Friday, July 26, 2024

COG Aggregator Sites Are Being Used By Satan To "Slither" Their Way Into The One True Church


Voldemort is not happy with all of the various aggregator websites that publish old Herbert Armstrong writings and sermons, Ambassador College booklets and films, and the original Worldwide Church of God materials.

Satan is angry, and I mean ANGRY that all of these sites have been exposed by Samuel Kitchen. These sites exist as a deliberate attempt to undermine Samuel's great work and to keep TRUE Christians from joining up with Samuel Kitchen and his one true, restored, holy, apostolic, Worldwide Church of God.

According to Samuel, these sites are slithering their way into getting next to the REAL true church, his church.

I'm working on getting things back on track after the latest attack from rivals and enemies.
There are many "libraries", museums, galleries, websites that showcase the publications of the Worldwide Church of God.
Some have attempted to slither their way right up next to this Church, because they found the people of God were happy givers, and they want to make merchandise of our membership.
So they have abounded online, in the case of search engines in trying to gain the edge on "the market".
While the Worldwide Church of God is currently being oppressed and facing suppression of the true Gospel message, these showcases are very helpful, because they are in the hands of those OUTSIDE of this Church.
So I may use their showcases, and exhibits, in order to provide the opportunity to warn against heresies, false teachings, and against false ministers.
If they want to light the Worldwide Church of God in flames, they should get used to the heat, because they wanted to be close enough to us to deceive people.
I just want to say to those.....thank you. This may be hell, but we call it home! And what belongs to God will not burn, for the spiritual is what endures all flames. But let's see if your rubble can withstand it!

How deluded and narcissistic can Samuel get? He stole material and a name that Grace Communion still owns and pretends it is his. He pretends he has thousands of in-the-closet followers in a church he does not own. He claims people are giving these aggregator sites money that really belongs to him and the one true Worldwide Church of God. 

The Church of God is not being oppressed in any way whatsoever. There is not one COG group today that has been oppressed. There is not one Church of God leader who can say they have been persecuted, except maybe Ron Weinland who actually went to prison for being a criminal, but his "work" never stopped as other people carried on that so-called  "work".

No COG group today is persecuted, not even Bob Thiel. They all park their narcissistic privileged white butts on their comfortable sofas in their comfortable homes after enjoying a nice meal. That is not being oppressed or persecuted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh hell! I'm not going to agonize over this! A more important issue to me is why Tom Morello has not been recognized as a once in a lifetime guitarist on the same level as Jimi Hendrix or Eddie Van Halen!