Showing posts with label Dale Schurter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dale Schurter. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Fake COG Lunatic Prophet Now Claims Loma Armstrong's Dream Was Actually About Him!


Just when you think the self-appointed prophet of Grover Beach, CA can't get any crazier, he does. The Great Bwana to Africa and the savior of 299 caucasian followers, the Bobiniah is now claiming that the dream Loma Armstrong had that spurred her husband Herbert to start a church was actually a dream that pointed to Bobiniah Thiel and his self-made cult. 

Bobiniah, the Elisha for this age, has posted a HUGE article on the nightmares he and some of his crazy members have had and still are having as proof that he is the end time Elisha that will lead a select few into the Kingdom of God where they will teach the world how to wave their arms with big thick bibles in their hands and build crooked bookcases.

Elisha Bobiniah writes:

Though many discount all dreams, many also forget that Herbert W. Armstrong believed that his wife Loma D. Armstrong had a dream from God, although it took him some years to accept the validity of it:

Within 30 or 60 days after our marriage God spoke to my wife in what might have been an intense unusual dream, or a vision — but it was years later before we came to realize that this really was a message from God. (Armstrong HW. Brethren and Co-worker letter, November 28, 1956) 
One night my wife had a dream so vivid and impressive it overwhelmed and shook her tremendously. It was so realistic it seemed more like a vision. For two or three days afterward everything else seemed unreal — as if in a daze — and only this extraordinary dream seemed real. 
In her dream she and I were crossing the wide intersection, only a block or two from our apartment, where Broadway diagonally crosses Sheridan Road. Suddenly there appeared an awesome sight in the sky above. It was a dazzling spectacle — the sky filled with a gigantic solid mass of brilliant stars, shaped like a huge banner. The stars began to quiver and separate, finally vanishing. She called my attention to the vanishing stars, when another huge grouping of flashing stars appeared, then quivering, separating, and vanishing like the first. 
As she and I, in her dream, looked upward at the vanishing stars, three large white birds suddenly appeared in the sky between us and the vanishing stars. These great white birds flew directly toward us. As they descended nearer, she perceived that they were angels. 
“Then,” my wife wrote a day or two after the dream, in a letter to my mother which I have just run across among old family pictures, “it dawned on me that Christ was coming, and I was so happy I was just crying for joy. Then suddenly I thought of Herbert and was rather worried.” 
She knew I had evidenced very little religious interest, although we had attended a corner church two or three times. 
Then it seemed that, from among these angels in her dream, that, “Christ descended from among them and stood directly in front of us. 
At first I was a little doubtful and afraid of how He would receive us, because I remembered we had neglected our Bible study and had our minds too much on things apart from His interests. But as we went up to Him, He put His arms around both of us, and we were so happy! I thought people all over the world had seen Him come. As far as we could see, people were just swarming into the streets at this broad intersection. Some were glad and some were afraid. 
“Then it seemed He had changed into an angel. I was terribly disappointed at first, until he told me Christ was really coming in a very short time.” 
At that time, we had been going quite regularly to motion – picture theatres. She asked the angel if this were wrong. He replied Christ had important work for us to do, preparing for His coming — there would be no time for “movies .” (Those were the days of the “silent” pictures.) Then the angel and the whole spectacle seemed to vanish, and she awakened, shaken and wondering! 
In the morning, she told me of her dream. I was embarrassed. I didn’t want to think about it, yet I was afraid to totally dismiss it. I thought of a logical way to evade it myself, and still solve it. … 
Do not hastily ascribe a dream to God. True, the Bible shows that God has spoken to His own chosen servants by this means of communication — primarily in the Old Testament, and before the writing of the Bible was completed. But most dreams mean nothing. And false prophets have misled people by telling false dreams, representing their dreams to be the Word of God (Jeremiah 23, where God sa ys, “I am against prophets who recount lying dreams, leading my people astray with their lies and their empty pretensions, though I never sent them, never commissioned them” — verse 32, Moffatt translation). 
Certainly I did not ascribe this dream to God. It made me feel a little uncomfortable at the time, and I was anxious to forget it — which I did for some years. I was twenty – five at the time. God left me to my own ways for five more years. But when I was age thirty, He began to deal with me in no uncertain terms… (The Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, 1973, pp. 187,193-194).

