Our favorite crackpot COG prophet got into a royal snit the other day when he took offense to people on this blog calling British Israelism a myth, He was not happy and penned copy and pasted the longest and most boring stuff imaginable to prove it is all true, but did reveal that he is a Gentile just like his African followers. No, Bobbie is not self-identifying as Black, but he declares he is a genuine Gentile.
Today he has his naturopathic knickers in a holistic twist over droughts in the West and the warnings that scientists shave been making for decades about some future event where the Yellowstone volcano might blow up and the Rotorua volcano in New Zealand doing the same. These two volcanoes are in countries that his myth of British Israelism identifies and "Israelite" nations and therefore doomed to damnation and destruction. What better way to wipe out those grievous non-Continuing Church of God members than to incinerate them with a massive volcano! I can hear the sizzling of the truth deniers and sinners right now!
You are expected to believe his doom and gloom schtick because he has personally visited those sites.
Gentile Bob gets all giddy when he constantly mentions this:
The Bible connects sin and drought. Scripture shows that water/rain/drought will become a problem for various disobedient peoples:
He never mentions the fact that in the states with drought problems that there are false prophets and false teachers in the Churches of God promoting non-biblical lies. Perhaps his god is angry over all of the current crop of COG liars and is punishing those states and countries because of these men? Is Bob the cause for the California drought? Using his "reasoning" then YES, he is!
Oh, and there are earthquakes in CA and the West! Who knew! We need a prophet like Gentile Bob and an Idahoan conspiracy theorist, Michael Snyder,to tell us so with this blaring headline:
The Shaking In California Is Getting WORSE As Hundreds And Hundreds Of Earthquakes Cause Alarm On The West Coast
The Gentile Bobster hysterical continues with this:
Jesus warned about a time of earthquakes, famines, and troubles:
8 … And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8
Water shortages can lead to famines.
We are in the time Jesus called the beginning of sorrows.
Of course, it is not just North America that could be affected by troubles, famines, volcanoes or earthquakes.
Consider also the following related to New Zealand:
The North Island of New Zealand is chock full of volcanoes—and big volcanoes at that. No less than four major calderas sit in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) that stretches from White Island in the north to Ruapehu in the south. One of the most violent volcanic eruptions in human history took place in ~186 AD from Lake Taupo. That rhyolitic (high silica) eruption produced an ash plume that may have towered 50 kilometers (164,000 feet!) over the caldera, what we call an “ultraplinian” eruption (and anything that is “ultra” has to be big). More recently, Tarawera in the Okataina caldera erupted in 1886 in one of the most explosive basaltic (low silica) eruptions on record that had ash plume that reached 10 kilometers (~32,000 feet) and buried a number of towns along with blasting a new valley out of the landscape. The North Island is definitely a place where volcanic unrest is taken seriously.
After tossing in Jesus as an afterthought, Gentile Bob continues by letting us know that he has physically stood on top of NZ's volcano! Damn! It will blow for sure now! Everything self-appointed COG leaders have attached themselves to end up having problems. If I were in NZ I would leave the country right now! Gentile Bob has doomed you to utter destruction. Don't go to Australia though, he plans on seeing them destroyed too and you don't want to be in that mess either.
You must remember that since Gentile Bob STOOD on top of this volcano he is now an AUTHORITY on the matter. Just like he has been in the Vatican and is now a world-renowned authority on Satan's Chair.
Gentile Bob continues:
For years, I have warned that the USA could be hit with a ‘perfect storm’ of events and disaster that could weaken it during the ‘beginning of sorrows’ so that it would be easier for it to be taken over at the start of the Great Tribulation. Now, we see that the space agency NASA sees Yellowstone as a serious risk. And while some will scoff and say that the probability is too low, less statistically ‘probable’ events have happened. Plus, because of the decline in morality in the USA, destructive events are going to hit it.
