It is a beautiful sunny day here in California and the fake prophet of the Five Cities area is melting down again over people refusing to see that he is a real prophet of god. He continues to be angry that we mock him and ridicule him and have absolutely no respect for his ministry, his office, and his self-appointed prophethood status.
This really concerns him when it comes to his African followers. Given the fact that they have an extremely high predisposition to jump ship from Sabbath-keeping group to Sabbath-keeping group whenever they perceive heresy is involved or they see a more lucrative money, computer, or seed supplier in their future, Prophet Bob is always one step away from losing thousands of members.
Of course, he blames this all on the "devil" working in the minds of bitter angry people intent on mocking him and his so-called ministry. That is always the easy way out for COG leaders when they have no substance to their accusations or even to their ministries.
The Great Bwana to Africa and Savior of 299 Caucasians is also still concerned that demon-possessed people will make "deep fakes" of him and make him say things he never actually said. Seriously dude, get over yourself!
Lies and Deepfakes
Jesus taught that God’s prophets would be reviled and spoken evil of. He also warned that the devil was a liar that worked to take the word of God away from those who heard it. The Apostle Paul warned that “evil men and seducers would wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13, KJV). He also warned that letters purported from him with false messages were an issue. COG leader Serapion of Antioch denounced a gospel falsely attributed to the Apostle Peter as pseudepigrapha. With the internet, lies can spread faster than before. With technology, like artificial intelligence, can we expect to see deepfakes that will make it look like Christian leaders say or do things that they did not? Do you, “prove all things” so you will not fall from the coming increased deceit? Will YOU hold fast to that which is good or be one who “loves and practices a lie’? Dr. Thiel refers to aspects of modern technology and various scriptures to warn Christians to not be misled by what is coming.
Wow!--- "Deep Faking" an already existing FAKE like Booby??
I don't think someone who is already known to be deeply fake needs to worry about being deep faked.
They still can't convincingly imitate human voices. Otherwise we would be hearing new Elvis Presley songs. Faking Bobs voice is not possible at this point of time. I noticed that the actors hair in the frequently used deep fake movie "The Irishman" is not quite right.
Would faking a fake make him more real?
Bob Thiel is not an apostle, only Herbert Armstrong is. He became a pioneer and the world leader in televangelism and one of the most prominent religious leaders of the 20th century watched, read, and followed by millions around the world.
Mr. Armstrong founded Ambassador College in 1947 in Pasadena and later founded two more campuses in Big Sandy, Texas, and Bricket Wood, England. Thousands of students have been educated by this transformative higher education institution. Mr. Armstrong realized that Sardis Cog 7 was almost dead because 18 truths were missing and God was revealing to Mr. Armstrong that he needed to give the Sardis those truths to save the true church and so God used Mr. Armstrong to start the Philadelphia era of the No one in the church, not even Roderick C Meredith or any modern-day dissident WCG leader, had the vast amount of knowledge that Herbert Armstrong did. Armstrong will have a very high place in the kingdom of God. United States President Ronald Reagan summed up the feelings of church members and non-members with the news of his death: Mr. Armstrong contributed to sharing the word of the Lord with his community and with people throughout the nation,” he said. “You can take pride in his legacy.”
I think Bob Thiel is very sincere about his beliefs even though they are irrational and just brainwash but Imagine if you were him who firmly believed that you would not want people making fun of you so do not make fun of Bob Thiel.
Ha! This blog has gone full circle. The unstoppable fakes on here mocking Thiel about deep fakes.
You must live in an alternate universe 1:23, silly fool. What fake stuff has this blog posted? Almost every post is quoting something stupid COG ministers say. Prove the so-called lies here. I dare you. Coward. Is this really you Bob? You're such a milquetoast.
The True Gospel included the Kingdom of God and obedience to God's law and was thus understood by the faithful. I think you should salute Bob Thiel for his hard work, but always remember that HWA is number one, not even Bob Thiel is as good as Armstrong.
Going full circle? No, it's good to interact with the Armstrongism, try to debate them and change their mindset to see the truth about the kind of leader they have.
Don't discourage Bob or the other Armstrongites from coming here, they might change their minds, you never know.
A religion that is completely based on belief and no action is completely useless, we must remember that faith without works is dead.
Really? Then how do you explain Herbs 1975 prediction?
Anon wrote at 5:10 PM
"Really? Then how do you explain Herbs 1975 prediction?"
Jesus Christ did not return in 1975 because he returned in 1892 to Des Moines Iowa as Herbert W. Armstrong. Herbert Armstrong is the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Doubly blessed almost arrested for Sabbath keeping Bobby Thiel said “Jesus taught that God’s prophets would be reviled”. Where exactly did he say that ? Perhaps I’m missing it as I can’t seem to find that statement the New Testament.
I assume it's John 4:44
".. a prophet is without honor in his own country."
But Bob exaggerated, as usual.
Recruiting Serapion of Antioch as an ancient Millerite is a dubious business. Just because a figure in church history opposed Montanism and was a Quartodeciman does not equate to being a full blown model for later Armstrongite Millerism. And stating that someone opposes something, in this case Montanism, is not a positive statement about what they are. It is simply an apophatic assertion about what they are not.
