Friday, February 9, 2024

Satan Attack's Greatest COG In Human History!


Things are not pretty in SpongeBob land in Grove Beach, CA! Satan took his wrath out on the most important Church of God to ever exist since Peter and Paul started spreading their own versions of the gospel message. Never in the last 2,000 some years has a Church of God been attacked this horribly! The Christian martyrs boiled in oil and were killed for their beliefs are just collateral damage compared to what happened in Grover Beach! Even the receivership the Mother church went through in the late 70's does not compare to this epic tragedy! Oh, the humanity! WHY DIDN'T GOD PROTECT HIS MOST LOYAL SERVANT????????????????

As most probably know by now, California was hit with several days of extreme rain. Rain has now taken the entire state out of its drought position it had been in for many years. A drought that our very own Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Occasional Caucasians said would get progressively worse. Another day, another lie.

As the end time rapidly approaches, old meanie Satan is particularly pissed off that the greatest COG in human history has its earth-shattering offices in Grove Beach. Edmond, OK, Wadsworth, OH, and Charlotte, NC in no way can ever be compared to the awesomeness of Grover Beach.

On the other hand, maybe it was God trying to wake up our lying crackpot prophet giving him one last chance to change his ways.

02/08/24 a.m. Many of you probably heard about the torrential rains in California. One news report suggested about 8 trillion gallons of rain fell on California. In our area, we were without electricity for about ten hours on Sunday. Beyond that, we were basically fine until yesterday afternoon when a very windy storm, which may have included a tornado, hit:

suspected tornado wreaked havoc in Grover Beach on Wednesday afternoon, with trees topple, power lines knocked down, and awnings and shingles torn from buildings.  ... The storm hit businesses and homes on Grand and Ramona Avenues as it moved through Grover Beach. ... At 7:20 p.m., more than 2,000 PG&E customers remain in the dark. Suspected Tornado Wreacks Havoc In Grover Beach, photos

Much of the roof of our building at 1036 W. Grand Avenue in Grover Beach was blown off. A lot of rain came in and there was a lot of water on the ground throughout the entire building when I left last evening. Prior to leaving, a roofing firm came to try to prevent more rain from entering the building. Today, I plan to try to figure out how to remove the water and how to best function after this. It was difficult to make a full assessment with the power out, etc. when I left yesterday. We had to shut off all possible power as a safety precaution as rain was filling up the light fixtures in the ceiling. Today, we will see if there is power to the building and if it is safe to turn the lights back on.

That said, as I have written before, weather changes should serve as a type of 'wake-up call' as they help show us that our personal, local, national, and even international circumstances can change quickly. But also, that we always need to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

Photo taken on a recent visit to Grove Beach to stand in awe of the greatest Church of God headquarters in this modern dispensation! I was speechless at its awesomeness! We can almost be guaranteed that when Germany invades this country they will use this magnificent headquarters as its main operating base for the invasion of the United States. They will be so amazed at the high quality that they will preserve this building and not allow any military action to be taken on it so that all can be astounded at its beauty.

Oh, by the way, Bwana Bob. It was just weather that happened to you and not some superstitious "wake-up call". Weather. Just plain old weather.




DennisCDiehl said...

In all Bob's classic " Is Baal... I mean "Is God trying to get _________'s attention..." whenever weather gets testy in specific areas that Bob believes is more sinful than others at the moment, we have to wonder what God is "trying to tell Bob".

Perhaps it's not so much Satan that is annoyed with Bob as much as some African Witch?

As Bob said at the conclusion of his article on "Apocalyptic Weather"...

"The Bible shows that more disasters are coming. Weather and other warnings from the Bible are going out, but many will ignore them. Are you one who ignores them or one who will take Philadelphian Christian steps?"

Anonymous said...

Usually Bob cites reports of weather damage as a call to "REPENT".
He isn't going to apply that to himself, though.

Anonymous said...

Gary, it’s so easy to pick on one person who is deceiving himself. It’s no more than a sporting event to some. Bob Thiel is irrelevant in the scheme of things. But, is such an easy target for you.

When are you ever going to tackle some really important targets, like:

TV ad announcing “government says thousands of priests have sexually abused children and others…. If you are one of them contact us… you may be eligible for reparations from funds set aside by church…”

I guess the big stuff hurting thousands of people doesn’t bother you and the folks here. How about a little tiny bit of equal concern and mention some of these things on banned??? Or, is that too much to ask? So, you are protecting 100 caucasians vs thousands?

Calling Thiel names like Bawana, etc. sounds great, right? So, what do you call thousands of abusive perverted priests?

Just askin’. Besides, Bob and Dave are not even ant bites by comparison. A little equal time never hurt anyone.

Surely the big stuff is also worthy of criticism?

Anonymous said...

Someone cant read the title of the site.

Tonto said...

