When it comes to the Philadelphia Church of God and its proclamations, nothing should surprise us anymore. The focus is never on Jesus, but on sacred rocks, Irish dance, Gerald Flurry's visions, breaking up families and proclaiming Gerald Flurry as King.
Today they featured an article on their website that is from 2003 and written by the King himself.
It discusses the MOST IMPORTANT thing in the entire universe that PCG is to proclaim. Is it Jesus, his words and what he has accomplished, or something else? This is a Church of God after all, so forget about the focus being upon Jesus.
This focus is God's most supreme goal facing humanity today. Without this goal, humanity will never understand anything about salvation!
This must be God’s supreme goal for His Philadelphian elect today.
So what is that goal? Many of you probably already know. It is the promotion of the most god-awful book ever written. A book so bad and sooooooooo incredibly boring that most COG members have never completed it and a book that they have stuck in a box in the garage or on the top shelf of a bookcase where it will never be looked at again. Yet humanity's salvation is dependant upon this book.
The greatest single gift we can give to the world is Mystery of the Ages. Let’s think and work like God and give it to “the largest audience possible”!
Who knew that the single greatest gift to the world was a frigging book! Not Jesus. Nope! But a stupid, poorly written book. A book filled with so many doctrinal errors and outright deceptive lies that it should be dumped in the trash just like the Worldwide Church of God did in the 1990s when it hauled tens of thousands of copies of the book and other literature in the Glendale dump.
Even Bruce Lyon in Servant News panned the book.
A Mixture of Truth and Error
“All teaching came from Christ through the apostles… God’s Church today, as in the first century, receives its teachings from the living Christ, through an apostle, just as in AD 31.” (Page 350)
Considering the plain errors noted in a number of the teachings of this book and the previous book (The Incredible Human Potential), something is terribly wrong here. I’ll trust the Bible over Herbert Armstrong any day. Sure, I could go through this book and list a dozen or more good things. However, I did not come to praise this book, but to bury it.
I honestly thought we had allowed these two books, Mystery of the Ages and The Incredible Human Potential, to die natural deaths after they were both withdrawn by the WCG about 1990. They were rarely, if ever, referred to even before 1990 in my experience. I assumed that was because the numerous obvious errors were plain to many—especially to educated elders.
When books have upwards of ten percent error, then they are as much or more trouble as they are worthwhile.
In the categories of unproven statements and opinions stated as fact (many of which I believe are easily disproved), along with information that is simply erroneous, I estimate that The Incredible Human Potential is 30% or more flawed (and not just chapters 4 and 5!). I estimate that Mystery of the Ages is at least 25% flawed. I have only shown some of the problems in this book.
As a whole, these books have way too many holes!
When truth is greatly interlaced with errors, the credibility of the whole suffers and the credibility of those who promote it. Even unconverted people can often see some of the false concepts, scriptural and historical, noted above.
The mixture of good and error in these books is strongly intertwined. Several themes and concepts Mr. Armstrong weaves throughout both books are false or unsupported by the Bible (yet stated as fact).
My desire is simple: let’s get rid of obvious biblical errors and other misinformation (1 Thessalonians 5:21
), and let’s not be unbiblically cult-like in any way.
God was never dependent on Herbert Armstrong. Nor does our salvation depend on Mr. Armstrong in any way; it never did.
If grossly inaccurate books are retained as beneficial and recommended, then continual and needless controversy and confusion will result. This is already the case.
Truer words could never be spoken than what Bruce Lyon stated above (highlighted in yellow).
God did not need Herbert Armstrong. He does not need Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Vic Kubik, Gerald Weston, Bill Watson, or any of the other splinter group leaders out there to do His supposed "work".
COG groups need to stop focusing upon "grossly inaccurate books" and grossly inaccurate teachings of people like Thiel, Pack, and Flurry. Their words are nothing more than stinking dung on a steaming pile of manure.
The greatest thing PCG needs today is a good shave for Gerald Flurry, who lately looks like a crazy homeless guy cleaned up just a little to be presentable.
