Sunday, October 10, 2021

Dave Pack: Third Times The Charm...Christ was supposed to return by end of Feast



Anonymous said...

Bait & Switch

When he started his own Restored Cash Grab (RCG) cult, David Pack said that his Real Truth magazine would bring responsible understanding rather than reckless speculation. This sounded so good and refreshing at the time.

Nowadays, unfortunately, David Pack is full of nothing but reckless speculation. There is no responsible understanding at all.

Anonymous said...

“Dave Pack: Third Times The Charm...Christ was supposed to return by end of Feast”

Maybe Dave Pack's 300th time will be the charm, but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Wolfman Pack will forever be known as the boy who yelled "Christ, Christ!" Or perhaps the Chicken Easy Peasy with her "The income is falling! The income is falling!"

Anonymous said...

What is this rubbish ?

Anonymous said...

His date setting, though we can't understand how, apparently works with his followers. Based on his accuracy, one would think that he would have zero credibility, and virtually no followers to fund him, but one would be wrong. There is another dynamic in play: A gambling addict will always send good money after bad. Addiction makes it impossible to quit.

Phinnpoy said...

This poor man is truly living in fantasy world. He may have known years ago he was preaching b.s., but I think he has become a believer in his own lies. I sincerely believe it's only a matter of time until he becomes totally detached from reality.

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling the joy, I think. No...just gas.

Anonymous said...

David C. Pack's BAIT & SWITCH Scam

The Bait: In May 1999, David C. Pack started his little splinter group called the Restored Church by saying that he was going to restore everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught in the Worldwide Church of God at the time of HWA's death on January 16, 1986. David Pack initially taught that the understanding that HWA was the one who was prophesied to come in the spirit and power of Elijah to “restore all things” was a great wall of defence against doctrinal heresy. Restored Church members supposedly would be the most informed and faithful people around.

The Switch: In February 2015, David Pack posted at his website a series of three sermons containing 130 so-called “proofs” that David Pack was the Elijah and that HWA had actually been in the “office of Moses” all along. Being the Elijah gave Dave Pack the authority to make up doctrines. One of Dave's so-called “proofs” that he was the Elijah was that he had already “restored” his “common” theft doctrine around 2011-2014 that everyone must obediently send him virtually everything they have (cash, savings accounts, retirement plans, possessions, houses, etc.), “or no salvation if you don't.” All the loot was for Dave Pack's personal use and none of it got “distributed to everyone as he had need.”

Dave Pack has been going on and on in recent years with his greatest story ever made up fibs and frantic, wrong, prophetic date guessing that totally forget and mangle all former understanding.

The Scam Psychology:

People who thought that they were giving everything they had to support the truth of God, God's one true church, and God's one true representative on planet Earth, will find it psychologically difficult to believe that they have actually being deceived and tricked into supporting the lies of Satan, a satanic imposter cult, and Satan's false prophet.

Having had all their time, effort, and money go to support such a colossal fraud could be a bit disappointing -- and even faith destroying -- for the victims. This probably is exactly what Satan wanted when he used klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies to set up the Restored Cash Grab (RCG) cult.

Imagine thinking that you were smarter and better than other people only to find out in the end that you were really just one of the bigger suckers around who fell for one of the worst scams around. It requires a little bit of humility to accept that one has been wrong about some things and that mistakes were made.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the latest from Dave is that the two witnesses will be composed of oil. Like, actually two dudes made out of oil. How bonkers can things get? God is being merciful, folks! LEAVE!

Anonymous ` said...


I may be a little dense but what does the cited text come from and what does it have to do with his setting a date about the Parousia happening before the end of this year's FoT? Do we have solid evidence that this Splinterist preacher actually specified that timeframe?

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Anonymous said...

Wholeheartedly agree Phinnpoy. A leader who loves to mention Jesus Christ yet does not behave like Jesus Christ in anyway. Ruling the roost like a Mafia Don crossed with a Pope.

Men like Pack love to be seen in prominent places and that desire grows stronger as they age. Pack will no doubt grow worse. They love the power and to decree yay or nay on others. Those whom are 'out' and those whom are 'in'. Even on children.
They are rulers who rule not with a heart of Jesus but with a carnal jealous heart despising even small children.

May God speed His Kingdom which will be truly a goodly place to dwell with all children included.

Anonymous said...

Insanity is devoid of logic. Madness makes no sense. Power corrupts. The smell of death intensifies.

Anonymous said...

David C. Pack's August 31, 2013 prophetic guess that totally failed in spite of all his so-called “proofs” for it was a BIG RED FLAG that something was seriously wrong with him. Everything in the RCG cult went downhill from there. It was like a SIGN FROM GOD not to believe everything that David Pack tells you.

David Pack's reasoning is faulty, his logic does not make sense, his so-called “proofs” do not prove anything, and his prophetic date guesses always turn out to be wrong.

Instead of teaching the young David Pack how to debate and argue, his parents should have taught him not to lie and steal.

Anonymous said...


Imagine trying to EARN your salvation by slaving away for the likes of Dave Pack.

Imagine trying to BUY your salvation by giving everything you have to the likes of Dave Pack.

Imagine MISSING OUT on salvation due to having followed Dave Pack.


Anonymous said...

NeoTherm, October 11, 2021 at 8:59 PM
NO2HWA, wrote:

"I may be a little dense but what does the cited text come from and what does it have to do with his setting a date about the Parousia happening before the end of this year's FoT? Do we have solid evidence that this Splinterist preacher actually specified that timeframe?"
And, if that weren't enough regarding Dave's understanding of the Word of God, then we see Dave pack signing off with this:

"...In Christ's service..."

Whose service?

Similar to Doug Winnail and other former wcg hireling writers thinking they do God a service, it is "another Jesus" they must be following: one that the Apostle Paul had in mind!

"For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him." 2 Corinthians 11:4

Is their "another Jesus" the same one they preach that is very soon to return with some "little helpers" to reign on Earth for 1,000 years?

Is their "another Jesus" also waiting for these hirelings to repent of their thoughts, ways, and confusing "junk food" writings?

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

6.39 AM
That implies that Dave's followers feel deep down that they don't deserve entrance into the Kingdom, hence they have to purchase salvation via Dave's common.doctrine.
It's like the Catholics buying indulgences.

Zippo said...

David C. Pack's August 31, 2013 prophetic guess

And this guess, and all subsequent guesses, were agreed to by Dave's Board of Agreers.
And with this guess, or one to follow, apparently had one Agreer who had some doubts, but "was finally convinced".

Dave will continue to make guesses, and they will undoubtedly fail.

JMAC said...

Where are we now in Bible speculation?

Anonymous said...

Well, JMAC, David C. Pack is using the pages from the New Testament of his Bible to wipe himself after pulling his latest prophecy out.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice... if Dave's so-called Board of Agreers would tell him that if his next prophetic longshot fails, they are all leaving?
1. Would they dare risk being fired immediately?
2. Would they have a source of income a. if they left b. if they were fired?
3. Would Dave risk the chance of his dwindling dozens of hangers-on following the board and leave as well?
4. Is it all a mad scheme to get everyone to leave and let Dave hold on to all the real estate? (And sell it off as the Tkatches did with AC.)