The Last Great Moving Day
The Restored Church of God is in the midst of the Days of Unleavened Bread. Pastor General David C. Pack was as giddy as a schoolgirl yesterday because it was Green Envelope Day. The income on the first and last days of Unleavened Bread set the pace for financial spending into the fall, with a Pentecost boost in May.
Depending on the revenue collected, the brethren may anticipate another Hissy Fit if they signal their David C. Pack confidence level with their checkbooks.
The pattern of people deciding to leave includes opting out of listening to Dave's sermons, not taking notes when they are forced to listen, avoiding talking about the Series with the All-Believing Zealots, and pulling back on their offerings. Some of the more bold among RCG will withhold their tithes, but that starts the ticking clock in the Business and Accounting Office.
If the Green Envelope turnout was good, Dave will crow about it. But they will only use percentages to hide the real numbers. If the turnout was not-so-good, Dave might bring more hellfire and brimstone to the lectern since he controls the trap door button that leads to the Lake of Fire. Piss him off, and away you go.
Nobody should ever fear David C. Pack, not what he does and not what he says. Deuteronomy 18:22 is an appropriate fallback position for addressing a man who cannot get anything right.
Just this week, his prophetic rockets crashed and burned twice. On April 1 and again on April 5. If that is not the pure definition of “spoken it presumptuously,” please give me a better example.
The Night To Be Much Observed was a “has to be” scenario that was not. Lighting always strikes David C. Pack when it is too late to matter. RCG issued spin to defuse the diffuse of another failure on their hands.
Prophetic Update – April 5, 2023
We trust all of you had as meaningful a Passover as we here at Headquarters. As we began keeping a wonderful Night to be Much Observed, it became clear the delay God planned was, in fact, longer than ever considered.The enigmatic nature of the Last Great Day, which caps the fall Festival repeat of the days we are now keeping, finally came clear. Think: Why did Christ point to a resurrection on the “last day”—“that Great Day of the Feast” (John 7:37, 11:24
) when the resurrection is indisputably an Abib event? The answer is the Eighth (Last Great) Day moves to Abib, meaning, if correct, the one week we are waiting for starts a day later—sometime on day 2 of Unleavened Bread.
This would allow all men to be raised on a Friday to prepare for a regular Sabbath (having not been raised on holy time), among many other advantages to this view of the week that could be detailed if time permitted.
Have a wonderful First Day of Unleavened Bread as our wait extends into tomorrow.
That Pathetic Update was so lame even the typist in CAD did not want to sign it.
“…it became clear…”
You have to laugh because that is at the heart of these updates. Everyone knew it was going to fail, and then, as a deadline approached, it finally became clear to King David Passed Over that nothing would happen.
Why is that always a shock to him? David C. Pack failing is the baseline for the reality of sane individuals.
“…the delay God planned was, in fact, longer than ever considered.”
Dave has no idea how much longer “the delay” will be. He is utterly clueless because he is a false apostle and a false prophet. God is not guiding him. The proof is in the pudding.
The Spirit of Error laughs through the hallways at Headquarters, whooping it up in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium as the Packian Triad of Fraud works diligently to formulate new alternatives to a perpetually failing system.
“…our wait extends into tomorrow.”
That was on Wednesday afternoon before Dave sat down to enjoy the meal that should not have been that the ladies slaved over all day. The Kingdom of Dave wait has extended into another extension.
Dave graced the members of Headquarters yesterday with 18 minutes of “Special Comments” that will be relabeled “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 433)” later. It reinforced and expanded on the Pathetic Update setting the new deadline to be at sunrise in Jerusalem tomorrow.
The Kingdom of Dave Arrives
11:19 PM ET on Friday, April 7, 2023
All it took was a minor adjustment. David C. Pack moved "The Last Great Day" from the Feast of Tabernacles to the Days of Unleavened Bread. It practically fell there on its own when he slightly tilted it. But do not panic. It will be moved back soon.
Special Comments (Part 433) – April 6, 2023
@ 02:16 If you bring that day forward and you count it, there is now, as of this moment, less than a week before the Great Day would end if you put it at the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread.
David C. Pack is now moving Holy Days around so they can bow to his image. Those that thought only God had the authority to move holy time need to get up to speed.
The brethren in the audience at Headquarters who did not feel terribly uncomfortable with this are truly asleep.
I wonder if Dave gets tired of setting up these sequences of events each time his own date fails.