Anon 7:08 PM you shouldn't make fun of the homeless like that that isn't cool.
He looks odd with that Chinese beard.
"He looks odd with that Chinese beard."
As do the pussy boys in Edmond that grew one just like his. Such pathetic people.
You shouldn't make fun of Chinese beards. LOL. Flurry, though, is fair game.
It should be clear that GF worships HWA, and he appeals to those that worship him as well.
If I remember correctly, GF was very much anti-HWA when he first split off to start his own church. Then he realized he could gain a much larger following by promoting HWA.
I suppose one could say it's all about the Benjamins.
I will give Pack credit for the fact that he just created his own "Knock Off" HWA literature by doing rewrites , rather than Flurry who spent MILLIONS to buy up old HWA literature from Tkach.
What is funny, is that Flurry added and subtracted from the HWA writings as well! I guess the idea is that somehow the HWA writings are sacrosanct writings on the level of the Bible. Even HWA proclaimed his MOTA as the "most important book written in the last 1900 years" .
The only piece of Armstrongist literature that I have not discarded is the MTOA. It is the integrative work that defines Armstrongism written by the man who created Armstrongism. It is the closest thing that the WCG ever produced that has the cachet of a systematic theology. It is an invaluable book, not to the world, but to those who would research and ponder the strange phenomenon called Armstrongism.
For instance, if you want to know the broad hermenutic that Armstrong used to create Armstrongism out of his understanding of the Bible, it is found in this book. He wrote the following concerning one dimension of that hemeneutic:
"Why, then, has the world not understood (i.e, the Bible)? Because the Bible was a coded book, not intended to be understood until our day in the latter half of the twentieth century. (MTOA, page xi)"
This is a breathtaking statement. Against the manifest flow of scripture itself, HWA asserts that he was the first human on earth to ever understand the Bible. This means that when Paul wrote the epistle to the Roman church, that Paul did not understand what he was writing. And when the Roman church members received the epistle, they did not understand what Paul had written. Even though Paul proclaimed in the opening statements of Romans that he had been set aside by for God's good tidings which God had promised in advance through his prophets. But according to HWA, all of it was coded and incomprehensible. It's real meaning did not emerge until the twentieth century in a Public Library in Des Moines, Iowa, apparently.
Though MOTA contains much more on HWA's hermeneutics, this one simple sentence tell us much about how HWA saw and interpreted the Bible and, at the same time, how he viewed himself and his importance. And, unfortunately, how he viewed the clear intent of God, the Apostles and the validity of the early Christian church.
You can't find this kind of explanatory material placed in context in any other WCG publication. I am glad MOTA exists and has not been gathered up and destroyed by Armstrongists.
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The rumor has always been that Aaron Dean wrote parts of MOTA. Are you going to have an pop at him over that NEO? I betcha don't.
MOA was billed as the greatest book in 2000 years when I was growing up on worldwide. I remember when I tried to read it that I just started noticing HWA's self importance and narcissistic personality in it & his autobiography. I was turned off by all that & the HWA idolatry that was so prevalent. Flurry takes the idolatry to a new level.
HWA's "coded book"
While not agreeing with HWA's hermeneutic, I don't think the result is as bleak as NEO describes. Using HWA's "jigsaw puzzle" analogy, that would appear to mean that individual pieces have no value until properly assembled. I would interpret HWA's meaning is that one may understand some of the pieces, one doesn't see the "true" big picture unless they accept his eclectic set of teachings.
It is necessary to have some overall systemic view, otherwise the result would be cognitive dissonance. A typical example is believing in going heaven/hell after death, a resurrection from the dead, a final judgement, and not see any conflict. Those who see difficulties must create constructs (such as the Rapture) to explain the possible anomalies.
And, if HWA had "the Code" why are there now so many COGs with different understandings? If it was "revealed" to HWA, why has GF made changes?
Anonymous (10:52)
What are you saying exactly? Why would I want to involve Dean in this? If Dean wrote part of MOTA, without a doubt HWA reviewed it before publication. People who are egocentric like HWA don't typically let others speak for them. In the rare occasion when they do, they maintain tight control.
