Wednesday, February 3, 2021

PCG on why church members are important

The Philadelphia Church of God has a new article up that regurgitates some stuff Herbert Armstrong wrote decades ago. It is about the "vital" role of members to the church and is from HWA's incredibly boring book, Mystery of the Ages.

Like many things written by church leaders over the decades, it has NOT aged well. It starts right off by making a ludicrous statement:

The individual lay member has his vital part in proclaiming the good news (gospel) to the world. How? Not by going out and himself proclaiming Christ’s message to the neighborhood or to the world. That is done primarily and directly by God’s apostle through radio, television and in print!

There is no better example of Christian values than by the everyday actions of a Christian in his/her everyday life. If they actually believe what they say they believe then they live it and it is apparent to those around them.  It doesn't take some globe-trotting "apostle" who has "prepaid" for his visit with world leaders so he can preach about a "strong hand from someplace." Who needs to hear that kind of crap? That message has had zero impact upon the world while the everyday lives of Christians have made such an impact that Christianity has been an active force for 2,000+ years.

The author, Christ’s apostle [Herbert], can say emphatically that the apostles, evangelists, pastors and elders could not carry on the Work of God without the loyal backing and continual encouragement of the lay members. 
Neither can the individual lay member develop and build within him God’s holy, righteous and perfect character without the operations of the apostle, evangelists, pastors and elders. All these various members God has set in His Church are interdependent—mutually dependent on one another. They form a team—an organized spiritual organism—utterly different from any secular and worldly organization!

Christianity, and most religions, all operate as "spiritual organisms". Most are mutually dependant upon the interaction of followers with religious/spiritual leaders. This is not something new that Herbert pulled out of his hat.

Then they get to the real reason the church needs members. Money! 

In general, the whole operation of the Church costs money. Facilities and methods are available to the Church for performance of its commission that did not exist in the first-century world. Without the tithes and generous freewill offerings of lay members, the Church commission could not be performed in today’s world.

Oh, ye of little faith! No church needs an extravagant campus. No church needs a multi-million dollar concert hall. No church needs private jets. No church needs faculty rows and housing for its elite ministers on the cult compounds in Edmond and Wadsworth. No church needs any of that. It doesn't even need its leaders going to speak to leaders of nations in the world. 

Oh, and don't forget, church leaders need the support of the members because of the INTENSE persecution they all suffer.

Without the fervent and prevailing continual prayers of all members, the Work could not be accomplished. Without the continual ENCOURAGEMENT of lay members and those over them locally, those of us operating from headquarters could not bear up under the persecutions, oppositions, trials and frustrations.

Every "persecution" PCG faces and COG's as a whole are because of their own perverse actions. When they run off at the mouth and say dumb things, treat members like crap, and make utterly asinine prophecies, they have no right to claim persecution, opposition, trials, and frustrations. These idiots brought it upon themselves. 

Also in reverse, the lay members need just as urgently the encouragement, teaching, counseling and leadership from headquarters and local pastors.

Oh no, they don't! Considering how awful the leadership is in so many of the COG's and the fact that 99.50% of them actually have no training in real counseling presents to church members things they do NOT need. 

The “loner”—the “individual Christian,” who wants to climb up into the Kingdom some other way than by Christ and His way through His Church—is not being trained in Christ’s manner of training, to rule and reign with Christ in His Kingdom!

While it is true that Christian is a "communal" faith that creates the need for community in order for the faith to grow it is not a training ground for "proper church government" nor for becoming god as Christ is god.

The Kingdom of God will be the God Family—a superbly and highly trained and organized family of God beings. The Church is God’s special school for training those He has selected and called to be trained in His Church—to be kings and priests, to rule and to teach—for their part in that Kingdom. Only those so trained in the Church will be kings and priests in the Kingdom of God.

Pure bunk. Millions of Christians down through the centuries who have never been part of an Armstrongist COG are immediately cast aside by such flippant remarks. If the soon-coming Kingdom of God is going to be comprised of current COG leadership and certain members then the licking flames of the lake of fire would be more compassionate. Can you imagine 1,000 years being ruled over by the Flurry clan and their followers? Or, Dave Pack and his ministers? Or, even Bob Thiel. Nothing could ever be more frightening!

The sad thing is that over the 80 years existence of this version of the Church of God we have had piss-poor leadership, horrendous abuses dished out on members, hundreds of false prophets, heretical teachings, and morally bankrupt leadership. 

