Thursday, February 13, 2025

Dave Pack in all of his idiotic glory



Anonymous said...

Feb.13th is here.....Still waiting.

Anonymous said...

Everything in this video is nonsense. It makes no sense. Convoluted words and numbers that make no sense. His words and statements are contradictory and make no sense. Delusional nonsense coming from a desperate confused mind that is crying out for validation when it deserves none.

Anonymous said...

It's not even word salad. It's utterly devoid of nutrition, and bad for the listener's health. It's more like "word pork rinds".

Anonymous said...

Is this the working of delusion - 2Thess 2:11?

BillW said...

We expect nonsense from Pack it has been going on for a long time.. The hard part to work out is the members turning up to hear it all. I can only assume they actually enjoy hearing it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how he twists the scriptures to requisition the "things that the people of faith were able to endure in their hope for the kingdom" to instead be "punishments for the people who didn't have enough faith to give all their money to Pack".

Anonymous said...

Yet again, another "No Show".

Anonymous said...

Dave loves to be the center of attention.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Dave's "Exceptional Confidence" wasn't so exceptional. Now that whats left of all of his followers have sold and donated all their belongings to Dave's "exceptionalism", where does Davie boy get his revenue stream? Time to sell the Compound Dave.

Anonymous said...

The Packatolla should listen to Mearsheimer and get his head out of his back end.

Anonymous said...

Like the Catholic church, buy your way into heaven. Talk about being off the rails. Will brethren ever learn, stop drinking the koolaid.

Anonymous said...

Hard to understand why other ministers don't call this guy out, really puzzling.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack’s judgment is coming and it will not be pleasant.

Anonymous said...

He has about 25 homes around his compound. That should be a few million or so.

Anonymous said...

So his followers must give him all their money in order to be the first fruits of the first fruits. He's following in the footsteps of the Catholic Church who sold indulgences in the Middle Ages.

Anonymous said...

the bible doesn't contradict itself, but they (the cogs) contradict the bible

Rap Scallion said...

You're not familiar with the contradictory doublets in Chronicles/Kings?

Anonymous said...

No. Name the doublets/verses; I'll attempt to explain 'em.