The wording is in HWA's style. It is his byline. He had plenty of time to issue revisions. You would have to provide more than rumour to demonstrate that someone else wrote it. Then you would have to demonstrate that HWA didn't know about it. I assume you are trying to protect HWA by off-loading responsibility onto Aaron Dean.
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I recall getting our much anticipated copy of MOTA ages ago, but I couldn't get past the first chapter. It was the most poorly written, boring, and dry publication that I ever had the misfortune to read. I commented to my wife, that as the contents of Mystery of the Ages were so terribly dry, the book would serve well as a desiccant in areas where excess humidity was a problem.
As NEO suggested in his remarks, "Mystery of the Ages" is a useful tool for those who wish to understand the phenomenon of Armstrongism - it is the most concise statement of Herbert Armstrong's theology extant. Moreover, Flurry's remarks suggest that he is still immersed in this theology (and the erroneous notions promulgated in its pages), and that he drank the Kool-Aid of Armstrong's hype about the book's importance.
However, while I applaud Bruce Lyon's reluctance to share anything with the public which contains error, I believe that his assessment that 25% of the book is flawed is very generous. In fact, I would say that the truth/error ratio relative to this book should be inverted! After all, while some of the statements in each chapter are undoubtedly true, Mr. Armstrong's conclusion about all seven "mysteries" revealed in the book are flawed. An entirely objective review of MOTA leads to the inescapable conclusion that Mr. Armstrong did NOT understand who and what God is, the nature and purpose of angels, the nature and purpose of humankind, the story of civilization, the history and fate of Israel, the nature and purpose of the Christian Church and the scope and meaning of God's Kingdom!
The book the mystery of ages is the greatest book in American history.
Mystery of ages should be called Herbert Armstrong's greatest hits.
I have also heard people speculate that HWA was not the true author of MOTA or that someone else was responsible for writing parts of it. However, I have never heard any credible "proof" that would confirm this theory, and we know that HWA himself promoted the book to church members, and excerpts of it appeared in the Plain Truth Magazine. (See Plain Truth Magazine July-August and September issues, 1985 for reference.)
I agree that the issues with the book are numerous. In many COG groups this book rarely or never gets mentioned, but some such as Flurry's group seem to have embraced it and continue to promote it to their followers. I am not overly familiar with the literature of Flurry's group. I wonder if anyone knows if the version he promotes is exactly the same as the WCG version, or if he has altered the contents in some way.
Concerned Sister
I've read many times that several ministers were involved in the writing of MOA. Herb was frail when the book came out, so I don't think the motive was one of off loading responsibility for the book. I recall someone posting here a few years ago that they were one of the ministers that co-wrote MOA.
I found Kelly Marshalls online review of the book an excellent read. Especially the bully trait pointed out of exalting the church by unfairly putting down everyone else. Definitely a Herb and minister trait.
The contents of the mystery of the ages have been altered by Gerald Flurry. When Satan ( Joseph Tkach) took over the true church many had to flee into the many splinters groups to spiritually survive but since May 1999 there is only one group we should go that is RCG.
The content of the Mystery of the Ages was altered by Gerald Flurry. When Satan (Joseph Tkach) took over the true church, many had to flee to the many splinter groups to survive spiritually, but as of May 1999, there is only one group we should go to and that is the RCG.
Even HWA at the MOTAs first distribution to AC College students in Pasadena, confessed that the book had errors in it. (That he said would be revised down the road)
The book was a basic hybrid of several other HWA materials, thrown together in a "KTEL BEST OF HITS" type of fashion.
Aaron Dean has confessed to writing the last couple of letters for HWA prior to his death. He is quoted as saying that he dictated the letters back to him, and that HWA squeezed his hand in confirmation of the material. Aaron Dean did not write the MOTA.
Anon 3:36 "Mystery of ages should be called Herbert Armstrong's greatest hits" and misses.
