RCG’s David C. Pack Sues For Defamation and Libel
It was inevitable. Dave Pack’s ears got too red one afternoon and he had to finally consult his legal counsel. Yes, he may have “big boy pants” but he also has the spare funds to hire a lawyer and sue an Ohio resident that has been causing him so much grief. Those excess AYC funds and widow’s mites are really going to come in handy now.
The continuous attacks on his character and prophetic teachings have been tolerated long enough. Taking a stand, he plans to discredit his most visceral critic publicly.
As part of the brief his team just filed in court, multiple published quotes were included as evidence to establish the seriousness of the allegations against the man who used to “obey the truth” as taught by him and by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. Page numbers are cited.
The man who wrote the following words should fear what David C. Pack will do to him now.
Edit: The tone of this article is purely satire. RCG is not currently suing anyone. However, the quotes below are verified from RCG literature written by David C. Pack.
The Bible states that there are prophets, and that all of them fall into one of two categories—either true or false. All prophets—past, present or future—are one or
the other. They cannot be both, and they cannot be in-between. (p. 15)
Many have supposed that one must actually declare himself to be a prophet in order
to be a candidate for the role of false prophet. (p. 76)
If a prophet is sent by God, every one of his prophecies will always be PERFECTLY accurate—no exceptions! (p. 48)
Another characteristic of false prophets is that few or none of their prophecies ever really come to pass. (p. 47)
…they [false prophets] are often extremely prolific in claiming new revelations from God. True prophets always speak plain, simple truth, delivered without frills! Typically, false prophets claim that they are getting “more and more insight.” (p. 51)
Here is how these prophecy deceivers work their magic: Generally, through use of familiar prophecies, these unlearned and ungrounded self-appointed teachers believe themselves to have been selected by God to be His vessel for revealing “deeper” or “richer” or “fuller” prophetic insight to scattered brethren, hungering for answers… (p. 76)
There will almost certainly also be false “Elijahs.” Since many brethren no longer believe Mr. Armstrong was the final Elijah, they have set themselves up to be victims of men who may take this title. (p. 16)
These deceivers always seem to find new ways to elevate themselves to greater offices and roles! (p. 51)
The reader must see the tremendous difference between one who is truly GIVEN an office by Jesus Christ, and a man who is a presumptuous, self-promoting IMPOSTOR who sees one or more offices and titles that he desires, declares himself to have these offices and roles, and then sets out to prove to others that he does. The critical element that separates those to whom Christ gives an office is HUMILITY. The man would have never thought of himself as holding a high office until long after he was already doing the job. (p. 54)
The apostle Peter plainly—ABSOLUTELY UNMISTAKABLY!—equates Jesus Christ with the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15! This is why Mr. Armstrong taught this truth as he did! There is no other possible way to read this passage—at least not for the honest mind.
(p. 30)
…and leaves no doubt that Jesus Christ is That Prophet! … Could Mr. Armstrong be so confused that he did not know who would fulfill Deuteronomy 18:15:-22? Could he have somehow been deceived about a prophecy as important as the Coming of Christ and His bringing God’s government to earth? (p. 26)
We are now ready to ask a central—and most crucial—question. If the Laodiceans understand this much about Christ’s role when He returns—and they are called “BLIND” by Christ (Rev. 3:17)—then could the leader of the Philadelphian era have somehow remained ignorant—blind—for 52 years about who That Prophet was? It is utterly absurd to suggest that Mr. Armstrong did not understand this point. (p. 40)
The living Christ led His apostle from 1934 to 1986. Could anyone seriously believe that the living Christ was not competent enough or would neglect to reveal to Mr. Armstrong His (Christ’s own) role as That Prophet? Would Christ forget something so monumentally important?—or do we suppose that Mr. Armstrong was too dense to recognize such a vital doctrine? Did Mr. Armstrong forget or did he somehow neglect to properly restore something so enormous, when he was prophesied to “restore all things”? Ridiculous!
