Sunday, October 29, 2023

Ron "Weinerdude" Weinland, The First Witless Witness Abandoning His Europe Fantasy


Old Ronnie has always had his sights set upon Europe where imagines he and his loonie wife Laura will spend 3 1/2 years as the Two Witless Witnesses proclaiming some weird nonsense as a "gospel" message to Europe before his angry god comes down and kicks ass. 

Before he was sent to prison for tax evasion, he had his loonie wife fill her fat fingers up with several large carat diamonds rings that they could reportedly cash in once they arrived in Europe to fund their stupid ministry. 

Much like the loser Dave Pack and his inability to make accurate predictions, Weinerdude does not know how things will play out in the future. So, he is planning next years Feast sites back here in the U.S. instead of in Jerusalem where he thought he was going to start his witless witnessing.

So as I was saying earlier, we’re considering for next year planning to have that primary area where I will be located within, somewhere within the United States, not in Europe. So, Europe will be a smaller site this next year, at least according to the planning at this point, and then we’ll go from there. What a blessing if we didn’t have to come together in this partcular manner, but in a greater manner.

But we’ll see what transpired in the following year. Everything is in God’s timing, but looking at world events, seeing what’s happening in the world, just by the Thunders themselves it’s one of the primary signs of those things we have now that God has given to us to recognize this is what we watch more than anything else because these are the things that are happening in the world as they become stronger. Because it has to be of the same nature than as a woman in travail, as it says in scripture, but in labor with a child, getting ready to have birth. Those things go along with what’s taking place with and has been taking place within the Thunders.

It’s an awesome process to watch take place in the world. We’re watching these things, we’re observing these things, and seeing how horrible the world is becoming as it goes through all of this.

Can anyone imagine any of the current crop of crazy COG leaders being one of the two witnesses? What a cruel joke God is playing on the world if any of these fools are ever became such a thing! 


Tonto said...

Weiner Dude is yet another case of no matter how crazy you are, or how wrong you are , there will always be a sucker somewhere that you can get to be one of your "groupies"!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I have been so wondering/worrying about what has been going on with Weinland. Read page 106 or whatever of his book back in 2008. Don't remember what is was, or what is what about. Did I read this correctly that HE now understands the 'thunders' mentioned in revelation that John was told NOT to write down??
Pack is fading? Weinland is recovering? RCM is dead. Flurry is, is ---Biden? ;-)

Roll Tide!

Anonymous said...

Has even one person in any leadership position in Armstrongism acknowledged climate change? It would certainly seem appropriate that a meteorologic term like "Thunders" would apply to the climate changes we see deepening on a daily basis.

I've pointed out to staunch Christian Republicans that some of the end time prophecies in Revelation surely do resemble what scientists say about what's happening with climate change, and a couple have admitted, "You're right! It's right in there!". Problem is the business people are the ones driving the party platform, and they are the deniers! They give Christians lip service, but don't really adhere to the Christian agenda.

Anonymous said...

Weiners ACOG splinter is another example of people who can't function in the real world, and desire a protected enclave. I observed this many times while I attended services in the 1980s. Ministers protected the social and moral knuckleheads in exchange for their tithe money. It's a business model.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is reading the tea leaves, my thinking brethren are fed up with his running off to Europe to enjoy HIS FEAST, (how many brethren were in Europe's feast site 20 to 30? How many in the U.S 300 or so.),looks like he was gone for about 3-4 weeks, while his subjects fend for themselves, while he rakes in the $$$$, so his wife can buy more rings etc for each day of the week. More could be said, perhaps someone could chime in.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 3:46 PM said...“Has even one person in any leadership position in Armstrongism acknowledged climate change?”

Smarten up, you ignorant, non-Christian sinner.

The “man-made global warming” SCAM is an agenda of the Man of Sin, the Pope in Rome. Bad people want to destroy all the good things in life and even shut down agriculture, and pretend that they are doing it to “save the planet.” The only thing to fear is what wicked leaders are planning to do under the guise of trying to “save the planet.”

The real, predictable, regular climate change that people need to be concerned about at this moment is the coming of winter in North America. Man-made global warming is NOT coming to save you. Buy some warm clothes.