Anon 3:32 wrote: The book the mystery of ages is the greatest book in American history.
Love the sarcasm. Just like the soldier who said MacArthur was the greatest general since Sergeant York.
So we have an odd turn of events. The Apostle of our time writes a book, maybe involving secondary agents in some way, but nevertheless vetted inside the WCG and some of the Splinterists do not embrace it? I knew some Splinterists rejected anything taught during and after the era of Joseph Tkach, Jr. But the waiving MOTA strikes at the throbbing heart of Armstrongism proper. This suggests to me that some kind of cloaked insurgency has been afoot.
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I got my first copy in Eugene Oregan at the Feast. Started reading the first chapter before church started. Bored out of my skull. Never opened it again after that. I still have it on my shelf as a reminder to never again let a cult tell me what to do. If I ever see Flurry again I will tell him how far he can shove the f-ing book up his ass.
I found all of Herbert Armstrong's writings and sermons to be awfully boring. How many times did we need to hear about the two trees? When I woke up to the fact we were being fed a lie it was easy to see the doctrinal errors rampant in the church. The complete rejection of Jesus Christ over the law was plain as day.
Anon 6:42 if you think Hebert Armstrong writings awfully boring you are not being called by God now you will find it very fascinating in the world tomorrow.
The law of God if everyone kept it there would be peace on earth.
HWA did keep repeating that he felt that he didn't write MOA. Presumably because it was inspired by God, but in this case because it was written by his minions. A neat rationalization.
Dean had to type it up due to Hear failing eyesight
You're kiddng,ain't you?
Or his greatest s**t
6:52, you wrote, "Anon 6:42 if you think Hebert Armstrong writings awfully boring you are not being called by God now you will find it very fascinating in the world tomorrow."
That's funny. Nothing Herbert Armstrong wrote will ever be used in your world tomorrow. Nothing. People will be entirely focused upon Christ, not some irrelevant guy from the 1980's and the junk he wrote.
One man is the apostle so HWA is number one! The one truth, or the Apostle! The Bible is a jigsaw puzzle and people needs Herbert w Armstrong's book to understand the jigsaw puzzle. When Herbert W Armstrong was alive he gave us the plain truth on a silver platter but now that he died were on our own Herbert Armstrong might be resurrected earlier than anyone else to be the two witnesses and possibly also Garner Ted Armstrong but no matter who Is they need to follow WCG literature or else they're not qualified for the job.
This idea that Herbie and Beddy Teddy will be resurrected to be joint witnesses in the end time is a load of crap. Amrstongism is so incredibly stupid it is beyond belief anymore.
The things that Mr. Armstrong said decades ago are actually more relevant today than before, when he wrote or spoke them, much more relevant. Mr. Armstrong has so much truth it will blow your mind, he will give you a level of understanding of the Bible that you cannot do for yourself.
NEO, HWA is venerated in nearly all the splinter groups to one extent or another, and he is at times selectively quoted, when it serves to promote the image of him they want to advance to people, or underscores an idea or teaching being stressed,etc. However, most of the COG groups have their own literature that they routinely advertise and quote, which has largely taken the place of the old WCG literature.
Also, certain ideas promoted by HWA wouldn't sit well with many of the younger generation, who are more unfamiliar with WCG literature, and to openly begin quoting and promoting a book such as MOTA, sooner or later would lead to uncomfortable questions. For example, we have this quote taken from chapter five, Mystery of Israel,
"So now again we come to the question, WHY did God raise up this special Hebrew nation as "the chosen people"? WHY, when God never made accessible to them his Holy Spirit?
One point to notice here. The probability is that these people were all — or nearly all — of the white racial strain, unchanged since creation."
And a few paragraphs later, "God started his chosen nation off — even though brought out of slavery — with all the natural advantages of a superior heredity." This of course implies that anyone not of Israelite descent, or white, is of "inferior heredity" and he says as much in his explanation.
