Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Crackpot COG Prophet Claims His Writings Will Be Necessary Tools To Educate People With In The Kingdom of God.


God's most favorite doubly-blessed, self-appointed, and self-ordained splinter group leader to ever grace humanity in thousands of years, is back again today letting us know that his books, booklets, and sermons will be vital teaching material in the world tomorrow. God is apparently so pleased with apostate Bob that he is going to allow Bob and his 299 Caucasians and whatever number of church-hopping Sabbatarians in Africa that will be left at that time to be teachers in the Kingdom of God.

Yes, the true ministry helps people be able to speak the truth in love. 
Now that books are more widely available than in New Testament times, books from ministers can also assist in teaching end time Christians.  
    While we have many, the following look to be particularly applicable to the ‘instruct many’ prophecy related to predominantly Philadelphian Christians: 

    Note, what follows is the crap topics that NO ONE in the Kingdom of God will care about at that time. Not one single person, especially not any COG members.

    The Gospel of the Kingdom of God The Beast power will be promising a humanitarian utopia that he will not truly be able to deliver. Philadelphian Christians who understand the gospel of the kingdom will be able to better explain why God’s kingdom is the answer.

    The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why Did God Make You? This book answers some of the basic questions about the human life and what God’s purpose is. 
    Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation Most in the world do not understand the plan a loving God truly has for humanity. 
    Continuing History of the Church of God This is a short overview of church history and shows that it was the Church of God in Asia Minor and Antioch that stood up against many of the early heretics and that the beliefs of the early Christians are best held by the Continuing Church of God. 
    Who Gave the World the Bible? The Canon: Why do we have the books we now do in the Bible? Is the Bible complete? The end time Beast power will feign support of a religion that will be considered as ‘catholic.’ Since the Church of Rome claims it gave the world the Bible, it says it alone has the right to interpret it. This book helps explain where the Bible came from, what the correct books are, what the best manuscripts are, and the fact that it was the Church of God who maintained the chain of custody of the books–not the Vatican or the other Greco-Roman faiths. 
    Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The true Church of God is NOT Protestant. This book gives extensive details as to why that is so. Plus goes in depth to explain to Protestant and others that it is the Continuing Church of God, and not the Greco-Roman faiths, that best practices sola Scriptura. 
    Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church While the Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholic churches believe they have the original faith and that is backed up by the writings of those they call the “early fathers,” the reality is that they have deviated from the Bible and early Christian leaders–most of which they call ‘saints’ on many serious and core doctrines. The information in this book is well expected to “instruct many” in the time of the end.

    Now that does not mean our other books and booklets are not important to know–and they can also be referred to–and all are found at the following link: CCOG Free Books and Booklets.

    Non-Philadelphians will not know enough to instruct many in this age. Oh yes, they will teach people during the millennium. But, the lack of knowledge of church history, development of heresies, and proper prophetic understanding will prevent most non-Philadelphians from fulfilling the “instruct many” prophecy in Daniel 11:32

    If you are not a member of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" then you will be woefully ignorant on what to teach people in the world tomorrow. God apparently is only going to use cult members of Bob Thiel's personality cult (and his books) as educators in the world tomorrow.  Can you picture now what a complete hell hole of a world that will be! People will look at the flickering flames of the lake of fire and think that it would have been a better alternative than sitting and listening to Thiel or his followers teach them.

    Because some of what people in the world will be interested in will be a bit historical, and to them unique, the listed books were written. These books are part of the CCOG preparation for the short work. 
    If YOU are willing to be used by God and will support the true Philadelphian remnant leader, God may well have YOU instruct many. Either directly, or at least, indirectly. 

    This is an outright lie. God is not going to be using members of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god"" to educate anyone in the kingdom of God. The stupidity in this claim is appalling and shows a complete lack of Biblical understanding of the role of Christ. 

    The improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" is NOT the remnant church and Bob Thiel, its self-appointed dreamed-up leader, is NOT a remnant leader. 

    With so many world events happening that are aligning with end time prophecy, isn’t this the time to be sure that you have the right goal and understand the meaning of life so that your education can support that?

    The meaning of life for a Christian does NOT involve any books, booklets, or teachings from an apostate such as Bob Thiel, who has assigned himself so many biblical names that it is now impossible to know what personification he is speaking under. Legion might be more appropriate though. 


    Anonymous said...

    This is why I love this blog!

    Anonymous said...

    Hey, look at his rich beard. All those vitamins he sells really work.

