We have been ragging on Doug Winnail's annual Friday night beat down of LCG members and things they have constantly been doing wrong. Perhaps LCG has have been paying attention to the comments by LCG members here because for the last three weeks Doug's Friday night message has been relatively positive.
Be Prepared! We are living in increasingly uncertain times, with unstable economies, job insecurity, storms, floods, droughts, and sudden terrorist activities. Due to our modern dependence on technology, these dramatic events can cause serious disruptions in our daily lives—thus we need to plan ahead for unexpected emergencies. This is reflected in the Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared! Solomon offered the same advice when he wrote, “Ponder the path of your feet”—think about where you are going and how to get there (Proverbs 4:26
). Solomon also observed, “A prudent man foresees evil [danger] and hides himself [takes refuge], but the simple [the naïve and unsuspecting] pass on and are punished [they have to face the consequences of not being prepared]” (Proverbs 22:3
). God’s Church has long encouraged members to prepare for unexpected emergencies—keep a supply of bottled water, a stock of non-perishable food, extra vitamins, first aid supplies, extra batteries for flashlights, a battery-powered radio, a camp stove or heating device, etc.—things that may be needed if normal public services are disrupted. While God’s people will look to Him for their ultimate protection, we also need to do our part to be prepared—so we are not taken by surprise.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail
It's good they are keeping positive.
More realistic of the times we are living in 914 than positive.
More likely some of the less brainwashed told the old dudes Uh sir's there are a lot of people totally bummed by what your saying so maybe like lighten up on the negativity and I donna know maybe like give some ideas of what to do when the power grid fails, which will be a totally bogus to the max event but might happen look at texas (hybrid ford F series pickups have a fully functional generator and a couple of plugs on the back) that was a most righteous epic fail if I've heard of epic fails. dude from Ca since(I've taken the liberty of acting as a stoner
Just a copy and paste from 05/26/2016 and 03/24/11.
Just a copy and paste from 05/26/2016 and 03/24/11.
Weston is paying this guy more than $100,000 every year. Why does he tolerate such laziness?
Anon, June 13, 2021 at 8:54 AM, said:
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" That word "some" is a mistranslation, and should be more accurately be replaced by the word "the," but would Doug want anybody to know about that?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
"Just a copy and paste from 05/26/2016 and 03/24/11.
Weston is paying this guy more than $100,000 every year. Why does he tolerate such laziness?"
Anon, Why would anyone in the living group make that kind of money? How many members of living make that kind of money? Isn't the living group a non-profit organization? It is amazing what people will do when they can obtain that kind of money off of the sheep that they supposedly serve (browbeat?), most of whom probably make nothing near that $figure$!
Cut and paste? Isn't Doug a professing evangelist. Evangelists of the Bible, "The (not "some" as the KJV says) Evangelists of the Bible were spreading the good news, the gospel of peace. which involved grace. Doug is not spreading that gospel; he spreads another gospel about another Jesus. Apparently Weston believes that is okay.
KJV says this: Eph 4:11
And what gospel of peace?
Romans 10:15
Ephesians 6:15
I don't learn much from Doug, not much "good news" and not much "peace," but I'm still learning from "The Evangelists" of the Bible
When will Doug ever live up to anything like what "the evangelists" of the Bible accomplished in their day?
Time will tell...
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