(p. 40)
So, there is only one conceivable way that any person alive today could claim to be “That Prophet”—he would eventually have to claim that his writings and “revelations” are to become part of Scripture! (p. 31)
There is no way to separate the doctrine of “That Prophet” from the man who claims to hold that office! (p. 18)
If someone claims to be That Prophet, but disconnects this office from Christ, this person is still a false Christ. Of course, he is deluded in his reasoning. (p. 55)
If someone tries to convince you That Prophet is someone other than Christ, he is speaking directly contrary to “the Law,” which has always been far more than the Ten Commandments. (p. 43)
If someone claims to be not only a prophet but also to be “That Prophet,” he is both a liar and a blasphemer! (He makes himself God!) He may be “running,” but God has certainly not sent him! If he’s claiming titles belonging to the all-powerful living Jesus Christ, then he is no less than a BLASPHEMING IDOL, seeking to replace Christ with himself. (p. 32)
This account [Saul in 1 Samuel] proves that people can start out “little in their own eyes” and yet fall so far from God that they can actually become demon-possessed. (p. 45)
A demon spirit would love to be considered That Prophet—and would love to influence a human vessel to this end. Appropriating that title to itself, through a human agent, is very attractive to a demon—especially if it could gain control of many of God’s people in the process! (p. 56)
When one takes the title of That Prophet, he has even exceeded the evil that Moses warned against! (p. 65)
Such a one is an outright antichrist! This cannot be viewed any other way. (p. 66)
History shows that when false leaders or false prophets appear, the majority of people—in the Church or the world-at-large—are perfectly willing to let them get away with their actions! (p. 16)
In summary, if one claims to be not only a true prophet, but also That Prophet, then you are in the presence of a false prophet and a FALSE CHRIST! (p. 35)
If you are part of the organization following That Prophet, you are in the presence of a false, blasphemous human idol who seeks to “steal your crown” through directing your worship to himself. If this man tells you that he is trying to help you, then remember Satan told Eve that if she would do what he said, “Thou shalt not surely die.” I tell you, do not believe either your false leader, or me alone, believe your Bible and Mr. Armstrong! (p. 36)
Saul was vexed, and often outright possessed, by a demon. The unwitting and fearful…continued to follow him anyway simply because he was “the king”… (p. 46)
They want their followers to be afraid to talk to “outsiders.” These false leaders know that knowledge dispensed outside their control is a threat to their ability to retain control.
(p. 56)
In the end, false teachers always have a money angle hidden in their “new teachings.” (p.41)
Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? – The Rise of False Prophets
September 5, 2012 Edition
David C. Pack
May God help the man who put those words to print and had the courage to attach his name so that it could be recorded for all time.
The Ohio State Irony Police are planning to raid that man’s house very soon. Well, if they can get past the front gate.
The court date for David C. Pack v. David C. Pack is forthcoming. Get your cameras ready.
Marc Cebrian
"If a prophet is sent by God, every one of his prophecies will always be PERFECTLY accurate—no exceptions!" (p. 48)
The No Exception rule! DCP rightly disqualifies DCP! Irony of Ironies.
Now will he step down from whatever self appointed role he has and finally sell the horses?
Marc, you have betrayed the church and work you once loved. How dare you do this?
Thank you for finding the courage to take a stand and confront me, Anonymous June 2 7:28pm.
It is David C. Pack who has "betrayed the church and work he once loved." How dare he?
Ironic how this is how I FINALLY crossed the line. By quoting David C. Pack's own words right back at him.
Tell me, Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous June 2 7:28pm, which David C. Pack do you believe? The version of him NOW or the version of him in 2012?
Anonymous said...
Marc, you have betrayed the church and work you once loved. How dare you do this?
"If I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me..."
David C Pack
December 12, 1998
...is how one dares. Marc is just following instructions to quote it right back.
And too, Marc, these quotes from DCP are remarkable when considering the projection being displayed here and the constant doing what DCP says he would never do or become.
How dare he speak the truth. He should have blind faith in the corporate organization instead of the truth. I mean never-mind that Dave explicitly said many times that you should leave the corporation when it changes doctrines. See his own 90 reasons series. According to Dave's own teachings anyone who stays there is no longer a Christian. His teaching is that being unable to stand up for the truth disqualifies one. This applies to anyone still in RCG.
Is he really suing you Marc? Dumbest thing he could possibly do. Does he have ANY idea of the pandoras box that he himself will have opened? This self inflicted wound is going to cost the patient every last penny he has ever stolen from his suffering members, not to mention any credibility he has left with those same people. He cannot possibly be this foolish. And the bottom line is he can only win a defamation and libel suit if he can prove what was said is untrue and since he can't, this is nothing short of legal suicide.
