Just when we think Armstrongism cannot get any crazier, along comes Wayne Turgeon of the Philadelphia Church of God cult that is based in Edmond, Oklahoma. Wayne is not known to be the brightest bulb in the box, even when he was a student in Pasadena and worked in the Auditorium. Wayne was just one of many narcissists the college pumped out and dumped on the church as being educated in the truth. Like so many that were failures in the WCG, he jumped to the Philadelphia Church of God as a ready place of employment.
Wayne has a long history of spiritual abuse in the PCG at members and other fellow ministers that have been talked about here and on other websites.
Turgeon was sent to England to oversee the Edstone campus of the so-called :college: of the PCG while Lil's Stevie had more important things to do in planning a new office and institute in Jerusalem.
Today we add yet another entry to Dumb Things Wayne Turgeon Says file:
Wayne Turgeon and GF’s Messed Up View of Bible Prophecy:
March 12, 2022
Wayne Turgeon gave a Bible Study from England last week on “Isaiah” Chapter 6, Part 2.” He barely mentioned “Ukraine” when he started out and that was only because “his wife wanted him to.” There “were more important things” to cover than Ukraine.
In Turgeon’s messed-up view of Bible prophecy he linked Isaiah 22:22to PCG because the verse mentions the words “Key of the house of David” which he said means the descendants from David, meaning PCG. GF is so hung up on his “New Throne of David” that Turgeon said GF wrote that the only way it would be possible for all the splinter groups to unite is if they “all united through the Key of David.”
Turgeon said GF believes Isaiah 22:25is talking about “the famine of the Word.” Then people in the world “will wish they had every book and booklet of Mr. Flurry’s”; therefore, Turgeon said, “get those booklets and study them and mark them.” (i.e., underline all over in them) Since when has GF’s booklets been more important than the Bible? Since when does someone need GF’s interpretation of the Bible? A good Bible commentary will explain these verses much better than GF’s “new revelations.”
PCG believes Amos 7:10-11is referring to Joseph Tkach Jr. going to the leader of the land, that he called, Mr. Jeroboam–and said “Mr. Donald Trump is his official name.” How the h*** is Tkach Jr. going to go to the “leader of the land” when he (Tkach Jr.) retired at the end of 2018 and Greg Williams replaced him as GCI’s President?! He added, “So he (Trump) has got to get back in office” and for members to “be patient.” Does GF have inside info that the rest of us don’t have? Or has he merely lost his marbles?
Then, like any good COG false teacher/prophet/apostle/Elijah, Wayne goes on to claim that intense persecution is coming due to what they preach. Wayne is about as dumb as Bob Thiel is in this department.
He said, “We are making ourselves a target for some intense persecution” by broadcasting and printing about the rising Beast of Revelation 17 and warning that the nations of Israel are “quickly losing their power” in this so-called God is cursing America mantra of GF’s. “We have had it good so far” Turgeon said, “The grass is still green,” etc., “compared to the terrible persecution that is coming.”
Turgeon is losing it, along with GF. No matter who is in the presidential office in the future, Tkach Jr. isn’t going to go to him and cause PCG to receive “intense persecution” by being kicked out of the country. This is nothing but lunacy. If he is interested in true persecution, he needs to take a hard look at what Christians in other countries like Nigeria (or even Ukraine) are enduring. But that doesn’t count in Turgeon’s well-worn fear book.
GF absolutely cannot get his head out of the O.T. Even when he does go to the O.T., have you noticed that you never hear him reading from the Psalms? It’s always some minor prophet book where he tries to see “modern-day Israel” in it. You never hear him talking about Jesus or grace or salvation, the most important subjects in the entire Bible. That’s too “dull” for him. God have mercy on his soul at the Judgement seat. –Anonymous Exit and Support Network
Not only is Gerald Flurry unable to get his head out of the Old Testament but almost every single COG group out there is in the same boat. The Old Covenant trumps the New Covenant in every aspect. Jesus still embarrasses the Church of God 80 some years down the line. They would much rather be seen worshipping at the feet of false prophets/ministers who preach false prophecies than being seen as followers of Jesus.
He is right. We SHOULD "mark" Gerald Flurry's booklets. They cause division and draw people away from Jesus Christ. As such, Christians are told to "mark" such causes of division, to avoid them, and to encourage others to avoid them.
The way to get anyone involved in the ridiculous beliefs of Armstrongism, and its descendants is to fool them into believing that they are not wasting or throwing away their entire lives by so doing. So, of course, they have to constantly concoct these big whoppers to make it appear that their small cult is on a much higher plane than it actually is. I imagine that a few moments after Turgeon completed his sermon, people in the congregation were repeating what he said as their new mantra. It's so Orwellian, with a healthy dose of Franz Kafka added to the mix!
If Donald Trump was re elected to the office of US President one can just imagine the ‘crowing’ from Flurry and co that this cements his claim to be a ‘prophet’.
That obnoxious ‘prophet’ will become the unbearable ‘prophet’.
