Fool’s Gold
After the most recent failure caveated with a last-minute walk back, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God proves that believing anything he says is akin to coveting fool’s gold.
The Pastor General has been tormented by his double-minded teaching that the Kingdom of God could arrive at the start of Daniel’s 1335 on February 12 (Oops. February 13), OR it could start on Jesus Christ’s birthday on Abib 1 (March 29, 2025).
The false prophet and his inexperienced team of crack delusionists waste away in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium at Headquarters, staring at the projector screen to conjure not-so-new ways to kick the prophetic can down the road and rehash fermented malarkey.
The doctrines of David C. Pack are so void of biblical nutrients, “The Greatest Untold Story!” Series has become a perpetual fecal transplant procedure (FMT). Yes, that is a real thing.
The 1335 did not begin on February 12 13, 2025, but Dave got in front of it so that he could later claim his suspicions were correct. It is pretty funny how he will teach about a date and express his doubts just before it happens so he can later claim he “was right” about nothing happening…on a date he set.
David C. Pack only teaches fool’s gold.
During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 556)” on February 1, 2025, David C. Pack expressed how hard it is to figure out prophecy because he operates only on human steam.
Part 556 – February 1, 2025
@ 03:12 It’s hard to describe how much research, time, and effort I and two other men have spent trying to break the deadlock [between February 12 and March 29].
The Bible is not a book chronicling the stories about Try-Hards. Godly men moved by the Holy Spirit would come to the correct date the first time, or they would be exposed as frauds. David C. Pack is a documented and proven biblical fraud.
@ 03:24 While one date, one of the two dates is gold. The middle of February. We’re now in February. Is gold. And the other is fool’s gold. It’s a myth. It doesn’t exist. It just looks like it does. Both cases appear to be virtually impregnable. That’s the problem. The facts that I have are gridlocked. They’re gridlocked.
Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy are no help in determining whether a biblical prophetic event will occur on February 12 (Shevat 15) or March 29 (Abib 1). My money is on both being incorrect.
Dave has grown more wishy-washy as the Series enters its tenth year. It must be hard to keep track of what he has already taught, which was impossible to misunderstand until he admitted how wrong it was the following week.
The Pastor General is so confused that he often cannot hide his bumbling indecision.
@ 04:58 Though I still believe firmly the Kingdom comes at 1335, I almost gave the case for Abib last week before changing at the last minute. Just to present you with it. And then, I almost did it at the New Moon [chuckles] before changing again at the last minute. And finally, I almost covered it again this week. It is so big. Before the last minute, yet again, deciding not to.
At least his motivations were sincere.
@ 05:32 I did not want us all to be heartbroken because WE might be blindsided should time continue till Abib.
@ 05:48 I love you. I care about you. Of course, I don’t wanna be heartbroken either, but I couldn’t shake one of the two two lists.
I love you. I care about you. But not enough to stop lying to you.
@ 06:03 One of the cases looks incredibly powerful, and it's it's just fog and smoke. It's not real.
David C. Pack pounds his fist on the table, declaring "truths" that are not real. He admits what he spends hours studying and preaching is not real. He believes in ideas that are not real. He sees patterns in the Bible that are not real. All the Headquarters hirelings agree with doctrines that are not real.
Dear members of The Restored Church of God: Hear your human idol.
@ 07:00 So, for the third and last time, I decided to tell you it exists. It is big and it is powerful and is real. It is out there. And is very hard to shake it. But I still believe this [1335 on February 12, 2025].
It might seem odd to the unwashed worldly heathens that as the Kingdom of God approaches and the need for material possessions becomes obsolete, The Restored Church of God still pressures members to surrender all their funds to them.
If Jesus Christ is about to return, why the push for more donations? Because Dave has your best interest in mind.
