A number of years ago, at a ministerial refresher, which were always exhausting, I asked Ron Kelly in class, if the church understood the need to provide retirement for the ministry. I quote the only answer ever given...
"We will take care of you....."
Ron Kelly
Thank you Ron, Yes you did.
Aside from suffering through yet another episode of losses relived, in many areas both public and personal, which has me deeply anxious today and depressed, I'd like to know where the good guy ministers went who simply disappeared when terminated along the way and never started, stole or hijacked a splinter or sliver Church of God to keep it going?
And there were many good guy ministers. Damn any of you who use the word "all" as if you knew them all. They just weren't the narcissists or pushy ones. Or maybe you never met them because they weren't yours. The nut cases have gone on and on and some are frankly mentally ill and doing just fine hiding in the context of religion. Their quirkiness and strange views look downright religious and obedient. I have learned an ill minister can hide well in a religious environment. Somehow they look very "Biblical." Actually some are and that is the scary part too.
Many meant well and got just as confused as I did along the way as I watched WCG go through one side show after another until it became the WishyWashyTrinityBSChurch of God.
So Ron, what do guys like myself do as we get older? Decades of doing what told, inspiring, sincerely at the time, the giving of millions and giving back tens of thousands to our harm as I never made all that much being out of the good ol' boy loop. I made $33,000 max. I bought homes thinking I could stay put and my parents made up differences along the way. Sorry mom...I know we don't tell what people make but this is different.
We signed, and I don't remember either being given an explanation or an option, away social security because a church can take care of it's own and can opt out. Big mistake huh? I was 22 and I had to sign that to get paid my first $164/2 week paycheck in the ministry. I believe HWA had just spent the entire pay of the ministry that week on Steuben Crystal in the name of "please like me and let me have my picture with you...." ministry.
On top of that, US Churches don't have to give retirements to ministers or at least it "depends." Mine depended on staying with WCG as outlined by Bernie Schnippert who claimed such understanding yet washed his hands of me rather quickly.
It was the head of the Church Reconciliation Dept, who has spend decades making a living reconciling with all the wrong people who told me....
"We will pray for you Dennis, and we wish you luck..."
"Be warmed and be filled."
The personal dept at the time advised us/me to show the severance papers to a lawyer. I did. She said:
"This is a Church? You're F_ _ _ _ _"
(wanna see them?)
And so it still is today. I told Joe Tkach years ago it was not nice that the Church retirement program for the ministry was at age 65 or so to drive into a tree. He laughed. I bet he is still laughing...I'm not. Life is real. My dad retired from Eastman Kodak 33 years ago. Yes, he is 95. My parents still live in the same home they bought when 22 years old. Yes, mom's 94. I'll never make it. Too many moves. Too many losses. Too many "God will make it up to us." To many lost friends and opportunities being too busy being "God's minister." What Bullshit...
I grew up where we "didn't say that" when anger came up. So from a child, I have learned to pack it in. It leads to depression because either one feels they have no right to speak it, or the price of doing so will be too high. It has been both, in my Church Pastor experience. but what does it matter. I had to take anti-depressants the last ten years in WCG just to get through. I can't afford to do that now as I have no insurance in my current job. Not uncommon for Americans. I also don't believe in covering it all up. Dealing with is the cure. Facing it helps. But in the WCG the nice guys could do neither without being very quiet about it.
My own losses along the way, personal and otherwise have been very difficult. Some of it I understand and some of it will always be a mystery to me. I am sorry to those close to me for hurting you as I kept my rage and fear inside. I still do but you have gone away so it doesn't matter now.
Actually the Tkach's have done very well through it all. I rarely see anything about WCG and they are the ones who started all this religious foolishness. Joe is the Mubarak/Gaddafi of the WCG/GCI
Enjoy your Non-Feast of Tabernacles Cruises for Jesus Ron...you did good adapting your way through the changes in the deep and unchangeable truths. I also remember talking with you about retirement after termination and you said you wished you could but....ready for this.....
"Jesus had worked a great miracle in the Church and we don't have the money."
That crazy trickster Jesus. Call me/Trick me. Which is it? I also believe I reminded you that you had just sold the entire campus for a yet to be disclosed price. I bet it was over $500 wasn't it?
Oh...and you guys still don't have it right. Your miracle theology is hilarious and your new ministry is even less qualified to minister than ever.
Actually the Tkach's have done very well through it all. I rarely see anything about WCG and they are the ones who started all this religious foolishness. Joe is the Mubarak/Gaddafi of the WCG/GCI However he is Pastor General over nothing.
Breathe Dennis...it will pass....