    Hoss said...

    Oh, and I thought it would be HWA's MOA, as it encapsulates the key COG "truths" in a, uh, nutshell!

    Anonymous said...

    But, Bob Thiel, who are you? Really!

    Bob wrote: "...If YOU are willing to be used by God and will support the true Philadelphian remnant leader, God may well have YOU instruct many. Either directly, or at least, indirectly..."

    Wasn't that Philadelphian leader HWA? If so, then Bob, who are you? Are you some remnant leader? That leader, HWA, is dead, and the Bible says nothing about some "Philadelphian remnant leader," or leader falsely so called.

    Oh, then didn't God inspire HWA to choose JWTkach senior, who became the first and last leader of the Laodiceans? How did you, Bob, squeeze in there as some "remnant leader?" Did God mess up, again?

    Once upon a time, a little less than 2,000 years ago, an "...evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?" Acts 19:15

    Bob Thiel, Jesus I know while you know "another Jesus," and Paul I know; but who are you?
    Bob Thiel, the gospel of peace I know while you know "another gospel," and Paul I know; but who are you? You are driven by another spirit, as time is telling...
    Bob Thiel, you preach a Mickey Mouse Millennium of "another Jesus" reigning on earth for 1,000 years while the real Jesus claims He will be at His Father's right hand for some time even beyond your 1,000 years. And, if that is true, then what happened to your theory, truth falsely so called, about some Kingdom of God being established on earth with some Jesus reigning during that 1,000 years, and then it fails (Remember Zech 14:1-2 where Day of LORD occurs AFTER that 1,000 year period)?

    Bob, are you claiming our Father lied to us about His Son, Jesus Christ? Are you claiming Jesus Christ lied to us about His Father’s true Plan of Salvation?

    You don't even really know God's true Plan of Salvation to save all humanity and subsequently destroy Satan and his angels. You preach a false gospel. You can't even identify the Beast.

    So, why read any of your literature: books, booklets, any writings? Why write about stuff you are ignorant about?

    Will you, Bob Thiel, ever see the day when you will repent of virtually everything you ever wrote?

    After all, I suspect that God’s thoughts about your stuff, professing to be some prophet, is going to be something like this:

    Jer 23:21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
    Jer 23:32 Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.

    But, time will tell...


    DennisCDiehl said...

    Bob seems to be slipping into more delusional and self absorbed ideas about himself. He derives his entire personal patterned on the minor prophet Amos. He like that Amos was just a lonely sheep herder and fig farmer and not of the school of the prophets and yet got to become one. Thus his justification for his own trippy belief that he too is a prophet because of his well known "double blessing" baloney that propelled him this conclusion.

    The Book of Amos has nothing to do with today. It was for them not us but typical of COG types, they read these ancient books like newspapers and blogs as if Amos was "really" talking to the US and all her modern lost tribal descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh. Bob believes Amos warned of Internet Censoring, which of course gives him a good shot of his own version of personal persecution. He also believes Amos's reference to Samaria was really about the US. Insane tale weaving.

    "When you see prophecies in the bible referring to Samaria you should consider that's there a pretty good chance it is prophecy related to the United States".

    If you wish to torture yourself on Prophet Bob's prophetic baloney... As you get into it, you will quickly find yourself asking, "What the hell are you talking about?"


    Tonto said...

    The leader of the PHILADELPHIA ERA is Joel Embiid who averaged 28.6 points a game for Philadelphia during the regular season, and is in tonights important game against Atlanta in the NBA playoffs.

    Anonymous ` said...

    From the post: "Non-Philadelphians will not know enough to instruct many in this age. Oh yes, they will teach people during the millennium."

    The above quotation seems to come from Daniel 11:32-33:

    "He will flatter with smooth words those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people devoted to their god will stand firm. The knowledgeable among the people will make the many understand (Jewish Study Bible, 2nd ed.)."

    I am always startled at how apocalyptic Millerites appropriate passages in the OT and apply the passages to themselves. A small, virtually unknown sect somehow has center stage in the pages of the Bible. This is as implausible as it is heady.

    For example, Daniel 11:32-33. To make a long story short (this stuff can be really dry), the book of Daniel is an apocalyptic book in the OT. It has been the focus of attention, along with Revelation, among apocalyptics. It has been, therefore, the source for many overwrought prophetic interpretations by ardent latter-day soothsayers.