Considering how much of Herbert Armstrong's "autobiography" was made up of fantasy (that his own family claims) how can we really believe Herbert about this dream, let alone Bobiniah's upcoming claim to it?

This is how Elisha Bobiniah has tied Loma's nightmare to his nightmare:

Loma and Herbert Armstrong were married in 1917. They were specifically told that they would have a work to do. Furthermore, the bright lights in the dream may have had to do with doing a work (cf. Matthew 5:16)–a work that seemed to vanish and return (flash). Thus, there was a dream from God given to a woman in the 20th century that preceded the start of the old Radio Church of God that Herbert W. Armstrong led. The Radio Church of God represented the start of the Philadelphia era and the Philadelphian work–a work that is not finished (cf. Matthew 24:14-15)–and Herbert W. Armstrong claimed that a dream given to his wife was from God, prior to the start of the Philadelphia era. 
Since the Philadelphia era was raised up years after that dream, a question to ponder is, would God do anything similar to point to the continuation of the end-time COG remnant of the Philadelphians? Consider that in Loma Armstrong’s dream that there were two sets of flashing stars–there were two parts to the dream. Herbert Armstrong is now dead and there was a pause between the work God had him to do and the completion of the final phase of the work to finally fulfill Matthew 24:14 (cf. Isaiah 29:14). 
In the past, like in 2013 and 2014, I have called the time between his death and the formation of the Continuing Church of God the transitional phase–which is consistent with Loma Armstrong’s dream. God will cut that final work short (Romans 9:28) which results in the famine of the word (Amos 8:12) which is consistent with the vanishing stars in Loma Armstrong’s dream (though there could be other interpretations–we in CCOG are continuing the Philadelphia work and expect to be the ones God will use on earth to help finish it).

A little later Bobiniha says this: 

Notice that the dream was to go until the end of the world and the coming of Jesus–since Herbert Armstrong has been dead since January 16, 1986–if the dream was from God then, does it not make sense that the second half of the dream would be fulfilled by another in the 21st century? We in the Continuing Church of God are fulfilling that second part of stars.

And then this:

Consider that Herbert W. Armstrong considered that his wife Loma’s dream was from God. He also believed the first part of it had to do with the start of the Philadelphia era of the Church of God via the Radio Church of God. He did not discuss the fulfillment of the second part of the dream directly, however he taught another work would be done.

Bobiniah then goes on to quote Dale Schurter as a credible source about Herbert's dream. Schurter has a long track record of saying outlandish and absurd things just like Gerald Waterhouse did. Apparently, false prophets need false teachers to back up their outlandish proclamations. Typical Armstrongite methodology.

“A few months before Mr. Armstrong’s death, my wife and I had the opportunity to spend several hours with Mr. Armstrong in his home in Pasadena. He spoke freely of the mighty work God had commissioned him to accomplish, and related certain heartfelt comments: ‘I can say that I have finished the work God has given me to do, and am at peace about it. I have preached and taken the Gospel of the Kingdom of God into all the world as a witness to all nations.’ 
“Mr. Armstrong went on to say, ‘I have come to realize there will be an even greater work to follow—to go again, to “prophesy again” to all nations tongues and peoples (Rev. 10:11) before the work of the two witnesses—but with more power and with a stronger warning message. But that will be for others to do.’ He continued, ‘It will be a short work (Rom. 9:27-29), compared with the longer time to complete the work I was given, and it will be cut short. That’s when the Great Tribulation will begin, as will the work of the two witnesses. These will last for three and one-half years, at the end of which Christ will return in glory.’” (“The Greatest Work Lies JUST Ahead…” as stated in RCG letter of May 31, 2013) 
When Mr. Armstrong was age 91 — about 1984 — Mona and I had opportunity to spend several hours with him in his home in Pasadena to visit and further report on work he had commissioned us to do. We were to report directly back to him. He talked freely of the mighty work God had given him to accomplish. He went on to tell us there was yet a bigger work still to be done, to go again and repeat what has been done, but with more power and with a stronger warning, just before the work of the two witnesses would begin. He said it would be a “short work” (Rom. 9:27-29) compared with the longer time to complete the work he had been given, and that it would be “cut short.” That’s when the great tribulation would begin, as would the work of the two witnesses. These would last for three and one-half years. (January 7, 2012 Dale Schurter Speaks Out: UCG Resignation Letter)