@ 06:02 If the Great Tribulation is this year, on Saturday night in Jerusalem (in a little over 48 hours), Christ will turn off the sacrifices again. 45 days after the 1335, which was Adar 1. And the Man of Sin will set up the Abomination. It will be time to flee after the Sabbath. And by Sunday morning at dawn, Easter is on, and billions will be tuned in. And three and a half days, the worst time in history, will begin.
@ 06:58 Are we waiting for Thursday night tonight, or we waiting for Friday night tomorrow? Lemme just say again, Saturday night would be when the Sabbath flight occurs. Right after the Sabbath. Twelve hours before Easter sunrise worship. Ezekiel 8. And three and half days of Great Tribulation starts. None of this changes.
This entire new picture hinges on a tiny adjustment to God's Holy Day calendar.
@ 13:49 But this would only be true if the Great Day were brought forward to follow Unleavened Breadbefore this day disappears forever.
Oh, is that all?
Dave does not bother to explain how he has the authority to do this. He must have found that license, unlike with smaller issues of the past.
Flashback Part 421 – February 18, 2023
@ 1:10:23 But I found no authority. You cannot add to seven years or a thousand years. You cannot add to one month. It was just that simple.
And yet he did. But, moving the Last Great Day is much bigger than that.
Flashback Part 431 – March 31, 2023
@ 21:59 There is no license to put Daniel’s 3 ½ days in front of the 10.
And yet he did. But, moving the Last Great Day is much bigger than that.
Special Comments (Part 433) – April 6, 2023
@ 14:00 Remember that the Fall Feast pictures the same thing that the Spring Feast does. It even says to remind you that you lived in temporary dwellings when I brought you out of Israel. So, if God wanted to put the Last Great Day after the seven days in the fall to hide it for thousands of years till He could bring it forward and put it after the first seven days in the spring, which pictures the same thing, He could do that.
God could do that. But God is not doing that. He is certainly not doing that through David C. Pack. Just like God did not hide the 50-day count to Trumpets by tricking people into counting 50 days to Pentecost for thousands of years.
Flashback Part 385 – July 30, 2022
@ 23:21 Why did Israel and the church count 50 to Pentecost, a Holy Day, for 3,500 years?...And we did it possibly in the wrong season toward the wrong Holy Day.
@ 24:35 …but is it possible that we were counting 50…through the wrong weeks toward the wrong Holy Day when we should be counting 50 in the weeks of the fall harvest that God put 'em in the spring for a purpose to hide them?
Dave's god really loves his dirty tricks. Boy, the Jews will be pissed when they find out they were not let in on the joke.
Some may not be aware that Dave also temporarily moved The Night To Be Much Observed from the eve of the First Day of Unleavened Bread to the Last Day in 2021. For months he held to that position with a legal-paper length full of reasons that made no sense since day one.
I joked with my editing partner that I would order pizza on The Night To Be Much Observed because leaven was no longer a sin as of sunset.
Two weeks before Passover in 2021, they made a much-shorter announcement moving it back to where the old coot Herbert W. Armstrong placed it. As it turns out, the wrinkled fossil did have some things right.
In 2021, David C. Pack thought to move the Night To Be Much Observed from the first night to the last night. In 2022, David C. Pack thought to move the 50-day count from Pentecost to Trumpets. In 2023, David C. Pack thinks to move the Last Great Day from the Feast of Tabernacles to the Days of Unleavened Bread.
David C. Pack thinks to change times and seasons.
Daniel 7 says this is the same guy who wears out the saints. 800 hours is a pretty good start to wearing some folks out. How many people has Dave “worn out” of the church?
The burning question becomes: What will David C. Pack think to change next time?
David C. Pack just moved the Last Great Day from the fall into the spring, and there was not one gasp or walkout at Headquarters. Those people will eat anything he feeds them now. And Dave knows it.
Special Comments (Part 433) – April 6, 2023
@ 14:53 But, all of that collapses if God didn’t show us at a wonderful dinner last night things I’d looked at in the past but couldn’t figure out that He’s gonna bring the Great Day six months forward and build the Kingdom of God. It is known as one day to God…He hid it six months out.
He enjoyed a wonderful dinner that should not have been had the ladies at Headquarters been moved by faith because Jesus Christ was supposed to raise Elijah to rule the Kingdom of Dave before the first glass of wine was poured.
Dave's wonderful dinner proves again that nobody in RCG takes him seriously.
I want the names of the hirelings at that table who believed God revealed this knowledge. Even if one hoped He did, the light of day tomorrow morning will sterilize that concept.
