Sadly, the Church of God movement has never really valued its employees as it should. The mother church (Worldwide Church of God) treated its lower echelon employees like chattel. Many were the times when employees went in and asked for raises and were told, "We don't owe you anything." These very same men who said this are now sitting in UCG and elsewhere. Employees who had to retire due to age or illness were left high and dry, even after church leaders stood in front of hundreds of employees and said they (the church) would take care of them.
The second area was to look at employee retention. The Council recognizes that although we have limited resources to accomplish all that we want to accomplish, the cost to the organization when we lose valued employees and the subsequent costs to hire and re-train, hinders our ability to “do the work.” The Council would like to explore additional benefit opportunities that could be made available to our employees. Some may not have a cost impact to the organization, unless utilized (such as continuing education or other forms of tuition reimbursement). This point of interest was to see what areas of employee compensation can be used to help benefit the employees and to evaluate salary ranges and other areas to explore to help retain employees. This was remanded to the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee (SPFC).
UCG did not hold fast to the full truth Mr. Armstrong taught because they watered stuff down and they even have a false church government.
And the attack on UCG goes on....
Here you go...................
Do you want a CareBear bandage for your ouchie?
UCG is the biggest group of them all and God's church is supposed to be a small flock.
It has always been a dangerous proposition to work for ANY COG past or present. Job security is definitely missing, and you are at the mercy of the hierarchy at all times.
It is best to keep your moral/spritual/belief self separate from your employment self. Otherwise you will indeed eventually find yourself in a conundrum of self respect and acualization and being able to eat.
"Full truth Mr Armstrong taught"....false. Seven feasts ... false. Third tithe, second, first tithe.....false. I'm Christ's apostle.....false. High day of John 19:31
an annual sabbath....false. Three full days and three full nights....false. "Overturn" (Eze 21:27
) is transfer....false. "Change" (Heb 7:12
) is transfer.....false.
) but that truth doesn't fit with Herbert's unholy "holy day plan". "Feasts" in Lev 23:2
should be translated "fixed or appointed times" which include both feasts and sabbaths. There's no Biblical designation of "third-second-first" but Satan wants you to think "third" which means there must be a second and first!! But "third" was the year not the tithe but it doesn't matter: all those tithing laws are removed, not transferred (Heb 7:12
) b/c there was no tithing LAW before the Levitical priesthood was instituted ("at the beginning" there was-HWA), and the Levitical Priesthood does not now exist. There are only 12 apostles of Jesus Christ - Rev 21:14
. The high day was a weekly sabbath but "high" b/c the Pharisees thought so (their passover). The Bible never says the 3 days/nights were full. The 3 days were part Nisan 14, all of Nisan 15, part of Nisan 16. The 3 nights were darkness at the crucifixion Friday afternoon (not so, James Malm once told me), Fri nite, part maybe all Sat nite.
I'll explain: three feasts (Ex 23:14-16
Oh dear. I better now go and hide.
Elitist types always look down on others. The same with school boards.
I know HWA was a true apostle because he looked the part. I mean stuben crystal, private plane, a gilded mansion. He even took a picture with British royalty and donated to foreign leaders for photo ops. That is a mighty hand from somewhere. He knew THE TRUTH!
A fool and his money are soon departed.
And most of the sheep afterwards cried out please exploit us more give us top down government so that a mighty leader can tell us how he knew HWA the best and was the favorite son.
The other sheep were embarrassed and said let’s forget the last 60 years and start something new, but all the councils and all the Elijah’s men couldn’t put the COG back together again.
NO2HWA said, "The mother church (Worldwide Church of God) treated its lower echelon employees like chattel."
MY COMMENT - And Dennis Diehl is the poster child for this statement! This WCG minister spends 28 years feeding the flock and maintaining the WCG presence locally helping to build the WCG assets, and he doesn't get a retirement? And this is a Church? Particularly when when he was told by Ron Kelly he would be taken care of? LIAR!
How was anyone to know that little Joey Tkach would inherit the Church and its large assets, change the doctrines, shrink the Church, then sell off the assets and pocket the money - smiling and waving bye bye to everyone along the way. And this guy is called a Christian who took care of his cronies' retirements but couldn't take care of Dennis? If he didn't have a legal responsibility, he certainly had a moral responsibility. If little Joey Tkach is an example of a Christian, I wouldn't want to be one. But, I know he is not an example. By their fruits you shall know them!
Tonto said, It has always been a dangerous proposition to work for ANY COG past or present. Job security is definitely missing, and you are at the mercy of the hierarchy at all times.
It is best to keep your moral/spritual/belief self separate from your employment self. Otherwise you will indeed eventually find yourself in a conundrum of self respect and acualization and being able to eat."
MY COMMENT - So, in other words, the corporate ACOGs are lead by a bunch of hypocrites who do NOT practice what they preach and therefore cannot be trusted.
HWAs lying "in the name of the living God, I tell you we have only 3-5 short years left" for over 40 years meant that a certain percentage of church members were constantly thrown under the bus. That's their church business model in all areas of operation, including their employees.
This is another example of church leaders preaching (rigged) bible morality to their members, while they themselves use bully morality. The stuff that "really works."
Say it to my face in real life. You haven't the courage.
Hide away to your hearts content. But you pretend otherwise in company.
Translation of this post: is it time for a raise?
Anonymous said...
where Jesus called His followers AT THAT TIME a little flock. Jesus never said the church is supposed to remain small. In fact, He instructed the opposite -- His followers are to make disciples of all the Gentiles. This verse, however, has long been an excuse for failing church leaders, "Well, we're supposed to be small, so if we don't grow, it's not my fault".
UCG is the biggest group of them all and God's church is supposed to be a small flock.
This is a mis-application of Luke 12:32
Anonymous at 10:36 AM said...“UCG is the biggest group of them all and God's church is supposed to be a small flock.”
The UCG continues to split and splinter and get smaller all the time.
Be patient and wait for it. Remember, patience is a virtue.
I'm not Tonto but yes Richard that is EXACTLY the situation ACOGs are in. And Tonto is one of them.
That's double life living Tonto. That would lead to mental ill health amongst other problems.
Sorry ANON 11:27, but I have never been employed by any COG, Ive never been ordained by a COG, and have never taken a dime from a COG. My wife and children have not either.
I do however find it curious the fact that you "imagine" me as someone of importance or influence, other than some guy sitting at the computer in his loin cloth, (or underwear), posting to some blog. Your fascination is amusing, and it must be because I offer information or insight that causes you great discomfort.
I offer you solace in this verse Annonymous, which should help you with your obsessive interest in some nobody blogger---
And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." —Acts 5:38–39
Tonto appears to be a "diet" COG member, 11:27. From his writings over the years, I believe he would have been considered to be Laodicean back in the day. He obviously did not check his brain at the door, nor did he undergo a complete subversion and loss of self as did most zealous members with the "proper attitude" (accompanying cliches or shibboleths of the day). That is the only reason most of us can tolerate him. He actually still manages to come off as one with a great deal of common sense.
No such thing 'Tonto' or should I say Connie.
Tonto is female 818.
Hey, if I was a woman, then I would go by TONTA! not Tonto!
Give me a break! LOL !
Tonto renamed from Connie. He/she even had a real photo before.
Being anonymous is fine. Being a deciever? That is actually as bad as HWA... Connie/Tonto you should take a look in the mirror.
Tonto can't be Connie.
I'm Connie.
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