Every last filthy deed and the irreparable harm he has inflicted on others will be returned one hundredfold. Maybe we will all live to see the last nail in the Armstrongism coffin.
I imagine even Flurry, Weinland, Weston, Winnail and even the doubly blessed prophlet Thiel are starting to freak out because they all know if one goes down in flames publicly, the rest can count the number of their remaining days as overseers and prophets.
I will be praying for you Marc and all the splinter members. I hope you can take some measure of comfort from your many supporters here. Your courage has been remarkable. Truth and goodness will always win in the end. God warns that whatever is hidden in the darkness will come to light. I guess Pack thinks he can defeat God himself.
Because he is the devil, Winkyface.
David C. Pack is a hypocrite because he preaches not to answer your accusers yet he is suing marks in court.
Many people have left Armstrongism because Armstrongism betrayed them first. You see, it's a one way street. They believe that they have the right to do anything they want to you, and that it's your responsibility to just suck it up. Correct attitude towards "God's" church and ministers, you understand. They run amuck in their own entitlement, and have the worst member retainment record of any organized church.
As I was leaving that horrid, toxic experience, I had a musical soundtrack. One of the more prominent voices in that soundtrack was that of Grace Slick of the Jefferson Airplane, and her words in the song "Somebody to Love" painted a rather gloomy series of pictures, all of which were depressingly true realizations, but in acknowledging the truth in those words I found strength, hope, and happiness. The song opened with "When the truth is found.....to be lies......And all the joy within you dies. Pretty much summed up the net result of my Armstrong experience. If you have just made some disappointing discoveries of your own about Armstrongism, I'd recommend purchasing a download of that song, or picking up their "Surrealistic Pillow" CD.
There are of course other songs in my soundtrack, like the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again!", but perhaps another time.
If he is in fact suing, I hope someone trustworthy sets up a Go Fund Me account for Marc's legal fees.
Dw said, " Maybe we will all live to see the last nail in the Armstrongism coffin." Nope, God's true church is eternal so Armstrongism will continue forever.
Mark- are you able or not able to distinguish and take a stand between RCG and all other ministries whether they be groups of people or single ministers who endorse the lie that says wrongly we are in the Laodicean era now.
Are you able to, do you understand that?
Because if you understand the truth you need to preach that to gain some credibility for yourself. Marc, you need to repent and follow HWA 100% or not at all.
The gospel message of Armstrongism has always been an arrogant one. Briefly stated, it is that Jesus Christ is going to return soon to set up Armstrongism as God's government on earth for all eternity.
Good job Marc! Great satire that uses Packtard's own words against him.
Is this actually true? I can see it happening because even as a child growing up in Worldwide you see the aura of arrogance & hubris in HWA and many of the so called "evangelists" in Worldwide. They always acted in a manner of self entitlement and so many treated the average churchgoers as a doormat. HWA was an end time "false Elijah" who was as Kessler wrote probably one of the most selfish men who ever lived. Pack is a dangerous mentally unbalanced false prophet who possibly could be a 21st century Jim Jones before he is thru. Flurry has that potential also.
Satan is his own worst enemy, and so it is with false prophets.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
To Anon @ 9:58 Lol! You're hilarious!!
To other Anon @ 9:58 You read my mind. A trustworthy go fund me is a great idea. I will very gladly donate. Marc has really taken one for the team and he deserves support and encouragement.
Pack has gone full blown delusional. There's no way he can win this suit. He's basically asking a secular court to rule against Marc on a 1st Amendment matter. The 1st gives an individual the right to hold any opinion on any religious matter. Unless Marc has libeled ot slandered him, Pack has no grounds for a lawsuit. I hope the judge throws out this ridiculous thing!
I wonder how Dave explains these away in his own mind. He became the very personification of a man he despises---Gerald Flurry. But if you claim to be the vicar of Christ you can do anything you want and claim God's authority. I think if the true God is the judge in this lawsuit it can't end well for this Ohio resident.
Nutjob is finally going out of business. Sell the Horses!
6.37 AM
Even when it comes to slander, malice intent heeds to be proved. The onus is on the accuser.