It should be noted that these quotes were published by ANOTHER COG false prophet and another certified liar, Dave Pack, as proof that HIS church was the final true church. How many more splinter cults get to claim Loma's dream was about their church? The silliness that these guys dream up knows no end!

Elisha Bobiniah continues with another outlandish lie:

Consider that since Herbert Armstrong did not teach that the second part of his wife Loma’s dream was fulfilled and that he also taught a greater work was going to happen after his death. It is greater because it will fulfill Matthew 24:14, etc. That is the work that we in the Continuing Church of God are leading. It appears that the second part of Loma D. Armstrong’s dream was pointing to the Continuing Church of God–the group that best represents the remnant of the Philadelphian portion of the Church of God. 
Dreams are a sign that God has used to confirm ‘Philadelphia.’

So, does it not make sense that if God granted a dream to a woman prior to the formation of the Radio Church of God that God could have done that prior to the formation of the Continuing Church of God? 
The fact that there were also other dreams related to the ContinuingChurch of God that were confirmed is consistent with the fact that God has used dreams related to the Continuing Church of God. 
Of course, many do not want to believe that God uses dreams or will discount the ones they hear about. 
Yet, the Bible shows that God often chooses to work with prophets through a dream:

6 “Hear now My words:
If there is a prophet among you,
I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision;
I speak to him in a dream. (Numbers 12:6)

The Bible also speaks about lairs and false prophets coming at the end of the age who's sole purpose was to deceive the brethren. The COG now is filled with so many liars and false prophets that it has no chance of the church ever recovering from the filth they pump out.

Rod Meredith also gets dragged into this steaming pile of bullshit that Bobiniah Thiel is promoting. 

Many years ago I had a dream, which while I did not understand it at first, as it became more and more fulfilled over the years, I began to understand it and believe it was from God. 
I was 50 at the time (which essentially makes me an ‘old man’ per Numbers 8:25; cf. John 8:57). In my dream, there seemed to be two parallel lines. Living Church of God (LCG) evangelist Roderick Meredith was on the top line and I was on the line much below. In the dream, I kept calling up to Dr. Meredith, but he never would respond. This lack of response made no sense to me during the dream. Then after what seemed to be a long time, the lines-crossed with his line dropping and my line going up. 
One reason that I did not understand it at the time was that I was on relatively close speaking terms with Dr. Meredith then (he repeatedly told me he considered me to be his friend, plus he had appointed me an adviser to LCG on matters of doctrine and prophecy), so that aspect of the dream made no sense. Also, since I had no intentions of leaving Living Church of God then (and certainly no plans to start a separate church), it was not clear what the dream was saying. Another reason I was unsure about the dream then was that I had not had any anointing for the Holy Spirit beyond baptism when I had that dream. 
But these matters changed eventually. For one, I was unexpectedly anointed for a ‘double-portion’ of God’s Spirit (cf. 2 Kings 2:9) on December 15, 2011 by an LCG minister named Gaylyn Bonjour.
Furthermore, over time, Dr. Meredith became more distant from me, would not keep various promises to me, and ultimately stopped speaking with me. And after I got a letter from him on 12/28/12, it was clear to me that there was no way that the Philadelphia mantle could be with him or any of his leaders. These subsequent events showed me that the dream was being fulfilled.

Have you ever noticed that EVERYTHING in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God is centered entirely upon Bobiniah? This has always been a "ministry" about himself. Jesus is certainly no part of it. All we ever hear about is the amazing things Bobiniah does or some esoteric belief system held by some long-gone group of people. Jesus is never discussed.  When he is not bashing Catholics or Rod Meredith for kicking him out of Living Church of God, we hear about some of the most unimportant things imaginable - maybe 20 -30 of them in one single sermon! Even his followers in Africa sit there at the end of his taped sermons and say, "WTF did I just hear?"

