God's most perfect church continues to be a den of iniquity.
From Karl Kolechek
Bobby Thiel's Fake Evangelist Evans Ocheing is coming to Malawi soon, according to 2 top CCOG leaders. They say Evans has to find a way to cover up Radson Molowzoa's marriage to Patrisha Sambani. As Terry Nelson warned Bob Thiel over 2 years ago, Radson married Patrisha Sambani, the woman he committed adultery with when he was married to his ex-Priscilla. Bob believed the story and that this was Radson's cousin. Also, the 2 CCOG leaders told Bob and Evans about the whole mess, so Bob is without excuse. It can't be Talebarering Bob when it's the truth!!!!!!
Yeah I told Dr Thiel about this is think 2 years ago, he E- mailed me and said that woman is Radsons Cousin and I shouldn't believe otherwise. REALLY? NOW ITS ALL BEING REVEALED. WHAT A JOKE HE BELIEVES THESE AFRICAN WITCHDOCTORS
The daming thing against Bob is that Radson's kids all came out and told their story about their father's adultery and how he treated their mother, and yet Bob called them all liars.
Bob and his African crew dwell in the darkness.

John 3:19-21 ESV
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”
Whats really Bad is how Dr Bob Thiel treated the Nelson's calling them Talebarers and accusers of the Brethren, when all they wanted was to tell the truth. I mean Dr Bob do you really think the picture above is Radson's Cousin? How may persons have told you? Terry Nelson, the Deacons under Radson, Radson's children, Radson' Ex-wife Priscilla, her brother Wasi, Sosten L. Will you be humble enough to admit the truth?, Every body else can see it, but not you, WHY? What you should do is pick a Council of Elders from the other Cogs and let Nelson present them with all the Evidences and see what they tell you. I don't think you can handle the truth. Maybe they can convince you!!!! I Pray you do the right thing
Perhaps the whole story just shows how hard it is to get to the truth of ANYTHING. What is truth, and what is narrative? He says, she says.
Bob and his African crew dwell in the darkness.
Not surprising considering they are religious.
If Bob admits his error he is admitting that God is not and has not ever led him. The man is a fraud but there will always be followers who will believe the unbelievable.
It's worse than that. Bob knows from his personal experience that he has been led by a powerful spiritual force. It would take great humility for him to acknowledge that his spiritual guide has been the god of this world, Satan.
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