Thank you for those offering support.
This post is satire. I must have failed as a writer if that was not clear by the end. (Ohio doesn't have an Irony Police Department. At least, not that I am aware of.)
The point was: If there WAS be a lawsuit, then Dave should sue Dave from 2012. Dave is his own worst enemy. Dave is his own worst critic. Dave condemns Dave.
The numerous quotes are DCP's own words from his own book that has since been removed from the RCG library.
I do not believe RCG or DCP would take anyone to court over these types of things because they would have to disclose information proving my comments are false. What I expose about them is NOT false. They would not want to open themselves up to discovery.
Satire and parody are the tools I have chosen to use. I apologize if I "mislead" anyone here. It is the risk of following the angle of humor.
False prophets like Dave Pack are extremely deceitful. They strongly teach one thing at one time, but then later strongly teach the exact opposite. How can anyone know for sure what these characters will come up with in the future after one has worse-than-wasted so much time and money supporting them that it becomes a big embarrassment to admit that it was all a colossal scam?
It seems like all the WCG splinter groups have gone crazy, and the false prophet splinter groups like PCG and RCG have gone totally satanic.
Marc will post soon that he thought all would understand the irony and satire of the article but in the gap of time til then, It is meant to be "Onion-esk" and irony. Gary has to receive his comment and post it. I cannot do that myself sooner
There isn't a lot of information on the net regarding pastors suing former members for defamation. Defamation and libel are complicated issues to begin with. But, even a letter from a lawyer can be deeply intimidating.
Still, I wonder what Jesus is going to say to Pack about this on Pentecost. He can't be too happy that Dave would stoop to using the world's court system to fight his battles. (That was sarcasm for those unfamiliar with such forms of humor)
MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, here's hoping these words come true for Dave too.
Well , glad to hear that the post was satire and not a real lawsuit.
Such a suit would have no chance of being won, and sanctions for legal fees for the defense would surely be granted for such a frivolous lawsuit.
Wade Cox tried doing the legal thing at one time, and didnt win either, but it is never fun to be sued, and it causes a lot of headache in the meantime for the one being victimized by a frivolous and baseless suit.
Gerald Flurry: You know, I'm somewhat of a false prophet, too.
Wow! All Dave's bluster, and, as Yosemite Sam said, ...
I love the satire! Old Dave versus New Dave - Dave versus Dave! Reminds me of the old Spy versus Spy cartoon in Mad magazine. How appropriate!
It wouldn't surprise me if the Communist Packatolla went after Marc to shut him up. More than a decade ago, I had a Democrat Mayor in my hometown City trying to shut me up because I was outspoken regarding malfeasance and corruption in my hometown. A Court case was initiated against me by the corrupt Democrat Mayor (Democrat politicians hate free speech). I prevailed in this First Amendment case but it cost me thousands while it cost the Democrat Mayor nothing because he used the taxpayers' resources. This is no different than Pack! Same mindset!
Just like the Mayor I wrestled with in my hometown, Pack is use to having "other peoples' money" finance his lifestyle and life and Marc threatens that - even if it is just one tithe slave leaving the Pack plantation!
So Marc's satire wouldn't surprise me if it came true!
The old satire hiding in plain sight trick and I fell for it!
Well if 2012 is some sort of baseline for truth I can see where youre going here.....but if we work off the premise he was batxxxx crazy back then too shouldnt he be given some credit for still trying to get it all right?
It's ok Marc- but you need to realise that many literary devices go over Armstrongists heads in favor of a literal interpretation.
TC/DCP Must follow his own directives. After all, the pastor general/apostle/false prophet/elijah must be obeyed. Now that he has condemned himself as utterly fraudulent, will he resign and distribute the assets to those who gave them? I think not. Sell the horses Davie.
Dave is just following his examples. These types of personal contradictions are fully evident in HWA. He said something like "these things (famines etc) will happen with the next 20 years. There i stuck my neck out. God says if someone warns you and these things don't happen then he is a false prophet." I think the radio comment is recorded on the Tkatch video on You Tube. So both DCP and HWA convict themselves out of their own mouth. They are false prophets.
COG members have been trained to take everything as literal and pure truth, whether it is the Bible, teachings of leaders, or things they publish, so when metaphors and satire smack them upside the head they do not know how to respond.