Bobiniah then continues on with a huge amount of backslapping mumbo-jumbo about some of his follower's dreaming dreams as proof he is the end time chosen one. 

He ends with this:

The Work is Being Done 
As mentioned earlier, I had another fulfilled dream in December 2020. God still intervenes–yet most who claim to believe Him and the Bible do not seem to really want to accept that. 
The work (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20; Galatians 2:10) is being done, and CCOG is a work that God has blessed with at least 3 dreams prior to its start and several since. 
The CCOG has also been the fastest growing of the COG groups in the 21st century.
But many do not believe that God will work using dreams in the 21st century, despite the reality that most once part of the old WCG supposedly believed that God did in the 20th century. 
Of course, some will discount dreams and their confirmation as proper proof of anything they do not wish to believe. Many want more dramatic signs (Matthew 12:38; 1 Kings 19:11-12), but God does not always do it that way (Matthew 12:39-42; 1 Kings 19:12-14). 
Satan and his allies do not want you to believe that God has actually been using dreams–he wants you to rationalize away the prophecy in Acts 2:17-18–otherwise you might take action he opposes. 
Can you believe?

Satan and his allies have nothing to do with anyone acknowledging the FACT that what Bobiniah Thiel says is a pack of lies. God gave us each brain that is quite adept at discerning lairs in the COG and Bob Thiel is a liar. He is a false prophet and a deceiver of the brethren, a preacher of doctrines of demons. That is a fact that cannot be disrupted. 

Every start of a new day in the Church of God movement we watch as it sinks lower and lower into absolute stupidity. Are there any men of integrity left in it?

(If you want to be totally disgusted and want to read Bobiniah's pathetic stream of mind vomit, you can do it here.)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dale Schurter Resurfaces Claiming He Is Suffering "Intense Persecution"

Poor little Dale is suffering from persecution!  Are we making your miserable life even more miserable?

One thing I have learned over the years is that when an Armstrongite claims persecution they are generally lying through their teeth.  Armstrongites have NEVER faced persecution like they perceive they are. Real persecution is what is happening to the Copt's in Egypt, Iraq and Syria.  Persecution is the 50 some million Jews, gypsies, gays, JW's, Russians, etc., that were killed because of ethnic cleansing in WWII. Persecution is what happened to the Christians martyrs killed in Rome's coliseum.  Being pussy whipped by a few blogs is NOT persecution.

You despots in leadership positions in the Churches of God that claim persecution, while sitting in your quarter million dollar homes around your dinner table with a spread of food before you as classical music plays on your stereo on Friday nights, have NO idea what persecution is!

You, Dale Schurter, are one sick puppy!

There also continues to be persecution for me, some quite intense. All who have regained spiritual sight will suffer persecution. As we participate in this end-time Work of proclaiming the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God, along with the trials we also experience joy. Both will continue to increase “as we see the day approaching” (Heb. 10:25).
Dale starts out his appalling letter with this:

Thank you for the encouragement we have received from so many of you. What a joy to have returned to the Body of Christ, with God’s Government in place and all its parts zealously doing the Work, headed by Jesus Christ!
It's all about control! Government that makes members lives a living hell is NOTHING to be joyful about! I have news for you bud, Jesus is NOT present in your organization. Never has been and never will be!

Apostate Schurter continues:

My wife and I are so thankful to God for answering our prayers to be led to where He is truly working. We had become severed from the True Vine, but are now reattached. As some of you may know, I have studied and employed biblical agriculture for decades, and understand what happens when a branch is cut from a vine or tree. The environment in which it falls will determine how long it will remain alive and able to be reattached, grafted back into the vine before it completely withers and finally dies—then to be gathered and burned. Brethren, I was withering as a part of Laodicea, as “blindness and nakedness” crept into my life and work. I had taught against taking on a Laodicean attitude and lifestyle for decades. Yet I had drifted into it myself. What a sobering reality!

