Monday, December 6, 2021

Ron Weinland: Church of God Preparing For The Kingdom


In the 1990s, Ronald Weinland began issuing doomsday prophecies from his online pulpit. Despite being indicted for tax evasion, Weinland, now in his 70s, is still sermonizing to — and collecting tithes from — his followers on YouTube, where his videos have amassed hundreds of thousands of views.


nck said...

I believe Weinland is the only COG who made the international press since the demise of wcg.

As a nutcase preacher when the USA in 2008 nearly destroyed the world through the subprime mortgage crisis.


Anonymous said...

Ron can get hundreds of thousands of views and Bob Thiel cant get more than a few hundred for each of his videos. So pathetic. What a failure as a prophet.

Anonymous said...

Ron can get hundreds of thousands of views...

Reminds me of a Dave Pack sermon that said if the world doesn't hate you then you have a problem. He then suggested some obnoxious (in my opinion) annoyances that would get people to hate you. Unbelievable!

Tonto said...

There are ways to buy "hits" to webpages and the like, via google and facebook advertising. Weinland does inccorporate that, as does Pack to a lesser degree.

Hard to know which is more dangerous Covid or COGVID!

Anonymous said...

Tonto said,
‘Hard to know which is more dangerous Covid or COGVID’.

I prepose a toast to you sir, an award for this most agreeable and funny comment.
Perhaps’Man of the Year’ etc etc etc…….

But alas, Dr, Rabbi, Bob square pants, sponge Bob, prophet Elijah to come, one of the two witnesses Thiel will be pissed by this, and ‘that Prophet’ G Flurry will be crying into his whiskey if they miss out of this most coveted award,lol.

True Christian said...

I don't think it is right for Christians to view themselves as “saved” and others “lost.” What does that mean? Some of the more strict shunnish type of Amish people have that kind of self-righteous better-than-thou attitude and mentality. They call themselves “humble” or “plain people,” and others “die hochi liet” or “proud people” —which is the surest sign that they are not humble. Because people who really are humble, don't think they are. Real Christians do not view themselves as better than others. The Bible says we should view others as better in every way. Humble people consider others as better than themselves in every way. Proud people view themselves as more righteous than others, but true Christians don't do that. It is only when the Father in heaven "calls" and draws a person and puts in that person both to will and to do of His good pleasure, that he can do anything good. But he gives God all the credit, and all the honor, and glory, and praise —where it belongs! He does not credit himself. He gives credit where credit is due. Satan the devil is puffed up with pride, arrogance, and haughtiness —which is his "nature." It is what we call “human nature,” because he transmits his sinful nature into all human beings, starting at a very young age. One way to humble ourselves, when we detect that we are becoming proud, or drifting away from God, is by fasting, and spending more time with God in singing, prayer, and Bible study. Fasting binds Satan, because when we become weak physically, we can become stronger spiritually, to withstand Satan's attacks on us. He cannot relate with humble people, because he is proud. It is the way he thinks. His thinking has become warped, and he is unable to get his mind straightened out again. Satan is the proudest being in the universe, and God is the humblest being in the universe. But God cannot humble us —He can only abase us, to bring us down lower but that is not humility. We have to do it voluntarily ourselves, because true humility is a godly character trait that cannot be imputed involuntarily. If it could, we wouldn't be free moral agents —we would just be robots or automatons. Christians don't view themselves as above others. God says that He will exalt us in due time, if we voluntarily lower ourselves. But if we exalt ourselves above others, He will bring us down where we belong.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it seems to me that there are an awful lof to people who make a lifestyle out of their deliberate attempts at garnering attention by doing something totally annoying. Think of all the radio and TV ads featuring people with crappy voices, clothing styles calculated to be ugly, body grafitti with no sense of art or beauty, non-human shades and colors of hair dye, And the most annoying thing of all, Calvin Kappernick's hair style!

Most likely, the suggestions of obnoxiousness made by Dave Pack are already trending in some circles somewhere. In the ACOGs, you can't really do the most hate-producing thing known to man, which is to be of the opposite politicsl party to the person to whom you are speaking.

It's a sad and sick world out there.

Anonymous said...

"The Bible says we should view others as better in every way."

If so, then psyco-killers and morons are better than you.

Anonymous said...

Tonto is a Madam and not a Sir.

Anonymous said...

The irony of True Christian's 12:56 PM post is that he learned those points from Herbert Armstrong, but when you apply those points you discover that Herbert Armstrong was a prideful man who was unqualified to be a teacher, pastor, or any kind of leader.

DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"The Bible says we should view others as better in every way."

That scripture and concept always made me wonder "Then what does everyone else do?"

"You're better than me"
" are better than me!"
"Oh no, you definitely are better than me, everyone is"
"Sorry friend, all of you are definitely better than every way"

Earl said...

Indubitably. After you my friend. No no no, after you.

Anonymous said...

One of the first things I noticed upon leaving the cult related to how I viewed other people, due to my "training for the Kingdom" received while I was a member.

First, we were taught a double standard. Non-church members were not as yet being called, not having their "chance" at this time, and were currently (at that time) Satan's people. They were viewed as "worldly", insincere, not appropriate for close personal relationships, and generally as people whom we had to work around and tolerate for the time being, You did not pray for them, or assist them. It was seen as being very presumptuous to pray for them to be "called", even if they were relatives to whom you had been close prior to coming into the church. The problem is that if you are schooled to treat any group of people as second class, that becomes engrained behavior, and you tend to treat all people in that same manner. It sets you up as an elitist (kind of like TC is coming off right now in his posts).

Secondly, as a member worshipping the law, one tends to evaluate how all around them in the church are keeping the law, because that, instead of esteeming others as better than yourself, is your standard. Members tended to partially write off, question the conversion of others, and even invalidate other members who appeared to fail in their application of the law. This was obvious from conversations between members, judgments made by members of the ministry, and in general, the "my way or the highway" style of church government.

Because of this view of other people so prominent within the Armstrong cult, I've often said that I did not even begin to understand or develop good ethics (or human decency) until after I had left. There is one hell of a hangover from the WCG and splinters, because it takes a lifetime to root out all of the toxic thinking towards others which was a natural byproduct of the doctrines and policies of Herbert W. Armstrong.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:05

One thing I would add is that I was taught that "unconverted" people would not like me after I was baptized. Allegedly this was because the carnal mind resents God. And people with carnal minds would detect the godliness in me and dislike me. This, of course, made you veer away from anyone who was not a member of the WCG. This also made you veer away from the priciple of do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I don't recall if this was something I heard from the pulpit or if it was in literature from Pasadena. But I always assumed it was true until I exited.

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Stevereno said...

True Christian, very interesting post you wrote. While I read it I couldn't help but think about Dave Pack's biggest house on RCG'S campus despite his common doctrine. And how he says many scriptures in the Bible are about him. And how he refers to himself in 3rd person. Dave Pack is one humble SOB, right there