Anon 3:28 PM, please don't be so contemptuous. Sometimes literalism can save your life.
As a member of Global in 1995, I dutifully wrote down in my notebook, "Christ will return in 5-15 years" when I heard Rod Meredith make that statement in a sermon.
In 2011, Rod's statement allowed me to leave his LCG with a clear conscience.
I’m suffering from withdrawal symptoms.
There has been no post in the last few days about Dr Rabbi Bob,Elijah,Amos,one of the two witnesses, Prophet and general know it all Thiel.
Please please another post about Booby boy.
We the people demand entertainment.
Or it will drive me to drink. Actually I feel like one now, regardless of Booby boy,lol.
Right now TC/DCP has the spot light. Need help, change the channel.
"Peter, Paul and John got it all wrong for 2000 years, ... why isn't anybody cutting me a break". A quote from the post 2012 Dave Pack. So Mark, why aren't you cutting Mr. Pack a break? Shouldn't your beef Mark, be against these named apostles?
"I haven't changed what Mr Armstrong did one wit". Another quote from post 2012 Dave Pack. So Mark, you have no leverage against Mr. Pack from a COG perspective because he has perfectly followed and done everything that Herbert Armstrong did. Your beef should be with the 36 year dead Herbert Armstrong.
"Brethren you have read and seen with your own eyes that the math all works out. Now if God chooses to delay for some reason, 'I don't have a reason why' - then that is his prerogative - but the math is correct". Just last year quote
from Dave Pack. So Mark, your satirical article should be 31 AD God vs 2021 God, for God is the problem.
This is a satirical response to a satirical article. But, the question remains, has Dave Pack truthfully and correctly deflected all blame for his failures upon Peter, Paul, John, HWA, and God?
What does the "Banned" community think - Banned by HWA vs Dave Pack? Dave Pack innocent and white as snow and the real purveyors of a false narrative and false prophecies are truly God and the biblical apostles or is there a more correct answer and rebuttal to Mr. Pack's quotes that incriminate one person and one person only?
So the great Mr. Pack seems angry because Marc is exposing him.
I've been saying for years now that as the greying COGlodytes progress towards their personal ends of life, many are going to go absolutely crazy with their needs for the Armstrong prophecy model or mold to be fulfilled, providing them with the justification for their lives of self-denial and sacrifices towards that end. Certain types "need" these things to happen to preserve their sanity when faced with the possibility of having totally wasted their lives.
So, anything is possible. It is not inconceivable that a leader who had already milked the cow dry would turn towards new revenue streams as his empire was diminishing for lack of funds. Lawsuits which forced even the people who had seen the light and left to participate in "common" would be a nasty piece of business, but it is possible that we might see frustrated wannabe leaders take it down to this level.
Satire is good for the soul, but sometimes these things which seem outrageous and impossible, and are therefore natural fodder for satire, have a way of becoming self-fulfilling prophecies. Armstrongites are used to functioning on surreal paths to begin with. We can't always expect rational behavior from them.
What About The Truth, your first three paragraphs made me laugh out loud. I know those are quotes from his sermons.
This is only the beginning of what I have in mind. While I was a member, I began documenting his teachings and transcribing parts of his messages to keep as a record for myself. I was able to use these excerpts as a tool to reinforce my conviction to leave. It was also helpful because when Dave would circle around the prophecy track and start teaching the same thing he did a year or two before, I could go back and read "he already tried this theory."
I am still going through sermons to pull quotes to compile for future postings. I won't be using subtle satire any more...that gets lost on most of the audience.
In counseling with Dennis, he recommended when I use real quotes, to keep it as a "straight" presentation. I hate that I had to put a disclaimer, but my concern was (and this was Dennis' main point) folks might think those REAL quotes were FAKE too. It would negate the reason for the whole thing. So, I spoiled the joke before the punchline, much to my chagrin.
I'm glad you and few others "got" the satire. But when DW and others started talking about GoFundMe...I had to quickly pump the brakes.
I never said he was suing me in the article. Believe me, if they did...it would be "crystal clear" and with no doubts.
