Showing posts with label ministerial accountability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ministerial accountability. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

LCG's Ministers Incessant Need To Be In Control


Several years ago during the LCG summer camp season, some of our teens were told that their ministers were the main authority over them, not their parents. We immediately checked to confirm this and the ministry did confirm it, and then we simply picked up the kids and took them away, and reassured them that it was NOT these LCG ministers' right. Several families from here have not attended LCG since. 

Sheldon Monson, that weakling hireling was aware of it and he himself waffled several times on it. I think he did know better from the Bible, but he had already made some serious compromises to remain in LCG as a fatcat paid minister, so he did not take the position he should have. Let's see how he and his staff handle things. 

I'm sure the LCG ministers will put a church speak spin on it if it comes up, just like they did on the tragic death of the young lady from Australia in the water skiing accident. I've been water skiing countless times, and I say that at the very least criminal negligence was involved. One minister named Dave Campbell who was trained with UCG and was with LCG for a short time now has his own group. Well, his answer, without God and without heart about why the girl was killed was: "Oh, that's a simple answer. Time and chance as the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9." How vile and cruel!

When pressed, these ministers cannot handle being held to account. Remember, they are either at your throat, or they're at your feet. the worst they can do is to throw you out of their group. Contrary to what they might say, they can never take your name from the lamb's book of life.