Yes, denigrate the WCG and UCG which paid you hundreds of thousands of dollars which you took eagerly over the decades.  You stayed on the dole in UCG stealing their money for years when you were researching and teaching things that UCG did not agree with.  As for your "biblical agriculture," your experiments at Big Sandy have left infertile ground that can only support pigs right now.  Some fruitful vine that produced!

You continue:

After we prayed diligently for a solution, God performed a miracle and led us to The Restored Church of God. It was a jolt, to say the least, but so heartwarming to confirm where the Head of the True Church is continuing His Work—and not only continuing, but greatly expanding it. The fruits are truly manifold. I cried with inner joy! We had again found the faith once delivered to the saints, the Government of God, the Church of God headed by Jesus Christ, an apostle in place, and a dedicated ministry, staff and brethren—all on fire—vibrant and very busy doing the Work of God!

News again bud, the "faith once delivered" was NEVER lost.  Millions of Christians have know about it for centuries. I also have news for you, that if HWA ever came back, he would not recognize the filth that RCG preachers.  Even he would be appalled!  Thanks for confirming that your apostate leader has now declared himself an apostle.

Apostate Dale writes about his reeducation process he has been through recently:

Last week I had the privilege to again travel to The Restored Church of God’s World Headquarters in Wadsworth, OH, and engage in an uplifting and motivating three-day work experience. The urgency and work ethic there are inspiring.

I certainly do bet it was an "experience" to be told to abandon the things your have been fraudulently preaching for the last few years as revealed truth.  Apostle Dave  can't have his minions running around dreaming up new ideas and thoughts.  If his brain did not manufacture it, it is not worthwhile.

For those of you not turned off by revolting garbage, you can read the rest of Apostate Dale's pathetic letter here:  What a Joy to Be Back in the Body of Christ!

Excuse me while I go and throw up.....

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hey Dale Schurter! Where For Art Thou? Is Your Email Being Monitored?

Thanks to MishMash for pointing this out to me today.

Our beloved Dale Schurter has been absent from the scene after he posted his initial letter on the Restored Church of God site for defecting UCG ministers.

He had his own email address, mailing address and phone number listed.  He encouraged people to call him or write with questions.

No longer are you worthless Laodician peons allowed to do that.  Dale's email is now being filtered through the Restored Church of God servers and monitored by them. Brother Dale's new address is:

MM writes:

His previous one was a Juno address.  Also his phone number is gone.   Hmmm.   I have a feeling that he taking a lot of heat and they are now cutting off access to him.   For sure they are now monitoring everything that comes into him.  I still have his regular email address its  I wonder if he has pulled the plug on it or not.    If he is smart, he would keep a private laptop on a separate isp and keep his own email.  But who said anything about smart.   Or, the other scenario is that he is kicking himself right now for such a dumb decision.   Latest article on the ministers site says that Dale is upset because people are thinking that he is saying that they lost the holy spirit.   Mr. Bill wrote that one for him.  Why didn’t he write it himself?   Suspicious is all I can say ! 

RCG's Gestapo made one tiny mistake though, his old email address is still visible on his initial letter:

Dale L. Schurter
(631) 561-8784

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Where's Dale Schurter?

Since this blog exposed the many different beliefs held by Dale Schurter that were opposite of Dave Pack's, he has been conspicuously absent from the scene.  Is Dale going through reeducation at the campus of the world's largest Church of God?  Is Dale getting his eye's anointed AGAIN so that he can come back on the scene as a proper Packite who toes the party line?

Perhaps Prophet Thiel could join us below.
Oh wait, it's an evil, satanic football game.

Can you help us find Dale?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dave Pack: Miraculous Healings, Demons Being Cast Out, Thousands of New Members

Packatolla wants all of you COGers out there that are looking for a home after years of wandering around from XCOG to XCOG and never being satisfied.  Pack wants you to know he has the worlds largest, most important and most miraculous COG on the face of the earth. He has written a letter to all of you apostate, demons possessed, slackers out there.  Amazing things are happening in RCG.  Web hits are up dramatically, Web downlands are earth shattering.  Miraculous healing are occurring.  Demons are being cast out.  Income is up 102%.

