Wednesday, February 24, 2021

People In Restored Church of God Need To Hear From Us Former Members

From a comment in a previous post:

Sure wasn't any of that when I was giving on a monthly basis:

- First Tithe
- Tithe of Tithe
- Leftover Second Tithe
- Third Tithe
- Offerings
- Volunteering on the campus on Sunday landscaping
- Working Mon-Fri doing everything on top of my actual job
- Setting up and breaking down the halls multiple times on Saturday, opening doors   for people who never could say hi, bringing in food, vacuuming, etc.
- Fundraising Money
- I was paying on top of everything to attend Ambassador Center
- I dressed the part
- Never stepped out of line
- Said yes
- Shoveled for others and never had time to shovel for myself
- It goes on and on

But as soon as I cut RCG off and stop being a cash cow for them and free labor in many cases, I became all these things. 

I sacrificed a lot, gave up my own path for a cause I believed in, and quietly like many others who needed something to look too, I gave RCG the best of me in all areas, and yet that was simply not worthy. 

People who are in the RCG need to hear us, former members, when we say: "Why are you being faithful to a place and person who won't be faithful to you once you are no longer giving them $$$$$$$$$$$$ and free labor"?

I have sat at HQ before Dave Pack and heard him in real-time completely assassinate the character of HQ ministers/employees who would leave. A lot of these never made it onto the tapes/cd or online files because they were cut. 

But I truly sat there as Pack would spit and rage over ministers and employees who would leave and hear him divulge details of their sins. He would never directly say but infer and when David Pack infers you can most certainly use enough common sense to know who and what he is talking about. 

Over time I felt two things: 1. I cannot safely counsel with HQ ministers and 2. Something had to be wrong if every time a minister or employee left, Pack thought it necessary to go to great lengths to assassinate their character. Something didn't sit right with me about that and I just wanted to hear the other side.

It's not surprising when you hear it. You sort of expected it. It certainly is disappointed. Because you feel like you wasted time.

RCG members are conditioned to believe that any kind of questioning internally or externally = loss of salvation.

This is clearly evidenced in his recent sermon where he states that those who believe they have made it to 1335 are locked in, and settled. 

David Pack has proven himself to be a false prophet and not one minister has enough balls to stand up at the pulpit and give a refresher on what a false prophet looks like. 

You shall know them by their fruits is in the context of false prophets, remember that! Matthew 7:15–18

Testing the spirits is in the context of false prophets. 1 John 4:1

David's prophecy is from his own will, and he has a need to be right, to prove himself. 2 Peter 1:20–21

“I did not send David Pack, yet he ran; I did not speak to him, yet he prophesied".

Jeremiah 14:14
Zechariah 10:2
Jeremiah 23:16
Jeremiah 23:21
Micah 3:11
2 Peter 2:1–3
Matthew 7:15–18

The NT has a lot to say about false teachings and false prophets and yet there is no actual prophet in the new testament, that office isn't seen until two witnesses come later on. But why is that? 


Anonymous said...

I find it difficult to have sympathy for RCG cash cows when Packatolla messages are so far from basic bible teachings and devoid of common sense.

Tonto said...

Pack uses all kinds of hostage techniques. He doesn't actually "murder" anyone, but (and perhaps more insidious) says that he can take away your "eternal life", when you leave his group.

Furthermore, he assassinates your reputation, and removes any family or friends that you may have left at the group from contacting you.

Yes, we need to hear more from former members, in the ESCAPE from this slavery , and a type of "underground railroad" needed to get out of this bondage. In the time of slavery, there were blacks who shook their heads, and wondered what was wrong with some of those who escaped. Many who loved their master and were institutionalized in their bondage.

This is the mindset of many who remain with Pack at this time. However, it is virtually guaranteed that at least 20% of those still there are contemplating an exit plan or path. May former members continue to post here as a public witness against Pack, and as a balm for those hurting , that they are NOT ALONE!

Anonymous said...

Pretty much this exact same thing could be said for the PCG.
I wonder how many people can’t retire comfortably because they could save for retirement because of all the tithes and offering etc. Such a sad situation!

Anonymous said...

Everything said is because RCG (and PCG and others like them) is a CULT!

Anonymous said...

I attended services for 8 years, invested heavily in doing things for other members, and in social relationships, yet have nothing to show for it today. I assume that with the high member turn over, these churches bank on this supply of naive members which they can exploit before they wise up. They put lipstick on the pig by plastering this with fine sounding bible verses, but it's common theft via deception.

Anonymous said...

Pot calling the kettle Tonto.

Anonymous said...

So does everyone Anon 1:23

But truth is that they STILL wouldn't leave even if Pack would tell them that as from tomorrow they all have to wear purple hats and that he is God’s right big toe..

What I’m trying to say is that people can and will endure a lot of craziness, abuse and lies when they’ve invested heavily in something. And most RCG members have invested almost everything they had: money, their savings, all their spare time. Sometimes even giving up a relationship or marriage.

In return Pack promised them a place next to God’s throne, their salvation.

And on the other hand there’s the ultimate threat that he hung over their heads: if you dare to leave you will end up in the lake of fire.

What RCG members (and any COG member) fails to realize, is that Pack and all the other COG leaders aren’t what they claim they are.

Pack isn’t ‘Gods chosen one’. He isn’t even a prophet. He is a very clever conman, twisting scriptures to talk the members out of their money, their homes and even their relationships because he wants to live a life of luxury.

Leaving behind your investment is hard and very painful. I can tell that from my own experience. And it took me a long time to get rid of the fear Pack had installed in us. It takes courage to walk away from the abuse and lies, but if I can do it anyone can!

All you need to do is stop listening to the lies Pack is telling you. Turn your face to God and not to a self appointed false prophet.

Anonymous said...

Totally applicable to PCG and any other COG out there.

Anonymous said...

Sounds almost as bad the PCG.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you missed out on the table cart, but don't worry it made setup worse.

Always good to hear from another RCG HQ Survivor. The conditioning and programming from Dave is real and hard to get out of your head. The people who doubt that and wonder why we don't just walk out have clearly not been lied to and manipulated their entire lives, or have just not realized it yet.

Anonymous said...


The cult: Restored Cash Grab (RCG).

Spirits behind it: Satan and the demons.

The inhuman leader: Klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies.

Method of operation: Bait & Switch scam. Promised HWA's old teachings from 1986. Gave Dave Pack's endless vomiting instead.

Major doctrines: Endless Dave Pack self-promotion. Extreme “common” theft. Endless prophetic nonsense with wrong date guesses regularly. The doctrinal instability of ever learning and ever changing everything.

The people: Deluded masochists who think they can earn their salvation by constantly slaving away for Dave Pack 24/7/365 and that they can buy their salvation by giving their money and everything else they have to Dave Pack. Apparently seeking the ultimate state known as destitution.

mortisrigori said...

People have a hard time leaving Pack's cult because of the sunk cost fallacy. They have invested all their finances, and the majority of their spare time. They hope the payoff will happen soon like they were promised. That is why Pack can be wrong over and over again and only lose a few followers. They have too much invested to easily admit that they were conned by a religious flim flam man.

Anonymous said...

mortisrigori at 10:01 AM said...“People have a hard time leaving Pack's cult because of the sunk cost fallacy. They have invested all their finances, and the majority of their spare time. They hope the payoff will happen soon like they were promised. That is why Pack can be wrong over and over again and only lose a few followers. They have too much invested to easily admit that they were conned by a religious flim flam man.”


Gerald Flurry did something similar with his talk at the start about what a “short work” his PCG cult was prophesied to do. Then the inevitable delays set in. That Runt is still stringing along his suckers.