@ 23:04 You’re not only gonna go first, you’ll be the firstfruits of all the firstfruits. You’re the first people to enter the Kingdom of God. I just wanted to stress the bar is high. No wonder this church had to learn "sell all that you have," and when God says do it, you know what? You do it, or you won't meet the standard. So, I stress that periodically. "Oh, I don't think I could do that.”
Motivation by fear-mongering is an RCG staple.
@ 23:29 You wanna be eaten by a lion? How about sawn in two from the crotch up? You wanna be tortured and tormented? You see, people think they can’t do certain things, and they can.
Fear not, little flock. David C. Pack does not speak with God’s authority, so any threatenings he cast your way are made pure fool's gold.
Part 555 – January 25, 2025
@ 09:56 And having seen thousands of ministers walk away, I know that most people don’t know the difference between true and false ministers.
Some of the worst false ministers do not walk away because they love the preeminence. Right, Dave? Wink-wink.
More proof that David C. Pack is utterly blind to what he is in 3…2…1…
@ 1:26:03 And theologians do this. That’s why I say they’re the most poisonous. They’re not full of the demonstration of power. They’re lying seducers, and they've scattered God's flock. And God is not happy with them, and they're gonna get a judgment like none other. Teachers get a greater judgment.
One of the great lies David C. Pack tells himself is that God must have blessed him with special help. Otherwise, he would have died. His unique ability to continue breathing is somehow miraculous proof of his legitimacy.
@ 30:18 Now, no one can think and I’d be a fool, I’d be a fool to think that that that that that I didn’t get help laid on me. But I never would have thought of it. God says, "I anointed him." Well, I know what He gave me, and that help it was extra power. Or I couldn’ta done it. I’d long ago been dead. I was preaching up here early on, as you remember from some years ago. I was a dead man walking. Literally. And I know I know that I was, and I've had too many doctors tell me there's no way you should've made it. And and and yet, help was laid on me.
When Dave was having health issues, it was very hush-hush at Headquarters. He hid this from the brethren until his crisis passed. Since then, David C. Pack has loved to blow the trumpet of righteous perseverance despite compromising his faith by relying on human doctors to spare his life.
No matter how Dave tries to spin it now, he did NOT “walk in faith” or “rely on God” to heal him. Instead, he turned to the men of this world to save his skin.
Perhaps the “extra power” Dave refers to is the miracle of modern medical science and the wise discernment of professionals without the Holy Spirit who went to school to learn how the human body functions and prescribe the optimal medications and procedures to relieve him of his health issues.
When Dave got COVID-19, it was biblical.
When he almost got into a car accident, it was biblical.
When he farts in the elevator, but nobody can smell it, is that that also biblical? The explanation of reality is far less sexy than Dave hopes. Surrounded by feeble, weak, compromised hirelings who are so accustomed to lying to themselves, they pretend not to want to vomit so Dave can go on believing he is somehow more special than everyone else on the planet. And they pray with all their might that the elevator doors will open soon.
Dave claims he got help in one way but is completely denied in other ways that would matter.
Part 577 – February 8, 2025
@ 06:34 But, there’s no evidence in the Scriptures that I or whoever would be the final leader is gonna hear a vision or hear a voice or see a vision or get a visit or have a dream or talk to Gabriel or have a sheet come down out of heaven as Christ did with with Peter or stop Paul on the road to Damascus with a bright light and answer and reveal what we’re waiting for that way.
@ 08:31 We hafta have some kind of absolute way of knowing we’re waiting for the right date. Lacking an oracle of any kind, an utterance where, you know, John the Baptist heard an utterance, and he came outta the wilderness and began to preach. Lacking anything in Scripture like that or lacking any kind of definite event before the Kingdom, it is strictly a wait…
Dave claims he received special help from his god (Oops. Human doctors.) to keep him alive, but that same indecisive and confusing god also allows him to twist in the wind with his pants around his ankles.
The real help David C. Pack needs to be laid upon him is psychological. He suffers from a rainbow of mental disorders that only a licensed professional can diagnose.
The divine help laid upon him is just more fool’s gold.