His church is experiencing, allegedly,  astounding growth with "thousands" being brought into the church.
He refuses to release his numbers though, as well as his finances.  So when he claims thousands, that could literately mean two thousand and two people as members.  "Thousands" plural can mean a lot of things, but in Armstrongism it usually means minuscule and irrelevant.

Dear Dave: Can I call you Dave?  Ok Dave.  
The above picture is what thousands (maybe even ten thouosand) symbolizes.  
Not the miniscule little "thousands" you claim.  
Once a liar, always a liar.

Jesus taught, “You shall know them by their FRUITS” (Matt. 7:16, 20). How often did Mr. Armstrong repeat this? Only one organization passes the test when fruits are the standard. These fruits spring from having the truth, traditions and standards of the past, and God’s guidance and blessings—which are all demonstrably provable! The many fruits in this letter represent the fingerprints of God for those interested and willing to look.
Every year the statistical growth in all categories within God’s Church and Work show an increase, and usually all of them a significant or large increase. But what follows is nothing short of a STATISTICAL TIDAL WAVE unlike anything we have seen before—and we have seen a lot of growth!

Some mind bloggling statistics of the greatest show on earth are:

" should be obvious that 20% growth for 12 straight years puts our official attendance in the thousands."

"All ministers (and wives) in the RCG ministry undergo a very extensive, sophisticated training program, via Ambassador Center, The Pastor General’s Report, numerous special Pastoral Care lectures, and an annual Conference for all ministers, among other means. Nothing like our training program is occurring anywhere else. In fact, nothing else is close."

"2011—102.2% above 2010
It is my prayer that God will help everyone in the splinters understand what the statistic you just read—growth in income—should mean to you. It should be literally IMPOSSIBLE to miss God’s fingerprints in just THIS SINGLE NUMBER. "
   " The millions of dollars we received in 2010 more than doubled in 2011!!!"

"A World Headquarters campus is scheduled to open in April 2013—and to begin construction in April 2012. " (Obviously this will be in the Guinness Book of World Records for the fasted construction of a college campus and Auditorium in human history.)

 Someone had better get out the measuring tape to see who's dick is the biggest. with this boastful pissing contest:
 "Perhaps examine the quality, professionalism and “authority” (or lack thereof) of your organization’s telecast, in light of World to Come broadcasts, which can all be found at and Incidentally, RCG’s YouTube totals for World to Come views is significantly greater than UCG, LCG and PCG combined! And we are just starting."

" Finally, and this is most important, view any of the 125 broadcasts available to compare the messages with those of your organization—and then decide who is continuing the fulfillment of Isaiah 58:1-2 in the same way as did Mr. Armstrong!"

" Regarding the amount of literature we offer, virtually all of our enemies ascribe the writing of these books and booklets to me, at the human level. While these enemies are trying to discredit me, they in fact greatly overcredit me. When they suggest that either I or my late wife (as my constant typist) could have done this on our own, even a fraction of it, they have unwittingly assumed a human being is capable of what no man could do, and over a short period of time, without tremendous miraculous help from Almighty God. Discerning brethren in the splinters will recognize God’s handprint."

"God’s Church continues to experience many dramatic healings, as well as a host of other miracles. Of course this has been most inspiring—and faith-increasing!—for the Church. No one hears in the splinters of outright truly miraculous healings any more. We do time and again. Here are just five brief examples, quickly assembled for my letter, of what is a long list of such healings:" ( Obviously God hates all the other splinter cults because they are dying from all kinds of diseases while we are being healed.)

 "Healings are only one of many kinds of miracles we see in God’s Church on a regular basis, miracles that His enemies cannot gainsay. For instance, we see dramatic open doors, special protection from calamities, and demons cast out. In this regard, Jesus instructs those listening in Luke 11:20 that “the finger of God” is responsible and “no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.” Are you listening to what these miracles mean? "

"I fear—I truly FEAR—for those who so freely speak against the work of the Holy Spirit in The Restored Church of God. If only they could have the good sense of carnal Gamaliel in Acts 5:34-39, and stop attacking us “lest haply [they] be found even to fight against God.” " (So we are supposed to fear Pack and his impotent little god? Hardly!)

