Friday, September 15, 2023

Bricket Wood England Campus Farm Info Solicited


I received the following today soliciting information and photos from anyone who worked on the Ambassador College Farm in Bricket Wood:

Good morning to you, 
please forgive my unsolicited email, but I came across your website/blog that has much content relating to an area of Hertfordshire that I am researching of former farming activities from the 1950's through to the 1980's.

I fully approciate that my ask may not be considered , however I would like to ask you and your forum if there are any photos and materials relating to the farming that the college conducted during its ownership of the Bricket Wood campus.

Any and all information relating to the farming activities will be of great interest to me and I do appreciate that it may well not be of interest for you to support my request.

I am not posting his email address here due some of the crazies that may cause issues. If you have information/photos and want to converse with him, email me and I will connect the two of you.



Tonto said...

Roundup weed killer lawsuit??

Anonymous said...

Uh, ya mean "tithe farming"???? If I recall correctly, that was the chief farming activity, although not altogether proper agriculture.

Questeruk said...

There was a farming project, both in Big Sandy, and Bricket Wood.

There was a regular series of farming newsletters produced, a lot from Big Sandy, but some from Bricket Wood. I had an interest in farming, and was on the mailing list for these letters.

The Church had an interest in 'being green' years before the mainstream world got on to it.

Anonymous said...

I've commented about that before, Questeruk. Back in the late 1960s and early '70s, GTA did a lot of telecasts on the pollution of our rivers and other resources, and there was also coverage of these issues in the Plain Truth. Debauching nature was one of our national sins for which we were going to be punished. In fact, the church ran counter to many issues which were caused by major corporations and business interests. Somewhere along the line, the protection of our environment and good stewardship of planet Earth became labeled as a "liberal" issue, and since the church fancied itself as "conservative", and conservatives as the good, or correct side, such articles and criticisms have passed by the wayside. Like so many other people, and collectives, church members began to look to Rush Limbaugh and his ilk for guidance rather than their own Bibles. It was a clever seduction which persists unto this day.

Except for the long hair, sex, drugs, and rock n roll, the WCG of the '60s and '70s was very much a counter-culture organization. Back to nature, back to the farm, and with an agrarian and communal view of the Millennium that was very similar to the Guess Who's "Share the Land." The Billy Jack movies were very popular amongst young people in the church. No white sugar or white bread. Heavy on the natural fruits and vegetables. Recycling clothing and other goods, and eschewing gas-guzzler cars and trucks meant more money from church members for offerings. One would hear messages about the importance of getting out the message to a dying world. The death of nature and loss of species was part of the sense of urgency. The sit in and protest over receivership was straight out of the hippie handbook!

Let's face it. Both liberals and conservatives have very bad and very good ideas, and they mix them in distinctly different ways. This is why an ambassador for the Kingdom cannot support either of the major party's complete package of policies and agendas.

Anonymous said...

I know people who were on the maintenance team from start till and even into the nineties when SEP equipment was, stored there. Before that I was breeding of Arabian - race) horses. Everything was sold to the church by the ladies, who invested it all in movie studio is where most of British movies, we all know (like James Bond) were partly filmed.


Anonymous said...

Ya just ask the remaining last 4 members of US CCOG, they are staunch Republicans and if you now mention any ecology or Toyota Prius or global warming lingo to them, they will paste on you a label of Liberal with a quickness

Anonymous said...

was Benny Hill filmed there too