While most of the modern splinter groups still teach British Israelism to one degree or another, many of them, including the larger three, have backed off or at least no longer openly teach the above reasoning for God choosing Israel. Instead they teach that God chose Israel because of His promises to Abraham due to Abraham's obedience, which carries over to the modern "descendants" of these people.
The above statements as well as others in the MOTA would potentially cause problems in these groups, particularly with many of the younger people, which could lead to some of them questioning the validity of this doctrine. At the very least these statements expose HWA as openly racist, and would not fly if overtly taught in these splinter groups, though I am aware that there are still some people here and there who harbor some of these ideas, even if they don't advertise it.
It serves the purpose of the corporate COGs better to speak of HWA as their mentor, and God's Apostle, while only quoting statements they feel put him in his best light, and avoiding those that don't, or that no longer fit the narrative they are promoting.
Concerned Sister
Displaying gross lack of real knowledge NEO. The rumor was Herbert's eyesight was so bad he thought what Aaron Dean read out aloud was his (HWA) own writing.
Thanks for the comments 4:24 as I've heard similar over the years. I've heard Aaron Dean himself mention about how bad Herbert's eyesight went. That is common knowledge.
It is well known that both Armstrongs had ghost writers picked from within the Plain Truth magazine writer pool. Not always using the same writer everytime.
Thanks for sharing.
Somebody is sooo drunk with the Kool-Aid, his idolatry of HWA is bubbling in the comments. PCG member? Definitely. Minister? If he is, what a dumb way of writing in expressing himself.
Only certain generations and others for power, political & salary reasons called Herbert an Apostle NEO. Other generations amongst the rank & file membership called him an evangelist.
The responses are a mix of pro-Herbert people, anti-Herbert people and trolls. If we throw out the trolls, the divisons among the remaining people are sharp but no sharper than the divisons over Donald Trump or John F. Kennedy.
Debate has value but it is greatly hampered by partisan devotion - and I include myself in this. I have always believed that what outraged Centrists regarded as the malfeasant activities of Trump were regarded as evidence of courage by his base. Trump blatantly misuses the DOJ to undermine democracy and his base, when confroned with the evidence, regards his behavior as shrewd and heroic. So when one points out that HWA believed he was the first person to ever understand the Bible, an idea that itself contains a misunderstanding of the Bible, his followers do not see it as a condemnation but algorithmically as a singular glorification of HWA. Any common yardstick of morality and basis for rational debate is set aside.
Among his ardent followers, the harsh reality is that morality does not sit in judgement on HWA. HWA, rather, in spirit sits in judgement on their personal morality. What HWA said and did lives on in Splinterdom and he is for them the measure of what is moral. Critics point out his flaws and his base immediately converts, no matter how circuitously, these flaws into merits. In the last analysis, the only common ground among Herbert advocates and detractors is the recognition that he was very powerful in life and remains very powerful in death.
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And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power.........Daniel 8:24
In my view, many people venerate HWA, and to a lesser degree his minions such as Rod Meridith because these men were highly morally flawed. They gave their followers diluted moral values that they felt comfortable with. The 'speak smooth things to us' thingy. Hence rights, personal freedom etc are taboo. Watching the tele-evangelists, one observes the same phenomenon. There's things that they all religiously leave out. Tyranny, both religious, economic and political is the norm. Assertiveness is a big no, no. That the splinters, including Protestantism, are shrinking in America is unsurprising.
Sorry, conservative Christians, but spending eternity with you people isn't the selling point you think it is.
“Even Bruce Lyon in Servant News panned the book.”
It needs to be UNDERSTOOD and REMEMBERED that Serpent's News was the tiny little attempt of Norman S. Edwards to cause endless division among former Worldwide Church of God people and get everyone totally divided up with each individual person making up their own doctrinal nonsense while they were all then supposed to “disagree without being disagreeable.” This included trying to have so-called “non-aligned” Feast sites where different people would observe the annual Sabbaths on different days depending on their own favorite version of calendar confusion.