"All eyes in God’s Church are looking ahead to the absolute explosion of additional growth that this letter heralds for 2012! It will surely be a year like none other for the reconstitution of God’s Work for this final age. It could now be said that we are on the last few pages of the last chapter of God’s Work!" 

Dave goes on to prostitute out Dale Schurter some more:

We are pleased to announce that a longtime minister in God’s Church, Mr. Dale Schurter, has resigned from the United Church of God (UCG) and, with his wife, Mona, come with The Restored Church of God (RCG). A resignation letter to UCG brethren and ministers explaining the reasons for Mr. Schurter’s decision has been posted on Over the last five days, a great many people from every corner of the world have contacted us from UCG, but also other organizations, because of Mr. Schurter’s powerful letter and call to action. Our Mailing Department has been extremely busy. To see more and more people waking up to the false doctrine, wrong standards, poor fruits and continually worsening condition of their organizations has been most encouraging. We will have more to report with the passing of time.

 Schurter and hundreds of other defecting ministers will soon be exposing the false doctrines and teachings of all the other 600 some splinter cults of Armstrongism.  With the mind boggling, soon to come defections, of hundreds of COG ministers, the RCG will have first hand knowledge of how evil these 600 some splinter groups are.

Has the Church of God ever had such a bold liar as they now have with Davie Pack? 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dave Pack Gloating Today That He Stole a UCG Minister

Dave Pack with his puffed up chest is even bigger today as he gloats about stealing Dale Schurter from United Church of God.

Longtime Minister Comes with RCG: We are pleased to announce that a senior minister in God’s Church, Mr. Dale Schurter, has resigned from the United Church of God (UCG) and, with his wife, Mona, come with The Restored Church of God (RCG). Mr. Schurter was first ordained in 1965 after graduating from Ambassador College in Pasadena. He served for 19 years on the faculty at Ambassador’s Big Sandy campus, and has pastored members in Texas, Louisiana, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania.

All brethren in the splinters, regardless of affiliation, will want to visit the website often, where he and other ministers formerly in splinter groups will make exciting announcements and take you inside RCG, but also counter the years of misinformation, spin and disinformation about RCG and its leaders. He will regularly post many kinds of information, and answers to questions sent by readers.

So what exciting announcement are we all in for from Dale and the rest of the backstabbing ministers who have jumped from one church to the next over the last few decades?  Now that they have joined the largest and most important work that has ever been in existence since creation will they be thrust into new prophetic positions or will they just became Pack's lackeys in his new mini-me cult college he is building?

The Dale Schurter Propaganda/Resignation Letter

You have to checkout Dale Schurter's complete propaganda/resignation letter on Dave Pack's Restored Church of God site.  This has to be one of the biggest propaganda pieces I have ever seen by the splinter cults of Armstrongism.. It is quit obvious the RCG PR Department went into overdrive on this letter!

It is too big to post here, but here are a few excerpts:

In the early years, Mona and I had the honor to know Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Armstrong personally, and over the years spent many hours with them….especially with Mr. Armstrong, on numerous occasions. We learned much directly from him one-on-one about the way of God and His purpose for all of us, in addition to the many ways we all learned from God and Jesus Christ through him --- directly or indirectly. This brings responsibility, hence the length of this letter.

Now in the very last years of this age I am both burdened and moved to share a message of hope, vision and serious concern for our spiritual wellbeing --- and a way out of spiritual confusion in which the churches of God find themselves. God and Christ provide the way out, and it includes “anointing our eyes” with the oil of the Holy Spirit and “anointing our ears” with the Word of God. Everyone can read Revelation 3:17-18 --- “anoint your eyes with eye salve” --- but many fruits and teachings in the churches indicate it is not understood as it applies to each person individually.

My message is straight and to the point, and shared in sincere love for each of you.