David C. Pack is an astounding example of how Bible verses can come to life and stare you in the face.
James 1:8
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
David C. Pack is unstable in all his ways. His ability to speak complete sentences or explain a singular thought without parenthetical interruptions and stutters has been long documented on
Filed under the "You cannot make this stuff up" category, Dave emphasizes how confident he is in his own date-setting while he blunders it.
Part 555 – January 25, 2025
@ 1:50:49 I have exceptional confidence in Shevat 15 [February 12]. I have some question or Shevat 16. It would actually be because there's an extra day in Adar. You have to compensate a day. Hope you can follow that. It would be February 13th, not the 12th, 'cause you hafta balance it out.
After weeks of teaching February 12, he shifts it to February 13 with a simple word salad explanation.
@ 1:51:08 When Christ was 45 days before Abib or 40, whatever it was. 45 or 40, there were 29 days in Adar. So, He’d hafta start a day earlier. But, if there’s gonna be 30 days in Adar, it won’t be February 12th, which would be the date that He He was baptized. It’d be the 13th, or it'd be the 18th. Now, I have exceptional confidencein that 45 days. I actually don’t think it’s the 18th. I’m throwing it out there because it’s a small possibility. But again, you would not believe the case for Abib. You’ll only believe it when you hear it.
@ 1:52:27 I’ll return next week to, I hope, complete the Series in the belief that we only have until February 13th. Or, we'll say mid-February. But I think it's February 13th and not Abib [March 29].
Dave’s exceptional confidence was soon downgraded to a possible maybe, but still a solid 50/50, highlighting another biblical principle.
1 Kings 18:21
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt you between two opinions?
Part 557 – February 8, 2025
@ 00:46 Well, WE’VE been wrestling with which date are we waiting for. Four days away or a month and a half? …And I think maybe I I can clear it up. The case for Abib is still as strong as it ever was. It’s so strong that a with the 1335 case this Thursday being just as strong. In some ways, it got even stronger…
@ 05:51 I wanna show you what looks like an absolute lock. A gold standard. Kind of an immutable principle that won’t let us get past Thursday [February 13, 2025].
Today is February 15, and only a “bitter, vindictive, and satanic enemy” would chuckle at this. #checkyourself
It was an absolute lock until after dinner, when it was downgraded to “possibly not” and “probably not.” Dave aborted the Bible study with his familiar stalling tactic of obscuring what he really thinks.
Special Comments After Part 557 – February 8, 2025
@ 00:36 On balance, as much as you’ve heard me say, I lean toward we’re waiting till Abib. So, why give you more until I can give you the massive case for Abib? You may hope for Thursday. I do. I don’t know if I can tell you I believe it or don’t believe it.
Stop. That is not what he said before the meal.
Part 557 – February 8, 2025
@ 05:51 I wanna show you what looks like an absolute lock. A gold standard. Kind of an immutable principle that won’t let us get past Thursday.
The remaining two-minute surrender is filled with grandiose deflections and pointless meandering that members of The Restored Church of God are painfully familiar with.
Thursday came and went without a world-cracking incident. Just like March 29 will come and go without the Kingdom of God arriving.
False apostle and false prophet David C. Pack is a blaspheming hypocritical liar, witnessed by his own words proving he is a biblical fraud.
The words that fall from his lips are not gold. Anyone would be a fool to believe otherwise.
You heard the man folks. Give all your money to Dave or you'll be sawn in two from the crotch up.
Marc, any insight into how many people still attend with RCG?
Sounds like dave has been reading Jonathan Edwards sermon: "Sinners in the hands of an angry god". He uses imagery of a spider dangling by a thread over the fires of hell and Satan waiting to devour like a hungry lion. The only difference in the fire in brimstone sermon is that the hook is not to get their money but bring them to repentance through fear tactics. As Dave himself often says, there is nothing new under the sun., except dave makes Edwards look tame.
