It is fascinating to watch as LCG and other COG leaders manipulate numbers to try and impress their followers concerning the DYNAMIC and mind-boggling "work" they all claim to be doing.
LCG has been dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars on "Tomorrow’s World Presentations" in various locations around the U.S and Canada that have little to no impact whatsoever. Some gospel message that is, especially considering it lacks Jesus as being part of their presentation.
Dr. Douglas Winnail, Mr. Rod McNair, and I conducted a three-day Regional Conference last week in South Bend, Indiana.On the Sabbath prior to the conference, we had a “packed house” with 44 guests and 17 members for the Tomorrow’s World Presentation in Fort Wayne. One of the “Signs of Christ’s Return” (the theme of the TWP) is violence, as in the days of Noah (Luke 17:26; Genesis 6:11
). Even as I was speaking, a deranged young man drove three hours to carry out a racist attack in a black Buffalo neighborhood, killing ten and wounding three others, while people were going about their normal routines (Luke 17:27
). Racially motivated violence in quiet neighborhoods casts a chilling spell. As our world hurtles toward the climax of this age, let us never forget the love of God that begets us and makes us brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter our race or ethnicity (Galatians 3:28–29
). There is no place for racial animosity in the Church of God.— Gerald Weston
How can COG members be "brothers and sisters in Christ" when they ignore the dude 99% of the time?
Weston is correct in that there should be no racial animosity in the COG, even with those in interracial marriages. The problem will always be niggling away in the background until they dump the racist British Israelism crap.
It could have been a "Packed House"...
44 people in one Motel 6 rented bedroom can get pretty crowded!
Rounded up that’s .02% brethren! Truly a work of everlasting joy and peace!
I went to one of GTA's special appearances.
He filled a stadium.
I saw GTA’s personal appearance “Listen America before it’s too late” in Richmond Virginia. While the venue had many WCG members, I think it’s fair to say that at least about 1000 in attendance were nonmembers. LCG’s attendance numbers in Fort Wayne ( which should have been strong given the market penetration of WCG/LCG marketing over the many years)
Is pretty pathetic to say the least . Richard
LCGs numbers are laughable by traditionally expectable standards. Jesus was God, so nobody's going to match His performance. Paul probably gathered more in the city malls each day than LCG does in its entire lifespan. Billy Graham, Luis Palau, Pastor Greg Laurie, Sister Aimee Semple McPherson, and our own GTA set some standards that Jerry Weston and Doug Winnail will never meet, let alone beat. What the ACOGs need is a Sister Rosetta Tharpe to sing and play her Gibson SG for the special music. Can't you just hear it now??? I think the Kingdom is coming tonight!
WOW!! 44 people?? How many of them were LCG sycophants sucking up to the so called Minister to try to gain advantage??? LCG is a JOKE!!
There is all kinds of racial animosity in the Church and it's based on the belief that one group of people are racially God's people and the others are not.
British Israel has nothing to do with Christ living in you, has nothing to do with the fruits fo the spirit or the beatitudes.
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