"Just what do you believe?" Good Question!
But beliefs are also not truths. For example, many believe Genesis 1-3 is the real story of how all life including humans really really came to be. I don't believe that is the meaning that was meant to be assigned to those stories. They have meaning, but just not the ones creationists assign to them. However, they believe it does tell the true scientific truth of creation and so it is to them.
So I think we could all agree that we could go one forever shooting our beliefs back and forth at each other hoping to change a mind or point of view towards our thinking and perspectives. It rarely happens.
It was fairly asked me, "since I don't believe .....just what do you believe? I thought I'd take a short time to ask myself that question and keep it positive. Since the majority of us were in WCG and either still are in some form or have moved on to other beliefs, we obviously all believe different things based on the journey we each have taken through this ordeal.
So this is my "Present Truth" as opposed to "The Plain Truth." I have at least learned the truth is rarely plain nor always the truth. The New Testament uses the term "Present Truth" and that is a more realistic view in my opinion.
How about to all of us who will post on this topic, also just do a "I believe...." as a response. We don't have to waste time informing each other how lame each others beliefs are compared to the truth. And yet I know how difficult it is for some few to resist. I haven't been labeled "High Priest of Marduk" for nothing you know! :) Actually I haven't had a title in over a decade so I appreciate the new one. Makes me feel almost human again!
So here goes...
I believe that we are all small conscious parts of the one same big benevolent thing experiencing reality in a very limited way with a mere five senses housed in a carbon based wetsuit. At least I'd like to believe this.
I believe humans are born right the first time and really don't need to be feared, guilted or shamed into atonement by execution. The NT says without the shedding of blood there is NO forgiveness of sins. Why not? Why can't we or the Deity just say, "Ok, I believe you and I forgive you."
I believe we're all here to learn and there is not enough time in one life to learn it all. Thus, if our spirit goes on, then I hope reincarnation is true. I like the analogy of one candle passing it's flame on to the next and the next and the next until all is light.
I believe that nothing in this life is for nothing and that there are no accidents. Somehow, every experience we have is one we agreed to have for our growth. The choice is to grow through or wither under it seems.
I believe every human being is equal to every other human being. There are no chosen people because to believe that some are chosen is to believe the rest are unchosen and thus inferior. This false view of the chosen people is the source of much suffering and carnage.
I believe the Bible has value and insights just as many other books of culture and human experience do. I don't believe any Deity wrote or even inspired the Bible and it is not the best book ever written. These are memes we learn growing up and are very hard to come up against if one wishes to get a bigger picture of what the Bible is.
I believe we are all on different parts of the same path to something amazing. We all learn in different ways and through different experiences, but the path and the Journey is the same for all of us.
I believe this moment and the present is the only real thing we have. The past, which is the source of our internalized anger and depression is not real and exists only in our heads. The future, wherein we find the fuel for our anxiety, is unknowable and when it arrives will merely be another present moment to live in.
I believe the reality we see, touch, taste hear and smell is not the only reality there is.
I believe we are probably one universe on a cluster of universes in one vineyard of universes among many more vineyards.
I believe our universe is teeming with life and would have developed in its own way based on its own circumstances and conditions.
I believe i'm a conscious hairless ape that developed over millions of years having many amazing ancestors who were very successful for much longer than we probably ever can hope to be. The more conscious and intelligent we become, the shorter our span of survival becomes as history seems to show us.
I believe human consciousness developed as we see it today about 3000 years ago when writing came into being. This explains the cold, robotic and non introspective thinking we see in people in the early pages of the Bible. The OT is a great example of humans spanning the gap between the unconscious mind of man and the one waking up. Great topic for another time. As God disappears from view in the Bible, we find humans developing religion to answer the question of "where did he go?" and "What do we have to do to regain His favor and attention?"
I believe I am responsible for every decision, event, disaster, choice and result that has occurred in my personal life. That which I view as someone else's fault is also my fault. I am not a victim of others in the bigger picture.
I believe our children should be shown and encouraged to examine many ways of being and then make their own choices even if it is not our choice. What's the chance you and I just happened to end up born into the very true truth in the universe. Let them pick their own.
I believe if all of us here commenting, no matter our beliefs, could probably have a great time over dinner and come to appreciate more than deprecate each other.
I believe it doesn't really matter what I believe, but to me it is comforting just as I know yours is to you.
I believe I'll wrap it up now knowing there are always other things I believe that I will think of after I finish this...