Mona and I now know that the Truth which was lost during the buildup and final volcanic eruption of the apostasy in the late 1980s and early 1990s, following the death of Mr. Armstrong, has definitely been found and restored to God’s Church….including the all-important Government of God headed by Jesus Christ.
The work and work atmosphere we witnessed was also seen in a four-day follow-up visit that included a great many hours of interaction with Mr. and Mrs. Pack, department heads and staff. Both visits reflected the same spirit of unity and zeal we saw during the exciting growth years of the Worldwide Church of God when it was fully “on track” under the leadership of Jesus Christ through Mr. Armstrong and his support team. (Translation: While I was still on UCG's payroll I was  conspiring on how I could leave and jump straight into another paid job while bringing UCG members along with me.)


Think about this. When the conference of “elders-of-like-mind” convened in Indianapolis in 1995 and established the United Church of God, some among the leaders present openly commented that a government based on casting lots (balloting, voting) was, at best, a poor second choice compared to the Government of God restored by Christ in the Philadelphian Era through Mr. Armstrong. The idea was to keep our eyes open --- to watch for fruits of a work that might emerge in or from one of the “Church of God” organizations. It would reflect the Government of God at work, and have fruits similar to the WCG when it was on track and being so obviously blessed by God. THIS would be the signal for all the groups to reunite as one!

To my knowledge no committee was ever formed --- and assigned --- to be a “watchman” to look for this organization. Mona and I, as a self-appointed committee of two, have been keeping our eyes open, being frustrated with the fruits of division all around.

When we were led to the Restored Church of God, and did due diligence in our research, we confirmed to our satisfaction that the works and fruits of this organization were of God. Christ is the Head of this Church. We saw Christ at work through one He had called and appointed to finish the work --- to fulfill the prophecy of Revelation 10:11, which we should all know, “You must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” This prophecy was on Mr. Armstrong’s mind, especially in his latter years.
The Restored Church of God is truly about our Father’s business. I am thankful to be a part of this very end time work --- and I urge you to take a very serious look. Investigate it as we have. I heartily recommend as a starting point Mr. Pack’s book “Anoint Your Eyes” – Christ’s Warning to His People.

I must caution that you will probably experience a “blizzard” of lies and deception about Mr. Pack. Do not let this deter you. I have prepared myself for some of the same treatment. You all know me, and I have known Mr. Pack for almost 30 years. Think of how Mr. Armstrong was and still is being slandered and attacked. It could not be different with Mr. Pack --- and maybe with me!  
(Translation: Brethren!  Mr. Dave Pack is NOT an egotistical liar. Mr. Pack is NOT a narcissistic cult leader! Mr. Pack is NOT lording it over his membership to fund his new college that will employ ME and probably my wife. Those are all demonic attacks by Satan to destroy the ONLY TRUE CHURCH!  But beware, they will also be coming after me for leaving the apostate and corrupt United Church of God which is NOT under God's government.  Brethren, I could go on and on about the magnificence of this end time work of Mr. Pack but will let my letter suffice. I am here today to work with you UCG brethren that are disappointed in your church to come over and join up with us, the ONLY TRUE CHURCH ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH TODAY!)
To our surprise, we also found that over the years several hundred UCG brethren, with many brethren from all the other major splinter groups, have already anointed their eyes and gone to the Restored Church of God to support the only true Work of God. They, as we, have found where all that we had in the past has been restored and is again available….including the same Government and the same gospel of the Kingdom of God.  (Translation: We will be working diligently to bring many more of you UCG members into our TRUE Church!)
Mona and I remain available to serve you and all others, spiritually or physically, just as we have continued to serve others around the world over the years. However, from now on I will be a minister of the Restored Church of God, serving in the New York City area. I will also be serving as a “pastor at large”, freely communicating with anyone in UCG or individuals in other groups who wish to contact me.

I will regularly write on an important website/blog ( to keep you informed and updated. This will include more of my observations and thoughts. It will also contain exciting updates about God’s work, including reports from other ministers who have joined RCG, but also many other kinds of information. There is much more to say.

Our hearts and home remain open to you as they always have. Do not hesitate to contact us in person, by phone, email, snail-mail or fax.
(Translation: Please join with us in conspiring behind your Church HQ and its leadership to come over an join with us.  You should no longer be part of a lost and impotent splinter group who no longer has the where-with-all to proclaim God's TRUTH TO A LOST AND HURTING WORLD!)