A Big Stack of Goofy Ideas
After driving a stake through the heart with serious biblical overkill that the Kingdom of God will arrive on Abib 1 (March 29, 2025) and Jesus Christ was born on Passover, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God continues to pile his private interpretations to high heaven.
Part 559 – February 22, 2025
@ 14:10 So, our understanding of delay meant was all wrong. It’s always been Abib 1.
@ 14:47 I absolutely believe it’s this year. I’m not just hopeful. I absolutely believe it.
Hey, don’t laugh. It will surely come because Dave said so. Come on, guys, he’s not trying to be funny. The poor guy is rushing to call it out. He is totally sure this time. For realsies. Super Pinkie Swear!
Stop laughing, you meanies.
David C. Pack wallows in the shallow, dismal swamp of his prophetic lunacy. Complete with table pounding, lip touching, and smug pauses, he persists in stacking his incontrovertible proofs of goofy ideas to the sky.
For 2 hours and 59 minutes during “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 559)” on February 22, 2025, and Part 560 on March 1, 2025, the Pastor General rends the Bible using strained stone cold math and the invaluable power of presumption to prove Abib 1 and that the Passover is the Day of the Lord.
Part 559 – February 22, 2025
@ 00:06 Nothing’s changed as far as the date. In fact, we’re gonna continue to, as I said last week, drive a stake through the heart of any alternatives. And some exciting things to to tie in. Really, some amazing things that I’m still just learning, but they they show us we’re right. More than we thought.
Each time David C. Pack fails, he discovers he is actually right. More than he realized.
A cherry quote to remind Dave of later in 3…2…1…
@ 04:18 But, I’m more certain this week than I was last week. In fact, it’s just so utterly, absolutely, totally, and completely impossible that it is not Abib 1.
That, right, there is pure exrcg.org gold. The more absolutely, totally, completely sure Dave is, the more profoundly troubling his suspicions are. We always hear about that after the fact.
@ 06:00 Then, I closed with “Only Abib, only Abib, of all the things we would look at, truly, cannot tarry.” …let’s face it …they never [chuckles] developed. I don't know whether you'd say they tarried. They just didn't happen.
David C. Pack just admitted with a chuckle that nothing he ever said happened. There is a valley filled with stacks of his worthless, goofy ideas that he just said did not happen. More are on the horizon.
A Hearty Stake was published on February 22, pointing out Dave taught Abib 1 before. On February 22, during Part 559, Dave explained he taught Abib 1 before. Coincidence?
@ 06:41 And over a period of the sermons are numbers 500 to 504. And in these sermons, I said the Kingdom would come. …Then, we come Abib 1. Well, now, wait a minute. How can we replay Abib 1? It tarried.
@ 07:29 But how could we how could we wait again for the same day? Wouldn't it, by definition, have delayed? It didn't surely come. And I and I went back through my notes and boy, I laid out Abib 1.
That is quite the pickle. After four minutes of verbal contortion, Dave got his spinning groove back.
@ 10:37 Now we know that it will come in the year when all the material about the Kingdom is exhausted. It’s all been explained. But nobody else really understood that. They didn't know how to to read there's somebody who’s rushing to make it plain.
Ah. He learned Abib 1 before. But just without all the correct understanding. #loophole
David C. Pack has no comprehension of the implications of his words. His theories are such a tangled web of contradictions and counter-adjustments he cannot jump out of one frying pan without slipping into another.
@ 11:32 If it’s Abib 1, it can’t bend. So, it can delay for a year or two or five or a hundred or a thousand or two thousand five hundred years since Habakkuk wrote it. But, every year, if you were waiting for it, you’d hope that was the year.
Exit strategy established. Abib 1 is correct. But it could be any year. If that is true, why say this?
@ 28:28 So, the first time we learn about it, you couldn't ever experience that date again. The first it has to be the immediate first year of application if we come to a date. We can only face it once, and it's gotta happen.
Dave is telling members it has to be Abib 1 this year while telling them Abib 1 is correct, but it might not be this year. He is building two stacks alongside each other. One is made from biblical proofs, and the other is made of preemptive excuses when the first stack falls.
Members flee RCG after they are fed up with the big stack of Dave’s goofy ideas. However, Dave cannot reflect on that concept without assigning blame.