Norman S. Edwards had left the Global Church of Rod splinter group with a copy of its mailing list to start his own little religion business. That is why people would receive letters from him and wonder how he ever got their name and address. Even with that advantage, he was not able to amount to anything, perhaps because his one big doctrinal goal was to teach against hierarchical government in the church and in favor of massive division.
Norman S. Edwards tried to teach church people to be stray cats rather than sheep. His ultimate desire was to see the entire WCG break up into lone individuals each being led off in a different direction by their own demon while thinking that they were so spiritual that they were being personally led by God. He was absolutely thrilled when the WCG exploded after the Great Apostasy of 1995 and all sorts of tiny little so-called churches, ministries, home groups, websites, etc. were forming.
Norman S. Edwards wanted people to write up their own ideas about church government and send them to him for possible inclusion in his Serpent's News newsletter. He said that he was willing to consider virtually anything and everything under the sun. He said that the only thing that he would not publish, and would not even consider, and did not even want to receive, was anything in support of what Herbert W. Armstrong had taught about hierarchical government in the church.
Since all his favorite new ideas were about how to cause division, it is fitting that almost nobody followed Norman S. Edwards.
Well NEO did you leave WCG universe before MOTA came out? In all my years I have never heard any from anywhere proclaim MOTA in high esteem. Only Gerald Flurry and his mob in recent years.
Are NEO and Nck one ?
"It needs to be UNDERSTOOD and REMEMBERED that Serpent's News was the tiny little attempt of Norman S. Edwards to cause endless division among former Worldwide Church of God people "
Norm Edwards was as big a theological crook as Bob Thiel is. They both lied about their positions and that God had set them up to do what they are doing. That's why Bob still uses Norm Edwards as a legitimate source to prove he(Bob) is a real prophet. Two lying deceitful fakes do not make a real prophet legtimate.
Both have a Christless belief system.
No, we are a trinity with destiny.
“Guess What PCG Says Is The Greatest Thing The World Needs Today?”
The greatest thing that PCG cult members need today is the original writings of Herbert W. Armstrong that have not been edited and changed by Satan's lying false prophet Gerald Flurry.
Church of god is filled with real fakes all the splinter leaders are fakes.
Destined to fail.
Brought up to believe that MOA was the second most important book since the bible, only from the outside was critical thinking an option. HWA heavily plagiarized key doctrines while many claims are simply false.
Numerous splinters, not just PCG, have made HWA their God; that what HWA said is infallible. Therefore poor writing, lack of evidence and dogmatic statements without any proof are considered inspied when they are just bad. Failed prophecy? Meh. Carnal conduct? Meh. Contradictions? Meh. We were all like blind sheep, and many today still seek comfort from a shepherd with the same voice as HWA.
At one stage, most members in the WWCG were relatively young, and transferred attitudes they acquired about their school teachers to the ministers. Hence the minister was always right and had all the answers.
But to still have these beliefs in old age is ridiculous. It means that members have defaulted on their responsibility to mature.
And wolfman Dave Pack and others are devouring such members.
When Radio COG started the younger members had gone through WW2 disruption. Their generation view of life was completely different to the latter WCG younger generation view of life.
All organizations have a formal or informal hierarchial structure. A car company has hierarchy but can still respect its employees rights and not lord it over their beliefs. The two should not be confused or fused, which many posters seem to do. In Herb-world, its members were robbed of all their rights and their faith lorded over. The bibles "prove all things" is a individual 'stray cat' responsibility. This is the only way to build ones beliefs on rock. Blindly believing the church is building on sand. Unfortunately Herb and his minions rejected the narrow gate and built on sand by lording it over the flock. The house collapsed on his death. And no, it's not Joe Tkach's fault. He's the effect.
I wonder which version of MOTA the PCG is going to distribute. Is it the one with the copyright in the '80s as originally printed or the one with numerous doctinal changes that the PCG has quietly edited in.
This poses a serious problem of cognitive distance from their perspective. Only one thing can be true. Either HWA was God's end time apostle and MOTA was indeed inspired / revealed to him...
Or God made mistakes and had to correct them later thru the PCG when 'new understanding' was provided.
How to choose?
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