I made the effort to listen to Sermon 305 but same old, same old. More rambling, scripture mining, and cobbling the unrelated into the irrelevant, signifying nothing. He does like the phrase "Easy Peasy" when something is obvious so here is the takeaway.
UFOs are clearly demons preparing our minds for what is to come. It is no coincidence this comes up just before everything Dave understands is about to come to pass.
David Pack is either delusional or making this shit up.
So, he's a fan of Jamie Oliver?
Later, he can claim that the UFO's made him do it!
For Pack personally , UFO stands for ... UNDENIABLY FREAKED OUT !
Why shouldn't Dave C Pack know what UFOs are! He does after all, know the day and hour of the return of Jesus Christ! With a track record of that established knowledge, any observation coming out of Dave's mouth would be invariably be correct - right?
) and we all blew him off and went back to our farms and merchandising, was that because we all had our minds negatively influenced by demonic UFOs?
When Dave said he as the final Elijah had invited all of us to the wedding (Matt. 22:3-14
The Restored Church of God - many questions, plain answers!
David pack is a false prophet.
In one of the sermons Dave pack went about an hour explaining what would occur on "the tribulation"
If you could sit there you would walk away at the end believing that what you just heard was the script for lord of the rings or harry potter.
The amount of private interpretation he added to the scriptures was jaw-dropping.
For instance, he preached that during that time that demons would crawl from out out of the world and slaughter millions of people. People would suspect them to be an alien invasion, that four carpenters would rebuild israle in 24 hour day and that the heavenly jerusalem would come before the millenium and that the 144,000 would have the angels at their command to murder all who do not submit to the will of God and refuse to follow the law.
It was the most gruesome thing I have ever heard. He also went on to explain those in the splinters would have their right arm shriveled and right eye dimmed, meaning their eye would rot and they'd go blind in one eye and become the maimed and the blind referenced in luke who would later be invited to the supper.
Sick stuff, imagine the parents with their kids having to hear this stuff.
I guess nephalim Dave thinks he is Basil Wolverton.
Dave watches too much of The History Channel...Ancient Aliens in particular!
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