@ 31:49 But, some people couldn’t wait three or five years. Maybe it’s partly my fault. I would explain a date and think it couldn’t tarry. Now I understand. People say, “He’s a false prophet.” And then they, “Just because of that, I’muh go jump off a cliff.”
David C. Pack is incapable of taking personal accountability. The man does not consider his ways. He begins with “partly my fault” instead of “100 percent my fault” then ends with ex-members committing suicide. He gives the impression he is taking responsibility but quickly shifts the blame to others.
@ 43:16 A people had to be prepared called “the lasts who go first.” And it took a long time. A lot of people said, you know, they wouldn’t they wouldn’t wait.
Hey, Brad. Tell Dave I'm still waiting. So are Kevin, Peter, Jessica, Elizabeth, Adelle, Richard, Godfrey, Scott, John, Christophe, Vidal, and on and on…
@ 44:50 But their excuse was they started the way it started in their heart is, “I think this is gonna go longer.”
Members do not flee RCG because it is “gonna go longer.” Members leave because they realize it will never go at all the way David C. Pack says.
@ 44:56 "Something's wrong." And they go out, and they give everything up.
False apostle and false prophet David C. Pack is a blaspheming hypocritical liar teaching antichrist theology utilizing manipulation, deception, and fear. He is surrounded by compromised, spineless, conscience-seared hirelings like Bradford Schleifer and Edward Winkfield, who care more about their status and pocketbooks than for the sheep. They prove it by willfully enabling a documented biblical fraud and prophetic idiot.
Something is terribly wrong in The Restored Church of God, and David C. Pack is at the center of it.
@ 44:59 But, their excuse is they kinda built their own exit theology was, “The church is wrong, so, I’m gonna go out and break the Sabbath, steal my tithes, blow off fellowship, stop seeking the Kingdom, and waiting for Christ. Waiting for Christ.”
David C. Pack breaks the Sabbath and refuses to attend commanded assemblies, steals third tithe to pay down bank loans, fellowships only with the ministry assigned to his Sabbath supper table with only brief conversation with “the regular folk,” preaches an ever-changing false kingdom structure in service to a false god while he proclaims another Jesus.
@ 45:13 And it’s the church’s fault. Well, they’ll find out when they get cut in two that it wasn’t the church’s fault.
Everyone appreciates when a little death threat is thrown in. Oh, Dave will rue the day when his detractors really get theirs. He will relish it.
May God have mercy on David C. Pack when judgment comes to us all. He maneuvered his righteous indignation even during his micro tirade without suggesting he could be implicated in any way.
@ 46:40 But, I wouldn’t leave the church. Because, you know, “The Bible’s false. [slams table] I’m outta here.” So, now. You'd be amazed how many people will sit and and they'll hear a sermon like this, and they'll say, “That's it. I'm with it.” And they'll be gone by Tuesday if something goes wrong. So, look in your own hearts. Be sure you’re walking in truth.
Dear brethren of The Restored Church of God: Please look in your own hearts and walk in truth. You know David C. Pack does not walk in truth. God does not guide his word. And you know this. Flee while you can.
More words David C. Pack will live to regret in 3…2…1…
@ 40:47 In other words, if it didn't happen this year, never again could or would Mr. Pack or anybody else suggest that we're somehow waiting for Trumpets or Pentecost or The Last Great Day, or some day in the winter. We would literally wait like people have for thousands of years till each Abib.
There is a very good reason that may sound strangely familiar. Prepare yourselves for another devilish attack from a murderous enemy.
Flashback Part 397 – June 25, 2022
@ 1:13:19 Because if it doesn’t happen this Wednesday [Tammuz 1], that’s exactly what’s gonna happen. If that happened, I would just play the tape of this message. I’d just sit in the back of the hall and play the tape and reveal the exact same mystery plan again. There'd be no point in saying it again. Nothing's gonna change. The Bible won’t change in a year. This picture won’t change in a year.
Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy are still weeping for Tammuz 1 in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. Dave is a broken record with a skipping needle. He says the same things over and over and over and forgets that he said it. When someone reminds him of what he said, they are accused of being his enemy.