In the Sermon on the Mount recorded in chapters 5 through 7 of the book of Matthew, Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15, KJV).
Jesus went on to say, “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” (Mathew 7:18, KJV).
At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened onto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand” (Mathew 7:26, KJV).
RCG members are heading for disaster under the always-wrong false prophet David Pack.
Let's shift gears to get a bit of perspective. What would most members have done 50 years ago if HWA had handled his failure with 1972-75 using the Dave Pack method??? I believe HWA realized that failure upon failure would compound the impact of the initial failure. So, instead of saying, "Oops, we got it wrong, Jesus is coming on Pentecost (insert new day here, following each failure), HWA backpedalled, lied and said he never set dates, and then actually did quit setting hard dates, and, as a very effective distraction, took on a new global project, targeting world leaders. I wasn't around after 1975, but those who are familiar with later statistics have told us that (surprise!) the number of members then actually grew. So, he recovered from his 1975 failure.
He did this without trashing God by saying that God hadn't allowed him to fully understand. If any blame was assigned at all, it was that we, the brethren, were not diligent enough, not ready. From that point forward, HWA treated the third coming as if it were a variable, with the variability being not on himself, but on us. And, today, Feb. 16, 2025,, we've long exceeded Moses and the Israelites' 40 years of wandering in the wilderness! Neither the person HWA annointed, nor those who have annointed themselves, have in any way become Herbert Moses' Joshua.
It is customary in Armstrongism to experiment using math-based theories on the archtypes provided in scripture, so let's throw this open and solicit opinions on the Israelites' sojourn as it relates to the lifestyles and world views of the contemporary Armstrongite COG member. Would love to hear them!
Thanks BB @ 12:11:50 PM PST
Yes it would be interesting to hear the view of how Armstrongites see the present world through their lenses. We probably would know the answers, before they even gave a reply. What is interesting, is that not one of the Armstrong ‘leaders’ or self appointed ‘prophets’ have, as far as I know; given a public refutation of anything posted here on doctrinal matters, such as BI etc etc. We know they read this page. Perhaps that is acknowledgment in itself that they are standing on and in quicksand. And what they ‘preach’ is but wind.
True prophets: The word of the Lord came to [true prophet], and he spoke to the people of Israel, saying "Thus says the Lord…"
David Pack: "It’s hard to describe how much research, time, and effort I and two other men have spent trying to break the deadlock."
Has Dave Pack preached the Sermon on the Mount, or _any_ topic besides wild eschatological speculation and "Common", in the last 5 years?
Mega-mouth Dave is always showing off his self-importance.
Satan sent his favourite false prophet Gerald Flurry, and then his second-favourite, backup, false prophet David Pack, AGAINST the Worldwide Church of God people to deceive them, rob them, and destroy them, while falsely claiming to be Herbert W. Armstrong's true successors.
When God was passing out a bunch of really cool stuff, Dave skipped most of the lines.
Someone should sic DOGE on dave. Unfortunately it's not illegal for charlatans to con their parishioners out of their money.
Anonymous @ 2:46PM - Dave teaches HOURS and HOURS of his biblical musings that sometimes relate to topics outside his prophecy speculations. They are mostly couched with proving how RIGHT he is about his current theory. He touts many “Christian Living” lessons sprinkled throughout his messages, but covering his religion is not the point of the website. He is a false prophet, false apostle, and false teacher according to biblical standards, so even if he had a legitimate “love thy neighbor” message, considering the source would invalidate giving his points credence. Nobody wants to hear about the other stuff, and I try not to follow his theology. If he had stuck to that, I would probably still be attending. When he exposed himself to be a wicked false minister, I had to bail out on RCG. -- If you are a masochist and want to listen to an entire sermon to get the full DCP experience, please write to get access.
They must be down to under 1000 now. So few that Pack will have to hire outside gardeners for his 100 acre boondoggle.
Fools gold would actually have more value than Dave's gold spray painted dog dirt.
Daveth Vader.
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