@ 15:55 So, it appears this very brief message turned out to be (unexpectedly) the final little ration given in a season. What season? The First Day of Unleavened Bread or the second one, Jerusalem time. The season of Unleavened Bread. Who’da ever thought that?
Well, you, Dave. In 2019. And 2020. And 2021. And 2022. Now revisited in 2023.
@ 16:52 But, that said, probably everyone has to hear it before Christ comes tomorrow night. We can hope for tonight. But, after this final message, {I} rushes to call it out (yet again), a ration in season. There is a delay called a tiny, tiny micron when {I’m} about to sound.
So, it is fair to say that prophecy was NOT fulfilled like he said during Part 432 five days prior.
Flashback Part 432 – April 1, 2023
@ 37:20 So, Revelation 10:7 appears to be fulfilled. Yesterday and today are the days of my voice before the Trumpet sounds. When the Mystery is over. The last ration given in a season.
An invisible 1335 start. An invisible prophetic fulfillment. Everyone is anticipating the invisible coming of Jesus Christ, hiding in the Hall of Administration secret chamber that only David C. Pack will know about.
Special Comments (Part 433) – April 6, 2023
@ 17:43 There’d be about one day from this message now until Christ arrives. And then, once He does, we in another about to clock that lasts another one day until the sacrifices are turned off, and world hell is turned on. I found that interesting. We can hope for tonight, but probably it's tomorrow. But, if it is tomorrow, after all is said and done, Christ (as I've been suspicious for years) does come on a Sabbath.
@ 18:34 So, then, in conclusion, adjusting for where you live, brethren, around the world, stay focused every hour up to Jerusalem dawn on the Sabbath. We will find out what hour it is that we cannot at this time think and know. Godspeed that hour.
The short-lived end of the road for this new concoction is 11:19 PM ET tonight, Friday, April 7.
As alarming as it sounds for a man to move around God’s calendar due to arrogant desperation, fret you not, for this will not linger.
It is obvious that David C. Pack did not think this fully through. He has a blind spot regarding the implications of his words.
By moving the Last Great Day to the Days of Unleavened Bread, The Restored Church of God just lost one of the primary Green Envelope Days. Ask those who have birthdays on Christmas how much fun that idea is. The result is that you give only one offering during the Feast of Tabernacles because the Last Great Day and the seventh day of Unleavened Bread would be doubled up.
This guarantees this idea will not stick. It may not even survive through the Campus Easter Egg Hunt. It was easy for him to move the Last Great Day into the spring, so it should be even easier to move it right back.
How a man can take upon himself that kind of authority without hesitation should be of deep concern to those inside The Restored Church of God. David C. Pack is a blaspheming liar who continually places God’s name on his fraudulent heresy and does not blush when it fails.
How many verses need to come alive with David C. Pack’s voice before you find the courage to leave? Brethren, get out while you still can.
Marc Cebrian
See: The Last Great Moving Day
"This is the hill that I die on." -- Dave Pack.
Okay Dave, keep your promise and jump off a cliff.
A totally scrambled and randomized RUBIKS CUBE is easier to figure out than Daves ramblings.
Extra! Extra!
Prophecy junkie freebases Bible in an attempt to predict exactly when Jesus returns.
Crap..I have to work again! Let me know what I miss!
You know, the only thing Dave and every false prophet/false apostle is good at, tragically, is creating people who must almost loathe the god they have created out of whole cloth. The members in these groups know little to nothing about the true God because He has been so misrepresented and contorted beyond recognition. That breaks my heart and makes my blood boil at the same time. However, if they would just find the courage to leave these cults, they stand a far greater chance of finding Jesus and the immeasurable peace, joy and eternal security that He gives believers.
rcg is in a death spiral. Pack will lose that property if it isn't paid for. If he can't pay property taxes the same scenario.
We are heading into a inflation crisis with the coming of war. People need to eat and have a roof over their head. So they chose. My family and I, or david c pack.
The lies continue, people continue being deceived and manipulated, shame on this man, shame on him...God left him long ago
People who have partaken in Ayahuasca therapy make better sense than Dave!
If we didn't know that Dave was an enthusiastic life-long participant in an ascetic religion, one could easily assume that his babblings were the byproduct of tertiary syphilis.
I can make more sense of Charles Manson's ramblings.
I remember that.. Got into some real trouble because I stopped handing the money. Instead I decided to save it for my kids education. And that turned out to be the best choice ever!
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