I have seen more immorality in the Churches of God than I have in my neighbors. So where does that leave us? Are our nations suffering because of the immoral COG leadership, who should be setting the example and do not? Are Bob's grievous sins causing CA problems? (Watch Gentile Bob pull a Meredithism, when he too declares he has not committed a major sin since baptism or self-appointing himself as a COG leader).
Gentile Bob then ends with this:
Things will not remain as they have. There is a serious drought. Yellowstone could erupt. Elements will melt. Get your spiritual life in order.
Life can end suddenly and unexpectedly.
For COG members this is a constant worry. In the back of their minds, they have been conditioned to believe that they are not ready, that their sins have caused Christ's delay in his coming, and most importantly, that they are NOT worthy. This is what COG false prophets like Gentile Bob, Gerald Flurry, and Dave Pack do. They denigrate their members and make them feel worthless.
Real followers of Jesus are secure with their standing with God and don't let their lives be consumed by false prophecies and mindless rants of mentally deranged COG leaders. Their standing is secure in the One more solid than any COG leader.
Bob is a sinner, I have first-hand facts son that.
Tinfoil Bob! LMAO! that is so perfect! Can the COG have a crazier leader?
Bob, we had no idea you were down here. Was that really you, oh troubler of Israel?
Only problem Bob, NZ is not Israel. There we are now, got that out of the way.
For a ‘prophet’ you certainly keep a LOW profile. Maybe deep down you know the truth. And what you pedal will not hold up under any solid scholarship and the microscope of critical thinking, let alone under the telescope of history archaeology linguistics etc etc......
That’s British Israelism.
That aside, I hope you enjoyed your visit to us down under and you took the precaution of being vaccinated against COVID beforehand.
And Banned, offering Bob peer review, is a type of media fact checker, though we are admittedly not "experts", only "troubleshooters" of the COGs.
But sadly, in Bob's words,‘Fact Checkers’ and ‘Experts’ are not always right...
Fact checkers and Experts
Bob shot himself in both feet that time. He never checks the "facts" and parades himself as the expert.
Although another catastrophic eruption at Yellowstone is possible, scientists are not convinced that one will ever happen. The rhyolite magma chamber beneath Yellowstone is only 5-15% molten (the rest is solidified but still hot), so it is unclear if there is even enough magma beneath the caldera to feed an eruption.
If Yellowstone does erupt again, it need not be a large eruption. The most recent volcanic eruption at Yellowstone was a lava flow that occurred 70,000 years ago.
Although we are not sure if Yellowstone will ever "blow" again, we can be certain that Booby "BLOWS" right now for sure!
The article is spot on about ministers denigrating their members. It's standard operating procedure in all abusive relationships. It gains power and superiority over its victims, but it's cold blooded murder with the tongue. God states in Revelation that no liars or murderers will be allowed into His kingdom.
Good riddance to these murderous bastards.
Life can end suddenly and unexpectedly.
True! And sure, we could be hit with a 'perfect storm', and disasters could happen, and less statistically 'probable' events have happened. But according to the CDC, the leading causes of death in the USA are COVID-19, Heart disease, and cancer.
In comparison, the number of people who died by massive volcanic explosions was, well, I couldn't find the stats on that. And life can end suddenly and unexpectedly.
The book of Could 1:1- Disaster may happen, could be anytime now.
I love the fear mongering. It's always one minute to midnight with the COG. The doom and gloom awaits every single week, oh and the wonderful world tomorrow. But first and most the doom and gloom.
Bobalonias is always desperate for a win as "prophet" and an "I told you so." Childish, shallow and ill informed. Predicting what has already been predicted based on scientific and historical facts is not prophecy coming alive. I still want to hear a "Thus saith the Lord..." or a "And the Lord said unto me...." from him. Reading the news and hitching your prophetic wagon to that which is already known about natural geological or meteorological phenomenon simply does not count. It may have puzzled Bronze and Iron Age types in their ignorance but there is no excuse for Bob who claims to be a scientist. He might be in one small niche but he is also terribly faith restricted in the information he allows in.
