Monday, March 10, 2025

"It's not your fault you were born in this generation and will not get eternal life like the rest of us"



Anonymous said...

I never thought it was possible to say this, but Pack is actually dumber than Bob Thiel!

Byker Bob said...

Just in case any of the cool rebellious kids from RCG are tuned into Radio Free Banned, here: Kids? Don't worry about Davy! I mean, it's not as if he's actually accurate with his prophesies, doncha know?


Anonymous said...

If you are a kid in Pack's (cult) + a slow learner , sorry kid ...

Anonymous said...

But Dave does have a point. If a person is 12 years old when the tribulation begins, the time isn't available to be molded into the bride of Christ.
To young people, I've heard so many times over the decades that the end is only a few years away, that basing one's life on this is skating on thin ice. Despite the confident tones in ACOGs ministers, all we really have is educated guesses about the future.

Anonymous said...

This is basically what they said in Worldwide. That was three or four decades ago (and even further if one was to believe the 72/75 Miller Time. Even Living’s ministers would say the same thing to teens back in the early aughts, and now 20 plus years have passed. I am always amazed at reading the bible and seeing how God chose men and began to call them when they were young. Like, Joseph had his dreams when he was seventeen years old. Samuel anointed David as king when he was around 15/16 years old. And no one knows the day or the hour, but the Father only. (Matt. 24:36). But they won't believe His own words.

1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.

Young Buck

Anonymous said...

Are you serious,9:08??? This is a system that taught that people who had to be janitors and clean toilets because they kept the sabbath were going to rule cities with a rod of iron! What's the difference between one kind of talent and experience being poured out on an adult who has the right attitude, and another kind being poured out on a juvenile?

In Armstrongism, definitive statements and proclamations are frequently made about things which no human really knows! And these orators speak from both sides of their mouths, because they use human reasoning to arrive at their conclusions, and then fault members for using human reaoning when they come up with rebuttals to those conclusions.

paul said...

12.54, I did hear one sermon where the minister claimed that God pours character into people. He kept repeating the verse that "God gives us His righteousness." But according to a bible aid, the word righteousness here means moral standard, ie, the ten commandments. Rarely did the WWCG teach that God gives members character on a plate.