    Daniel very closely corresponds to the history of the Middle East. The point where the correspondence to well known historical events ceases is at Dan 11:40-45 and chapter 12. One could argue that this is where the prophecy "goes future." I am a partial preterist so I have no problem with this.

    So, prior to the line drawn at Daniel 11:40, we have the collection of historical events. This includes Daniel 11:32-33. In the introduction to Daniel in the Jewish Study Bible, this is interpreted to refer probably to scribes who opposed Antiochus Epiphanes and there is a little more detail that places the passage in context with historical events.

    And that is the issue, it is a passage that fits neatly in a train of historical events. So why do apocalyptic Millerites read this and arbitrarily decide to make it future? They may bifurcate it and make it both a historical type and a future antitype. But how do they justify this novel and creative leap?

    It is like someone watching Star Trek and suddenly deciding off-the-wall that the plot of the episode corresponds to an arc in current events and has predictive qualities. The problem is not with composing an interpretative content. Anyone can generate an idosyncratic meaning for some scripture in answer to the question "What does it mean?" The problem is with the methodology. What makes the apocalyptic Millerite interpreter believe that his methodology works and is valid? What is the delta between his methodology and someone simply pulling something out of his hip pocket? You can see how this dilemma forces these latter day interpeters into a corner and they end up declaring "I am a prophet."

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    Anonymous said...

    Bob Thiel is a live-action parody of everything that is wrong with the Church of God. Can there be a more embarrassing COG ever to exist?

    Anonymous said...

    USA in prophecy: Samaria

    Wow, Bob has a PHOTOGRAPH of ANCIENT SAMARIA. Did ancient Samarians have cameras, or does Bob have a Time Machine? Holy Back to the Future, doc!

    Anonymous said...

    Wooden tablets have been found from the people who built the pyramids. The things that they said and complained about is no different than today's generation. Meaning, that psychology is a given and doesn't change with the passage of time. Which is why much of the OT history is also predictive. What Bob and others ignore is there is always personality in history. It never duplicates itself exactly. A visual proof of this is observing stock market prices. After a while the patterns repeat, but not exactly. They also compress and expound, meaning that previous behavior can replicate in shorter or longer time frames.
    This is an another example why HWA and other cults kept getting their dates all wrong. They are backward in their understanding. There are books on this topic, and the subject matter is very complex.

    Anonymous said...

    Bob appears to be a bit like HWA, wanting to be important, without doing the work to be important. Insecure, seeking the praise of men. Both men gave themselves titles and tried to look successful. HWA had a college, but it was unaccredited. But it looked good from the outside. He had all the props of someone who has been successful, but it all died with him. Bob appears just as desperate with his phony credentials, trying to be the next GTA in his pathetic videos. They try to make themselves appear to be experts without doing the hard work of actually getting a legitimate education in any field they lecture on. Always taking short cuts to success. I call such people empty suits. I remember listening to GTA once and when he was done, I asked myself, "What was the substance of what he said?" He was eloquent but he said nothing.

    Anonymous said...

    You can't get more fake than Bobby boy Thiel.

    Anonymous said...

    Hwa is better than Bob Thiel he had a wider audience and better advertisement skills.

    Anonymous said...

    "Bob appears to be a bit like HWA, wanting to be important, without doing the work to be important. Insecure, seeking the praise of men. "

    This is the problem so many in LCG had with Bob. He was always looking for praise from Rod Meredith and others. He has a need to be seen as important. I seriously doubt if the guy has a humble bone in his body. You are right that Thiel looks for praise without doing the work. He has no real theological education and yet tries to pass himself off as a great theologian. Any second-year Bible student in a seminary could rip him to shreds for his crazy interpretations. No COG leader that uses HWA booklets and materials to support their religious views is a real theologian. When they do that they base their entire belief system on HWA's mere 6-month study of theology books in a public library, filled with books from the late 1800's to early 1920s. Public libraries are not sources for theology, not in the 1920-30s and not today.

    Anonymous said...

    The beard is definitely fake. Bob said his Gentile background includes Native American, and that would preclude such fabulous fuzzy features.

    Anonymous said...

    Bob Thiel is a Prophet. Change my mind.

    Anonymous said...

    Bob Thiel is a Prophet. Change my mind.

    I can't and won't. Bob claims to be a Prophet. That means he is either a False Prophet or a Prophet. He cannot claim to be a Prophet and not be either a Prophet or a False Prophet, and either way he is a Prophet.

    Anonymous said...

    No, Bob Thiel is not a prophet of any kind.