Sunday, January 31, 2021

Dave Pack: I am out of material...The end is now before Passover...Or Maybe Next Year


From a reader on Dave Pack's latest sermon:

Part 283 (Jan 27th, 2021) - "It looks like we understand the end, more than ever before!"

33:09 - The end is either this winter or next!

45:30 - There is one big blast from Christ and then its all done. Everything starts with a bang! So many people have left us and said "its taking too long!" They only left because they wanted to break God's laws, and run after their own lusts. Because God "changed," "raised" and "sent them out," of the church! They are pretty much the "Synagogue of Satan," that's what this verse is talking about. They are "briars and thorns" who are now ejected.

1:41:55 - Tomorrow is the end of the series we go into a watch for a short space and then the Father's Kingdom starts.

1:58:50 - it looks a lot like this Friday, we are out of material, I now understand the end as I never did before. Starts doing math, somehow got to 1335. (crazy math nonsense).

2:03:00 - The KOG is "held in a mystery," you have to adhere and wait through the hard part (all the back and forth and failed prophecies).

2:07:40 - Its all got to wrap up by Passover, its got to be winter, its the bibles biggest metric!



Anonymous said...

"They only left because they wanted to break Gods laws and run after their own lusts."

That folks is what's called projection. Yep, a nice description of Dave Pack.

"Out of material?"

Heck no! Science fiction comic books are inexpensive.

Tonto said...

PACK SAYS: "They only left because they wanted to break God's laws, and run after their own lusts"

MY COMMENT: I have known of people who have left God and Christianity so they could follow after their lusts. This happens. Pack is making a huge prejudicial broad brush statement here, that certainly does not apply to many of those that have left him.

The more accurate statement for those that have left Pack is "Many have left as they saw me , Dave Pack , break many of God's Laws by demanding that all assets be given to me, with the Common Doctrine, as I ran after my own lusts of gardens, buildings, trees, landscaping, and exectutive offices and ego trips".

Anonymous said...

“33:09 - The end is either this winter or next!”

Or the one after that, or the one after that, or the one after that....

Seems reasonable. Makes sense. Sort of.

NO2HWA said...

Didn't the stinking turd say in sermons 277 &278 that those were his last sermons?

This is 283.

How many more will we hear from him as his "last" sermon?

If his christ isn't coming till before Passover then we will hear another sermon from him, most likely many more before then.

Then when his christ doesn't appear before Passover he will have a new revelation that his christ is returning on Pentecost.

Then it's really gonna suck as there are no holy days in the summer, so his christ will have to wait till fall time.

Then we will hear his christ is returning on the Last Great Day, again.


sorry, the record is skipping again

Anonymous said...

Didn’t Dave say the exact same thing last year before Passover? And the year before that? And the year before that (even demanding the members to stay up an entire night)?

And didn’t he say the same thing about the FOT? And the FOT the year before that? And the FOT before that?

And didn’t he say the same thing last Christmas? And the Christmas before that?

And didn’t he say the same thing ........

Make up your mind Dave! Either you know it or not! Either you are a prophet or not! Either the RCG members are being conned by you or not..

DennisCDiehl said...

Dave presents the time worn yes much more complicated version of:

"Jesus will return in our lifetime. Within 5 years....ten at the most...15 at worse and 20 for sure betcha believe it"

Dave Pack is a mental health crisis about to reveal itself.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right Dennis. The mental illness is really ramping up.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack is a mental health crisis about to reveal itself.

Dave's mental health crisis revealed itself some time ago. All we're waiting for is the news of whether he'll precipitate a public safety crisis or whether he'll go gently into that good insane asylum alone, without any other casualties.

Anonymous said...

I see that devious Bob Thiel is taking posts from this blog and posting them on his as "someone posted" this on the internet. The guy has no balls to say he got it off Banned. Gutless beta boy.

Anonymous said...

I see that devious Bob Thiel is taking posts from this blog and posting them on his as "someone posted" this on the internet. The guy has no balls to say he got it off Banned. Gutless beta boy.

It's worse than that. He isn't just posting opinion. He is posting news of Dave Pack. So, by his action, Bob is demonstrating that he finds Banned to be a credible news source, but he is too cowardly to admit this to his readers. That makes him deceitful at best and an outright lying hypocrite at worst.

No balls, and the truth is not in him. Pathetic.

NO2HWA said...

Bob has done this a lot over the years. He takes info from here and posts it as if he got it from a secret source. Then a few days after he will get his holistic prophetic knickers in a knot on how we are all liars here.


I guess time and years have enlightened Mr. Pack concerning his departees. It used to be just the label of heretic and condemnation unto the lake of fire for those that left. Now everyone is a thorn and brier, law breakers and lust chasers, and now a member of the Synagogue of Satan.

Thanks Dave, we were just hoping you would keep quiet and admit you are/were wrong and to repent and make restitution and heal your family. In return from you, all we get is verbal bombs cast our way.

The fine line of one speaking as an veritable authority or as a manic fool is known. Poor Mr. Pack is firmly establishing which side of the line he inhabits.


Blogger NO2HWA said...

Bob has done this a lot over the years. He takes info from here and posts it as if he got it from a secret source. Then a few days after he will get his holistic prophetic knickers in a knot on how we are all liars here.

January 31, 2021 at 5:53 PM

At least Bob is consistent. He identified his religious superiors as outright liars and unable to discern the truth, but these same men were somehow able to correctly and truthfully discern him as being a prophet.

So the modern day COG prophets source their information and facts from liars and Laodiceans, or in Dave Pack's instance - the Devil himself, and then pronounce and establish concrete truth?

I am having a hard time understanding these modern day prophets.