Below is a link of Terry Nelson's son catfhishng Evans Ocheing. The Great Bwana Bob has reatedly and publicly denied that there is any corruption in Africa with hsi leaders. The Nelsons know otherwise.
Terry Nelson hopes Bob Thiel will see the light and that the CCOG Brethren will wake up and quit supporting Satanic corruption.
This same thing happened over a year ago with Joy Elizabeth of Nairobi, but Bob Thiel says everything is a lie.
It's also known that soon Big Boss Evans Ocheing is coming to Malawi to straiten out the mess of Radson Molowzoa's current wife which Terry Nelson exposed years ago and of which, Bob Thiel believes it's his Cousin.
It's well known that the two top CCOG leaders in Malawi have already told Bob and Evans the truth.
Will Bob Thiel ever wake up?
Remember Bob Pride comes before the Fall Proverbs 16:18
Here’s the link to the video that Asher Nelson did. It is too large to embed here:

Here’s the link to the video that Asher Nelson did. It is too large to embed here:
Bob will still deny the truth; he'll never get rid of his Sacred Cow Evans BIG Boss Ocheing; he has to claim someone ORDAINED him!!!!
Yeah I didn't even know my Son did this until he showed me, Evans the BIG Boss loves the WOMEN; Bad Combination when you get a Sucker Muzungu funneling thousands to the BIG Boss every month. Every woman i asked in Africa tells the same story. Once there husband has Money, it's guaranteed they are going to commit Adultery. Shame that Bob is supporting this scam
Bob will still deny the truth; he'll never get rid of his Sacred Cow Evans BIG Boss Ocheing; he has to claim someone ORDAINED him!!!!
What else would you expect from someone who chose to be ordained by one of Satan's ministers? Bob has been enslaved and bewitched by forces of evil who know how to feed on his pride.
Wow, a black Garner Ted Armstrong!
Bob either won't comment on this, which i would do , or he's well known to believe every excuse Evans gives him. I think if I was Evans I would say my Phone got stolen and my Facebook accounts were hacked; also come up with a police report that can be bought and paid for, also pay off some witnesses to tell Bob BULLSHIT STORIES. You have to Understand this is Africa ; Evans pays the Witch Doctors from Nigeria to blind and Make Dr Thiel believe anything; this according to Evans neighbors, especially a neighbor Wicklife which has witnessed the WITCHDOCTORS and also was involved with Evans in Bradox 2022 recent election, which Bob is on record saying someone put Bradox's name on the ballot;
My Former Friends in CCOG, I understand how you feel and how you can keep denying that Dr Thiel is Blinded by Satanic Forces or he simply doesn't care. But the truth is the Truth, Dr Thiel's whole African Ministry, is corrupt and False except for a few good leaders. Dr Thiel sadly can't discern good from Evil, even when it's a 100% obvious. What does this tell you? God's spirit is a spirit of a sound mind. What spirit does Dr Thiel have? How can he be a Prophet, when he can't discern fantasy from Reality. ONCE you realize what's really going on , it's time to act, If your not afraid seek the truth. Best to wake up and prove it one way or another
This article is questionable, since everyone says attacking an African is racist.
A simple syllogism for you:
Witch-doctor spells don't affect Christians.
Bob has clearly been bewitched by his African leaders.
Ergo, Bob is not a Christian.
The only other alternative is that Bob is a calculating liar who is unaffected by witch-doctors. In which case Bob is still not a Christian.
Third and most likely reason is Bob has suffered from Delusions of Grandeur for years, as the late RODERICK C. MEREDITH POINTED OUT. When one is obsessed with this type of thinking, anyone can believe he is a Prophet. Bob can't accept the truth about Africa, to do so would shatter his whole being and crush his world. I'm glad I found out the truth, even though it was painful. I hope Dr Thiel wakes up and finally sees the truth; Bob do you really think my son Asher is really making this up? Please ask God to take the Delusions away and pray for strength when you finally see the truth
Bob does not believe in democracy, he believes in Bobocracy.
If you do not like Bob, just call him a nazi or fascist. Works every time. Nobody to the right of Obama can dig themselves out of that label.
Aw, Jee! Isn't Reverend Ocheing simply behaving as King David did? I mean, that's the defense that they launched for Garner Ted. Except I wonder what Herbie and the brethren might have thought if GTA had had a penchant for women of colour.
If people would read real thinkers like Heidegger, they would know why Bob has no leg to lean on. But an Armstongie will not read real thinkers.
What are you talking about? Bob's a whiny little wimp who maintains a careful bubble to preserve his titanic ego, but he's certainly not aligned with either ideology (although there are others in splinterdom who would be).
Oh, quit whining. Calling out a man's misdeeds is one thing, regurgitating cliches and madeup drivel about an entire ethnicity is something else - and surely you're smart enough to know the difference.
This is the danger of being stuck in an Old Testament type/fulfillment mentality. Evans could KILL Bob, and in doing so actually STRENGTHEN his claim for being the one true prophet in CCOG, the one man truly after God's own heart.
I'm just wondering. A news item last week reported that POTUS was exploring the idea of deporting American citizens who are criminals to countries with which they have no ties. Considering some once popular conservative cliches of the past, and the demographics of the prison system, I wonder if he has certain of the African countries in mind. Let's face it, so many things we could never have imagined are suddenly on the table as if they were completely legitimate. This is one which would undoubtedly impact the African CCOG if the numbers were massive enough.
People once speculated that HWA was a pawn of the CIA. I don't believe that Bob Thiel is, or his "work" would be growing.
Bobby is no more part of the CIA than he is a Christian.
Evans isn’t very sly for a top ranking evangelist in a “big” church…
He's very predictable, the girls in the Hotel he was staying at in Malawi can't even believe he's a Minister, he was inviting them to come to Kenya and saying how good and sexy they were, also he was caught about a year ago sexting a Joy Elizabeth of Nairobi, now this latest scandal; plus his Goldmining business and his involvement in his Sons political campaign in 2017 and 2022 where he stated, "No church funds were used" Really Folks?🤣🤣. I wonder what it will take for Bob to dump this Simon Magus of Africa
I don't know how technologically advanced things are in the areas of Aftica in which this guy is operating, but if he were here in the USA, a good private detective might be able to get one of his used condoms from the garbage of the hotel room, and to have it dna tested for both parties. But that could backfire. Bob Thiel might then acknowledge witch doctors by making a statement that Satan used had them to supernaturally create false evidence against one of God's leading ministers in CCOG.
This is probably a no win situation. Even if a detective took pictures of them in flagrante delicto, Bob would probably swear that the pix were photoshopped.
We live in times when we're just stuck with bad guys. People in advanced countries beat up policemen and are convicted and sentenced to jail, and then are called patriots and pardoned.
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