A fundamental question is why is Splinterdom fixated on "The Great Tribulation." The Millerites back in 1844 were focused on the Parousia with no acknowledgement of The Great Tribulation. I don't know when the great tribulation became popular among Millertes but apparently it was not on the agenda back in the thrilling days of October 1844.
Why the great tribulation rather than the Parousia in Spinterdom? I think it is because of the introduction of the mythology of a latter day place of safety. This idea has been embellished to the point that people were told that they would experience three and a half yeas of the FOT out in a desert location in the Middle East. So the effective date for personal deliverance among Splinterists is the beginning of the great tribulation.
When I was seventeen I began getting booklets from Pasadena. One of the first ones I sent for was "1975 in Prophecy." I always had an interest in science fiction. I was easily convinced that something bad was going to happen. You could see it in world events. But I had, at the age of seventeen, an adolescent's sense of history. It has always been bad but I did not think so much about that. And 1975 came and went.
The great tribulation also came and went in 70 AD. That ship sailed. Nero was here and is now gone. The only way you can squeeze a redux out of scripture is to assert an arcane theory such as as type-antitype. Type-antitype is used in scripture but in much more obvious ways than its application to the great tribulation. Applying it to a redux of the great tribulation is a leap of audacious creativity.
The great tribulation is dependent for its existence on novel interpretations, dismissal of actual historical events and odd hermeneutics. It is virtually a Gnostic exercise to believe in it. Great Tribulation weenies should get a life.
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The tribulation lacked credibility prior to the advent of nuclear weapons.
My view is that “the great tribulation” (Rev 7:14
) is yet future. With any interpretation there are ‘difficulties,’ but these are more of a problem from reading Ancient Near Eastern literature through the lens of Modern Western cultural and linguistic concepts - the problem is not that we know too much but that we know so little.
; 16:28
; 25:34
; Luke 9:27
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, WHEN shall these things be [the destruction of the Temple]? and WHAT shall be the sign [semeion] of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
This post presents some premillennialists views realizing that partial preterists will not agree (cp. preterist proof texts: Mt 10:23
"The fall of Jerusalem becomes a type of the great and final tribulation that, if God should not intervene, would bring an end to human history" (Robert H. Mounce, Revelation, NIBC, p.225).
While the Jewish revolt began in the reign of Nero, the siege and fall of Jerusalem (AD 70) - city and temple - occurred after his death (AD68) and under emperor Vespasian.
“It is helpful to remember that apocalyptic literature is a genre that does not share our Western concern for orderly continuity... It is not uncommon for prophetic material to move between type and antitype without calling attention to exactly what is happening” (Robert H. Mounce, Revelation, NIBC, p.222).
"Bible prophecy regularly exhibits this characteristic of telescoping the future, so that the more distant event appears to merge with the nearer so as to become indistinguishable from it. The best known passage in which this telescoping features is the discourse of Jesus in Matthew 24 and Mark 13, where He speaks both of the fall of Jerusalem and of the end of the age. Only after the former event had taken place did it become possible to distinguish which passages applied to the events of AD 70, and which were predictions of the more distant future. The common factors in judgment, whenever it takes place, and the similarity between the methods of one tyrant and another, account for the apparent homogeneity of the chapter. 'It seems...that neither an exclusively historical nor an exclusively eschatological interpretation is satisfactory, and that we may allow for a double reference, for a mingling of historical and eschatological.' The historical is still future at the time of writing, but relates to a recognizable situation identified when the event takes pace. Other parts of the discourse look to the second coming and the end of the age" (Joyce G. Baldwin, Daniel, TOTC, p.202).
"Reicke ("Synoptic Prophecies") has shown the language in the Olivet Discourse prophesying the Fall of Jerusalem to be largely in OT categories. Not only is it general, it does not describe any detail peculiar to the known history of the Jewish Wars (A.D. 66-73). Reicke goes so far as to conclude that the Olivet Discourse as found in any of the Synoptics could not have been composed after A.D.70, and that therefore the Synoptics have earlier dates..." (D.A. Carson, Matthew, EBC, Vol.8, p.489).