Part 559 – February 22, 2025
@ 45:23 I want everybody to understand it's Abib 1, and if I’m wrong about the year, I’ve said over and over, I’m wrong. Now, I’m not wrong about [chuckles] the length of the year. I'm not wrong about that. It starts on Abib 1, and it's follow the thousand years, and there's only three measures.
Dave is right because, you know, table pounding proves it.
@ 37:28 But the important thing to understand is we’ve absolutely got the right day. We have it even named. [pounds on table] We absolutely have Christ’s birth date right. [pounds on table] We’ve got it right. It’s Abib 1.
Part 560 – March 1, 2025
@ 11:15 But the fact that the Kingdom begins on on Abib 1 in the year of God’s choosing has become immutable church doctrine. [pounds on table] It cannot be moved.
There is one man out there with the guts to move that doctrine. And that guy is Future David C. Pack. He will rush in with resplendent righteousness and a briefcase stuffed with lists proving it.
During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 560)” on March 1, 2025, the brethren of The Restored Church of God learned that the Day of the Lord is no longer on Jesus Christ’s birthday (Abib 1). David C. Pack moved it to Passover. Brethren should feel free to cross out those notes.
Part 560 – March 1, 2025
@ 15:54 More than any other day, the Lord’s Passover is really the Lord’s Day.
Do not whisper to Dave, “I thought the Lord’s Day was His birthday.” As field mollusk Larry Cockshutt likes to quote, “Questioning God’s government [Dave] is questioning God.”
@ 16:07 What would be the Lord’s Day? The Day of the Lord? The only day He ever refers to this way is Passover.
@ 25:50 Now, I could stop in a in essence and just say, “Look. Uh. We we’ve proven that the Day of the Lord is Passover.” And I’ve got a I’ve got a world of additional evidence I’m gonna take you through.
Dave would never just stop, whether in essence or in practice, to make a short work of his latest theological construct. Nope. He has to draw it out so he can watch the life force slowly bleed from everyone in the Main Hall as all glassy eyes fixate upon his glory.
@ 41:40 So, you hafta settle in your mind, we’re talking about a one-week kingdom that starts from Passover. It starts from Abib 1. That’s settled church doctrine.
A settled church doctrine stated emphatically with a prominent misspeak. He did not mean to say Passover. Man, Dave cannot do anything right.
After 13 years of biblical bungling, David C. Pack should know better than to ever utter these words in 3…2…1…
@ 42:37 Now, these verse that we just read cannot be reinterpreted. You cannot do it. You’d hafta blow up the Bible.
So much for the Bible interpreting itself. All of us poor, dopey humans needed to wait around for thousands of years for Super Dave to come along and give us the correct private interpretations of the Bible. The guy has made a career of blowing up the Bible.
@ 1:00:07 If we had to wait, it is now settled, incontrovertible doctrines of thi–doctrine of this church that the Day of the Lord is Passover… Just as certain as the Kingdom opens on Abib 1 like the other 69 shabuas since Artaxerxes decree did. It can never be moved.
@ 1:00:31 If I hafta wait till I die, like old Anna, and Simeon, and Joseph of Arimathea, and I don’t know how many others, and, you know, Noah, Daniel, or Job, and you, too. It can’t move it. Or you hafta just literally take the Bible and trash it.
He trashes the Bible all day long and has been wrong over one hundred times, but tying those concepts together never enters his mind. The hubris-infused fatty tissue between his ears will not allow it. Accountability and consequence are foreign concepts at Headquarters.
@ 1:23:54 God simply always planned in His mysterious way to move from Abib 1 years to close the 70th Week [of Daniel] at a Passover year. And that stays with us forever.
@ 1:34:16 So, this is all settled. No matter how long you you me years you wait.
Waiting brethren, prepare to commit yourselves to a lifetime of perpetual upheaval and disappointment. Nothing is settled in the world of David C. Pack. An unstable mind cannot foster stability.
Dave has a destructive pattern of afflicting the brethren with five to eight hours of content, only to dissolve all of it later in sixty seconds. However, considering that March 29 is still two weeks away, Dave may play chicken with his own discomfited insecurities and push Abib 1 for another week.
Until then, he will keep stacking his goofy Abib 1 and Passover ideas higher and higher.
