Monday, February 21, 2022

PCG: Absurd Statement's By Gerald Flurry


When one looks at the appalling history of the Philadelphia Church of God breaking up families and telling parents to abandon their children at the mall for the state to take care of, it is rather hypocritical to see Gerald Flurry say the following things about the family. Of course, family to him is ONLY those who are currently PCG members. Former members are considered apostate, regardless of whether they are a spouse, parent, child, grandparents, etc. Those people are discarded by the wayside unless they fully repent and return to the fold and submit to Flurry and his apostate hierarchy, AND after reading Mystery of the Ages and Malachi's Message, AGAIN. Salvation cannot be archived without reading these two books. The simple scriptures on salvation are moot points with all the rigamarole that PCG puts their members through which can be stripped away at a moment's notice.

God’s people must be an example to the world of showing no partiality, and treating each member of Christ’s Body with honor. That way of life must begin within the Church because God wants it to reach every corner of the world! “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10). Hold to the Head, Jesus Christ, and then reach out to all those within God’s Church, and then everyone in the world, as we have the opportunity. 

PCG is not unified and never has been. Members are leaving by the day. Division fills the church, including in the elite realm of the chosen ones. They are always on edge fearing that they are going to piss off the Dear Leader and be banished from the cult compound.

God wants His Church to “dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133)—to be of “one spirit” and “one mind,” “likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind” (Philippians 1:27; 2:2)—to “speak the same thing,” with “no divisions,” “perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). He wants His people to be “as one man” (Ezra 3:1). That is truly deep Family unity! 

No one and I repeat NO ONE, who has ever left the PCG has lost ANYTHING! There is NOTHING that they need to recapture. What they do need to do is dump 99.99% of the crap they were taught into the rubbish bin and burn it. 

James really emphasizes this truth. He is showing the Laodiceans how much they have lost, and how much they are going to have to recapture in order to make it into the eternal Family of God! They must get back to the Family understanding. 

Gerald thinks that within the next 10 years the end times will have hit and the PCG members will be transformed into mini gods and goddesses and will be educating the world with the message of Gerald and Lil'Stevie Flurry. 

Probably within a decade, God’s people are going to be teaching the world about the Family of God! This world desperately needs that Family education. That is what God wants to give it most of all.
The world does NOT need the family education that Flurry rants about. The world needs NOTHING that Flurry has to offer.


Anonymous said...

"Probably within a decade..."

Observing the world scene, how people from historically free countries are being conditioned to accept tyranny, I believe Flurry is in the right ball park. Twenty years tops before Christs return.
Btw, I've been reading WWCOG literature since the mid 1960s, so I'm aware how date setting has proved bull over the decades.

Anonymous said...

An awful lot of people lived their entire lives sacrificing just about everything, "knowing" that they would be proven right and validated by the coming of the end in their lifetimes. And then they died. And, that will continue to happen. One would have throught that some people we know would have given up on the carrot dangling, but they have become worse, much crazier, and more vociferous since the great disappointment of 1975. Think about it. 47 additional years of failure. 47 more years of allowing tin horn dictators to enslave them and rob them of their blessings. Two more 19 year time cycles plus change, spent trying to figure out math that isn't even involved. The greater work that HWA allegedly forecast would follow him has in no way happened. Just shrinkage. The shrinkage is natural attrition, based on obsessive enforcement of petty dos and don'ts as they substitute authoritarianism for the fruits of the 1/3 of God that they are blinded from understanding. it is indeed absurd by 6.02 x 10 to the 23rd power. Thanks, Avogadro, for a perfect description for Gerald Flurry. A mole of gas!

Sweetblood777 said...

One would think that after all these years that the COGs would know the Names of the Father and Son, but alas they don't, which amazes me as every other religion knows the names of their gods.

Three pages of Strong's Concordance refer to the Names and what they think about it. Can one fully worship the real Elohim and not know even their name? Such blatant igorance in which one must be a total fool to listen to them.

Anonymous said...

Flurry is demonstrating behavior like you see in Putin or some other tyrant that has absolute power. He has no one to hold him accountable for his actions or his failed prophecies. He will however have to face judgement one day and he will go the way of all mankind, the way Stalin or Ceaucescu did.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

I think that it is much more likely that Gerald and company won't even be a blip on the radar screens of most folks ten years from now - just forgotten relics of a failed and miserable heresy! As John likes to say, time will tell!

Jim said...

In 10 years no one will remember Flurry. There will probably be a small remnant clinging to the Christ will return in the next 10 years, 20 at the most.

Tonto said...

Why oh Why is the Bible never enough? No, the added "writings" of cult leaders become virtual essential "canonized scripture".

Have they no fear of the warning in Revelation of neither adding nor subtracting from Scripture??

Anonymous said...

Can one fully worship the real Elohim and not know even their name?

If someone came to your door and asked to give you $100, would you demand that the giver pronounce your name correctly before giving you the $100? Of course not! You would be grateful for their generosity and would accept the gift graciously in the spirit in which it was given.

Nobody denies that people can worship Satan even without pronouncing Satan's name correctly. The idea that you must pronounce God's name correctly is pure Gnosticism, not Christianity. When you read the Bible, you'll actually see that God goes out of His way to avoid use of His true name (the Jews treat it so reverently that they refrain from speaking it with impure tongues), and instead focuses on His ATTRIBUTES: Healer, Protector, Savior, etc. We judge a man by his actions, and God appears to apply that same standard to Himself. We know God by observing what He does in our world and in our lives, not by our choice to call him by a name with two, three, four, or five syllables.

Anonymous said...

One would think that after all these years that the COGs would know the Names of the Father and Son, but alas they don't

Actually, in PCG, they do. Their names are Gerald and Stephen.

Anonymous said...

Aside from Gerald and Stephen, don't forget Herbert who gets mentioned more than Christ during services.

Anonymous said...

Five syllables? What is that?

Anonymous said...

The PCG is an insane mess! SO much back biting, everyone trying to one up everyone, constantly trying to prove they are more righteous and blessed then the next person, ladder climbing, on a constant quest for ministerial approval, and atta boys. Then there is the surveillance….they have set up a network of spies, they have Sally keeping an eye on Joe’s wife, keeping an ear out for bad attitudes or comments, then Sally feels special for being asked to do this “job” for the ministers. No one trusts anyone! Constantly on edge. And don’t get me started on the family meddling.

It is such a sick and twisted organisation. There will never be peace.

Anonymous said...

Aside from Gerald and Stephen, don't forget Herbert

Wouldn't that make a Trinity?

Anonymous said...

HWA is their Christ.

Anonymous said...

In one of the Ten Commandments in the Bible, God commanded everyone to honor their father and their mother (see Exodus 20:12). So, of course, Gerald Flurry does the exact diametrical opposite and tells his followers that “God commands us to avoid certain ones,” such as their own parents who did not follow “That (False) Prophet.”

In his later years, Herbert W. Armstrong talked about turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers (see Malachi 4:5-6). So, of course, Gerald Flurry does the exact diametrical opposite and orders his followers to cut off all contact with their parents and children who did not follow “That (False) Prophet.”

The PLAIN TRUTH is that Gerald Flurry is Satan's false prophet and the PCG is a satanic imposter cult. That is why the PCG is all about promoting sexual immorality and family wrecking.