Further, claiming that someone is who is a Quartodeciman is, therefore, an Armstrongist is skating on thin historical ice - at the point where ice becomes water. For instance, the Quartodecimans expected Christ to return soon and during the Passover. While a pre-occupation with eschatology is a good Armstrongist attribute, when Christ did not return during a given Passover, Quartodecimans would proceed to the Easter Eucharist (See Wikipedia article on "Quartodecimanism").
But vague ancient liturgy and terminology aside, the salient and currently relevant question is whether the Quartodecimans observed the Christian Passover (q.v.) as a requirement for salvation or whether it was a custom. While I have not studied this thoroughly, I cannot find that the Quartdecimans made it a condition for salvation. If it had been, that surely would have been a controversy in the headlines of history. This is important because in Armstrongism, Passover observance and all holy day observances are a condition for salvation. If the Passover were rather just a custom for the Quartodecimans, this is a sharp division in soteriology with the Armstrongists on the heretical side of the line. Tampering with Christian soteriology is an egregious error but something that Armstrongism has done audaciously. And for this reason, Armstrongists could not claim theological descent from Quartodecimans.
If the Quartodecimans claimed observance of the Christian Passover was a requirement for salvation, please correct me and provide citations.
On the other hand Serapion, to his great credit, opposed the Phyrigian Heresy known as "New Prophecy." Adherents to this heresy claimed prophetic powers to the point of speaking as God in the first person and claiming that the words they received directly from the Holy Spirit superseded the validity of the words of Jesus and Paul (see Wikipedia article on Montanism). I wonder what Serapion would think about all the Splinterist leaders who claim prophetic powers at this time.
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When talking about non-WCG churches, GTA would occasionally say "Sincere, but sincerely wrong". For COGleaders's claims, with DCP and GF, I don't know if they are more dangerous if they're sincere (and wrong) or they know they're faking it.
Bob appears sincere, but misguided and deluded by his own ambition - with too much time wasted trying to "prove" what he claims to be, and far too sensitive to criticism.
Bob Thiel is not a real prophet and is probably the most false prophet I have ever heard of, besides David Pack, Gerald Flurry.
COGWriter Bob Thiel Failed "Four Tests" of Being a True Prophet a website that is pro church of God perspective exposes Bob Thiel for who he really is.
I don't think Ronald Reagan wrote a thing about HWA. He has staff members who keep up with news and send out boiler plate messages to all sorts of groups to give the impression that the President knows what is going on in organizations that are important to some voters. I really don't think that the briefing that the president got each morning included a review of the insights provided by HWA. "Hello Bill (Director of the CIA). Has HWA provided us with any new insights into the prophecies of the Bible and the Wonderful World Tomorrow? Maybe we can plant a CIA officer on the travel team as HWA travels the world. Maybe HWA will elevate him to evangelist rank, in time, and put him on the board of trustees."
How can Bob be sincere if God hasn't communicated any verifiable prophesies to him?
Pride in a legacy that includes child abuse, especially the sexual abuse of his daughter, Dorothy? /his is Armstrong pride?
How can Bob be sincere if God hasn't communicated any verifiable prophesies to him?
From what Bob has said and written, it appears he does not claim to receive direct revelation from God. His "gift" is apparently to put the prophecy puzzle pieces together in the correct order, and to correctly match world events with Bible prophecy.
He has mentioned some "correct predictions" about some cases of impending illnesses. These appear to be just his own diagnoses, and not of general "prophetic" value to anyone except the inflicted. The "dreams" (his own and others) as he interprets them appear to only confirm what he wants to believe. This includes his interpretation of "the second part of Loma's dream".
You seem sympathetic towards Bob. His own diagnoses and educated guesses is not the common definition of a prophet. Torturing words to give oneself a self exalting title is deceit.
Sometimes it's just as difficult and painful to see truths about others as it is about ourselves.
I agree 6:22. Bob Thiel is very deceitful. With Pack and Flurry, they make no bones about what you are getting from them, Bob on the other hand is crafty and deceitful in what he says and does. He hopes by overwhelming us with statistics and hundreds of links that you will not check him out. He makes predictions and then lies that he never made a prophetic prediction when it fails. Everything about the origins of his self-created church is a lie. From Gaylyn Bonjour's supposed double blessing to dreams he has had. No one should believe a word he says.
Anon 622, if you were referring to my comment, yes, I may be showing sympathy, as Bob reminds me of myself at different times. So in a sense, for me critiquing Bob is like my self-criticism - "the Force (of delusion) is strong with this one".
11:43 HWA wasn’t an apostle. He was a false apostle.
"HWA wasn’t an apostle"
I believe that in CG7, at least when HWA was with them, every ordained man was called an Apostle. That was in the original intent, a purely "functional" title for "one who goes forth" and preaches the word.
Only later was "Apostle" taken to be the top of the ecclesiastic hierarchy, obscuring the original meaning.
Everybody who is sent could be an "apostle" but there are only 12 apostles of Jesus Christ - Rev 21:14
. All other apostles were sent by somebody else, including Herbie.
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