Saturday, June 4, 2022

LCG: Astounding Church Growth In 5 Months!!!!


Such amazing growth is going on in the Living Church of God right now! 

Just think how impressive the following is. 

10 people a month (since January) throughout the ENTIRE United States who visited one of LCG's  Tomorrow's World Presentations have reportedly "joined" the church. 

This is astounding the impact LCG is having on the world!  

51 people out of 329.5 million people! That's 1.55015e-05% of the U.S. population! 

God's work marches forth with power!!!!!!!!!!

51 New Attendees from Tomorrow’s World Presentations in 2022 (United States Only)
Thus far in 2022, the Living Church of God has conducted 31 TWP “campaigns” in the United States. One campaign is defined as the TWPs conducted in one city, including any follow-ups. It is encouraging to note that, based on the feedback from our pastors, God has guided 51 new people to start attending services in the United States as a result of these events, with another 37 interested though not yet attending. Thank you to our pastors and brethren who make these TWPs possible— they are yielding fruit!


Anonymous said...

YEAH!! More MONEY for the so called WORK!! Follow the MONEY!!

Anonymous said...

They've experienced such moribund conditions over the past years that ANY growth would be considered phenomenal, regardless of how miniscule or statistically negligible.

I find myself in need of additional statistics in order to properly place this growth into perspective. How many LCG members died since January? How many members did an inept ministry run off with their "my way or the highway" approach? Are these numbers greater than the 51 newbies? If not, all they are doing is slowing the downward spiral.

Oh well, so long as they have 1 or 2 members internationally, they still qualify as a little flock.

Anonymous said...

How many fled Restored? "Sell the Horses"!

Tonto said...

LCG is probably around 7k people. Between deaths and people who quit, about 5% shrinkage will happen each year. Thus LCG must bring in around 350 people a year just to stay at current size.

With 51 new people in 5 months, this would equate to around 120 a year. UCG has similar results of new baptisms per year as well, and similar attendance.

THUS-- LCG (and UCG too) will experience about a 230 person a year SHRINKAGE , or about a 3.2% attendance drop-off per year. At 3% a year compounded, this means that both churches will be HALF of their current small sizes in just 24 years. The demographic clock is definitely working against the COGS and has been since 1995.

Anonymous said...

4.18 PM
The average age in many ACOG congregations is in the 70s, so your estimate of halving of their membership in 24 years is too optimistic. Since the average lifespan is about 85 years in the developed world, there will barely be a church in 24 years.
May everyone live long and prosper, but it wouldn't surprise me if the membership is halved in the next 10 years.

Anonymous said...


7000 members seems high for lcg.
I would be surprised if they were half that figure.
It would be interesting to know.
That membership numbers are ‘secret’ in the cogs is an admission of failure I believe and an embarrassment to them.
Either way the heyday of Armstrongism is fading slowly but surely.

Trooisto said...

Hey No2HWA: your math is as bad as the COGs’ math; although I’m sure yours was an honest mistake, a typo, or my inability to understand the number in the manner you expressed it.

I would start with the US Census 2021 population estimate of 331,893,745.
51 newbies divided by this number is 0.0000153.

The fact is, LCG and the rest of the COGs use propaganda, instead of truth and transparency, to deceive their members into believing that they are not the last on a sinking ship, because God is surely blessing the COG’s faithfulness in these last days.

The members must be too numb to perceive the deception they’re being stuffed with.
That is scary and makes the sheep positioned perfectly to take additional abuses.
However, I would value any input on numbers of local congregations, Feast Sites, or splinters that current members could share on this thread.

I agree with Tonto’s estimate of LCG’s membership being around 7,000; however, I’m inclined to agree with the commenter who stated that the deathrate is likely to halve the church in about ten years.
I hope that the number of sheep who wake up to the fact that they are being deceived would be far greater than 51 people leaving every five months.
I’m also inclined to believe, as another commenter alluded, that it’s likely that most, or all, of the 51 newcomers jumped from the hellfire of RCG into the slightly less abusive, and false prophecy-riddled LCG.

If Weston and the other COG popes cannot be faithful with membership numbers, they are not being faithful with church income either.

The COG ship is sinking; there's no need to be among the rats who'll be the last to jump.

BP8 said...

51 out of 330 million? That's about the same number of people dying from the covid cold!!

Anonymous said...

The message is dated. People no longer respond to the HWA hook of "...mankind blasting himself "from off" the Earth" (sic ~ should have graduated, Herbie!)

These days, they're worried about the very real effects of global climate change which we are all feeling, the upcoming Civil War II because our two political parties have been taken over by radicals who lob nukes at each other rather than work together, and the super diseases that are crossing over from animals to humans.

The reasons Armstrongism is no longer growing are that 1) It no longer appears relevant. 2) It has splintered into statistical negligibility and can no longer mount a powerful voice. 3) The internet has made it sooo easy to identify cults. 4) Cornerstones such as British Israelism have been totally debunked except for the dimwitted or wishful thinkers. 5) The church has zero visibility in the form of local assets in major cities, or as functional presences working within local communities. 6) There is a trail, a litany of failed prophecies regarding the end times going back 70 years. 7) The Lake of Fire does not have as much scare value as burning eternally in hellfire.

Anonymous said...

Membership numbers are secret, yet ACOG ministers ask members peeping tom, voyeuristic questions in so called "counseling sessions." The answers are passed on to the ministers wives. This is obvious by the way that these wives look at the victims during church services.
The ministers and their wives who are guilty of this are social perverts.

Anonymous said...

I believe that there are fruits of the Holy Spirit, and anti-fruits of the Holy Spirit. What is an anti-fruit? Attend a local ACOG and you will very quickly experience one or more of them!

jim said...

Actually No2hwa’s math is right; though the notation is cumbersome and has too many digits.šŸ˜€

Anonymous said...

Tonto Said:
THUS-- LCG (and UCG too) will experience about a 230 person a year SHRINKAGE , or about a 3.2% attendance drop-off per year. At 3% a year compounded, this means that both churches will be HALF of their current small sizes in just 24 years. The demographic clock is definitely working against the COGS and has been since 1995.

The COGs are fading into oblivion. The cause? Hierarchical government. Something HWA was very opposed to in 1939. He later got corrupted (by Rod Meredith?) and the COG movement is still cursed by that practice -- men just can't give up power. God's truths, however, will not be suppressed, and the baton has passed to the Many Hebrew Roots / Torah groups that are springing up like wildfire across the country. They have no centralized government, no paid ministry, and are 100% local.

Mark Wolfe said...

It would be interesting to determine if the growth were new converts from the world or just disaffected members from other groups.

Anonymous said...


With numbers like this, LCOG is named "Living".....?

Looks like a Paradox....

But to any LCOG members reading this,

Did you really expect a Church with past Ministers like Rod Meredith and Charles Bryce
to thrive?!?!?

How much more proof do you need?

Open your Bibles, not church booklets!!!!

Anonymous said...

7,000 in LCG allegedly. I'd half that for a realistic number.
At least 1,000 will belong to other churches and be counted at least twice.
Same applies to any numbers any COG gives out. Half it. Consider many are being counted twice or triple by multiple church groups.