Marc Cebrian
See: A Big Stack of Goofy Ideas
Surely those in the audience have tired of Abib 1 by now! If not tired why not driven out of this church altogether?
Any idea how many people regularly attend his meetings? How many congregations are there elsewhere, average number of attendees or total active membership number? How about annual income?
People say, “He’s a false prophet.” And then they, “Just because of that, I’muh go jump off a cliff.”
This sounds almost like a Strong Bad cartoon I saw on YouTube this weekend. Where "Dangeresque" is in level ground and saying he's "gonna have to ju-ump!"
May RCG jumpers land on truly level ground.
Intriguing in this possibly 6001st year of human history a church leader declares Abib 1 immutable.
Deut. 18:21-22
makes no mention of people figuratively jumping off a cliff.
I believe that God inspired that passage to be in the Old Testament deliberately because he knew in advance that people would not fully grasp the New Covenant, and so would weight the Old Testament or Torah in their studies and its implications. He left the message where such people should find it. But, here it is. It exists during an era just before the one in which God was going to use prophets. With the notable exception of John of Patmos and Revelation, you don't even see major named prophets in the New Testament. I also find it to be instructive that a message such as this exists in a time frame when Israel was beginning to exist as a theocracy. These Israelites need not to have worried about this with regard to Moses or Joshua. Prophets and false prophets would come into play later in Israel's history at times when Israel needed correction for departing from God. So, the message or warning was made for the future.
Isn't it ironic that Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel and others claim to see themselves in the Bible in their self aggrandizing moments, but do not even think about a warning in the part of the Bible which they rely upon the most when one of their prophecies becomes embarrassing?
There is so much going on around us right now that is unprecedented,and totally exploitable by false prophets. This "stuff" is actually real, unlike the things which HWA attempted to lift from context and magnify, leading up to 1975. We never had verifiable information, as an example, that Europe was rearming back then. Or that the trade wars HWA had forecast were even being thought of, let alone implimented. Diseases were being nicely eradicated by vaccines back then, and although scientists were aware of viruses native to the animal kingdom, they seemed to be remaining neatly within the animal kingdom. Communist leaders spoke of "annexing" sovereign nations, and were considered to be threats to international stability. Weather events were confined to their traditional areas, and were not the results of shifted jetstreams. It is no wonder that the general public cannot identify with "small business" sized religious organizations' proclamations that Jesus will be arriving on a certain date! If a wannabe prophet were seeking validation through persecution against himself right now, he could easily speak out about those who are fomenting major anomalies which fly in the face of our historic patterns of the past. That just does not fit the Armstrong model, and the fulfillment of that model is what they have based their entire lives upon..
“Davey Pack and His Big Stack of Goofy Ideas”
Some people originally went with David C. Pack and his splinter group, the Restored Church, believing that he was faithfully going to restore everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught.
After suckering in some victims, Dave Pack switched to totally garbling HWA's teachings, deleting some booklets that Dave had written earlier to attract people, promoting himself excessively, coming up with a new, wrong, prophetic date guess each week to string along his followers, and totally robbing them with his “common” theft scam that he made up.
People went to the RCG expecting to get the truth of God. Instead, they got the lies of Satan.
The last "official" number I received was 1248 in January 2024. From what I hear from current members, the congregations are not growing even when Dave proclaims they are "booming." My personal guess is 1200-ish, but I do not put that in articles as fact.
My mother, aged 86 yr still maintains she is a member of RCG in Australia.
Going by her 'brethren' ph list there are 11 members she is prepared to talk to. She has previously deleted all the names of those who have left RCG.
Out of those 11 members I know for certain 4 have varying degrees of old age dementia. Of the remaining number I know 3 of them have jobs/earn money and going by the age and lifestyle of the rest they are either pensioners already seperated from all their money (including my mother) or they are living on welfare benefits.
So basically the Australian church amounts to nothing both as an income stream and membership.
Australia lost quite a number of 'financial' members a while back when Pack bought in the new moon worship. Considering an Australian religious leader already had supposedly gods truth about the new moon thing 30 years ago I'm guessing the Australian rcg members figured that was actually where gods truth was in Australia so off they went to join it.
Can't think of the guys name atm but I'm sure he's super happy with the outcome of Pack pinching his 'truth' as he has now gained younger working members to his Canberra based church.
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