Where would the Church of God be without all of its resident so-called biblical authorities who have to open their mouths upon EVERYTHING? Sadly, these kinds of fools are a dime a dozen in Armstrongism. They come out with book after book and article after article filled with some of the most idiotic false prophecies imaginable.
We have highlighted two of the four biggest liars of the church a lot lately, Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry. This leaves Alton Billingsley and the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel.
On Friday, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel announced a new book on prophecy. But before we highlight the new book, let's see how many of these blockbusters you have read or even heard of:
Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” explains how, by virtue of his background and policies, Barack Obama is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” also tells the truth about Mitt Romney and why his possible election would also lead to destruction. It answers questions such as “Is Barack Obama apocalyptic? ” and “Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?” Citing Islamic, Kenyan, Catholic, Byzantine, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others, “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” explains from many sources where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come.
Get a load of this crap... Did you know that Bobby Bwana is one of the world's most preeminent scholars of prophecy? I kid you not, this fool actually said this!
Written by Bob Thiel, Ph.D., one of the world's preeminent authorities on prophecies for the 21st century, “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States” explains why certain commonly reported “prophetic” claims about Barack Obama are false, and yet gives seventeen specific reasons why Barack Obama is apocalyptic. It also lists events that are going to happen that will lead to the destruction of the United States of America, as well as its British-descended allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Prophecies related to the roles of Europe and China are also analyzed.
The fact that MSNBC and the Washington Times quoted Bobby Bwana is not something to crow about. MSNBC is one of the least credible news sources today and is widely mocked, and the Washington Times is a mouthpiece of the Moon cult.
As an award-winning researcher cited by MSNBC and The Washington Times, Dr. Thiel took his work seriously, traveling to Patmos, Greece (where the Apocalypse was originally written) as well as certain other places he identifies in his book. He and his wife have visited scores of sites of religious and prophetic interest around the world. After years of compiling and analyzing prophecies and Barack Obama, Dr. Thiel now presents them in a clear, straightforward language, explaining what was prophesied, what has already occurred, and what will happen in the future.
Traveling to historical sites does NOT make one an authority on anything, particularly when it comes to Armstrongite mythology.
How reliable has Dr. Thiel been interpreting predictions mentioned throughout the book? Released in late 2009, dozens of world events have already aligned with Dr. Thiel’s book “2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.” And 2012 is not yet over (plus there are many post-2012 predictions in that book that will also come to pass—the book clearly states that the world will not end in 2012). World events have specifically also aligned with a dozen predictions related to the Obama Administration that he documented in that 2009 book (and those are also listed in the Appendix of “Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States”).
"Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" explains about how, by virtue of her background and policies, Hillary Clinton is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, "Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" also tells the truth about Republican leaders like Donald Trump and why their practices would also lead to destruction. It answers many question. Is Hillary Clinton apocalyptic? Does Bible prophecy warn about a woman leading the USA? Could Hillary Clinton be the Antichrist? What really will happen to the USA and other lands? Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others, "Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States" explains from many sources where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come. Since Dr. Thiel first wrote about the Obama Administration in his 2009 book, it has taken steps to fulfill, at least partially, at least a dozen predictions that Dr. Thiel recorded. More will be fulfilled as well. Would you like to learn more about what Hillary Clinton has done and the real direction that the United States and its British-descended allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are really going? This highly referenced book documents the truth about this.
"Donald Trump and America's Apocalypse" explains about how, by virtue of his background and and stated policies, Donald Trump is fulfilling, and will continue to help fulfill, various prophecies that will lead to the Apocalypse and the future destruction of the United States. Not intended as an anti-Democratic nor pro-Republican book, it cites biblical and other prophecies and shows how events are aligning with, and will align with various of them. It answers questions many question, like: Is Donald Trump apocalyptic? Is he the 'Trump of God'? Could Donald Trump be the Antichrist? Who will destroy the USA? Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others, "Donald Trump and America's Apocalypse" explains from many sources where, why, when, and even some of how, the various aspects of destruction will come. Since Dr. Thiel first wrote about the Obama Administration in his 2009 book, it has taken steps to fulfill, at least partially, at least a dozen predictions that Dr. Thiel recorded. Plus, four he has written would happen if Donald Trump was elected have already been at least partially confirmed. More will be fulfilled as well. Would you like to learn more about what Donald Trump has done and the real direction that the United States and its British-descended allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are really going? This highly referenced book documents the truth about this.
Not having learned a lesson after printing these complete failures in prophecy, our favorite crackpot has a new book out, just in time to celebrate Trump being reelected. Notice, though, how he just copies and pastes previous writings secretly, hoping that someday he might hit the mark and something he wrote might actually come true. It never will but at least he gets to dream big.
Most of us living in these exciting and turbulent times go about our daily activities blissfully or purposely unconcerned about the future. We hear and see reports, through various media, of events converging in ever more intensity on a path toward what? Most don’t benefit from an understanding that these events are leading to the fulfillment of many prophecies.
Yet, there are good reasons to “bother” with ancient writings and other sources of prognostication, since we will all be affected by the actions of billions of people who take predictions seriously.
Historically, many powerful civilizations were destroyed through economic, military, health and moral decline. Will alliances like NATO remain helpful through these difficulties? At least 22 predictions/warnings I made about the first Donald Trump Administration were totally or at least partially fulfilled during his first term in office.
Bobby Bwana seeks to answer these topics again:
Is Donald Trump apocalyptic? Is he the 'Trump of God'? Could Donald Trump be the Antichrist? Who will destroy the USA? Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others...