No you have betrayed the words of God and believed a Liar! Marc is simply pointing out the facts. Marc has not said anything Pack, has not done, it's just that his acts are soo despicable, that it seem like an attack. I was part of that RCG circus for over 10 years, and what marc has pointed out is a understatement from what I went through. If you believed your bible you would see he is a false prophet but since you believe in him, he is now your guide, not the scripture.
The GoFundMe suggestors may not have realized that your post was satirical, but if nothing else, they demonstrated that folks here want to be there for you in your mission. We've got your back!
9:53, glad to,see that you got out! I am sure that your quality of life has been vastly improved. TC and others, if they are not indeed trolls jjust stirring up the pot, are practicing ACOGaholics. The difference between us and them is that their disease has not yet caused their lives to bottom out. If they are thinking people, taking regular introspection, and honestly evaluating the activities of each day as they go to sleep each night, they will eventually get to the point at we have arrived, and then their recovery can begin!
In the mean time, the worse that Dave or other leaders become, the quicker members will escape and begin their recovery process. It may take a couple of the more extreme ones announcing that they are Jesus Christ before people get the point, but the day will come.
It may take a couple of the more extreme ones announcing that they are Jesus Christ before people get the point, but the day will come.
I'm not sure sure about that. Many years ago, Gerald Flurry told PCG members that one of his many offices or titles was, "Christ in the flesh." It didn't cause an exodus from PCG. When Dave Pack gets around to his own version of that, RCG members will have become so desensitized that they'll just nod their heads and wait for the next revelation.
Among white, evangelical Christians in the United States, 58 percent believe that Jesus Christ will return to Earth by the year 2050, according to a 2010 Pew Research survey. If you think that's a fringe position, Pew says that 41 percent of all Americans (not just evangelicals) believe that the Second Coming is not only real, but that it's going to happen by 2050 — in other words, in their lifetime.
41% of all christians say 2050.... and DCP says 2022.
What do you say Marc? Just curious. You more like in the 10-15 year crowd? Sooner? Later? Whens Jesus coming my man?
Sundown Kid, I am not qualified to even guess. I just don't know.
I pray it is soon, but prepared that it won't happen in my lifetime. I lived "on edge" for nine years being in Restored (though, I stopped being "on edge" after the first three) and I won't live like that any more.
When God fulfills prophecy...we will KNOW it and not have to guess about some "secret" coming.
Rest assured, whatever future date Damage Control Pack picks, you can circle it as NOT being the day. God cannot validate false apostles/prophets.
My two cents on the return of Christ:
Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion [apostasia] comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
For there shall arise false Christs [pseudochristos], and false prophets,
and as ye have heard that antichrist [antichristos] shall come
Know [ LXX: ginosko] therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah [christos, LXX] the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks:
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding [nous] count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six).
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Lamb standing, as [hos] having been slain [esphagmenen]
one of its heads, as [hos] having been slain [esphagmenen] to death
... the First and the Last, who became dead, and lived [ezesen]
... the beast who has the wound of the sword, and lived [ezesen]
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.
); and the church saints will inherit a heavenly kingdom (cp. 2 Tim 4:18
2Th 2:3
2Th 2:4
A certain person must come and a certain event must occur before Christ’s return.
Mt 24:24
1Jn 2:18
That person is the “man of lawlessness” who is not only a false christ but he is also anti christ.
Da 9:25
(Rev 13:18
From Daniel’s type-antitype telescopic prophecy and from other prophecies it can be garnered that the true Christ and the false christ both have a prophetic week to fulfill.
Da 9:27
At the beginning of the antichrist’s week he will enter into a covenant with the Jews; whereas the true Christ made a covenant halfway through His ‘week’.
Rev 5:6 a
Rev 13:3
Rev 2:8b
Rev 13:14b
In the midst of their weeks both the true Christ and the anti Christ are slain and “lived”.
After the resurrection of the antichrist there is half a prophetic week - three and a half years or forty-two months - before the return of the true Christ to fulfill the second half of His week.
Da 7:25
Rev 13:5b
Rev 13:6
Rev 13:7
Rev 13:8
During the antichrist’s half week he will instigate the great ‘rebellion’ and persecute the Kingdom and Church ‘saints’.
Da 7:27
Rev 7:14b
Rev 7:15
During Christ’s second half week he will restore the earthly kingdom to Israel (cp. Acts 1:6
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