Mt 24:3
(Cont next post)
OT below from the Brenton translation of the Greek Septuagint:
And at that time Michael the great prince shall stand up, that stands over the children of thy people:
and there shall be a time of tribulation [thlipsis],
For then shall be great [megas] tribulation [thlipsis],
Alas! for that day is great [megas],
such [osis] tribulation [thlipsis] as has not been [ou me] from the time that there was a nation on the earth until that time:
such [osis] as was not [ou] since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
and there is not such [ou me] another:
at that time thy people shall be delivered [sozo], even every one that is written in the book.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved [sozo] but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
but he shall be saved [sozo] out of it.
Immediately after the tribulation [thlipsis] of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
And then shall appear the sign [semeion] of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him:
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
... And he said to me, These are they which came out of THE [HO] GREAT [MEGAS] TRIBULATION [THLIPSIS], and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
and parallels), it finds its fulfillment in that persecution which supplies the full complement of Christian martyrs (6:1)... The intensity of the final conflict of righteousness and evil will arise to such a pitch as to become the great tribulation” (Robert H. Mounce, the Book of Revelation, Revbised, NICNT, p.164).
Dan 12:1
Da 12:1a
Mt 24:21a
Jer 30:7a
Da 12:1b
Mt 24:21
Jer 30:7b
Da 12:1c
Mt 24:22
Jer 30:7c
Mt 24:29
Mt 24:30
Jer 30:8
Da 12:2
Rev 7:9
“The vision begins with a great throng standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. The elders, living creatures, and angels of chapter 4 and 5 are now joined with so vast a multitude of redeemed that to number them would be impossible. In every direction they stretch out as far as the eye can see... The universality of the multitude is stressed by the fourfold division into nations , tribes, peoples and languages. Their robes of white symbolize not only the victory of faith but the righteousness of Christ...” (Robert H. Mounce, the Book of Revelation, Revised, NICNT, p.162).
Rev 7:14
“The use of the definite article in the phrase “the great tribulation” indicates that the angel is referring primarily to that final series of woes which will immediately precede the end. It is the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world (3:10). It is not “the awesome totality of tribulation which from century to century has been the experience of God’s people” nor does it correspond to “the entire history of the church - past, present, and future.” It is that specific period of distress and cruel persecution which will take place prior to the return of Christ. Prophesied by Daniel (12:1) and reflected on the screen of history at the fall of Jerusalem (Mark 13:19
(Cont next post)
“Dr. Robert H. Mounce (PhD. University of Aberdeen, Scotland), president emeritus of Whitworth University, is the author of a number of well-known New Testament commentaries including the volume on Revelation in the NICNT, Romans in the NAC and John in the newly revised EBC. Dr. David Hubbard, former president of Fuller Theological Seminary, referred to him as “one of our generation’s most able expositors.” He was on the original translation committee for the NIV, involved in the translation of the NLT and the NIrV, as well as serving as assistant NT editor of the ESV...
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
]. What makes it complex, in addition to the mystery surrounding two of the characters, is that the writer does not narrate it straightforwardly. The writer moves back and forth in time” (Beverly Roberts Gaventa, First and Second Thessalonians, IBCTP, p.114).
“For over thirty years Mounce’s commentary on Revelation in the NICNT has served as the definitive presentation of the Apocalypse from a historical pre-millennial approach...” (billmounce.com/bobmounce).
Present and Future
2Th 2:1
2Th 2:2
"This a straightforward story of good and evil [2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
“... one should also note that the presentation shifts back and forth from the future (vv.3b-4) to the present (vv.5-7), then back to the future (vv.8-10a) and again to the present (vv.10b-12), all of which relate to the preceding point, that Paul’s aim is to comfort them in the present with regard to what lies still in the future...” ( Gordon D. Fee, The First and Second letter to the Thessalonians, NICNT, p.277).
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