Does ANYONE give a flying rat's ass what ANYONE thinks about these things? Only the minds of degenerate false prophets of Armstrongism seem to dwell on such detritus grot. Anything they can do to stay away from mentioning Jesus, they will wallow in it, no matter how filthy it is. Does anyone care what Islam or Nostradamus thinks about Trump?
This new book is destined to join the previous three books in the dustbin of history as the epic failures they all were. With the endless stream of false prophecies in each book, they are all destined for epic failure. These books now occupy their rightful place in the boot of the City dump trucks or lining the bottom of your parakeet's birdcage.
Four epic failures, filled with lies and false prophecies. Avoid at all costs! Maintain your sanity
So much reading to do. So little time.
What to do?
Open another can of beer and turn on the sports channel.
The books can wait another day. But I ain’t talking about his books lol.
And in these writings, there's nothing on practical day to day living. While I attended services, there were many members who were socially backward, some not even knowing how to break the ice and introduce themselves. Members were only permitted to grow along certain narrow corridors.
These prophecy books (as he calls them). Are they part of his ministry with no price tag attached, or part of his money making enterprises as would be the vitamins and supplements?
It'd be interesting to know the production figures for each. Without some sort of distribution deal and organized hype, it's difficult to imagine anything beyond a couple hundred.
Poor Australia and NZ in far away lands way down South are on the chopping block too it seems because of Barac? O buma.
Mysteries only an enlightened 'not a prophet' can dream up!
I don't care to read any of those books. However, if the LCG will follow it's own stated ideology of remaining apolitical, they will be on the right side of history. On Day 1, the face of the Southern Baptist Convention, Franklin Graham, further alienated the SBC from the Episcopalians, by criticizing the bishop's prayer for mercy. Matthew 5:7
. I myself am an Independent Christian/Christian Diest.
Citing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, Byzantine, Native American, and Bible prophecy, as well as the writings of Nostradamus and others...
How interesting that Bobby includes Bible prophecy in his list of reliable sources! Unfortunately, we've seen that it's the witch doctors and pagans who hold the greatest influence over our Befuddled Bwana.
I'm thinking that this is his attempt at taking his best shot. Obviously most of us would not waste our time reading these books because we've taken his source of inspiration (his mentor's mentor) for a test drive and the sheer toxicity of that experience left us woefully wanting. This has sent us in search of a greater concept, not a modification of or new wrinkle of the same old same old or a slightly different guru. Committed Armstrongites will never understand that, because they believe we have rejected truth, when in fact we've gone back to square one, this time actually searching for the real.
I do wonder how effective these books would be with people who do not know any better. Can they draw any sort of respectable crowd? On a future work day, will any of us be discussing just what the heck is going in with the President in the lunch room, and will one of our colleagues suddenly say, "Hey guys! Have you seen "Unintended Consequences and Donald Trump's Presidency"? I'm telling you, what this Theil guy says makes perfect sense!" Such a shot across the bow would actually elevate these books into a process to watch as opposed to just something being critiqued on a blog by a small circle of survivors.
The history is not encouraging. Similar books by others, ie Mystery of the Ages, or Malachi's Message never broke through to the masses. The Armstrongs reached a point through radio and television where their influence was self-sustaining. People knew about them, well, because people knew about them. Those media do not have the same level of influence today, nor does printed matter. "Influencers" can go viral on the internet with millions of clicks, and still be in the realm of "alt". And then, there's the "cool" factor, or lack thereof. When Britney Spears shaved her head, it did go viral. But you just didn't suddenly see many bald ladies on the streets, because most women just were not going to go for that. If somebody cool can't make an unpopular trend happen, what chance does an uncool person have?
Now, vitamins are really cool. Bob Thiel should stick to them!
Bob is a prolific fantasy fan fiction writer. Maybe he should take a cue from George RR Martin and develop his story or a long, long, long, long time... :)
If I read current affairs type books from religious writers, it's usually only when I see them for cheap at the used bookstore. I prefer not to give them any money, too many are either bad writers, poor researchers, out-and-out charlatans or any combo of the above and more.
Something tells me I will not see Teeny Tiny Bob's garbage books at the used bookstore.
Why does Bob seem to think that selling his ridiculous books is a good way to conduct the Work? Is it because "HWA did it, so I should follow his example and do it, too"? If that's his reasoning, I sure hope Bob doesn't have any daughters!
You can see about 17 of the self-proclaimed sole prophet's books at Amazon, priced about 10 to 20 bucks. Ecclesiastes 12:12
If bob know so much, can he tell us if Greenland and Panama will get swallowed up by the USA?
I can see why he'd have some warnings about Hillary and Trump, but how could he even find anything bad to say about President Obama, who was one of the greatest presidents in the history of the US?
Obama was awful
Nonsense, America's greatest president was social justice warrior Jimmy Carter who sold the Panama canal to Panama for one dollar. His face should be on the twenty dollar bill.
Clearly Dr. Thiel believes in recycling. His book promos seem copied and pasted from one leader to the next, with changes in names.
But if EVERY potential U.S. leader is leading us to destruction, what are we to do? Should Dr. Thiel be drafted to run for President, because he'll know how to make things right?
That has always been the Armstrong message, 6:39, we goin' down for forgetting we are the Israelites and we even forgot (gasp!) Shabbos! All the Repubs do is indicate that the descent may have slowed down for a piece. Thiel is not cheating on HWA!
You are aware that the "one dollar" story isnt true, right?
Bob and other splinters suspiciously come across like the New Guinea cargo cult. These tribesmen are familiar with the cargos brought by the U.S. military planes during WW2. So they make fake runways and fake planes in the hope that this will magically bring back the American planes and their goods.
Bob and similar seem to share this magical thinking.
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