Never has the COG NOT been an example of first-century Christianity than it is today. 

See The Vital Role of a Church Member



Anonymous said...

You think that’s bad! Another latest article is telling everyone ro get if Google !! What in the world??

Anonymous said...

So people can't build character unless they come to services. It's the exact opposite. The ministers rob members of the responsibilities given to each Christian in the parable of the talents. This denies them the ability to grow. The church culture is one of reducing members to a child like state, and lording it over them. The church didn't fall apart on Herbs death for no reason.

And the headquarters personal needing members prayers and encouragement to withstand persecutions is laughable. Headquarters live in a ivory tower where they are treated like royalty.

All these claims is the marketing belief that perceptions trump reality. Perceptions are all that matter. But this is nothing more than childish lying. And yeah, yeah, it "works." After all, Esau did get his bowl of stew.

Anonymous said...

"the real reason the church needs members. Money!"

Conversely, when you $tarve these bastards, it's amazing how quickly they fold!

Look how quickly Big Sandy campus was shut down when the money stopped - and this was just after they burned tens of millions of dollars upgrading it to a full university! Delicious!

Anonymous said...

It is obvious what the vital role of a church member is. MONEY. Living like a king costs money. It takes money to build buildings, operate a private jet, nice cars and homes. Church members need to sit down, shut up and pay, it’s simple.

James said...

February 4, 2021 at 1:10 AM

Any company that does not allow for the right of free speech should be closed down. I would agree with dumping all their apps.

The Painful Truth has advocated for months now that people dump google products. The company had become destructive to the basic tenet of freedom, free speech. I hold no accounts and will not even use their maps. Fuck'em.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:10 AM

Actually, considering the source, that article gives some decent advice -- but then, the author is an IT guy. I remember Byker Bob making similar recommendations months, if not years, ago...

Anything is better than inadvertently picking up Dave Pack's crummy cookies, and seeing HWA's mug pop up all over the screen.

Tonto said...

ON THE POST - "The Kingdom of God will be the God Family—a superbly and highly trained and organized family of God beings. The Church is God’s special school for training those He has selected and called to be trained in His Church—to be kings and priests, to rule and to teach—for their part in that Kingdom. Only those so trained in the Church will be kings and priests in the Kingdom of God."

MY COMMENT: I wouldn't trust most of these dudes to even teach "toilet training". I have come to see that ALL human activities and groups , down to the most frivolous and trivial, ALWAYS have a sociopath and ambitious underlings running the show. I have not found any exceptions, whether it be schools, politics, churches of any kind, ball teams, clubs, businesses and so on.

Training of any sort , can be easily obtained today from books, and online videos. Pick the topic, and there is a plethora of information available. Next, one must process the information with internal reflection and practice. Its all rather simple, and does not require money be given to someone, or cultish devotion. Free yourself from the slavery of external motivation.

Be still and know God.

Anonymous said...

James at 6:33 AM said...“The Painful Truth has advocated for months now that people dump google products. The company had become destructive to the basic tenet of freedom, free speech. I hold no accounts and will not even use their maps. Fuck'em.”

Check out DuckDuckGo (“The search engine that doesn't track you.”).

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:10 am

Comments like this are completely lacking in critical thought. Criticize the COGs for what you will, but unless you live under a rock, there are plenty of valid reasons for millions of people who consider themselves 'conservative' (churches included) to eschew products and services that actively suppress free speech.

Which brings me to a larger point: there are lots of legitimate reasons to criticize the COGs... LOTS! But to point to conservative values held by tens of millions of Americans (and others across the globe) is just dumb. That includes:

-belief in the nuclear family and traditional family roles
-reducing screen time and use of the internet
-avoiding pornography and premarital sex
-belief in two biological genders and that men and women are different
-creationism vs evolution

I could go on, but the point is, these beliefs are still held by much of mainstream Christianity. To castigate the COGs leadership or anyone in them for such beliefs is a sign of simplistic thinking, especially given the myriad of other transgressions for which they can rightly be criticized.

Anonymous said...

7.08 AM
If you are going to use 'an appeal to authority,' forget Byker Bob. While many here like him, he is not a person of sterling character. I suggest you try some respected historic figure instead.

Anonymous said...

Check out DuckDuckGo (“The search engine that doesn't track you.”).

“Come over to the Duck side.”

Anonymous said...

Agree 5:53.

Painful Truth said...

I have been using duckduckgo for years.