SING ALONG TIME ! -- Sing to the tune "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" BJ Thomas 1969

Raindrops are falling on Thiel's shed...

And just like the guy whose ego is too big for his head...

Nothing seems to fit...

Those raindrops are falling on his head, they keep falling...

Anonymous said...

@ 10:05 AM, this blog isn't titled "Banned by Pope Francis." You are right to be concerned about pedophile priests, and by those who enable them. But most members of this blog have direct experience with HWA's cult, not Francis's cult. So this blog is titled accordingly.

In fact, I might as well ask you, why aren't YOU running a "Banned by Frankie" blog to call out Roman Catholic priestly perversion, but instead are posting here? You're just as guilty as the Gary you criticize. But it would be stupid to use an anti-HWA site to blog about problems in the RCC, just as you wouldn't go to an anti-RCC site and blog about the ACOGs, who in comparison to the billion-member RCC are "not even ant bites by comparison." It is precisely because the ACOGs are ant-bites in comparison to the RCC, and because Bob is an ant-bite compared to UCG/LCG/GCI, that this blog exists as a post for relevant comments on them.

Ronco said...

"When are you ever going to tackle some really important targets..."

Have you ever bothered to read the title of this blog?

Anonymous said...

10.05, This blog is called Banned by HWA. It's not called Banned by the Pope. There are other blogs dedicated to the issues you mention. Bob and the others frequently mentioned here are a type of the hundreds of WWCG splinters and their leaders. So I don't believe the attention Bob receives is inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

Same old excuses.

RSK said...

I think they're trying to say "buhbuhbuh all cults matter!" ;)

Anonymous said...

At least here one can read some thinking that is outside the WCG/splinter boxes.

R.L. said...

Maybe we shouldn't assume this was a Satanic strike.

Is God still punishing California for the 1979 receivership? As PCG has said for decades?

Da Witch Doctor said...

My question is, What part of "Ooh, eee, ooh ahh ahh, ting tang, walla walla bing bang!" does Bob Thiel not understand?

Daddy spank???

Afro D'Esiak said...

Bob Thiel is certainly experiencing numerous set backs, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Humble Bob says it's a wake-up call, yes, but nothing about repentance in there, as 6:58 noted.

Nothing in there about God's mercy in sending a roofing company to help after his roof was just torn off.

No, the ministers never need correction -- it's only for the sinners, peons and chattels.

This is something for you to consider, Bob:

Did the flood come as a test of faith? Or as punishment for sin?

Rumpole Of The Old Bailey said...

It is at least worth wondering if God Himself directed the CA tornado to literally remove most of the roof off Grover Beach CCOG world headquarters (despite that bldg. surely being WELL insured with the BEST policy & premiums, to quickly rebuild VERY FAST soon...before we even get a chance to blink much). Insurance so adequate, that there will be no need to petition laity for RCG-style "common"...

A few other possibilities are, that random weather did it. But even then, God has the ultimate Hand to stay or hold back such a mini cataclysm. And we see He allowed it to occur. No special spiritual or physical "iron dome" was placed to shield the CCOG roof from detaching.

(you would think that a hierarchy/hierarchy/hierarchy, governance/governance/governance here would have supernatural protections of some sort, of iron dome/iron dome/iron dome...ok, well there will surely be the best insurance coverage & claim to repair very fast as we will see in upcoming blogs)

If God did send and direct the roof removal via strong tornado, it is a possibility that God tries giving note of being disappointed enough with the way Bob Thiel presumes having permission to excessively use "hierarchy" & "mantle" office & titles (& maybe "ego"?) in reportedly personally allowing very askew & kitty-wampus, preferential, off-balance internal affairs to occur both in the Kenyan sector of CCOG (i.e. Bradox elections candidacy, missing donated bibles, missing donated laptops, hierarchy farms with strange bottles hanging near thorns) & in some equally sketchy past occurrences of abrasive overbearing members of the 100 Caucasian sector to win Bob's favor as he permitted instances of bickering between bullying brethren to favor the "assertive", "strong personalities" to continue their overbearing chutzpah over those on the "lower rungs" of "the ladder".

We already know ANOTHER possibility of why the tornado took roofing off...we already mull over if this was a giant Broadway production of "The Three Little Pigs", starring Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) as "the big bad wolf" 🐺 who "huffed, & puffed, & would blow the house down" (roof) off of either the straw hut, the sticks hut, OR the Spanish clay barrel tiles/red mission roof tiles there in downtown Grover Beach.

And Bob will also cite this storm damage as a "Book Of Job event" befalling an error-free, righteous, COG  leader.

Even Philadelphian Christians have the right to wonder which of these possibilities exists as reason for roof removal last week. Will Bob let us use God-given reasoning to "prove all things"? Or will he accuse us of "not following church governance" to the point of losing a crown if we consider the possibility that God is not entirely pleased with that particular COG world headquarters...