jim said...

I recognized it as a good
kmism and have pointed the fact out to others, once even referencing you.