Showing posts with label COG parody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COG parody. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Gerald Weston - "My friends, they cannot all be right"


From an LCG source:

Gerald Weston writes:

“Many think they know—but, once again, we must ask: Have they proved it? Most people accept the religious beliefs of parents and peers. While many individuals at least temporarily stray from religion after leaving home, normally Protestants remain Protestant, Catholics remain Catholic, and Muslims remain in the Islamic faith. But are all religions equal? Do “all roads lead to heaven,” as some believe? Try to get to Detroit that way! No, there are contradictory doctrines even within dominant religious categories. Consider how many Protestant denominations there are. Some believe baptism by immersion is necessary, others that you are only saved if you speak in “tongues of angels.” My friends, they cannot all be right!” (my emphasis)


There is no parody like self-parody.


There are over 500 splits of the old WCG. That line may have worked in the 70s, but now the statement should read: Consider how many WCG denominations there are.


Jerry should start living in the 2020s – the 1970s are history.