And imagine the gashing of teeth and weeping heard from a Dr Bob Thiel, lol.
The ideas exchanged between Trump and Putin gave each the courage to come out and publicly be their real selves. They have been revealed to be twin brothers from separate mothers. Putin will most likely survive the worldwide outrage he has created against himself. He will run roughshod over those of his own countrymen who oppose his plans. If Donald Trump regains power, and there are many who would willingly overlook his Nazi like tendencies, racism, and the propaganda with which he combats real news, and they would reelect him based on border policies, fossil fuel based energy self sufficiency, and hopes for an economic revival alone. If he is reelected, freedom as we once knew it is a thing of the past, and the bromance between Trump and Putin will be revealed as never having gone away. Everyone knows that Putin is punishing Zelenskyy for not having supported Trump with the goods he needed on the Bidens.
Buckle your seatbelts and pour yourself a stiff one. The ACOGs will never see this coming because it isn't German and it isn't Catholic.
The plot from the television series LOST , is less complicated than the bizarre , complicated, misguided and rambling world/Biblical constructs from the Flurry franchise.
I think in his own way, Biden's incompetence, age & probable dementia will likely prevent Trump from being elected in 24 because he will be 78 and I think the voters will be gun shy to vote for anyone that old after the Biden disaster.
Gerald Flurry's REPLACEMENT Theology
When he started his PCG cult, Gerald Flurry immediately suppressed the “Great Commission” to preach the true gospel (meaning “good news”) of the coming kingdom of God for a witness to all nations and REPLACED it with a “new commission” to “warn the Laodiceans” by raging away against any Worldwide Church of God people who did not fall for Gerald Flurry's satanic lies and help him to suppress and pervert the true gospel message.
Gerald Flurry soon pulled off the identity theft of the ages by claiming that he, rather than Jesus, was what Gerald called “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:18-19
Gerald Flurry bought the copyrights to about 19 pieces of Herbert W. Armstrong's old literature from the apostate Joseph Tkach, Jr., but then edited and changed them rather than honestly preserving them. The actual teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong got REPLACED by all the “new revelation” that Gerald Flurry had made up and “flooded” his PCG cult with.
Gerald Flurry opposed Herbert W. Armstrong's attempt to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers and REPLACED it with a “No Contact Policy” to try to break up families that did not all follow Satan's false prophet Gerald Flurry.
Gerald Flurry got his stooges to dig up a rock to be his own “throne stone” that supposedly REPLACED the real throne stone in England that the real kings and queens of England get crowned over.
Financially supporting a religious Work has now been REPLACED in the PCG cult by financially supporting Irish dancing instead.
The so-called COG scene sure could use a “famine” of hearing Gerald Flurry's endless lies. It would be the sort of “fast” that is sorely needed.
It's the norm for all Christian denominations to raise their leaders to junior god status. I recall listening to a religious radio program where one of these junior gods was swept out to sea and drowned while rock fishing. There were tones of bitterness in the speakers voice as if God didn't do the right thing in letting him drown.
Btw, rock fishing is the most dangerous recreational sport out there.
As stupid as things were said there, it will not be long till Bill Thiel says something even worse.
The PCG has had a famine of THE WORD since it's inception. They've clung to the words of HWA and GRF from the start. This is nothing but idolatry!
No where in The Bible are we ever told to read and study books outside of The Bible. Thy Word Is Truth! And nothing else. Most COG organizations avoid much of the NT, because it condemns them.
Which would be funny, because Flurry insisted "Bible prophecy" didnt allow for two separate Trump terms.
I've never read a single piece of literature written by Gerald Flurry, but of course I've never even heard of him except through this website.
If you had read more books outside of the bible, you would have realized much sooner that the ACOGs are abusive cults. You need to read more rather than less of todays "worldly" books.
Gerald Flurry criticizes other splinter group leaders for all their little real and/or imagined doctrinal changes, and yet always thinks that his own truly massive doctrinal machinations do not count as “doctrinal changes.” He thinks that they are “new revelations” that prove his massive doctrinal changes. He falsely claims to be holding fast to everything that HWA had taught no matter how many changes he makes and no matter how monstrous the changes are.
One of the principles which Herbert W. Armstrong failed to understand or teach is that any strength when practiced to extreme becomes a weakness. The religion he started was obsessive-compulsive. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental illness. Read it. Learn it. Know it! One need only look at the child rearing principles and the ruined lives which resulted to understand how OCD is a very bad thing, a cancer which needs to be excised.
Since Flurry and others of the followers of Armstrongism believe that when their little insignificant and unnoticed church dwindles down to nothing, it represents the famine of the word described in the Bible, I have only one comment: Oh, what a wonderful famine that will be!
Also, why do they keep changing this "famine of the word" business? Years ago it was supposed to refer to the period when they werent publishing MOA.
They have to mold it and shape it so that it continues to "prove" that they are the chosen ones, RSK. It's part of their illusion and delusion.
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