Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Living Church of God Rocks In Manchester, England: Outstanding Success!

LCG has been doing their "presentation" in cities all over the U.S., Canada, and England where they claim to share a gospel to the world.

No place on earth has been more successful in attracting new members than what they have accomplished in Manchester, England! Note that there are 2.8 million people who live in the greater Manchester area.

Last weekend was a successful weekend for Canadian TWPs: four initial presentations drew a total of 63 guests. The follow-up presentation in Manchester, England, was also successful, drawing four repeat guests and one new guest. This weekend, Mr. Weston will be giving initial presentations in Schenectady and Binghamton, New York. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for the Tomorrow’s World Presentations.

The fact that they chose to brag about this as being successful is more frightening than their inability to draw in the public! 


Anonymous said...

Even one convert could be considered a success. However, it is not enough to sustain their religion let alone to "shake the world" like Rod used to say.

Anonymous said...

True, a convert to be a follower of Jesus would be a success, but that is not what they do. They are entrapped to follow government. Jesus is an inconvenient by-product

Anonymous said...

The continued mockery of God's Church on this blog is going to end in a situation none of you are going to like.

NO2HWA said...

Oh, Yeah? What will that be? Condemned to Petra for 3 1/2 years with Bob Thiel? No hell fire could be as bad as that.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:54:00 PM PDT

‘of Gods Church’…….

Which one would that be?

‘is going to end in a situation none of you are going to like’……

Well it certainly hasn’t ended in a situation the Church can be proud of has it?
Disunity at every level. Bitterness. Doctrines that have been proven to to unscriptural and untenable. Dwindling membership. Confusion as to what the Gospel is. One could go on, but you get the point?

Well probably not.

Tonto said...

Rather than creating a community of believers, with diverse gifts and talents, and as "equals" before Jesus , these type of marketing events are designed to attract people to the "guru" and to become part of the gurus loyal "fan club".

Many businesses today realize that the era of going to a hotel, or dinner for a "presentation" , ie as an insurance or hearing aid device seminar, does not work any more. People are leery of being "sold" or pressured. The "come to the big top" and see the "Amazing Presenter" marketing era has passed.

Anonymous said...

Who here ever mock's God's church? We mock Armstrongism. I hope you aren't being blaphemous by calling that "God's Church"! Cause you might not like the way that ends, either!

Trooisto said...

I LOVE the crow meme!

An old crow taught me one of my all-time favorite expressions I use to discuss Armstrongism!

I saw this crow sipping water from a gutter puddle of iridescent, polluted water.
The crow then flew up to a telephone wire, looked down at me, stuck it’s neck out and cried, “COG-odd, COG-odd, COG-odd”.

I lifted my head in the direction of the crow and cawed back, “Agreed, agreed, agreed!”

I hung around for a while to see if the crow would feed me Cheetos or something, Elijah-style, like in 1 Kings 17.

Inspired by both Elijah and the Prophet Bob, as well as this insightful bird, I thought I may be having my own prophet moment.

Well, after about twenty minutes without even a crumb from the crow, I walked away disappointed to realize I was not being called to be a prophet, yet content with the wisdom the crow had imparted.

However, I do think my interaction with the crow was more of a bona fide prophet experience than anything the Prophet Bob can claim – at least I learned something useful.

I have since enjoyed using the term “COG-odd” whenever I have the need to discuss a weird belief or practice that uniquely belongs to Armstrongism.

Thank you, old crow!

Anonymous said...

Tonto hit the nail on the head. Too often the methods that the ACOG's are using to present their message is a method that is somewhat out of date. Gone are the day that they can have campaigns & lectures utilized back in the 70's & expect to get substantial crowds to show up. It seems as if what they used in Worldwide is the gold standard.

Anonymous said...

Agree. They are rebels from within the ministry. A ill twist on the ministry forum invention.

Anonymous said...

What the COGs don't seem to realize is that the media world is completely different today. Fifty years ago, one man could speak to millions. Today, millions speak to millions, and the way to go viral is completely different. This change was already obvious a few years ago, yet UCG threw away a million dollars on a new studio.